Reflection 1

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Reflection 1:

For this reflection the three pieces I will be discussing are: Poem, Quote and a short story

“Beyond The Mask” this illustrates how many trauma a person can experience and still keep a straight or
happy face, this also shows that we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, this poem helps me understand
how much a person can hide and how much sexual abuse can affect someone’s mental health.

In my short story it points out how much signs that can start to show in the beginning of a relationship,
it started off with him asking questions and seeming to be controlling. He started controlling what she
wore, who she speaks to and what she did. That made me understand that he likes being dominant and

My quote says “speak out and be heard”, that sends a message to anyone suffering from sexual abuse to
speak up about it and let someone help you and hear you out.

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