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Organizational Behavior

Managment and Business


Personality Test
Activity 5

José Angel García Herrera

Marcela Vega Flores

19th February, 2023

Take and Analyze of Big Five Personality Test

About Openness I think the evaluation is right, because I considered myself as a person
that always enjoy be learning new things and thinking in new opportunities.

Again, I think the evaluation is correct about Conscientiousness, because although when
I decided to do something I do, but it´s difficult to me really decide and propose to do that

On this occasion I´m not totally agree because I don´t consider myself to be soo
introverted, I enjoy my solitude, but I also enjoy meeting new people.

I think that always is important to think about how other people feel, in this way you can
understand them better and you can create stronger ties, which are important for

Although I don´t like to accept it, negative emotions will always be part of life, the important
thing is to try to control them in the best way and try to don´t let them to you very often.

How can I bring out the best of my teammates and conclusion

In first place, is important to know the results of the Big Five Personality Test of all
teammates. From this it will be possible to know their strengths and weaknesses in a
better form and with this, know the way in which it is convenient to approach to each

For example, with an introvert person maybe it´s better to approach in calm and try to
make the person feel confident and not feel uncomfortable with your presence and energy.
On the other hand, with an extrovert person it´s smarted to approach in a more direct way
and with more energy. In this way, the most probably is that both persons feel confident
and give the best of themselves.

In conclusion with this kind of test you can learn a lot of the persons that work with you
and people around you and it´s important than always look for the better way to try to bring
out the best of all.

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