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Prof.Dr. Zülal BALPINAR
Bu kitabın basım, yayım ve satış hakları Anadolu Üniversitesine aittir.
“Uzaktan Öğretim” tekniğine uygun olarak hazırlanan bu kitabın bütün hakları saklıdır.
İlgili kuruluştan izin almadan kitabın tümü ya da bölümleri mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kayıt
veya başka şekillerde çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz ve dağıtılamaz.

Copyright © 2012 by Anadolu University

All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic, photocopy, magnetic tape or otherwise, without
permission in writing from the University.

Öğretim Tasarımcısı
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Kadriye Uzun

Grafik Tasarım Yönetmenleri

Prof. Tevfik Fikret Uçar
Doç.Dr. Nilgün Salur
Öğr.Gör. Cemalettin Yıldız

Kapak Düzeni
Prof.Dr. Halit Turgay Ünalan

Dizgi ve Yayıma Hazırlama

Kitap Hazırlama Grubu

Turizm İçin İngilizce I


Bu kitabın tüm hakları Anadolu Üniversitesi’ne aittir.

ESKİŞEHİR, Ağustos 2018

İçindekiler iii

Önsöz .................................................................................................................. vi

At the Hotel.................................................................................... 2 1. ÜNİTE

HOTEL........................................................................................................................... 3
LET US READ............................................................................................................... 3
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 5
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE................................................................................. 8
TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................... 12
A LOOK AT LANGUAGE OF HOTELS................................................................... 14
USEFUL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 16
Types of Hotels.............................................................................................................. 16
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 20
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 20
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 21
Referanslar - Kaynaklar................................................................................................ 23

The Front Desk....... ........................................................................ 24 2. ÜNİTE

FRONT DESK IN A HOTEL....................................................................................... 25
LET US READ............................................................................................................... 25
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 27
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE ................................................................................ 31
Conditional Sentences-If Clauses............................................................................... 31
‘What if ’ Kalıbı.............................................................................................................. 33
THE CONSIERGE AND THE BELLBOY................................................................. 33
A LOOK AT LANGUAGE OF HOTELS - Check in/Check out............................ 36
USEFUL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 39
Types of Hotel Rooms and Bed Sizes in Hotel Rooms............................................. 39
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 41
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 42
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 43
Referanslar - Kaynaklar................................................................................................ 44

In the Restaurant........................................................................... 46 3. ÜNİTE

RESTAURANT.............................................................................................................. 47
LET US READ............................................................................................................... 47
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 48
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE................................................................................. 51
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE OF RESTAURANTS............................................ 52
TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................... 56
USEFUL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 57
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 60
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 61
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 63
Reference - Kaynakça.................................................................................................... 64
iv İçindekiler

4. ÜNİTE The Cafe and the Bar..................................................................... 66

THE CAFE AND THE BAR........................................................................................ 67
LET US READ............................................................................................................... 67
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE................................................................................. 70
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 72
AT THE CAFE............................................................................................................... 72
AT THE BAR................................................................................................................. 73
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE OF CAFES AND BARS....................................... 74
TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................... 76
USEFUL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 76
Tea................................................................................................................................... 76
Coffee.............................................................................................................................. 78
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 82
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 83
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 84
Referanslar - Kaynaklar................................................................................................ 85

5. ÜNİTE Amenities and Facilities................................................................ 86

AMENITIES AND FACILITIES................................................................................. 87
LET US READ............................................................................................................... 88
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 91
TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................... 97
USEFUL INFORMATION- FAYDALI BİLGİLER................................................... 98
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 101
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 101
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 104
Reference - Kaynakça.................................................................................................... 105

6. ÜNİTE Local Sight Seeing......................................................................... 106

WHERE TO GO............................................................................................................ 107
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 108
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE ................................................................................ 111
DIRECTIONS................................................................................................................ 113
TROUBLE SHOOTING............................................................................................... 114
USEFUL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 117
Where to go?.................................................................................................................. 118
What is in Eskişehir?..................................................................................................... 118
What to buy?.................................................................................................................. 118
Yunus Emre.................................................................................................................... 119
Nasreddin Hodja........................................................................................................... 120
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 122
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 123
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 124
References - Kaynaklar................................................................................................. 125
İçindekiler v

Emergencies................................................................................... 126 7. ÜNİTE

EMERGENCIES............................................................................................................ 127
LET US READ............................................................................................................... 127
HOW WOULD THEY SAY IT?.................................................................................. 128
Situation 1: Fire Alarm................................................................................................. 129
Situation 2: Guest falls and cuts self (head) in the restaurant................................. 129
Situation 3: Down the shaft.......................................................................................... 130
A LOOK AT LANGUAGE THE OF EMERGENCIES............................................ 131
A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE ................................................................................ 132
WHAT WOULD THEY SAY?..................................................................................... 136
Situation 1: Finding a doctor....................................................................................... 136
Situation 2: Going to the Emergency Room.............................................................. 136
Situation 3: After visiting the doctor.......................................................................... 136
TROUBLE SHOOTING IN EMERGENCIES-TO DO LIST.................................. 138
In case of Fire................................................................................................................. 138
In case of a Thunderstorm or Hurricane.................................................................... 139
In case of medical emergencies................................................................................... 139
Things to do and thing to know in case of emergencies when you travel............. 140
USEFUL INFORMATION.......................................................................................... 140
Vocabulary - Sözcükler................................................................................................. 143
Let Us Test Ourselves - Kendimizi Sınayalım............................................................ 144
Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı................................................................................... 144
References - Kaynaklar................................................................................................. 145

vi Önsöz

Sevgili Öğrencilerimiz,
Ülkemize coğrafi, tarihi, kültürel açıdan baktığımızda pek az ülkede rastlayacağımız
zenginliklerle karşılaşıyoruz. Bu zenginliklerimiz arasında tertemiz denizlerimizi, tarihi
mirasımızı ve inançların bir arada var olduğu hoşgörü ortamını ve dört mevsimi bir
arada yaşamayı ve zengin mutfak kültürümüzü hemen saymak mümkün. Globalleşen
dünyamızda seyahat etmek daha kolay ve hızlı hale gelmiştir. Pek çok kişi kendi ülkesi-
nin dışında bir yerler görüp eğlenmek ve biraz da bilgilenmek için yola koyulmaktadır.
Tüm bu verileri göz önüne aldığımızda bu denli zenginliklere sahip olan ülkemiz neden
bu yeni dünya seyahat düzeni içinde yer almasın, neden bu değerlerini turizm amaçlı
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun verdiği sayılara göre 2011 yılında ülkemize 36 milyon
151 bin 328 kişi ziyaret etmiş ve 23 milyon dolar gelir sağlanmıştır. Bu sayının gelecek yıl-
larda daha da artması beklenmektedir. Tahminlerimizi sayısal değerlerle anlatacak olur-
sak; Birleşmiş Milletler Dünya Turizm Organizasyonu 2011 raporunda, 2011 yılında 982
milyon kişinin kendi ülkelerinden farklı ülkelere seyahat ettiğini belirtmekte ve bu raka-
mın 2012’de bir milyarı aşacağını, 2020’de 1.4 milyara, 2030’da ise 1.8 milyara ulaşacağını
ön görmektedir. Bu öngörü daha fazla turizm geliri, daha fazla istihdam ve sosyoekono-
mik gelişmeye daha fazla katkı anlamına gelmektedir.
Turizm sektörünün kendisinden beklenen bu ekonomik ve sosyal atılımı yapabil-
mesi, sürdürülebilir bir gelir kaynağı haline gelebilmesi için farklı türlerde turizm te-
sislerine, farklı gereksinimlere yanıt verebilecek turizm anlayışına-yeşil turizm, inanç
turizmi gibi-ve en önemlisi farklı gereksinimlere yanıt verebilecek iyi yetişmiş iş gücüne
ihtiyaç vardır. Gerek konaklama, gerek seyahat, gerek yiyecek içecek alanlarında hizmet
sektörünün çok iyi yetişmesi ve gelen konukları iyi ağırlaması gerekir. Çünkü, turizm,
bir ülkenin hem en iyi reklam aracı, hem de en kötü reklam aracı olabilir. Bu faktörler
göz önüne alındığında, siz turizm emektarları olarak çok zorlu ve bir o kadar da zevki
bir rol üstlenmiş oluyorsunuz. Sizlerin daha iyi donanımlarla konuklarınızı karşılayabil-
meniz için de bizler en azından yabancı dil alanında yardımcı olmak amacı ile bu kitabı
Kitabımızda yedi ünite bulacaksınız. Her ünitenin kendi içerisinde okuma, okudu-
ğunu anlama, dilbilgisi açıklamaları ve ünitenin kapsadığı konu ile ilgili olan İngilizce
kalıpsal yapıların bulunduğu bölümler bulacaksınız. Bu bölümler sizin İngilizce dil bil-
ginizi geliştirmek ve katkıda bulunmak için hazırlanmıştır. Özellikle, kalıp kullanımları
çalışmanız ve günlük yaşamınızda da uygulamanız hızlı bir dil gelişimi sağlayacaktır. Her
ünitemizin sonunda ‘Faydalı Bilgiler’ başlığı altında bir ek bölüm bulacaksınız. Bu bölüm-
de, ünitenin konusuna göre farklı alanlarda size alan bilgisi sunmaya çalıştık.
Önsöz vii
Her üniteyi size verilen takvime göre düzenli çalışmanız, ünitelerde yer alan soruları
yanıtlamanız ve elden geldiğince uygulamada kullanmanız konulara hakim olmanız ve
anlamınız için yeterli olacaktır.
Kitabımızı hazırlarken iki farklı yaklaşımı birleştirmeye çalıştık. Size sırf dil ağırlıklı
bir kitap hazırlayarak mesleğinizle ilgili konuları dışarıda bırakmak istemedik. Ancak,
bizler turizm alanı uzmanları da değiliz, size sırf turizm içerikli bir kitap da sunamaz-
dık. Sonunda orta yolu bularak her iki alanı da birleştirmeye çalışan bu kitabımızı size

Hepinize başarılar dileriz.

