Fiona Yovita Timozi 203310695 TUGAS BAHASA INGGRIS

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| Nama 2 Ftone Yovira #timozt NIM: 203810890 Eye Nose img _ or Seorting -| Mouta Eedtrg , deintang , Chewing - bor $0 hear someéhing —_soureted Nosteil + Part thet oxygen or cervondo xyecl enter the whole body a | Exytorous Prevent any droplet that cen slip into the ape =| Cipe 1 Maina foocl heap in the mouth: a -| Tongue 1 fo Actke lke suseot , oor, bitter, sAlty Ahat enter the mouth / Gom place for “kookh a 12% nie) 10 | Mustache ~ Wate kat ‘plececl unrcler the rose Beorel Ww thet paced tn the chin 2.| Tootn 40 _crormed fod ao 1 | Neck To connect Gaty and head | Adam's Apple } roteck voce chords Shovieler Ao giving strength fothe bocly end connecting und end body - Throat: Xo connect fool ancl also oxygen +o the Godly Chect protect Wer parte Stomach protect ant place for the Inner parts Dety Botton + _quing strength to the body |/ Arengit Connecting hend anc body _ Upger_ Are raoving upper hand _ 22. Eleow 1 _mnouing the tow part of hart fore fengpr _¢ One of bhe fingers “Middle finger : one of the fingers : 2e,| Ring fie Little Lseaer .| Nel one of the finepre : One of the Sengpes Unclear Wnair: {> tintin the kemperture of the booly protect renes onthe fingertip | Wrist i moving the pam - 30] thighs 1 moving the lege tm agnernt end to feel stmething si | Knee 1 Connecting tinght ane the lower leq parte rs | Cale Moving the leq IH genera| anc to feel something Sole ido feet_somet hing — | Instep. gwing strength _4o the lege Heel gun strength 40 the lege - ne Dipindai dengan CamScanner So. | Kidney: —— RWIAS tlnat Are not needed by tre body- 43] Uwer + destroy ‘toma in the oleod ,pradtuce protein ancl clso help Ramcret : pradece hormonec and enzymes to Agee food. + Gwma strength +o the ‘eae Ko _ feelin, tOmething and Also protecting 1 ooktet for the ot that procluse by body + tmcin Center Who controlled Wholesale boay As diskerboke poy aytrision fad algo dist nbote Oxygen K carbon Ree : a 4c protec the Inne t pew es: + _gwing strength to the Gocly _ 2 moving Ene whole body a Got 2 AstevGote food Kat _Geing digeted by mouth ane opseeic Becct > pumping Gud to the body Arcl to the longe _ Lange _: separate ox Oreste! dhegre cnuxining Arat Came Crom mouth en ancl carbon dioxyde tee Aigative [prexe ss Dipindai dengan CamScanner er 4 : . te Danasa \agaris : 1. | Headecine i Saltk Vepnle ae Laryngitis £ Lert nates, 2. | Earache ____t Sekeat _selingg in. for ferperesee pangsan 3. | toothache 2 Set hah 28. dizzy + posting _U. | stomechache 2 1 Seek yeruk 19. Navseoos oval _§ | backache *_sextt pongavns, 3e. Goared 3 Kembung, b. | Sore _ereoxt sek _tengaproxan __n. Congested _ mampet 1. | fever |dempentxe *_Demam. 32. exravsted Kelelcren 8. | Cold 2 kedungnan, 23: Cou tk 8-1 Covgn eto _54- Sneeze 1 bers i _b.|_(ngectton tinge 35. wheeze menguxe Ww] rash 1 tore pees ee ee 2G OO, _ Sendauz 12.|_itert bite, {galt seranage 3. Worart [oro Up: monte 1%-| Sonbora, fertoe ker Metaneei 38. bleed pendlerahen (M.] SHAK heck + Veko fener ee eS ce fectalve. _ As.| ronny cose tPilex to Ser ECH _ tnaka tergores Ie | Bloody nose 2 _pavenisa0 - WL. Soraye i keroprer 11] cauty £939) erty beng 42. broise 2 lebare ee 18 | Gister 3_ mele gon 4g. born _ Kectonnee _ 19 | Vert. fe 3 koal du. hurt shore Set a 10 | (ihe) rccogr Ceapnen 3 betes — 21 | Ctre} chills menggigi\ we. Spain Kereless_ a 22.| Crames _ —_ ut. dislocete lpermererey Grerrhea ooo - w Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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