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Pampanga Colleges Inc

Macabebe Pampanga

(Episode 9)

Jim Russel Sangil (BSED 4 – A English)

Submitted by

Mr. Lindon Q. Batayola

Submitted to
Macabebe, Pampanga


Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques
Types of Question
Resource Teacher: Edward Pangilinan School: Pampanga Colleges
Teacher’s Signature______________ Grade and Subject Area: English Date_______
My Learning Activities
Types of Question Examples of Questions that the Resource
Teacher Asked
1. Factual/Convergent/Closed/Low What is literature?
2. Divergent/Higher-order/Open- What can you say about the history of literature?
a. Evaluation How do you understand the topic?
b. Inference What do you think about the history of literature?
c. Comparison How do you distinguish the different types of
d. Application What activities do you learn during the
e. Problem-solving How would you manage to have an effective
activity that suits on you?
3. Affective


Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques
Questioning Behavior
Resource Teacher: Edward Pangilinan School: Pampanga Colleges
Teacher’s Signature______________ Grade and Subject Area: English Date_______

Score the Resource Teacher every time he/she demonstrates any of the following
questioning behavior. Sample is shown in item number 1.

Questioning Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1. Varying types of questions IIII 4
2. Asking non-directed questions (ask
the question first before calling a
student to answer)
3. Calling on non-volunteers IIIII 5
4. Prompting by rephrasing or by IIIII 5
providing partial answer
5. Probing (To seek more details for IIII 4
6. Requiring abstract thinking (not just IIIII 5
simple recall but require (HOTS)
7. Asking open-ended questions III 3
8. Allowing sufficient time IIII 4
9. Involving as many as possible IIII 4


Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques
Reacting Techniques
Resource Teacher: Edward Pangilinan School: Pampanga Colleges
Teacher’s Signature______________ Grade and Subject Area: English Date_______

Score the Resource Teacher every time he/she demonstrates any of the following
reacting behaviors.

Questioning Behavior Tally of Use Frequency

1. Providing acceptance feedback IIII 4
2. Providing corrective feedback IIII 4
3. Giving appropriate and sincere IIIII 5
4. Repeating the answer III 3
5. Explaining the answer/expanding IIIII 5
the answer
6. Rephrasing the question III 3
7. Asking follow up questions IIII 4
8. Redirecting questions to the I 1
9. Soliciting students’ questions III 3
10. Encouraging through non-verbal III 3
11. Criticizing respondent for his/her
12. Scolding for misbehavior or for
not listening
13. Overusing expressions such as IIIII 5
“ok” , “right”


1. For information processing at a higher level, which types of questions should you ask

High level question necessitates higher order cognitive skills “why” and “how”
issues necessitate observational investigation. This style of question encourages
students to think more critically and requires them to use more critical thinking

2. Which type/s of questions was/were most asked?

The most often requested queries were Factual/Convergent/Close/Low level,

such as “what”. Low-level inquires necessitate low level responses. They
required a response that was either a simple reminder or a reminder style
response. Those question are designed for route learning, in which students can
deduce specific information from prior questions.

3. Which types of questions was/were least asked?

Comparison and problem solving were the least often asked question, as the
resource teacher only asked them once.

4. Which questioning techniques were most employed? Least employed

Convergent and Divergent were the most commonly used questions, Convergent
questions are those that just require a single answer or response. Divergent
inquiries are open-ended in nature because they encourage the exploration of
numerous plausible solutions to an issue. They also encourage students to
participate more actively in classroom learning.

5. Which reacting techniques were most commonly used ? least commonly used?

Based from the chart above is about reacting technique, most of them was used.
The least are redirecting questions to the students, criticizing respondents for
his/her answer and scolding for misbehavior or for not listening.


Based on the most common types of questions asked, questioning techniques and
reacting techniques that the Resource Teachers employed, reflect on the level of
questioning and thinking process that students are engaged in classrooms. (You may
want to refer to Bloom’s and Kendall’s and Marzano’s level of processing on Learning
Episode 4.)

Following careful observation, I discovered that effective questioning methods

help students gain a deeper understanding of the material and develop their
critical thinking abilities. A good questioning technique where it is the
"Cognitive or Knowledge part" where students can impart knowledge to the
students. The "affective part," which focuses specifically on reacting
techniques, is critical because even a simple reaction can leave an impression
on a student. As a result, we must have proper reaction techniques. A right and
appropriate questioning must be a big deal where it is more sensitive to
students for responding correctly. Appropriate asking encourages pupils to
interact and learn from the lessons.

Neil Postman once said, “ Children go to school as question marks and level school
as periods!” Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers
ask and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?

1. Choose competencies from K-12 Curriculum Guide then,

formulate sample question for each question type:

Type of Question

1. Convergent
2. Divergent
3. Evaluation
4. Inference
5. Affective
6. Comparison

2. Research on at least 5 expressions which you must use to inspire

your students to be actively involved in class interaction. E.g. “You
are on the right track!

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