Prof.Dr. Zülal BALPINAR


Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 Bir otelde sunulan hizmet ve destek hizmetlerinin neler olduğunu;
 Müşterilerin sordukları farklı sorunları nasıl yanıtlayacaklarını açıklayabilecek,
 İngilizce can, must gibi modal fiilerin kullanımlarını saptayabilecek,
 Müşteriye ayrıntılı bilgi vermenin örneklerini görerek bilgi ve becerilerinizi ge-

Anahtar Kavramlar - Key Terms

• Key terms about hotel industry


Turizm İçin İngilizce I At the Hotel • A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE
At the Hotel

Bu bölümde genel anlamda bir otel tanıtılarak, konuklarla yapılabilecek konuş-
malardan örnekler verilmiştir. Doğal olarak bir otelde konuklar ile yapılabilecek
tüm konuşma türlerinden örnekler vermek olanaksızdır. Ancak, verdiğimiz ör-
neklerin size yardımcı olacağını umuyoruz.
İlk olarak Marmaris’te bizim hayal ettiğimiz bir otelin tanıtımını okuyarak
biraz bilgi edinecek, sonrada özellikle ön büro, bir başka deyişle, resepsiyon ele-
manlarının konukları ile yapacakları konuşmalardan örnekler bulacaksınız.

Resim 1.1
Marmaris yolu -

İlk okuma örneğimiz Marmariste küçük bir oteli tanıtan bir metin. Bir aile oteli
olan Lighthouse Inn, ailenin kızı Yasemin ve oğlu Cem tarafından tanıtılıyor. İki
kardeş özellikle ön büro hizmetlerini yürüterek ailelerine yardımcı oluyorlar.
4 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

The Lighthouse Inn

Welcome to the Lighthouse Inn. We are a quaint, comfortable family-owned
guesthouse in the peaceful fishing village of Selimiye. Our location is 41 kilometers
south-west of Marmaris. Because of the beautiful, winding roads, it takes a little
over an hour to reach us from downtown Marmaris. The three-story Lighthouse
Inn has eight rooms. All rooms have a sunrise view of the bay, and each room has
a balcony where guests can watch the local fishermen bring in their fresh catch
for the local restaurants. Guests may choose a room with two double beds, or
one queen-size bed. All rooms are en suite, with hot and cold running water, air
conditioning in the summer, and heating in the winter. All of our rooms are non-
smoking and have wi-fi access. On the ground floor, our reception area is staffed
from 7:00 to 22:00 by one of our friendly family members. Check-in is after 15:00
and check-out is before noon. Also on the ground floor, we have a small seafood
restaurant, where mom and dad prepare all of the meals. Guests of the Inn always
have a reserved table, and breakfast is included in the price of your stay. Our
rooftop café, with a spectacular view of the bay, is a wonderful place to enjoy a
morning tea or coffee, or a glass of wine in the evening. We also offer a twice-a-day
shuttle into Marmaris - once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. Our
hotel is also handicapped friendly. There is also ample free parking around the
Inn. If you have any inquiries or wish to make a reservation, you can email us at: Rates and availability can be found when you visit
our website:
Yasemin Hepmutlu-Cem Hepmutlu

1. Who owns the Lighthouse?

1 ———————————————————————————————————————
2. What is internet availability at the Lighthouse?
3. Who needs a reservation to eat in the restaurant?
4. How much does the breakfast cost?
5. What kind of food do they serve at the restaurant?
6. What can I see from my room?
7. When can I find someone at the front desk?
8. What is the largest bed at the hotel?
9. If I don’t have a car, how can I travel to Marmaris?
10. What is the attraction of the rooftop café?
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 5


Bu otel personeli ile yüz yüze veya telefonla yapılan konuşmalardan örnekler gö-
receksiniz. Bir otelde konukların otele geldikleri andan itibaren konuşacakları ve
bilgi alabilecekleri personeli bulması son derece önemlidir.

Resim 1.2
Akdenizde bir tatil beldesi


Situation 1:
Bir konuk telefonda Yasemine otelle ve otele ulaşımla ilgili bilgi soruyor.

Yasemin : Good afternoon. Thank you for calling the Lighthouse Inn. How may
I help you?
Guest : Yes, I like to ask some questions about your Inn.
Yasemin : Certainly.
Guest : Do you have a shuttle from the Dalaman?
Yasemin : I’m afraid we don’t. If you can get to Marmaris, we can pick you up
in the morning or afternoon. You can hire a taxi from the airport
to downtown Marmaris. If you give us a call when you arrive at the
airport, we can tell you where the taxi should leave you in town, and
when you can get a ride on the shuttle.
Guest : How late is your restaurant open?
Yasemin : We don’t have a posted closing time, but, we generally close after the
last guest leaves. This is usually around ten o’clock.
Guest : And do you have live music or a DJ?
Yasemin : No. Neither.
Guest : And what about the rooftop café that I read about on your website.
What time does it close?
Yasemin : It has the same hours as the restaurant. We understand that people
come to Selimiye for rest and relaxation, and not nightlife, so we try
our best to limit entertainment after the sun goes down.
Guest : Thanks very much. I’m glad to know this. I am a light sleeper, and I’m
hoping for a peaceful stay.
6 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Resim 1.3 Situation 2:

Yelkenli Bir konuk yelkenli kiralamakla ilgili sorular
http://www. Cem : Good afternoon. How may I help
freedigitalphotos. you?
view_photog. Guest : Good afternoon. My wife and I are
php?photogid= wondering about sailing in this area.
4036”> Image: Is it possible to rent or charter a boat
Victor Habbick /
FreeDigitalPhotos. nearby?
net Cem : If you don’t mind, I will ask you some
questions to help you. What size boat
are you requesting?
Guest : Perhaps something we can use for
day-sailing. Maybe one over-night.
So, maybe five to eight meters.
Cem : Would you need a captain, or can you
sail by yourselves?
Guest : We are experienced sailors. But, we
would need a GPS and charts for the
local waters, however.
Cem : Would you need meals provided as well?
Guest : No. We can take care of the provisions ourselves.
Cem : There are a couple of small sailboats for rent here in Selimiye. If we can’t
find something here, we may need to look to Marmaris where there are
many more options. Are you OK with that?
Guest : Yes. You can take us to Marmaris, correct?
Cem : Yes we can. I will do some research. If you can stop by the desk after an
hour, I should have some options for you.
Guest : Perfect. Thanks very much.
Resim 1.4
Situation 3:
Bir konuk lokanta ile ilgili sorular soruyor.
http://www. Cem : Good morning, Mrs. Dawson. I hope you slept well last night.
php?photogid= Guest : We did! It was fantastic to wake
151”>Image: up with the sun coming through
Suat Eman / our balcony door and the sounds
of the fishermen heading out.
Cem : I’m glad you’re enjoying your
stay. How can I help you?
Guest : I wanted to ask about the meals.
We just had breakfast. The
honey was delicious!
Cem : Yes. The bees create a great
mixture from flowers and pine
trees. So, it’s not too sweet.
Guest : We’re definitely taking some
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 7

Cem : You’ll see stands all along the roads around here.
Guest : Yes, we noticed them coming in yesterday. Do you serve lunch as well?
Cem : I’m afraid not. Our parents start work very early for breakfast, and
finish late because of dinner. Mid-day is their time for a siesta. Plus,
there are many local options that allow our guests to walk around and
try different places.
Guest : That’s fair. What about dinner? What are the hours?
Cem : We start serving at six, and the kitchen is usually open until ten, or
when the last guest orders.
Guest : Do I need to make a reservation?
Cem : Our guests get priority seating. But, because our restaurant is small, we
do ask that you let us know in advance when you might be coming.
Guest : What do you mean by priority seating?
Cem : We don’t take reservations, except from our guests. So, they always
have a chance to guarantee a table.
Guest : We arrived after dinner last night, so we haven’t seen the dinner menu.
What do you usually serve?
Cem : Actually, our menu changes daily. It all depends on what the fishermen
bring us during the day. And what’s fresh at the vegetable market in
Marmaris. Our shuttle driver also does our shopping for us when he
goes in to Marmaris in the morning. I can’t tell you exactly what will be
on tonight’s menu, but I can guarantee that it will be fresh.
Guest : Is there smoking at the restaurant?
Cem : Are you non-smokers?
Guest : Yes.
Cem : Unfortunately, because there is outdoor seating, smoking is allowed.
But, in general, few of our guests smoke.
Guest : After the breakfast, we definitely want to try the dinner. How about if
you put the two of us down for eight o’clock?
Cem : Absolutely, Mrs. Dawson.
Guest : And what time does the morning shuttle leave for Marmaris?
Cem : In about fifteen minutes.
Guest : Perfect. We want to spend the day in town. What time is the return?
Cem : Around five. We ask the guests to make arrangements with the driver
before they are dropped off.
Guest : That’s great. Thanks very much.
Cem : Enjoy your day!


Yukarıdaki konuşmaları temel alarak aşağıda sizde otel konuklarının sordukları 2
sorulara yanıt vermeye çalışın.

Guest : What time is check-in?
Response : Check-in is after three o’clock.
8 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

1. Where can I park my car?

2. What time is lunch served at your restaurant?
3. If I don’t have a car, how can I get to Marmaris?
4. What entertainment is there in the evening?
5. How can I go sailing in this area?
6. What will I see from my balcony?
7. Are reservations accepted at your restaurant?
8. What’s on the menu for dinner tonight?
9. Isn’t smoking banned in restaurants in Turkey?
10. How do I get the shuttle back here from Marmaris?


Turizm sektöründe sıkça rastlanan kalıp ve cümle türlerinde yardımcı fiillere
sıklıkla rastlanır. ‘Modal verbs’ adını verdiğimiz bu yardımcı fiillerin kullanım
alanları oldukça geniştir. Kullanım yerlerine göre de farklı anlamlar ifade edebi-
lirler. Olasılık, gereklilik veya tahmin yürütmeden, izin isteme veya kibar ricada
bulunmaya kadar farklı farklı kullanımları bulunmaktadır. Aşağıda size küçük bir
okuma parçası sunuyoruz.

