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os ! ndia gains Independence 0.1. Gho0s9 the correct alte y nati Fats Touasasal ‘and write the complete statement: Was the g)Vallabhai Patel (by p, a (a) head of the Interim Government ‘anit Ja Jawaharlal Nehru (¢) Mahatma Gandhi —_(d) Barrister Jinnah ins, India and Pakistan was made by .Losal. Mauuakd-otenn. (©) Lord Mountbatten _(d) Pethick Lawrence 1a) The plan of creation of two independent ent natior (a) Lord Wavell (©) Stafford Cripps During the period of th 0) eB ecouel Li) tease * the Indian freedom struggle had become more extensive. (@) First World War (p (©) Second World War (c) Indian War of independence (d) Sepoy Mutiny Ni " National Congress was founded on the principle of .sBcAahasaigon. (a) patriotism (b) nationalism (©) secularism @)ibert liberty Mi ol (6) 1n 1930, ab epane “we: Put forth the thought of an i (@)Dr Muhammad Iqbal (6) Gandhi (4) The Ind \dependent Muslim state, (©) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (4) Sarojini Naidu ting of all maj a Of ati maHor political parties in India was organized at..e UAB eeu: 16 consider the Wavell Plan @ (b) Srinagar Keer ee (7) 16th August 1946 was declared to be observed as REMELE ACD (a) Independence Day (b) Republic Day (6) England's Prime Minister... At-\ee.. on India before June 1948, (6) Amee' (()Direct ActionDay _(d) Flag Day had announced that England would leave its dominion (a) Mountbatten (b) Atlee (©) Curzon (d) Cornwallis (9) On 15th of August,1947, the two independent nations of India and .PaRi's.bamwere to come into existence. (a) Bangladesh (b) Pakistan (0) China r (d) Nepal (10) Gandhiji was brutally assassinated by .Na.HaWHam Hodde- (a) Nathuram Godse —_(b) Surendarnath (c) Ramsay (a) Ravindra Ghosh Q.2. Name the following: (1) The policy adopted by the British som PMP Obte.%.. BRAAhe.n Pasoltt Tawodliad lal Neb... AN. Regn tog Diack : (79) (2) The Viceroy of India in June 1945 (3). British Prime Minister (4) The head of the Interim Government (6) Lord Mountbatten was appointed as 80 see Qy A Tdentity the Incorrect pale and write the correct one! (Yi) | Taterin Government Grade Me History and Cloles (Sig, 4 Mahatma Gandhi bat | @) | leoa of Pakistan Choudhary Rehmat All 15th Auguat, 1947 j——} | ) | India’s Andopendence | 18th July, 1947 { @ | Indian Independence Act Ans, Lucan Salat Taken a Soa Dravteaton. () | Q)] Direct Action Day oennaennt's. Malsakinna.| mwacblad.. ventana RAMEE: Taser ab. rhelatur } Indian National Congress \Q) ] Wavell Planes 7 a Lord Wavell jes —_—_————_ | @) | Cabinet Mission Pethick Lawrence seats ha | Constituent Assembly ‘Mth August, 1947 __| Meeting er Patute. DRrerets seen Puaaléaua. iieranene Crk a ALLE. Cc tPerda.2 : (©) |@ | Head of thenterin Government a ema Pla ~—~—_ |= | Lord Cornwallis @ |Gandhiji ~ (=| Nethucam Ghodse” [a [Few ‘of Muslim League ee ceva a |Darrsterjinnah Ans, ; Grade Me HS Sig Q-8. Write the events on the following timeline. 1945, 1946 1 cate? as Aqotieuned | SRaklstan ae endo. Commu fato— aay) Pata Carona Caen \lependent India ms inh angst 27 oo Lngetop BENGAL [anagram sea fs | vos q fekees oo, peso i i) Jeera A t \_ fn een ie (1) Which are the neighbouring countries of India in the given eae Ans. Ralelaban, CPsfva a,Nepol dul Saute. (2) Name two French territories from the given map. ins Independence dia gas ne noe : Name two Portuguese territories from the given map. 3 Disa Daman, Aaa ans. eople after gaining independence, with the help Pp gaining indep 7 e i ion about the response of common Pp Collect informa’ b f various reference books as well as internet. of vi Ww f Ww sta’ apital cities on it. wi i tates and capit: India with the help of a stencil and show the the outline map o: @ Dra

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