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Ricardo: “Hello, can you give me directions to the nearest supermarket?

Jessica: “Oh, it’s two left turns then a right on Elmo Street.”

Ricardo: “Thank you so much”

Jessica: “Your welcome”


Ricardo: “Oh hey, you’re that nice lady that gave me directions a few days back”

Jessica: “Hi again stranger”

Ricardo: “Oh, I’m no stranger anymore, my name is Ricardo, but my friends call me Ric”

Jessica: “Well hello Ric, my name is Jessica”

Ricardo: “No nickname? Ok”

Jessica: “Just Jessica”

Ricardo: “Okay Jessica, how old are you if you don’t mind me asking.”

Jessica: “I’m 16”

Ricardo: “Well you look really grown for a 16-year-old”

Jessica: “Ughh ok, what about you? You look pretty much older than me”

Ricardo: “Lol, I’m 29 years old”

Jessica: “Oh okay”

Ricardo: “So Jessica, what are you doing here at a park all alone?”

Jessica: “I’m just taking a break from home, it’s a bit toxic”

Ricardo: “I see, any boyfriend? A gorgeous gal like you must have a man to treat you right”

Jessica: “No, I have trust issues”

Ricardo: “Oh, well you deserve to be treated nicely”

Jessica: “I guess so”

Ricardo: “Well jess, can I call you jess?”

Jessica: “Sure”

Ricardo: “Can I have your number Jess? I know it’s a bit weird, but you don’t have to feel sorry for
me either. I don’t want to pressure you at all”

Jessica: “Sure I guess”

Ricardo: “Thank you, I just want someone that I can talk to and I feel like I can trust you”
Jessica: “Oh, well I have to get home before my mom freaks out”

Ricardo: “Okay, see you around”



Ricardo: “Hey Jess, It’s Ricardo from yesterday”

Jessica: “Hey Ric”

Ricardo: “Do you want to meet at the park?”

Jessica: “I don’t know, I’m studying”

Ricardo: “Come on please!!”

Jessica: “I don’t think my parents would let me”

Ricardo: “Take a risk and sneak out when they fall asleep, be fun”

Jessica: “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with doing that”

Ricardo: “You’re boring”

Jessica: “Okay I’ll go”

Ricardo: “Okay meet me at 11:30pm”

Jessica: “Okay”


Ricardo: “Hey sexy”

Jessica: “Hi”

Ricardo: “That dress fits you really well”

Jessica: “Thanks, I guess”

Ricardo: “So I have a change of plans for tonight, my mom just called me and said that she needed
me to come fix the television for her, so do you want to come along for the ride? It’ll be just for a

Jessica: “Oh no, I’ll wait here for you to come back”

Ricardo: “Do you not trust me? I won’t kidnap you”

Jessica: “I do trust you, I’m just not comfortable with this idea”

Ricardo: “It’s okay if you think I’m a creep”

Jessica: “I never said that”

Ricardo: “Well then come with me”

Jessica: *Sigh* “Okay”

Ricardo: “Good girl”


Jessica: “How far is it?”

Ricardo: “Not far from here love”


Jessica: “It’s really cold”

Ricardo: “I know, let’s go inside”

Jessica: “Okay”

Ricardo: “Wait right in living please”

Jessica: “I thought you said that you came to your mother, there isn’t anyone here, there’s no

Ricardo: “Shut up”

Jessica: “Why did I even trust you? Ughh I’m so stupid”

Ricardo: “You are stupid”

Jessica: “Why are you walking so close to me”

Ricardo: “Don’t worry I’ll be quick”

Jessica: “Please don’t touch me”

Ricardo: “Keep still”

Jessica: “Please get off me”

Ricardo: “Now you know why you shouldn’t trust strangers”

Jessica: “Please, I’m only 16”

Ricardo: “I don’t care”

Jessica: “Please don’t rape me”

Ricardo: “I can’t help myself, now be quiet”

Jessica: “I’ll do anything, please just stop”

Ricardo: “Stay still”

Jessica: “Please I’m begging you”

Ricardo: “Keep begging”

Jessica: “Someone help”

Ricardo: “Don’t worry sweetie, nobody can hear you”

Jessica: “Please just let me go, it hurts so much”

Ricardo: “Not now sweetie”

Jessica: “I promise I won’t tell anyone”

Ricardo: “Even if you did nobody would believe you, you’re just the 16 year old girl who sneaked out
of her parents’ house to meet a boy that you don’t actually know the real name of.”


Jessica: “Hey Kelly, you’re my bestfriend and I can tell you everything right?”

Kelly: “Yeah for sure”

Jessica: “I was raped”

Kelly: “What?!”

Jessica: “I’m sorry, but it’s all my fault”

Kelly: “How is that your fault, no matter what led up to it, nobody deserves to get raped”

Jessica: “I know, but I put my trust into a total stranger, and I knew he was weird at first but I
thought he would change”

Kelly: “Who was it? When did this happen?”

Jessica: “He said his name was Ricardo, but I don’t think that’s his actual name, all I know is that he
raped me yesterday merciless”

Kelly: “OMG Jessica, don’t cry”

Jessica: “I’m sorry but I’m so embarrassed”

Kelly: “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, go tell your parents what happened right now”

Jessica: “I can’t, they’ll never listen to me”

Kelly: “They will, they have to, how does he look?”

Jessica: “He’s tall, about 6’5ft, darkskin and he also has a huge moustache, I didn’t notice anything
else because I didn’t think it’ll lead to this”

Kelly: “It’s okay, I’m here for you”

Jessica: “Thanks but I’m so scared that I’ll look stupid”

Kelly: “You won’t, Speak up!”

Jessica: “Okay I will, can you help me?”

Kelly: “No problem, I’ll help you through everything”

Jessica: “This is really heart breaking for, I feel so gullible and naive to put my trust in a total

Kelly: “No, you’re not naïve, you’re just a very kindhearted person who just wanted to be friends
with someone who had the wrong intentions”
Jessica: “I wish people wasn’t this cruel, I don’t think I can trust anyone anymore”

Kelly: “You’ll get through this, It takes years of healing, late night crying, regrets, doubts and

Jessica: “I hope I can really get through this, thanks bestfriend for everything”

Kelly: “Your welcome, now let’s go talk to your parents so they can contact the police”

Jessica: “Okay sure.”

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