People who work in the tourism industry must learn how to be clear in providing
information to guests and customers. At the same time, those who work in the tourism
industry should learn to be polite and respectful to their guests and customers. The
proper use of “modals” can help. However, you might hear the modals below used in
many different ways. Therefore, you should make an effort to study modals explained

Aşağıda sizlere kısa kısa bazı yardımcı fiillerin kullanımları ve anlamları ko-
nusunda bilgi vermeye çalışıyoruz. Açıklamalarımızı okuduğunuz zaman birkaç
yardımcı fiilin aynı işlev için kullanılabildiğini göreceksiniz. Bu durumda hangi
yardımcı fiili kullanmak daha doğru olur diye düşünmenize gerek yok. Hangisi-
ni isterseniz kullanabilirsiniz. Bazı durumlarda bu yardımcı fiillerin kullanımları
arasında ince farklılıklar olabilir. Bu aşamada o kadar ayrıntıya girmemizin gerek-
li olmadığını düşünüyoruz.
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 9

I. Can - could
a. We use the modal verb Can to express ability in present or past time.
He can play football. OR
She can sing like and angel.
Can yeterlik veya yetenek belirtmek için kullanılır. Could, can yardımcı fi-
ilinin geçmiş zaman çekimidir. Can yardımcı fiili gibi yeterlik veya yetenek
belirtmek için kullanılır.

He could play football. OR
She could sing like and angel.
b. Both can and could are used in polite requests, asking form permission and
asking someone to do something or polite offers/suggestions. Could is used in
more polite forms.
Can you speak slowly, please? (polite request)
Can I leave the class early? (asking for permission)
Can you bring me another glass of tea? (asking someone to do something)
Can I help you with your luggage? (polite offer)
Could you speak slowly, please? (polite request)
Could I leave the class early? (asking for permission)
Could you bring me another glass of tea? (asking someone to do something)
Could I help you with your luggage? (polite offer)
Yukarıdaki örneklerden de gördüğünüz gibi can ve could kibar rica, izin ve öneri
içeren cümlelerde kullanılabiliyor.
c. Can and Could are also used to talk about possibility or impossibility.
The Black Sea can be very rough. (The Black Sea is rough sometimes.)
You can get lost in country road easily. (People often lose their way in country
Could is used as past tense form of can in this meaning.
The Black Sea could be very rough. (The Black Sea was rough sometimes.)
You could get lost in country road easily. (People often lost their way in country
Bu örnekler de bize can ve could yardımcı fiilerinin şimdiki veya geçmiş zamanda
olasılık belirten yapılarda kullanılışına örnekler gösteriyor.
II. Must – have to
a. Must used to show that there is a strong obligation or necessity.
You must clean my room to night.
I must learn to speak English.
He must play really well tonight.
Must gereklilik belirtir. Bu yapı çok keskin bir zorunluluğu dile getirir.
10 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

b. Must is used to talk about possibilities that we are certain about or somet-
hing that we know is very very true.
You have not eaten anything all day. You must be hungry.
He has run the marathon. He must be tired.
Must yardımcı fiili doğruluğundan emin olduğumuz olasılıklardan söz
ederken kullanılır. Bu yapılarda konuşmacı elindeki göstergelere ve göz-
lemlerine göre bir sonuca varır ve ne söylediğinden, çıkarımlarından
c. Have to is not a modal verb. It is grouped with must because its use is very
similar to that of must when must is used to express obligation or necessity
You have to drive on the left side of the road in England.
I have to study hard for the exam.
Have to yardımcı fiiler arasında yardımcı fiil gibi kullanılmakla beraber yar-
dımcı fiil olmayan bir yapıdır. Have fiili bir ana fiildir. Ancak yukarıdaki ör-
neklerden de anladığınız gibi gereklilik veya zorunluluk belirten anlamıyla bir
yardımcı fiil gibi hareket eder.
III. Should
a. Just like must the modal verb should or should not are also used to express
obligation, duty or correct behavior.

You should check in at 3 o’clock. (obligation)

We should clean the room early in the morning. (duty)
You shouldn’t smoke in your hotel room. (correctness)

Should ve olumsuz hali should not mecburiyetlerden söz ederken, görev ifade
ederken veya doğru veya doğru olmayan davranışları belirtirken kullanılır.
b. Should and should not are used to express what we expect to happen. In
other words they can be used to express our expectations.
I studied very hard for the exam. I should get a good grade.
A sandwich shouldn’t cost more than T3.
Should ve olumsuz hali should not olasılık ve beklentilerden bahsederken
IV. May –might
a. May is used to express possibility.
It may rain tomorrow.
I may go to İstanbul this week end.
May olasılıklardan söz edilirken kullanılır.
b. May is used to ask for permission or to give permission.
May I borrow your book? (asking for permission)
May I go to the cinema this week end? (asking for permission)
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 11

You may leave the class early. (giving permission)

You may come and see me tomorrow. (giving permission)
May kibar rica veya izin isterken kullanıldığı gibi izin verme cümlelerinde de
yer alır.
c. Might is usually used to express possibility but it can also be used to ask for
permission and to make suggestions.
You might like this film very much. (possibility)
Might I borrow your pen? (asking for permission or making a request)
You might visit Topkapı Palace when you are in İstanbul. (suggestion)
Might olasılık anlatan cümlelerde kullanılır. Aynı zamanda izin isteme cümle-
lerinde öneri belirten cümlelerde de yer alır.

Yukarıdaki açıklamaları da gözönünde bulundurarak aşağıdaki soruları sormaya

ve yanıtlamaya çalışın. 3
Can. Sail a boat.
Question: Can you sail a boat?
Positive Answer: Yes, I can sail a boat.
Negative Answer: No, I can’t sail a boat.
1. Can. Clean our room.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
2. Could. Drive us to airport.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
3. Should. Take the morning shuttle to Marmaris.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
4. May. Eat dinner at upstairs café.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
5. Might. Take a map of the area.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
6. Must. Make a reservation.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
7. Have to. Make arrangements with shuttle driver.
Positive Answer:
Negative Answer:
12 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Hangi formun daha kibar olduğunu seçin.

4 a. (1) Will you make the reservation?
(2) Would you be able to book that for me?
b. (1) Tell me what time you serve dinner.
(2) What time do you serve dinner?
c. (1) Where is the toilet?
(2) Could you tell me where the toilet is?
d. (1) Give me some soap.
(2) Could I please have some soap?


Konukların şikayetlerini veya sorunlarını gidermek otel yönetiminin görevlerin-
den birisidir. Sıkıntılı durumlarda neleer söyleyebiliriz, aşağıdaki örnekler size
fikir verecektir.

Resim 1.5

digitalart /

Situation 1
Bir konuk otele telefon ederek otele ulaşım konusunda bilgi istemekte.
What to say in a challenging situation. Guest calling Lighthouse Inn.
Guest : Hello. We have a weekend reservation next month, and we will be
flying from Istanbul. Can you tell us the easiest way to get from the
airport in Dalaman to your hotel?
Yasemin : What time are you arriving?
Guest : Actually, that’s what we are trying to figure out. We haven’t booked
our flight yet.
Yasemin : We have two shuttles between our Inn to Marmaris. One in the
morning and one in the afternoon.
Guest : I see. Your shuttle doesn’t go as far as the airport, does it?
Yasemin : I’m afraid not. It’s an hour from Selimiye to Marmaris. The airport is
an extra two hours from Marmaris. You can either hire a taxi from the
airport to Marmaris, or there are mini-busses. The mini-bus might be
cheaper than the taxi, but the ride is not as comfortable, nor as fast.
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 13

Guest : What times are the shuttles?

Yasemin : The morning shuttle is in Marmaris from approximately eleven to
twelve in the morning. In the afternoon, it’s about five o’clock.
Guest : If that’s the case, we seem to have two options. We can book a flight
that arrives at eight thirty a.m. or a flight that arrives at twelve thirty
in the afternoon. The next flight arrives at six p.m., which is too late
for the shuttle. If we book the earlier flight, we arrive in Marmaris
around eleven in the morning. If we book the flight that arrives at
twelve thirty, we arrive in Marmaris around three in the afternoon.
Yasemin : If you book the earlier flight, you can catch the morning shuttle back
to the Inn. If you book the later flight, you would need to wait in
Marmaris for about two hours before the shuttle leaves for the Inn
around five.
Guest : What time is check-in?
Yasemin : Check-in is not until three in the afternoon.
Guest : If we arrive at noon, can we leave our bags at the hotel and walk around
Selimiye until check-in?
Yasemin : Of course. And depending on our room availability, you may be able
to check in early.
Guest : Thanks. You’ve given us some things to think about.
Yasemin : Very good. Once you book your flight, please contact us and let us
know what time you will be in Marmaris so that the driver will be able
to meet you.
Guest : We’ll do that. Thanks.
Yasemin : Have a nice day.

Situation 2
Amerikalı bir konuk otelde getirmiş olduğu saç kurutma ve traş makinalarını kul-
lanamadığı için sorun yaşıyor.
A customer is having problems with his electrical appliances. The guest is from
North America and has brought several pieces of electrical equipment that are not
working in his room. He calls for assistance.
Yasemin : Front desk
Guest : Yes, I seem to be having some problems with the electrical sockets in
my room.
Yasemin : What seems to be the trouble?
Guest : Well, none of my appliances work here!
Yasemin : What kind of appliances are you trying to use?
Guest : My hair dryer and my electric razor.
Yasemin : Well, they should work in the outlets in your room. What voltage are
your appliances?
Guest : Let me see. Yes, it’s written on the back. 110.
Yasemin : Hmmm. Well, I think I can solve your problem. Our electricity works
on 220. I can have an adaptor sent up to your room so that your
appliances will work on our electrical system.
Guest : I’d appreciate that. It didn’t occur to me that they wouldn’t work here.
Yasemin : Well, I am glad that we can solve your problem. I’ll send someone up
right away.
Guest : Thanks so very much.
14 Turizm İçin İngilizce I


5 Konuklarla yapılan konuşmaların başarıya ulaşmasında en büyük pay doğru bil-
giyi onlara aktarmaktan geçer. Konuğa mümkün olduğu kadar çok ve sorduğu
soruya doğrudan yanıt veren bilgiler vermek çok önemlidir. Bu ünitede okumuş
olduğunuz tüm bilgileri gözönünde bulundurarak aşağıdaki sorulara bir konuğa
yanıt veriyormuşçasına yanıt vermeye çalışın.

The key to a successful conversation with a guest or customer is to provide as

much information as possible. And, if options are available, provide the most
reasonable ones. Based on the information in this unit, how would you respond
to the following questions or comments?
1. What time should I arrive at the Dalaman airport?
2. Which meals are available at your restaurant?
3. I want to book a room, but can’t climb too many stairs.
4. We would like to do some sailing in the area.
5. We want to make a day trip to Marmaris, but don’t want to drive.
6. What happens if we arrive before check-in?
7. What kind of view do the rooms have?
8. I want to make a reservation for a family of four.
9. How can I make my razor work in the room?
10. Why can’t I use my hair dryer in my room?


