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Assessing The Impact of Substation-Related Outages on The Network Reliability X. Xu, B.P. Lam,R.R Austria, Z. Ma, Z. Zhu, R. Zhu and J. Hu Abstract This paper presents a modern probabilistic rellabilty assessment method that Includes the modeling of Substation ‘configurations and simulation of ‘breaker and ‘Switching operations in response to equipment failures in the grid relay. Such features are lable in conventional power flow analysis as been applied to study two S00 kV substations In the East China power system as part of the ‘development of 2 long-term transmission expansion plan forthe EHV pomer grid. The first stage ofthe analysis isto asess the impact of the substation layouts on transmission component outages. Reliability’ models for the substations, including Setalledbus-breaker arrangements, are developed. Failures of Substation components, such as. In-comlag and. out-golng transmission lines, transformers, bus sections, creat breakers ind disconnect switche, are represented by their respective tage tatistis. A fallure mode and effect analysis of each 38 i then performed and reliability indices consisting of frequencies and durations of evens leading (o outages o ‘multiple transmission ins are calculated. Next, the substaton- related transmision line outages are input to a power flow ‘model for assessing thelr Impact on the reliability ofthe overall rid. This paper contributes to the area of transmission planning studies using probabilistic reliability methods. Index Terms-- Contingency analysis, common mode outage, Aeterministc contingency, failure frequency, average outage ‘uration, load curtllment,probabulstie contingency, reliability ‘assessment, transfer capability, transmission planing. 1. INTRODUCTION 'S modem substations are being designed, their electrical layouts are receiving considerable attention with regard to reliability. A reliable substation design has ulimate impact on the overall system performance, The immediate consequence of a poor substation design is the failure to contain simple disturbances, These often lead to ‘multiple component outages and place unduly stress on a power grid that has been designed according to a firs contingency basis. Providing redundancies inthe transmission system is an obviously expensive solution More direct and less costly answers can often be found by designing substation layouts for reliability Hence, there is strong economic incentive to review the reliability of substation designs. Substation reliability can be evaluated using computer programs that simulate the failures ff components within a substation and compute indices reflecting its reliability performance. However, it should be X. Xu, BP Lam & RR AuSia ae with Power Teno, ne (rth, Scheneiayy New Yee 1008 USA. (Canerpondng ema aching nash con Fae SIBS62779, Ma, 2 Zhe Kc Za and. tae wh East Chia Electe Power cup Corpora, Shngha. Chins 00002, understood that substation reliability cannot be divorced from grid reliability it isthe overall system reliability that is fof ultimate concer, as simply maximizing substation reliability may not be the most cost effective approach in designing a power system. Reliability evaluations must start withthe determination of the operating states and contingencies which lead to transmission or distribution system failures. Accordingly, the failure criteria ofa substation must be defined in terms of system effects and must be appropriate for its location and function within the system: whether it is a generating, ‘transmission, receiving or distribution substation. ‘This poper presents a modem probabilistic reliability assessment method that includes the modeling of substation configurations and simulation of breaker and switching ‘operations in response. to equipment failures in the evaluation of transmission grid reliability. Such features are not generally available in conventional power flow analysis, tools. The method has been applied to study two 500 kV substations in the Fast China power system a8 part of the evelopment of a long-term transmission expansion plan for the EHV power grid ‘The first stage ofthe analysis isto assess the impact ofthe substations" layouts on transmission component outages. Reliability models for the substations, including detailed bbus-breaker arrangements, are developed. Failues of substation components, such as incoming and out-going transmission lines, twansformers, bus sections, circuit breakers and disconnect switches, ae represented by their respective outage statistics. A failure mode and effect analysis of each substation is then performed and reliability indices consisting of frequencies and durations of events leading to major transmission component outages are calculated. Next, the computed transmission component ‘outages are input fo a power flow model for assessing the ‘impact ofthe substation-related outages on the reliability of| the overall power system. This paper contributes to the area ‘of transmission planning studies using probabilistic reliability methods 1, MetHopotocy ano Moe The reliability analysis of the two S00 KV substations was performed using Substation Reliability Assessment (SRA), 2 special computer program capable of modeling substation configurations