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Unit4 Arithmetic operations

At the end of this unit, the learner should be able to:

 Perform binary operations
 Hexadecimal operations
 Octal operations
I. Binary operations
Binary operations are generally performed in much the same way as in base 10, remembering
always that the results cannot leave base 2.
1. Addition
The following rules are fundamentals in performing addition operations in base 2:

Examples: Solve the following binary operations

a) 1+1
b) 100+10
c) 1011+1101
d) 1011+1010+1111
(As with base 10 addition, the result is 2,
but converted to binary, that becomes 10)

(The circled digits represent the

c) carries)
(Don’t forget that we may have to carry
more than one digit. 4 in base 10 becomes
100 in base 2. We therefore write 0 and
carry 10)

2. Subtraction
The following rules are fundamentals in performing substraction operations in base 2:

Examples: Solve the following binary operations
a) 10101-100
b) 1010-101
c) 1001011-110101
d) 1011-1001

(We borrow a digit worth 2 to proceed
with the subtraction)
c) d)

c) Multiplication
Examples: Solve the following binary operations
a) 1011X11
b) 1011X111
c) 1001X1010
d) 10111X1101

a) b)

c) d)

II. Hexadecimal operations

Hexadecimal operations are performed in much the same way as in base 10, remembering of course
that the results must remain in base 16.
1. Addition
Examples: Perform the following calculations

a) 1+9= b) DADA1+DAD= c) FA2+CD=


a) b) c)

2. Subtraction
Examples: Perform the following calculation

3. Multiplication
To handle multiplication, multiply in base 10 and then convert back to base 16
Examples: Perform the following calculations
a) b) c) d)
a) b) c) d)

Exercise 1: Perform the following calculations

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Exercise 2: Perform the following calculations

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Exercise 3: Perform the following calculations

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Exercise 4: Perform the following calculations in base 16

a) 1234+888
b) 12488AA+12458

d) 12FDA+14EDEF
e) 1248996+A1254
Exercise 5: Perform the following calculations in base 16
a) 134AX24B
b) 10013X1324
c) 1540BXAB
d) 8X67
e) AXC
Exercise 6: Perform the following calculations in base 16
b) A104B-FCD
c) 88408-109
d) 90A9B-FDEF
e) 14589-45A
f) 9698-1245

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