Ünitemizin ilk girişinde sizlere küçük bir oteli tanıtıp o otelle ilgili bilgiler ver-
miştik. Bizim size örnek olarak verdiğimiz otel bizim hayal ürünümüzdü. Aşağıda
gerçek bir otelin internet sitesinden bir alıntı veriyoruz. Bu da farklı bir otelin
Resim 1.6
WELCOME TO Hotel Omm Hotel Omm is a boutique hotel in Barcelona
offering a stylish place to stay in the heart of
the city—ideally located on the elegant Passeig
de Gracia.
Omm’s Lobby Lounge is so much more than
a simple hotel lobby. Guests can nestle in a
secluded corner and enjoy a private moment,
or gather with a group of friends to enjoy the
amazing cocktails. The striking minimalist open
plan lobby offers a great expanse of lush sofas
and oversized ceiling lamps. A breathtaking,
white gas fireplace runs down the middle of the
lounge. The towering floor to ceiling windows
look out onto the vibrant Barcelona streets.
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 15

Bathtubs (Superior rooms and suites also have separate shower cubicles)
Satellite TV, music system and CD player
Complimentary wireless Internet
Mini bar
Balcony and plant-covered pergola


24-hour room & front desk service
Concierge service
Solarium overlooking La Pedrera
Business center
Computer rental
Currency exchange
Limousine and valet service
Laundry facilities
On-site shopping
Personal shopper available
Multilingual staff
Tours/ticket assistance


Moo Restaurant: Chef ’s own dishes
MooVida Restaurant: Casual food
Moodern Bar: Cocktails
Ommsession Night Club: DJ and live music


Stylish meeting room that accommodates up to 20 people
Ommsession Night Club available for corporate events, with a capacity of 150
Audiovisual software
For larger events, hotel has access to El Principal, a top-class venue just minutes

Spa with water circuit, gravitation, and oxygen-therapy spaces
Gym with fitness equipment, plates studio
Beauty salon
Rooftop indoor/outdoor swimming pool

La Pedrera (Gaudi’s Casa Mila)
Plaça Catalunya
La Sagrada Familia Cathedral
Gothic Quarter
Passeig de Gracia
Las Ramblas

Taken and adapted from

16 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

1. Where is Hotel Omm?

6 2. What kind of a hotel is Hotel Omm?
3. Do you pay for the internet service?
4. Name at least two of the restaurants or
5. Does the hotel have a swimming pool?


Types of Hotels
Bu bölümde sizlere farklı konaklama tesislerinin İngilizce tanımlarını ve sınıfla-
malarını bulacaksınız.

The hotel industry uses different types of classification for hotels. There is a great
variety of hotels. We might be able to classify them in terms of their location
whether they are in the city center or close to the airport; their size as to how many
rooms they have; their specialty or unique quality or how many stars they have. It
is not possible to give a full list of hotel types here but here are some usual hotel
types and some very unique or unusual hotel types.

Well known hotel types

Genel sınıflamada hemen aklımıza geliveren konaklama tesisi türlerinden birkaç
tanesini aşağıda anlatıyoruz
• Airport hotels: Usually close to airports serving customers who may stay
only for one night and who are looking for a place near the airport.
• Motels: Hotels for people who travel with their car and need a place to stay
near the main roads.
• Bed and breakfast: Usually family owned businesses that offer breakfast and
not too many comforts.
• Mountain or Seaside Resort Hotels: These hotels are built on mountains or
by the seaside for holiday guests.
• Conference hotels: These are usually large hotels in the cities good for large
• Holiday villages: Large complexes built in large areas consisting of small
cottages or apart hotels.
• Timeshare: These are usually like holiday villages where the owners stay at
specific times and share the ownership of the building.

Specialty hotels
Aşağıda listelediğimiz oteller bazı özellikleri olan farklı konaklama tesisleri. Liste
doğal olarak daha uzun. Biz sizlere birkaç örnek sunmaya çalıştık.
• Boutique hotels: Small specialized hotels built in a unique environment.
Some of these hotels are well known for specific events. Most of them
contain luxury facilities. Some are very home like and offer home comfort.
• Historic inns or hotels: Some hotels become famous through history
because they have hosted a historically specific and significant event or
an important person. Famous composer Jean Sibelius used Hotel Kemp in
Finland like his home. Another example is Schloss Cecilienhof in Potsdam,
Germany where the Potsdam Conference in World World II took place.
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 17

Resim 1.7 Resim 1.8

Hotel Kemp- Schloss Cecilienhof:

• Eco hotels: these are hotels that make improvements in their environment
and pay attention to ecological factors.
• Jail hotels: These are former jail houses that are used as hotels. For example,
the Liberty Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts used to be the Charles Street Jail.
• Thermal or Spa Hotels: They are built around thermal springs and mostly
used for health reasons or recreation. There are great spa hotels in Turkey.

Unique hotels
Üçüncü olarak size sunduğumuz bu listede kendilerine özgü ve çok özel konakla-
ma tesislerinden örnekler vermeye çalıştık.
• Botels: These are boats that serve like a hotel. They may be large or small and
they may have different size rooms. Queen Mary in Long Beach, California
is a good example of a luxury ship hotel.
• Capsule hotels: They are types of hotels that are developed in Japan. They
contain ‘very small rooms’-capsules. They provide cheap usually one night
accommodation. They look like stacked boxes.
Resim 1.10
Asakusa Capsule Hotel- Tokyo, Japan
Resim 1.9 thesequel/capsule/
Asakusa Capsule Hotel- Tokyo, Japan
18 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

• Cave hotels: They are built in natural cave formations and they may have
rooms underground. Some notable hotels in this category are located in
Cappadocia, Turkey.
• Ice and Show hotels: These hotels are completely built from ice or snow.
They are not permanent because when summer comes they melt. Therefore
they must be built again and again every year. In these hotels everything is
made out of ice.
Resim 1.12
Snow Village Lainio, Finland- http://
Resim 1.11
Snow Village Lainio, Finland- http://

• Treehouse hotels: Some hotels are built on trees. Trees are used in their
constructions. Treetops Hotel in Aberdare National Park, Kenya; Tree Hotel
near Pitea, Sweden; Tree House Lodge in Costa Rica are some of the well-
known examples.

Resim 1.14
Resim 1.13
Tree House of Montville-Queensland, Australia
Tree House Lodge, Costa Rica
tree-house-hotels/3591?image=1 Pictures 2 and 4
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 19

Underwater hotels: These hotels have their rooms underwater. Utter Inn in Lake
Malaren in Sweden or Jules’ Undersea Lodge in Florida is an example.

There are also very unique hotels made out of sand, airplanes or glass. You can find
out more about these different and unique hotels on the internet. Check http:// or

How about some record breaking hotels

Let us do an exercise and find out the oldest, tallest and largest hotel in the world.
We can use Guinness World Records as our reference book.
• According to Guiness World Records, the oldest hotel is the Nisiyama
Onsen Keiunkan in Yamanashi, Japan. It has been operating since 705 AD.
• According to Guiness World Records, the largest hotel is the First World
Hotel in Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. It has 6,118 rooms.
• According to Guiness World Records, the tallest hotel is the Rose Rayhaan
by Rotana hotel in Dubai, UAE. It is 333 meters tall from ground level to the
top. The hotel consists of 482 rooms in more than 72 floors.
20 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Vocabulary - Sözcükler Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
Aşağıda ünitemizde kullandığımız bazı sözcüklerin 1. According to the types of hotels you have read,
açıklamalarını bulacaksınız. Kısıtlı olan bu liste size what kind of a hotel is the ‘Light House Inn’?
yalnızca yok göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. a. Boutique hotel
Özellikle turizm alanı ile ilgili sözcükleri merak edi- b. Airport hotel
yorsanız c. Conference hotel
isimli size yardımcı olacaktır. d. Apart hotel
e. Holiday village
Accommodation (n) : providing what is needed; travel
related services like lodging, 2. Which one of the following is not one of the
food and services characteristics of the ‘Light House Inn’?
Ample (adj) : plentifull, many a. Free parking
Arrangement (n) : to put things into an order b. View of the sea
Construction (n) : to arrange or connect separate c. Breakfast
pieces d. Close to the airport
En suite (n) : the combination of bedroom e. Wi fi access
and bathroom in a hotel
Hire (v) : to get some person to do work 3. What does priority seating at a hotel restaurant
for payment mean?
Inquiry (n) : to ask for information a. Guests must wait for their table.
Lodging(n) : a place to live; a temporary b. Guests must reserve their table.
place to stay like a hotel c. Guests cannot sit at their own table.
Lush (adj) : luxurious; a lot of plants d. Guests cannot order food until they are seated.
Priority (adj) : something or someone that e. Guests who are staying at the hotel can sit at
comes before anything or their table before the others.
anybody else
Quaint (adj) : charming, picturesque, 4. Which one of the following is asking for permission?
interesting a. You must carry my bags.
Reception area (n) : the desk where the quests are b. May I carry your bags?
met for the first time c. Can you carry my bags?
Shuttle (n) : a small bus or a car, sometimes d. You have to carry my bags?
even a train that travel back and e. Should you carry my bags?
forth at specific times
Spectacular (adj) : impressive, large scale 5. What is the function of ‘must’ in Ayşe’s sentence?
Vibrant(adj) : activity; exhibiting a lot of Ayşe : I must study to night.
energy Ali : Why? Do you have an exam?
a. Permission
b. Possibility
c. Necessity
d. Suggestion
e. Request
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 21

Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı

Answer key for ‘let’s test ourselves’
6. What is a botel? 1. a Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen Lighthouse Inn isimli
a. a hotel at a mountain top yazıyı bir kez daha okuyun.
b. a holiday village 2. d Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen Lighthouse Inn isimli
c. a boat used as a hotel yazıyı bir kez daha okuyun.
d. a hotel on the roadside 3. e Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen ‘How would they say
e. a hotel with history it’ Stuation 3 bölümünü bir kez daha okuyun.
4. b Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen yardımcı fiileri açık-
7. Which one of the hotel types originated from ladığımız bölümünü bir kez daha okuyun.
Japan? 5. c Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen yardımcı fiileri açık-
a. Ice hotels ladığımız bölümünü bir kez daha okuyun.
b. Capsule hotels 6. c Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen ‘Useful Information’
c. Treehouse hotels isimli bölümü bir kez daha okuyun.
d. Resort hotels 7. b Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen ‘Useful Information’
e. Timeshare hotels isimli bölümü bir kez daha okuyun.
8. a Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen ‘Useful Information’
8. Where is the largest hotel in the world located? isimli bölümü bir kez daha okuyun.
a. Malaysia 9. a Yanıtınız yanlış ise lütfen soruyu dikkatli bir
b. United Arab Emirates şekilde bir kez daha okuyun.
c. Japan 10. d Yanıtınız yanlış ise bir sözlüğe bakabilirsiniz.
d. Costa Rica
e. United States of America

