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NAME: Jeniah Harry DATE:7/04/22

TITLE: Fruit Ripening

METHOD: 2 Bananas were placed on the counter and one sheet of news paper was carefully
wrapped around one of the bananas. Afterwards, the wrapped banana was placed in a small
cupboard and the other banana was placed on the counter in a safe place. From there, both fruits
were observed to see which would ripen faster.

ACCURACY OF DATA: I observed that the banana wrapped and placed in the cupboard ripen faster
than the one left exposed to light, the banana placed in the cupboard became very much softer than
the other and also became darker in colour.

DISCUSSION: The banana wrapped in the newspaper ripened faster compared to the one left out, it
also became much softer and darkened faster overtime. Light does not directly contribute to the
ripening process and fruits actually don't need any light to ripen. However, light shining on a fruit
could increase the temperature in that fruit's path. If the light results in a favorable temperature, the
fruit ripens.

PRECAUTIONS/LIMITATION: The banana was bought late so there was limited amount of time to
carry on the experiment

CONCLUSION: Bananas Do Ripen Faster When Wrapped In A Newspaper And Placed In A

Small Cupboard, Therefore Renee’s Mother Had Correct Intentions.

REFLECTIONS: Buying the banana early avoids any sort of rush

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