and simulating breaker and switching ‘operations in response to equipment flues [1-4] A. SRA Methodology SRA assesses the reliability ofa substation with any given bus-breaker configuration by calculating its power transfer ota capability under equipment fault or unscheduled ‘maintenance outage conditions. The equipment failure ‘modes analyzed by SRA include unanticipated events, such as individual faults or common mode failures, and prearranged events, such as unscheduled and scheduled The tclibilty of the substation is assessed by checking the effects of fault and outage ofeach component within the substation. For each possible failure location and failure ‘mode, SRA will simulate the operation of the automatic devices (circuit breakers) fo isolate the faulted component and the manual switches fo minimize the equipment isolated, The procedure may be described sequentially as failure identification, protective system simulation, switching system simulation, and capability evaluation. Substation capability is evaluated at two stages: ‘© Post-fault stage, corresponding to the period of time following failure or fault until reconfiguration can be effected by switching, and * Postswitching stage, corresponding t0 the period following switching’ operation until repairs are ‘completed, Fach stage is culminated by a check on network connectivity. Components which are electrically connected sre identified by processing cireut breaker statuses and disconnect switch positions. Thus, SRA can determine the equipment that are isolated and the degree of service lost. Power transfer capability of the substation is assessed by ‘means of a transportation network flow algorithm (raximum-flow minimum-cut) [4]. The frequency (number ‘of times per year), duration (in hours), and the probability of| finding the system in that condition ae also computed. SRA systematically processes each faire mode of each component within the substation as a primary contingency. [After a component has been filed a8 a single contingency, all breakers that have tripped are catslogued. The possibility of each of these breakers failing to operate correctly is then investigated a5 a now contingency. In addition, SRA can automatically generate secondary equipment failures. ‘An important consideration in substation reliability analysis is to relate station component faults and outages 19 ‘hie impact on the overall power system. Thus, to properly evaluate the reliability of a specific substation, the loss of substation function should be translated into system effects, such as citeut overloads, unacceptable voltage deviations and risks of voltage collapse, system separations and loss of Toad. Assessment of power system reliability including the effect of loss of substation components requires decoupled approach: Step 1: Use a probabilistic substation reliability model, such as SRA, to compute statistics of multiple circuit ‘outages, total bus failures or split bus conditions. ‘Step 2: Use these statistics computed by the substation model a6 input 10 a network reliability assessment model Which compute power system reliability indices, such a loss ‘of load, overloads, voltage violations and voltage collapse. ‘These indices would include the system effects of substation {ailures as wel asthe system effects of other failures that do rot involve faults originating in substations or protection misoperation, The network reliability assessment is performed using @ power flow model, referred t9 a8 the TPLAN' model in the following discussions. B. TPLAN Model The TPLAN model, as shown in Fig. 1, uses a contingency enumeration approach to determine the probabilistic exposure to various system conditions. The ‘model has a wellstrucured contingency enumeration methodology that can automatically analyze up to several thousand single and multiple contingencies in a single execution [5-8]. The model combines contingency results ‘with outage statistics to produce probabilistic reliabil indices. The TPLAN model employs the fllowing steps: # Select a first contingency. This could be the outage of any number of power system components, such as transmission lines, cables, wansformers and generator. Each of these outages has an associated probability of cccurrence. Multiple independent outages and common, ‘mode euages from the SRA model would also be included in this eroup. ‘© Evaluate the steady-state conditions for each first contingency. Ths is primarily @ power flow solution to detect problems such as thermal overloads, under or ‘over voltage and voltage collapse. ‘Simulate additional contingencies that may follow the first contingency. Since the probabilities of independent overlapping outages are much lower, tests upto second, contingencies are typically sufficient. ‘© Compute reliability indices such as cumulative frequencies and average durations of system problems fr troubles that have been detected from the previous steps. This step requires equipment outage statistics. ©. Owage Statistics Data From the contingency analysis results of TPLAN, outage statistics models are formed to produce probabilistic trouble indices (Fig. 1). For the sample substations and transmission ‘rid under stay, typical outage data for major transmission ‘equipment based on worldwide historical data sources (9-11] TIPLAN it the commercial edenane for PIV probabil rants etesimet rare were assumed, Table I lists the outage data for transmission lines, tansforners, bus sections, disconnects and circuit breakers at 500 and 220 kV.