9. Put the following text into an order.

i. The Costa Rica Tree House Lodge, for example,
has a full kitchen and luxurious bathroom built
around a 100-year-old Sangrillo tree
ii. Building a hotel in the treetops is not a new
iii. Today you’ll find them everywhere from Europe
to China.
iv. the treehouse-hotel concept has become very
v. But with travelers looking for unique hotels,

a. ii-v-iv-iii-I
b. iii-v-iv-ii-I
c. i-ii-iii-iv-v
d. ii-iii-iv-vii
e. ii-iii-iv-v-I

10. Which one of the following is the best translation

of ‘timeshare hotel’?
a. Zamanla paylaşmak
b. Otelde vakit geçirmek
c. Kısıtlı zaman kalınan otel
d. Devre mülk
e. Zamansız otel aramak
22 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 1’ Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 5’
1. The Özmutlu family owns the Lighthouse Inn. 1. You can arrive early to get the shuttle bus.
2. The Inn has free wi-fi access. 2. We serve breakfast and dinner.
3. Hotel guest always have tables at the restaurant. 3. We have room on the first floor.
Therefore, guest who are not staying at the hotel 4. That is easy. Sailing boats are available for rent with
need reservations. or without a captain.
4. Nothing. It is included in the room price. 5. You can take out shuttle in the morning and come
5. Breakfast in the mornings and fish in the evening. back on the shuttle in the afternoon.
6. You can see the sunrise on the bay from your 6. If your room is cleaned, you can check in early. If not
balcony. you can leave your bags and walk around Selimiye.
7. From 7 o’clock in the morning until 10 in the 7. Sea view.
evening. 8. It is possible to make
8. A double bed. 9. You must have an adapter for your razor.
9. By a shuttle bus the Inn provides. 10. The electric current in Turkey is 220. You will need
10. There is beautiful scenery of the bay from the an adapter for your hair dryer to work.
Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 6’
Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 2’ 1. Hotel Omm is in Barcelona, Spain. Or It is in the
1. There is a lot of free parking space around the hotel. heart of Barcelona.
2. We do not serve lunch at our hotel. 2. It is a boutique hotel.
3. There is a shuttle bus that goes to Marmaris twice a 3. The internet service is complementary, or The
day. internet service is free.
4. The Inn does not have evening entertainment. 4. Moo Restaurant; MooVida Restaurant; Ommsession
5. It is possible to rent a sail boat. Night Club.
6. The sun rise over the sea. 5. The hotel has rooftop indoors and outdoors
7. Yes, but our hotel guest have priority. swimming pools.
8. Sea food.
9. Smoking is not allowed in closed spaces but outside
smoking is allowed.
10. You must make arrangements with the driver who
takes you there.

Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 3’

Bu soruların yanıtları oldukça basit. Örnek yanıtı ince-
ledikten sonra size verilen cümleleri istenilen yardımcı
fiili kullanarak kolayca yapabilirsiniz.

Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 4’

a.1 - b.1 - c.2 - d.2
1. Ünite - At the Hotel 23

Referanslar - Kaynaklar
Talalla, Renee. 2008. English for Restaurant Workers.
Burbank: Compass Publishers, Inc.
Jones, Leo. 2005. Welcome! Student’s Book: English
for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Zwier, Lawrence J., Caplan, Nigel. 2007. Everyday
English for Hospitality Professionals. Burbank:
Compass Publishers, Inc.

Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 Otel gelen konukları karşılayarak onlarla konuşma yapabilecek,
 Rezervasyon yapmak veya gerekli durumlarda rezervasyon iptal etmek için ge-
rekli konuşmaları yapabilecek,
 Konuklara odalar ve otel konusunda konusunda genel bilgi verebilecek,
 Konuklardan gelebilecek olası şikayetleri giderebilmek için gerekli konuşmaları
yapabilecek bilgi ve becerilere sahip olacaksınız.

Anahtar Kavramlar - Key Terms

• Terms about hotels and hotel personel

İçindekiler - Unit Contents

Turizm İçin İngilizce I The Front Desk • THE CONSIERGE AND THE BELLBOY
Check-in /Check-out
The Front Desk


Bir otelde ön büro otelin en önemli bölümüdür. Otele gelen konukların ilk karşı-
laştıkları yüz veya yüzler ön büro elemanlarınınki olur. Güler yüzle konuklarının
sorularını yanıtlayan ve sorunlarını gideren bir ön büro çalışanı konuklara yar-
dımcı olmakla kalmaz, otel için en iyi tanıtımı da yapmış olur.
Resim 2.1
Front Desk


Aşağıda okuyacağınız parça ön büro ve ön büro çalışanları hakkında bilgi verme-
ye çalışıyor.
In many situations, the person behind the front desk is the face of the hotel.
She or he may be the first person a guest sees when arriving, and the last person
they see when leaving. In fact, the front desk person may be the only person a
guest interacts with while staying at the hotel. Therefore, it is essential that the
front desk person be efficient and has a pleasant personality, a professional
26 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

appearance, and good customer-relations skills. Front desk staff members

are responsible for greeting guests when they arrive, accessing their guest and
reservation information on a computer, taking credit card information for deposit
or payment, and providing guests with room keys. Depending on the size of the
lodging, front desk staff may have a narrow or wide set of responsibilities. The
smaller the hotel, the more that the individual behind the front desk must be able
to do. In addition to the customary duties of check-ins, check-outs, and answering
guests’ questions, the front desk may also take reservations, serve as a concierge,
and act as a communications hub between guests and other staff (such as
housekeeping or maintenance). Working the Front Desk at the hotel can be both
rewarding and frustrating. Most guests are easy to work with because they are
relaxed and happy to be at the hotel. There are, of course, those times when a guest
may be unsatisfied, and may act unpleasantly. It may be the result of something
that happened at the hotel, or something that happened on the way to the hotel.
In any case, the person at the front desk must be very good at problem solving,
which includes multi-tasking, working quickly, communicating clearly, thinking
critically, and having reliable information about the hotel and the surrounding
area. If you have ever stayed at a hotel or inn or pansiyon, it is easy to understand
that the person behind the front desk has a very important job.

1. Why is front desk so important in a hotel?

1 ——————————————————————————————————
2. What types of skills are needed for someone who works at the front desk?
3. What types of procedures does the front desk personnel perform?
4. In smaller hotels the front desk personnel may have other duties. Name a few.
5. Why is the front desk called “face of the hotel” in the passage?
Resim 2.2
A hotel should
welcome all its

2. Ünite - The Front Desk 27


Birinci ünitemizde küçük bir aile oteli olan Lighthouse Inn ile ilgili bilgiler edin-
miştik. Yasemin ve Cem kardeşler konuklarına otelin girişinde yer alan ön büroda
yadımcı olmaya çalışıyorlar.
Resim 2.3
A guest who is arriving at
the hotel tired and without
reservations-a walk in guest.

Kaynak: http://www.
David Castillo Dominici/

Situation 1:
Otellerde ‘walk-in’ sözcüğü daha önceden otelde yer ayırtmamış konuklar için
kullanılır. Yasemin’in böyle bir konuğu var.

Walk-In Guests
YASEMİN : Good afternoon. Welcome to the Lighthouse. How may I help you?
Guest : Do you have any rooms for tonight?
YASEMİN : Do you have a reservation?
Guest : I’m afraid not. We’re driving around the coast and didn’t know
where we’d stop.
YASEMİN : Let’s take a look at what we have. How many in your party?
Guest : Just my husband and myself.
YASEMİN : And how many nights will you be staying?
Guest : Just tonight. We’re meeting some friends in Kaş tomorrow. Can you
tell me how long it will take to drive there from here?
YASEMİN : If you’re not in a hurry, about five hours
OK, you’re in luck. We have two rooms available. One on the first
floor and one on the third. But, it looks like both rooms are doubles.
We don’t have any queens available.
Guest : We’ll take what we can get. Do you have a restaurant?
YASEMİN : Yes we do.
Guest : And which room is closer to it?
YASEMİN : Well, the restaurant is on the first floor, but the room on the third
floor is directly above it.
Guest : We’ll take the first floor room.
YASEMİN : Certainly. May I have your name please?
Guest : Cassidy. That’s spelled C-a-s-s-i-d-y. I’m Kris and my husband’s
name is Kerry.
28 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

YASEMİN : And how will you be paying? Cash or credit?

Guest : Can we pay in cash?
YASEMİN : Absolutely. But because you are not paying with a credit card, we
ask that you pay in advance.
Guest : Not a problem. How much for the two of us?
YASEMİN : Your total is sixty-five Turkish liras.
Guest : Does that include breakfast?
YASEMİN : Yes it does. It is served from seven to ten a.m. You’ll be staying in
room number three, which is down this short hallway, on the left.
This key gets you in your room and in the front door of the inn after
ten p.m. Checkout is at noon.
Guest : We’ll Thanks very much. And does the room have a toilet and
YASEMİN : Yes. Our bathrooms are en suite.
Guest : Great. Thanks for all of your help.
YASEMİN : Enjoy your stay.

Resim 2.4
Helping guests to
make reservations
on the phone

Image:digitalart /

Situation 2:
Otelde kalmak isteyen bir konuk, Yaseminle telefonda konuşarak otel hakkında
bilgi alıyor ve yer ayırtıyor.
Yasemin : Lighthouse Inn. May I help you?
Customer : Yes, could you tell me the price of a room for two with two single
beds for four nights?
Yasemin : Sure. When are you thinking of staying with us?
Customer : It would be the September first through September sixth.
Yasemin : And that would be for two people?
Customer : Yes, my brother and myself.
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 29

Yasemin : Our double rooms are sixty-five Turkish Liras per night, but if
you stay with us for more than three nights, you receive a twenty-
five per cent discount. That would be two hundred and forty five
Turkish Liras for the five nights.
Customer : Okay. And is there a view of the sea from the rooms?
Yasemin : All our rooms have the view of the sea and a balcony.
Customer : Marvelous. Is breakfast included in the price?
Yasemin : Yes it is. We have a buffet-style breakfast for our guests.
Customer : And do you have a restaurant that serves other meals?
Yasemin : Yes we do. We have a small fish restaurant on the ground floor
where breakfast is also served .There is also the roof café where you
can get snacks and drinks.
Customer : Fine. I’d like to go ahead and make a reservation for those nights then.
Yasemin : Thank you, your reservation is confirmed. If I may ask, could you
tell me how you find out about us?
Customer : Friends of ours have stayed at your hotel last year and were very
happy. They recommended your hotel highly.
Yasemin : That is good to hear. Thank you. We hope to see you in September.

