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Romario Patogian Faktura 1290315

46 Sukawangi Street RT.02/RW.02 Termin VÅR 2023

40955 West Bandung Fakturadato 01.02.2023
KID 595552012903150
Kontonr. 7694 05 17431
Utestående 640,00
MVA 0,00

If you have an admission to study at NTNU, paid the semester fee and done the
registration on Studentweb, your digital Student ID will be updated automatically on
your mobile phone. The State Educational Loan Fund will get a confirmation that you
are a registered student. Do you want to know what the semester fee goes to, see
Please remember to register your payment with the correct transaction number (KID
number). Please also make sure that the invoice you are paying is for the correct
semester/term. Notice that payment of the SAIH tenners is optional. If you do not
wish to support SAIH, you must reduce the total amount on the invoice accordingly.
This amount is a donation to the Norwegian Students' and Academics' International
Assistance Fund (SAIH), see:

Beskrivelse Beløp
Semesteravgift til Studentsamskipnaden i Gjøvik, Ålesund og Trondheim 600,00
Valgfri støtte til Studentenes og akademikernes int. hjelpefond 40,00
Totalt utestående beløp (NOK) 640,00 NO 974767880 MVA

Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Kontonr. 7694 05 17431
7491 TRONDHEIM IBAN NO1576940517431

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