~ ‘Based on the table, TPLAN caleulates the outage data of, each transmission line according t0 its length. The model also prepares data for multiple component outages, including independent overlapping outages, common ROW (Right of Way) of common tower outages [4], xis Canpoven OurAge Srantncs Data Fae Ovinge saben Frequeney SORT Ba =r SOO Tes a 220K Tanto Bir SOOL Le Tera 315 220k Le Teal oT SOD Ue per mie Bar BOK Le per mie) Oot 7 SOURV Brest a6 To “BOL Brae ‘oar © SOD Bus Sen ‘aa 3k Soon Fens 06, iot 3208V Fee or ao IL, CASE STUDIES AND RESULTS ANALYSSS A. Substation Reliability ‘The two substations understudy, labeled Substation 1 and Substation 2, were modeled in SRA according to their single-line representation. These SRA models include detailed bus-breaker configurations and switching simulation capability, both of which are not generally available in ‘conventional power flow analysis programs. The S00 kV and. 220 KV bus-breaker configurations of one of these substations are shown in Figs. 2 & 3, respectively. The 500 EY portion has » Main-and-Reverve-Bus,bresker-and--half layout, with the main bus normally energized and the reserve ‘bus deenergized, while the 220 kV adopts a Main-and- Reserve-Bus, a bypass bus and a single breaker scheme. Both bus sections in the double-bus scheme are energized, with in-coming circuits terminating ataltemate bus sections. All bus te breakers are assumed to be normally open. All, bus sections, circuit breakers, disconnects, transformers, in- coming and out-going lines are modeled. The substation arrangements also change as the transmission system expands through the planning period. ‘The substation reliability models include equipment connectivity (topology) and their failure statistics. Nodes and links define the connections. Two special types of nodes, source and sink, are used to distinguish between in- coming and out-going circuits, respectively. When a failure ‘event interrupts the power How through the substation, some limitation to its transfer capability may occur. The maximum, amount of transfer available is defined by the capacities of “the remaining in-service equipment. Transfer curtailment is measured by 2 load curtailment index (LCI, which is ‘computed as the annual expected hours of fll eurtaiiment scr = DAOC «thw The failure statistics of the substation components are based on (pica values in Table 1. The falure modes modeled in the analysis include single component fas, fault plus stuck breaker condition, and mile fouls Maintenance of equipment (scheduled or unscheduled outages) was not modeled in this sudy. The substation componens considered for flues include bus sections, circuit beakers, disconnect switches, transformers, ins and lin terminations. Frequencies and probabilies of all flue evens resulting in power curtailment were accumulated, Table 2 is 4 sample ouput fom SRA, which shows the accumulated postfaultfeguencies and probabilities of ines, terminals, transformers, stuck breakers failures aswell as LCI values. ‘The results ae then summarized 8 Fequency and duration measures of mutile tansmision circuit outages caused by substation related component failures. Table 3 shows the summary results for the post-switching condition, i, after tutomatic isolation of the faulted component and manual Switching operation to minimize the service lst It can be scen that the frequencies of multiple transmission line couages are rather smal (once in ndseds of years), based fon the assumed statistics Fig 2. SOORY Subeatin Bur Bresker Canin v Fer 7 Fig 3. 220RV Sesion Bus rekerConigation The SRA results wore next used as input to the network analysis model for determining the impact of these substation related failures on the power grid B. Network Reliability The East China Electric Power Grid (ECEPG) includes high voltage networks in the Provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, ‘Anhui, and the Municipal Atea of Shanghai, To meet the rapid growth in demand, a large number of generation and transmission projets are being planned, Fig. 4 shows one possible configuration of the future East China 500 kV power grid being considered In order to study the ECEPG network reliability, load flow models for summer peak, medium and light load conditions for several years within the planning horizon were developed. This study focused on the network in ‘Northera Zhejiang and parts of neighboring Shanghai TPLAN was used to perform a steady state contingency analysis of the study system, According the Fast China planning criteria, the pre-contingency loadings on all ‘wansmission lines and transformers should be within thie respective normal ratings, and all buses should be within normal voltage limits; the post-contingency loadings should be within the long-term emergency ratings, and all buses should be within the emergency voltage limits. Since the power grid has already been planned to meet the single contingency criteria, the reliability test was focused on the ‘multiple transmission line outages identified by SRA in Table 3. ‘Besides