Resim 2.5
A family of four
arrive at the hotel
for their holiday.


Situation 3:
Yasemin : Good evening. Welcome to the Starlight Inn. Can I help you?
Guest : Good evening. Yes. We should have a reservation for two adults and
two children for one week. The name is Simon.
Yasemin : Yes, here it is. Mr. and Mrs. Simon. From Ankara. And will it just be
the two of you and the children?
Guest : Yes. You do not charge for children, do you?
Yasemin : No. Children aged less than 12 years old are free when sharing room
with two adults.
Yasemin : Now, I just need you to fill out a few lines on this form. All you need
to write is your name, phone number, and the number of your ID or
passport number.
Guest : Do I need to put my wife’s and children’s numbers as well?
Yasemin : No, that’s not necessary. (Guest fills out form)
30 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Yasemin : Well, I hope you like our hotel. All of our rooms face the
Mediterranean Sea. Would you prefer a room near the top or closer
to the main floor?
Guest : Is there an elevator?
Yasemin : Yes.
Yasemin : In that case, we’ll take something near the top.
Yasemin : Good. If you’re finished filling out the form, I’ll take it and give you
your room key. You will be staying in room 15. Ali will show you to
your room. Do you have any questions?
Guest : Do we need to pay for parking?
Yasemin : No, parking is free. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Guest : No, thank you.
Yasemin : I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Ne anladık?
2 1. When Yasemin asks ‘how many in your party’; what does she mean?
2. In Situation 1, the guest says ‘We’ll take what we can get.’ What does she mean
by that?
3. How can a guest pay his/her hotel bill?
4. In Situation 2 when does the hotel offer 25% discount?
5. In Situation 3, how much is it for children under 12 years of age?
6. What do guests do when they register at a hotel?

How Would You Say It?

3 You are working at the Front Desk at a hotel. How would you answer the following
questions? Use the conversation above to help you.
Yukarıdaki konuşmaları temel alarak aşağıda sizde otel konuklarının sordukları
sorulara yanıt vermeye çalışın.
1. A new guest walks in the front door. How do you greet her?
2. A potential guest calls the front desk and asks if there any rooms available for
that night. What is your response?
3. A guest is registering. What information do you request? How would you ask for it?
4. A new guest asks if there is breakfast. There is. How do you respond?
5. A guest asks about the method of payments accepted at the hotel. How doyou
6. A potential guest asks if there is a charge for children to stay in the room. How
do you respond?
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 31


Ön büroda konuklarınızı karşılarken, çoğu kez ‘if ’ kalıbının kullanıldığı cümleler
kullanılır. Bu cümleler ön büro elemanının konuğuna seçenek sunduğu ve konu-
ğun karar vermek için sorular sorduğu kalıplarda yer alabilir. Bu cümleleri bizler
koşul cümleleri olarak adlandırıyoruz. Bu nedenle bu kalıbın nasıl kullanıldığını
anlamanıza yardımcı olacak açıklamaları ve örnekleri aşaağıda bulavcaksınız.
The word “if ” is very small, but very important. When you or guests use this word,
important decisions may be made. Therefore, it is important that you understand
how this word is used, and how you can use it. Let’s look at some of the examples
from this unit.

Conditional Sentences-If Clauses

‘If clause’olarak bilinen gramer yapılarına biz koşul cümleleri diyoruz. Bu yapılar-
da birbirine bağlı iki yapı bulunur. Bu yapılardan birisi ‘if clause’ yani şart cüm-
leciği diğeri ise ‘main clause’ ana cümleciktir. Şart cümlesi bir koşul ortaya koyar,
olumlu veya olumsuz olabilir, ana cümle ise yine olumlu veya olumsuz bu koşula
bağlı olası sonucu anlatır.
Koşul cümlelerini üç farklı yapıda inceleriz.

if clause-koşul cümleciği main clause- ana cümleciği

Condition-Koşul Result- Sonuç
Simple Present will-future (modal verbs-can, must etc.)
Simple Past would + infinitive*
Past Perfect would + have + past participle*

Bu tablo çok genel anlamda koşul cümleciği hangi zamanda kullanılıyorsa, ana
cümleciğin hangi zamanda olması gerektiğini anlatıyor.
Koşul cümlecikleri ile ana cümleciklerin hangisinin başta olması gerektiği konu-
sunda bir kural yoktur. Her ikisi de cümlenin başında yer alabilir. Aşağıda her iki
seçeneği de kullanan örnekler bulacaksınız.
Koşul cümlecikleri olumsuz olabilecekleri gibi, soru yapısında da kullanılabilirler.

IF Condition Result
If it rains tomorrow I will bring my umbrella.
If you studied harder you would have passed the exam.
If I had argued with my teacher I would have felt bad.

Result IF Condition
I will bring my umbrella. if it rains tomorrow
you would have passed the exam. if you studied harder
I would have felt bad. if I had argued with my teacher

IF Condition Result
If it rains tomorrow what will you do?
If you didn’t study hard What would happen?
If I had not argued with my teacher Would I feel this bad?
32 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

A: Examples from front desk type 1 conditional.

“If we rent a room for only one night, it is very hard to rent the room to
someone else for other nights in the week.”
“If we get a room with a queen size bed, we’ll need the roll-away bed.”
Notice the use of the simple present tense in the “if clause” (rent) and the use
of the future tense (we’ll - we will) in the full sentence.
“Is there a discount if I make a two-night reservation?”
This is a question. Notice the location of the “if clause.” It is after the
question. Also, note that this structure can be flipped: “If I make a two night
reservation, is there a discount?”

A: Examples from front desk for type 1 conditional

“If we come at the week end, will we pay more?”

Complete these sentences using information from this unit or your own experience.
4 1. If you bring your dog to the hotel, ————————————————————
2. If you want to pay for your room with cash, ———————————————
3. If you cancel your reservation before six p.m., ——————————————
4. If our child is traveling with us, —————————————————————
5. Can we reach Kaş before night, —————————————————————

B: Examples from front desk for type 2 conditional

“If it were the off-season, we would charge fifty percent of the reservation.”

Complete these sentences using information from this unit or your own experience.
5 1. If the room were less expensive, ——––––––———————————————
2. If my husband were not ill, –————–—————————————————
3. If the drive from Istanbul to Marmaris were shorter, –——————————
4. You could pay in cash if –——–––———————————————————
5. We could charge for children if –———–––––——————————————

C: Examples from front desk for type 3 conditional

“We would have stayed on the ground floor if had not gotten an elevator.”
“We would not have dined at the hotel restaurant, if we had not been hungry.”

1. How much would we have paid if –——–––––——————————————

6 2. Where would we have parked our car –—————––———————————
3. How much would we have paid if –——––––———————————————

If clause used with ‘have ever’

“If you have ever stayed at a hotel or inn or pansiyon, it is easy to
understand that the person behind the front desk has a very important job.”
In this example, notice two things: 1) that the “if clause” uses “have ever..”.
So, the phrase becomes: “If you have ever + verb”.
2) The “if clause” is followed by a full sentence.
Eğer if cümleciği ‘have ever’ yapısı ile beraber kullanılırsa ana cümlecik bir tam
cümle olur, aynı yukarıdaki örnek cümle gibi.
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 33

Complete the following sentences.

1. If you have ever gone skiing at Uludag, –———————————————— 7
2. If you have ever visited Marmaris, –—————––––———————————-
3. If you have ever eaten lahmacun, –———————————————————-
4. If you have ever driven a car in Istanbul, ————–———————————-

‘What if’ Kalıbı

Bu kalıp koşul cümlelerinin bir başka dilbilgisi yapısının kullanımına örnek.
Yukarıdaki örneklerde kullanılan koşul ve sonuç cümlecik zamanları aynı kal-
makla birlikte yalnızca soru formu kullanılan bu kalıp ‘ne olurdu’ anlamına gelen
koşulu verip sonucu soran bir yapı. Bir kaç örneği çalışalım.
What if I come in late?
If you come late, you will miss breakfast.
What if I didn’t pay for my room?
If you didn’t pay for your room, I would call the police.
What if I hadn’t reserved a room?
If you hadn’t reserved a room, we could not have found a room for you.


Otele gelen konukları concierge karşılar.Concierge otellerde konukların tur, resto-
ran, tiyatro veya konser gibi etkinlik reservasyonları yapan, gerektiğinde onların
seyahat planlarına yardım eden ve konukların farklı ihtiyaçlarına yanıt bulmaya
çalışan otel personelidir. Concierge önbüro elemanlarının en büyük yardımcısı-
dır, otelin gülen yüzlerinden biri olması gerekir.
Bellhop veya bellboy konukların bavullarını veya eşyaları odalarına taşımaya yar-
dımcı olan otel personelidir.
Concierge is one of the first faces a guest sees when arriving into a hotel. He is the
person who is responsible for providing advice on travel, making reservations for
various functions and events and helping guest with different problems and questions.
The bellhop or the bellboy is the hotel personnel who carries guests’ luggage to and
from their room, helps them settle into their rooms and answers their questions
about the hotel in general.
Resim 2.6
The bellboy or bellhop

Kaynak: http://www.
graur razvan ionut/
34 Turizm İçin İngilizce I


Situation 1
Here are some short conversation passages that may take place between the
concierge, bellhop and the guests
Bellhop : Welcome to Starlight Hotel.
Quest : Thank you.
Bellhop : I will take your bags for you.
Bellhop : Here’s your room. Four-seventeen [417].
Guest : Oh, it’s right next to the elevator. That’s convenient.
Bellhop : If you ever want to take the stairs, they are at the end of the corridor.
Guest : Thanks. We usually like to take the stairs.
Bellhop : You will see that the main light switch is right inside the door here,
to your left. The remote for the air condition and the television is on
the desk.
Guest : That’s fine. I don’t think we’ll be watching much TV.
Bellhop : If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
Guest : Thank you very much.
Bellhop : Enjoy your stay.

