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An Engineering Idea For


Abhishekh Subedi Anamika Poudyal

Khushbu Shah Neha Siwakoti
A pandemic is an epidemic of an
infectious disease that has spread
across a large region, for instance
multiple continents or worldwide,
affecting a substantial number of

Aspects Of Pandemic

1. Biological aspects

2. Physical aspects

3. Psychological aspects

4. Economical aspects
Pandemics In History
As humans have spread across the world,
so have infectious diseases. From the very
early time, deadly pandemics have been
killing a lot
of lives.

Here are some of the deadliest

Fig: Antonine plague(165-180) Fig:Black Death (1347-1351)
pandemics across the globe from past Believed to have killed over 5 million at the time Killed over 200 million people (over one third
population of europe was killed)
to the day.
Covid 19

Over 3M deaths
Till date
FIg: Cholera Pandemic (1817-1923) Fig: Spanish Flu (1918-1919)
Killed over 1 M people Killed over 40-50 M people
Engineers and Pandemic
Engineer’s contributions for pandemic

● Production of Medical equipments

● Development of different teaching
learning platforms, apps etc
● Biomedical engineers working side by
side with medical personnel.
● Creating robots for disinfection and
sensors for health update.

“The global COVID-19

pandemic has heightened the
importance of the relationship
between medical practitioners
and engineers.”

“Engineers are the hidden

Chinese government had built an covid hospital in just heroes of the pandemic.”
10 days to cope the hazardous situation.
Designing of Pandemic Friendly Hospital

Mass Design Group

A diagram showing interventions that the Mount Sinai Hospital implemented to turn this adult
ICU wing into one that could treat patients who have tested positive for coronavirus
Temporary cardboard isolation cabin
Small Effort for huge difference
As engineers we Medical instrument and
essential food materials
always don’t have storing area

to think big. The Ventillation

impact that brings

around us with
our less but

Hexpressions Megatech Pvt. Ltd.
Case Study by Abhimanyu Singh,
simple idea is
priceless. So the
things we can
contribute locally
can help a lot.
This one is the
idea that we

Cardboard or ply camps.

Cardboard isolation cabin ( social distancing and spaces for medical

equipments is considered)
Psychological Response
Engineers are the ones who can have an influence
to the society and people. Despite from mainstream
contributions, here are some ways that they can
help in pandemic response not only as engineers
but as responsible citizen:
● Doing positivity spreading podcasts.
● Circulating animation videos awaring about
● Making people aware of the ways to cope

The New Normal
Pandemics are not certain when
they will end so we must be
prepared for the new normal
environment which pandemic
has created. We must have some
ideas or changes in every aspect
of life and society around us. So
we present some after pandemic
Tents to maintain social distancing in school area.
scenarios that can be really

Idea for physical fitness area

Safe restaurant area
We sincerely appreciate your
attention today and this brings to
the end of our presentation.

Thank you so much for your

interest and attention!

Reference: Presentation font: Helvetica neue Team ARCHI

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