deterministic contingency analysis, TPLAN can also perform a probabilistic assessment to calculate the TABLE 3. SusaAt¥ oF SUBSTATION RELATED FALURES Teen | Oatags P a orton | | an | Teme — [a i Tectes —— a [soos 130 Sstwation| [Tester —s0-| tata —] Farias ——[ zone — 50 aries —f- ae soss—| —7 sobason? [Taving——}-} “na —|— Himes ——} | pooee—t Jmpact of the multiple outages on the grid reliability. Network reliability measures are calculated for various categories of system problems, such as transmission line overloads, bus isolations, voltage limit violations, and. voltage collapse, The computed indices are cumulative frequencies and average durations of failure evens detected in the contingency analysis. The TPLAN analysis process consists of these major steps: ‘+ Read selected outages {fom SRA output), ‘© Evaluate effect of each selected outage through power flow solution, ‘+ Classify system performance according to predefined failure itera, ‘+ Compute reliability indices for these failures Table 4 shows some of the reliability indices calculated by TPLAN. In this example, the substationrelated outages: have lite effect onthe overall network relability."There are ‘only a few transmission line overloads and voltage collapse conditions, and ther frequencies ae very low. This confirms that the transmission grid and substation configuration have ‘been propery designed to eliminate the commonly occurring equipment failures IV. Cone.usions ‘A comprehensive method for reliability assessment which recognizes the substation and transmission network effects was developed and applied to the East China system Fig 4 East Chin S00 KY Major Network planning process. ‘The method can model substation configurations and simulate breaker and switching operations in response to equipment failures in the evaluation of the reliability performance of transmission facilities. Such features are not normally available in conventional load low analysis tools. The method uses two models, SRA and TPLAN, to quantify the reliability of the system in probabilistic measures. The method and the ‘analysis results coninbute to the area of transmission planning studies with a probabilistic reliability approach ‘TABLE Faoaanistic REAABLITY NDIES CALCULATED EY PLAN’ ‘Overload Voriage Collapse Toad Level | Freq Dur (ocelyr) |_ hours [= Pek —|<0.001 00 ‘Medio Light a V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘The authors wish to thank Mr. Zhang Jianping and Mr. Zhou Wei of ECEPG and Dr. F. S. Prabbakara, formerly of IT, who contributed o the study. VI. REFERENCES (0), RR Ausra, Xokang Xo, MEN. do Peez and Deon Vey. “A New Probabilistic Approach for Relably sessment of ibn Nevin Procendings ofthe 201 IEEE PES Sumer Mec, ‘nerves, Brith Colombia, Canad, aly 151,200 {2} MEW Gu Pree, Deon Very, R. Rado and XX, "ASsng ‘The Relabity ‘of Uitan Sebvaremison Newuia” Power ‘Tectolgie ie. Nevsiter Arle, Power Tecblogy Hse No 52, Fouth Quare 1998 {3}, Rote J. Ringe, Baldwin P. 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Pers A Compose Relay asessnent Meied fo @ Deeguling Power Sytem in Procetings of he 13h Conference of the Elect Power Supply Indy (CEPS! 200), Oder 23 = 27, 200, {0}, Cannan Phere Anaciaion, Forced Outage Peer of ‘FaarisonEeupnert othe Peri Jnony 1 1982 0 Decenber 51986" Mer 1088 Ds Anais Tsk Force, Working Croup on Sutisics of Lite ‘Ouges, Gena Stems Subeonmites, Transom | & Dutton Conmatee, "An IEEE Survey of US ad Conan Cnerhend Transom Outages 250 EV and ave” ape 93 ‘Wo 0st7 PWRD, Presented the IEEDPES T983 Wai Mestng, Columbus, OF Say SL Febay 5, 1993 tuo) 01] CIGRE Working Group 13.06, “high Votoge Creut Breer ehabiy Das or Une in Sytem Rebity State” Paper 01, Preemicd st the CHORE. Elects Power Sistem Relabity Symposium, Montel, Canad, Seprte 118, 99 Vil. BiooraPaes inohang Xu (4°92, SM"O0) sa adnate of The Southeast Unversity td Tae Eine Power Retestch inte (EPRD i hina td The Unversy of Wester Ontario Canad from which he hole Be MSs and PRD. aac in Elect! Engowring Pom 108410191 he tte reer ener fr EPRI-China Donn 1992» 1993 he worked ‘or Onin yr of Canada planing nner 1995 1 [098 he ttt wth CAE Blerons Lig, Caraga an an EMS eager He jed Power Tero, e (PI USA i March 1998 nds presely an [xecouteConsaln Be sa Membe of Signa Xi ‘Baldwin F. Lam i « BS and ME graduate of Renseear Posie Instat To. New York. He has bee with ower Teele an ite sine 1915 ain aren of work neler lad lew, ay and ‘elablity sais of major over gids and india systems. He i (evenly an Ascites Deir ofthe Conuling Series Depart Bir Lam ne Senior Member of EEE Ricardo R. Ausra aust of he Univesity of Samo Tomas and Reyer Pojssne situ fom which Ne has bachelors end Iiasere depres in rial engnering "He was sytem pmer fr te atonal Fever Carport (Phin) fom 198) to 1987. He jad Power Technine. 1988 and pend Deco ot Contig Series Zatiang Ma i Vee Detar of he Paring Deparnent st Est China Elsie Pomer Gro Correo, Shangh, Chi. ‘hone Zh is Scion Chit inthe Pang Department 2 Fast Chins "lec ower Group Corpotion, Shah, China Raljea Zh i Senor Enptecr in East Chin Bete Power Testing & Resear tute, East Chia Ecc Power Group Corson, Shang, China tangy He i Dc of te Dispatching Centra East Chinn lee ower Gop Corporation, Stang, Chin.

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