Situation 2
Guest : Hi.
Concierge : Good morning, Sir. How can I help you?
Guest : I would like to go the basketball game tonight. Would it be possible
to get two tickets?
Concierge : I will try sir. But as you know the teams are very popular and there
may be few seats available. The ones left might be expensive. How
much would you be willing to pay?
Guest : It really does not matter. I am willing to pay extra to see the game.
Concierge : In that case, I will see what I can find and will let you know within
the hour.
Guest : I hope you can get me some tickets. I am in room 885. Please let me
know and thank you for your effort.
Concierge : Certainly, sir.

Later, in an hours time.

Concierge : Hello, sir. This is the concierge. I am calling about the ticket to the game.
Guest : Oh! That was fast. Could you find anything?
Concierge : Well, sir. We were in luck. There were two return tickets for a very
reasonable price on the upper level. However, the seats face the mid
court and the view is excellent.
Guest : That’s great. Thank you. When can I get the tickets?
Concierge : As soon as I have your OK, they will charge them to your credit card.
Guest: Please go ahead and buy them for me. You have my credit card
information. And thank you again.
Concierge : I will do that immediately, sir. You can pick your tickets from me by
late afternoon.
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 35


Aşağıda otel konukları ile konuşurken kullanılabilecek bazı kalıp cümleler bula-

Greetings and offering assistance:

“Welcome to ——— Hotel.”
“Good morning (afternoon, evening) madam (sir).”
“Welcome to your home away from home.”
“Have a nice day/evening, madam (sir).”
“How can I help you today Ma’am (sir)?”
“Can I be of assistance?”
“How may I assist you?”
“May I assist you with anything?”
“What can I do for you today?”

Responding to a guest’s question or complaint:

“I’ll see what I can do about it sir.”
“I’ll correct the situation immediately, sir.”
“I’m so sorry sir; that should never have happened.”
“I’ll take care of that sir.”
“I’ll see to it right away.”
“I’ll try my best and get back to you.”

How would you say it?

1. A guest who is already staying at the hotel walks in the front door. How do you 8
greet him?
2. A guest asks for tickets to a popular concert.
3. A guest complains that his room is not clean.
4. A guest wants to book a taxi for the airport next day.
5. A guest complains that the room is not warm enough.

Resim 2.7
Kaynak: http://www.
36 Turizm İçin İngilizce I


Aşağıda otel müşterilerinin kullanabilecekleri bazı kalıp cümleleri, aynı şekilde
otel personelinin de müşterilerle kullanabilecekleri bazı kalıp cümlelere örnekler
bulacaksınız. Bu örnek cümleleri sizin için bir konuşma yapısı içine de yerleştir-
dik. Sizler de farklı karşılıklı konuşmalar yaratabilirsiniz.

Making a reservation
Front Desk - Receptionist
• ........ Hotel. How can/may I help you?
• When are you planning to stay at our hotel?
• How many nights will you be staying?
• How many will there be in your party?
• I’m afraid we are booked on those dates.
• We have a few rooms left.
• This is the peak season.
• We advise that you reserve your room in advance.
• Do you want smoking or non-smoking room?
• We serve breakfast from 6:00 until 11:00.
• We have a restaurant that serves from 6 until 10 in the evening.
• We have an indoor swimming pool.
• We have a refrigerator in our rooms.
• The rate of the room is ...... Turkish liras a night.
• We require a credit card number for a deposit.

• I’d like to make a reservation for (next week end)/ (from ... until June).
• Is it necessary to reserve my room ahead of time?
• How much is it for a cot?
• Do you offer free breakfast?
• Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
• Do the rooms have refrigerators?
• Is there an outdoor pool?
• When is the off- season?

Sample conversation
(There is room in the hotel)
Front desk : Good morning .... Hotel. How may I help you?
Guest : I would like to make a reservation from ..... to ......
Front desk : How long would you be staying?
Guest : For two nights.
Front desk : How many adults will be in the room?
Guest : There will be three of us and a child.
Front desk : Would you like smoking or non smoking room?
Guest : Non smoking. Do you charge for the children?
Front desk : No. Would you like a cot for the child?
Guest : Do you charge extra for the cot?
Front desk : No, we don’t
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 37

Guest : Do you offer breakfast?

Front desk : Yes, it is complementary. We serve breakfast from 6:30 until 11:00.
Guest : All right. I would like to make the reservation.
Front desk : We do need a deposit to hold your room. You can cancel up to three
days in advance and we will refund your deposit. I will need your
credit card number.
Guest : All right. Here is my credit card number.

(No rooms available)

Front desk : Good morning .... Hotel. How may I help you?
Guest : I would like to make a reservation for next week end.
Front desk : Let me check. Sir/ Mam, I am afraid we are totally booked for those
dates. There is a big football game and we are booked full.
Guest : I didn’t know that. How about the week after?
Front desk : Let’s see... Yes, we have a few vacancies for that week end. I suggest
that you make your reservation.
Guest : How come you are so booked?
Front desk : This is the peak season.
Guest : All right. Do you have a en suite room with two double beds?
Front desk : Yes, we do. The rate for that week end is _____ Turkish liras a night.
Guest : All right. I would like to make the reservation.
Front desk : We do need a deposit to hold your room. You can cancel up to three
days in advance and we will refund your deposit. I will need your
credit card number.
Guest : All right. Here is my credit card number.

Checking in
Front desk
• Welcome to ..... How can/may I help you?
• What name is the reservation under?
• When are you planning on checking out tomorrow?
• I’m afraid you can’t check in until after 2:00 o’clock.
• We have a parking garage next to the hotel. It is free of charge for hotel
• I will give you a parking pass for your car. What is your license number?
• I’ll give you two room keys.
• The dining room is at the end of this hall on the left.
• The check out is until 1 o’clock.
• How would you like to pay?
• Do you need help with your luggage?
• Just call the front desk if you need any extra towels or pillows.
• I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

• We have a reservation under ...... (name of the guest)
• How do we get to our room from here?
• Do you have an area for parking?
• What time is breakfast served?
38 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

• When can we check in to our rooms?

• Can you give me a wakeup call?
• When is check out time?
• I will pay cash/by credit card/travelers checks.

Sample conversation
Guest : Hi, my name is Aylin. I have a reservation for two nights.
Reception : Let me check. OK, yes. You have reserved a single room.
Guest : That’s right.
Reception : You are in room 408. How would you like to pay?
Guest : Do you take credit cards/travelers checks?
Reception : Whichever one you prefer.
Guest : Do I pay now or when I check out.
Reception : In advance, please.
Guest : Here you go. How do I get to my room?
Reception : Take the elevator. It is on your left. Do you need any help with your
Guest : No thanks. I can manage myself.
Reception : Is there anything else we can do to help? You enjoy your stay?
Guest : No, thank you. Can you give me a wakeup call?
Reception : You can use the clock radio in the room.
Guest : Thank you.
Reception : Have a good evening. Enjoy your stay.

Checking out
• Are you ready to check out?
• What is your room number?
• Did you enjoy your stay?
• We already have your card number. So can I charge the extras to this card?
• Can you drop your keys to the return box, please?
• Can I have your room keys?
• Here is your receipt.
• Would you like to talk to the manager?
• Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
• Have a safe trip home.

• I am ready to check out.
• I was at room 212.
• Everything was quite satisfactory.
• We really enjoyed our stay.
• We have a few complaints.
• I am sure I will be coming back to your hotel.

Sample conversation
Guest : Good morning. I am ready to check out.
Reception : Certainly Sir/madam. Which room were you in?
Guest : Room 212.
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 39

Reception : How would you like to pay mam/sir? We already have your credit
card number.
Guest : Credit card will be all right.
Reception : Here is your receipt. Can I have your key?
Guest : Here it is.
Reception : We hope you enjoyed your stay.
Guest : Yes, very much.
Reception : Hope to see you again.
Guest : I will come back.
Reception : Have a safe trip


Types of Hotel Rooms and Bed Sizes in Hotel Rooms

Bu bölümde size otellerde sıklıkla kullanılan bazı sınıflamaları anlatmaya çalışıyo-
ruz. Bildiğiniz gibi otellerde farklı boyutlarda odalar bulunur. Odada kalacak olan
konukların kaç kişi olduklarına bağlı olarak farklı oda tipleri isteyebilirler.

When people travel they look for hotels where they can be comfortable. When
they make their reservations they notice that there are different types of rooms
in each hotel. These rooms change in size and the types of comfort and amenities
they offer to the guest. It may help the traveler to know some of the classifications
used by hotel rooms. There may be some other categories used by different hotels
in this classification. We have listed the most common ones.
Standard: This room type is the basic in every hotel. It usually is a small room
and may not have all the luxuries. The scenery from these rooms may not be very
pleasant. Of course how simple a standard room is will depend on the hotel. What
is standard in one hotel may be deluxe in the other.
Deluxe: This type of room is a much better than a standard room. They have
better furniture, better view and better location in the hotel.
Junior Suite: A junior suite in a hotel is basically a large room with a separate
work/seating area. In some hotel these areas may be separated by a divider.
Suite: In a hotel a suite usually means two or more rooms. There is a bedroom and
a living or sitting room.
Studio: This type of room is a larger room with a separate area for sitting or
working. They have a kitchenette or cooking facilities.

Resim 2.8
Example of a
Deluxe room

Kaynak: http://
40 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Resim 2.9 In each of these rooms the

Example of a suit type of bed also may vary. In
each hotel the beds are also
Kaynak: http:// classified. Twin or Single: A small and
Federation/Moscow/ narrow bed for one adult.
The_Ritz-Carlton,_ Double or Full: It is wider than
Moscow.h162816/ a twin bed. Wide enough for
one large adult, two children
or two small adults.
Queen: Good size for two
adults. There are also longer
sized Queen beds called
California Queen, Expanded
Queen or Super Queen.
King: Wider than a Queen
size bed. Good for two large
adults. There are also wider
and larger size King size beds for much larger individuals such as California King,
and Grand King.
When we consider the bed sizes put in hotel rooms then there are other types of
rooms we may get in a hotel.
Single Room: A room for one person with one single bed. Sometimes there may
be more than one bed in this type of room.
Double Room: A room for one or two people with a double bed or two single
Double-double Room: A room with two double beds or one queen bed. This type
of room can accommodate more than two persons.
Suite: There will be one or more bed rooms with a number of single or double
beds depending on the size of the room.
Studio: there will be a double bed and may be a sofa that can turn into a single or
double bed.
Depending how they are located there are also:
Adjoining rooms: Rooms that next to each other but there is a connection door
between these rooms.
Adjacent rooms: Rooms that are close to each other, sometimes across the hall.
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 41

Vocabulary - Sözcükler
Bu bölümü tamamen otel terimlerine ayırdık. Yukarıda These are some of the names of the people who work or
tanımlarını yapmış olduğumuz oda tiplerini bir kez administer hotels.
daha buraya yazmadık.
bellboy (n) or bellhop (n): a person carry people’s
Adjacent rooms (n): Rooms that are close to other in bags to their rooms in a hotel chambermaid or maid
a hotel. (n): women who clean the rooms and make beds in a
Adjoining rooms (n): Rooms with a connecting door hotel
between them in a hotel. concierge (n): a person who helps guests who stay in
Amenities (n): Services and facilities offered in a hotel. the hotel and help them with their problems or give
Baggage (n): Suitcases or bags that are packed by them information
travelers; another term for luggage. doorman (n): a person who stands in the entrance of a
book (v): To make reservations for room or table building like a hotel and who help people to go in and
in a hotel or a restaurant. OR To make reservations go out
for tickets in all kinds of travel arrangements or hotelier (n): a person who own a hotel or who
entertainment. administers a hotel
booked (adj): Full; no room available. housekeeper (n): a person who cleans the room in a
check in (v): In a hotel act of registering and receiving hotel or someone who manage the people who clean
room keys. rooms.
check out (n): In a hotel leaving the hotel, paying bills porter (n): someone in a train, bus station or a hotel
and returning keys. who help people with their luggage
complimentary (n): Free of charge, no payment receptionist (n): a person who works at the reception
required. For example, complimentary breakfast. in a hotel
cot (n): A small single bed, usually for children. valet (n): someone who park cars for the guests
deposit (n): In hotel reservations, making payment
early to keep a room.
indoor pool (n): A pool built inside a hotel.
kitchenette (n): A miniature kitchen in a hotel mostly
a small refrigerator and cooking area.
late charge (n): If guests are late in checking out, they
pay a late charge.
lobby (n): The area in front of the reception desk.
luggage and Luggage cart (n): Another name for
baggage; a wheeled cart used to carry baggage.
parking pass (n): A document given to guests to put in
their cars for free parking.
rate (n): The cost of a room to be paid at a given time.
reservation (n): To make arrangements so to guarantee
a room or table or a seat in an event.
rollaway bed (n): A bed that is on wheel that can be folded.
room service (n): Bringing food or drinks to the
guests’ room.
vacancy (n): Means available space or room.
vacant (adj): Available
wake up call (n): A telephone call in the morning to
wake the guest up.
walk in (n): A guest who comes to the hotel without
42 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
1. Which one of the following is not one of the 6. What is one of the sentences a receptionist can use
characteristics of a receptionist? to a guest who is leaving?
a. Good customer relations a. Do you have any complaints?
b. Efficient b. Where are you going?
c. Nice personality c. You did not pay your bill.
d. A degree in tourism d. We hope you enjoyed your stay.
e. Professional appearance e. Will you recommend our hotel?

2. Which one of the following is not one of the ways of 7. Which one of the guest request is for the concierge?
paying for hotel rooms? a. Please send me more blankets.
a. Credit card b. Can you send someone to clean my room?
b. Cash c. I would like to go the game tomorrow night.
c. Pay on credit d. Where is breakfast served?
d. Traveler checks e. Is breakfast complementary?
e. Personal check
8. Which one of the following is a good response to a
3. Which sentence will best complete the following guest who is complaining?
dialogue? a. I cannot do anything about it.
- Good morning.—————————————— b. I do not know how to clean rooms.
- I would like to make a reservation. c. You should not complain.
- Certainly sir. d. What can I do about it?
e. I will take care of it immediately.
a. Who is this?
b. Who do you want to talk to? 9. What does a guest want when he requests a double
c. Where are you calling from? room?
d. How did you find this phone number? a. A room with a double bed.
e. How can I help you? b. A room with a single bed.
c. A room with a kitchen
4. What does en suite mean? d. A room with a sitting room
a. A room with a bathroom. e. A room with a balcony
b. A room with two beds.
c. A room which has a sitting room. 10. Which one of the following has a small cooking
d. A suit room area?
e. A very small room a. A double room
b. A studio
5. Complete the following sentence. c. En suit room
If the rooms were cheaper, ——————————— d. A room with a sofa
e. A room with a balcony
a. I will stay longer.
b. We could in cash.
c. I could have stayed longer.
d. We may recommend your hotel.
e. My friends will arrive.
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 43

Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı

Answer key to Test Yourself Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 1’
1. d Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz lütfen ilk okuma parça- 1. Because the front desk personnel is the first person
sını yeniden okuyun. the guests see when they arrive and the last person
2. c Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin ödemelerle they see when leaving.
ilgili bölümlerini yeniden okuyun. 2. They must have a pleasant personality, be efficient
3. e Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin resepsiyon ko- and professional and have good customer relations
nuşmaları ile ilgili bölümlerini yeniden okuyun. skills.
4. a Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin otellerde oda 3. They greet guests, take care of reservation, take
türleri ile ilgili bölümlerini yeniden okuyun. credit information and give the guests their room
5. c Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin koşul cümle- keys.
lerini ile ilgili bölümlerini yeniden okuyun. 4. They may serve as concierge and take care of
6. d Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin check out ile communication between the guests and other hotel
ilgili bölümlerindeki konuşma kalıplarını yeni- personnel.
den okuyun. 5. The guests remember the front desk personnel
7. c Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin concierge ile more than other personnel in a hotel and they form
ilgili bölümünü yeniden okuyun. their feelings about the hotel accordingly. If they
8. e Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin resepsiyon ko- think positively, then they have good impressions
nuşmaları ile ilgili bölümlerini yeniden okuyun. about the hotel if not, then they leave unhappy.
9. a Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin ‘Useful
Information’ bölümünü yeniden okuyun. Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 2’
10. b Yanlış yanıt verdiyseniz ünitenin ‘Useful 1. ‘How many in your party’ means ‘how many people
Information’ bölümünü yeniden okuyun are with you?’
2. The guest means that she will be all right with any
room that is vacant. She will not be choosy.
3. A guest can either pay with a credit card or pay in
4. The hotel offers 25% discount to guests who stay at
the hotel more than three nights.
5. The hotel does not ask for payment for children
under 12 years of age.
6. They guest must fill out a registration form.

Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 3’

1. (The name of the hotel) May I help you?
2. a. How many in your party?; b. How long are you
planning to stay with us?
3. The guest must fill out the form. a. write his/
her name; b. phone number; c. ID number or the
number of his/her passport.
4. Yes, we serve breakfast from 7 to 10 in the morning.
The dining room is on the first floor.
5. You can pay by credit or cash.
6. Children under the age of 12 are free of charge.
44 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 4’ Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 7’
Bu yanıtlarımızda tek bir seçenek yok. Sizler farklı ya- 1. If you have ever gone skiing at Uludag, you would
nıtlar verebilirsiniz. keep going back there for skiing.
2. If you have ever visited Marmaris, you would al-
1. If you bring your dog to the hotel, it will stay with
ways have fun memories.
you in your room.
3. If you have ever eaten lahmacun, you would want to
2. If you want to pay for your room with cash, we will
eat lahmacun all the time.
offer you a 10% discount.
4. If you have ever driven a car in Istanbul, you would
3. If you cancel your reservation before six p.m., you
know how difficult it is.
will not lose your deposit.
4. If our child is traveling with us, how much do you
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 8’
charge for them?
1. Welcome back sir/mam. I hope you enjoyed your
5. Can we reach Kaş before night, if we do not stop on
day.(I hope you had a good day.)
the way.
2. It is a very popular concert. I will try to get tickets
for you.
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 5’
3. I will see to it right away sir/mam.
Daha once de belirttiğimiz gibi, bu yanıtlarımızda tek
4. What time would you like me to book the taxi for
bir seçenek yoktur. Sizler farklı yanıtlar verebilirsiniz.
1. If the room were less expensive, we could stay lon- Your taxi will be here at .... o’clock to take you to the
ger. airport.
2. If my husband were not ill, we would eat dinner at 5. I will check with our technical people.
the restaurant. I will send somebody up your room to check.
3. If the drive from Istanbul to Marmaris were shorter,
we would come more often.
4. You could pay in cash, if you did not bring your cre-
dit card.
5. We could charge for children, if they were not under
the age of 12.

Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 6’

Daha once de belirttiğimiz gibi, bu yanıtlarımızda tek
bir seçenek yoktur. Sizler farklı yanıtlar verebilirsiniz.
1. How much would we have paid, if we had not sta-
yed for more than 3 nights?
2. Where would we have parked our car, if there had
not been parking area for the hotel?
3. How much would we have paid, if we had not rece-
ived a discount?
2. Ünite - The Front Desk 45

Referanslar - Kaynaklar
Stutts, Alan T, Wortman, James. 2001. Hotel and
Lodging Management: An Introduction. San
Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. Inc
Talalla, Renee. 2008. English for Restaurant Workers.
Burbank: Compass Publishers, Inc.
Jones, Leo. 2005. Welcome! Student’s Book: English
for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Zwier, Lawrence J., Caplan, Nigel. 2007. Everyday
English for Hospitality Professionals. Burbank:
Compass Publishers, Inc.
hotel-2981.html _

Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 Bir restoranın genel tanımı yapmayı;
 Lokantada masa ayırtmayı;
 Bir restoranda müşteri ile konuşan garsonların neler söyleyebileceğini;
 Yemek, içecek ısmarlamada ve fatura ödemede kullanılan kalıpların örneklerini;
 Müşteriye ayrıntılı bilgi vermenin örneklerini;
görerek bilgi ve becerilerinizi geliştirebileceksiniz.

Anahtar Kavramlar
• Restaurant and food terminology


Turizm İçin İngilizce I In the Restaurant • A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE
In the Restaurant


Bu bölümde, bir deniz ürünle- Bir lokantadan
ri restoranını ziyaret ediyoruz.
Bir restoranın tanıtımı için kul- http://www.freedigitalphotos.
lanılabilecek kalıpları görüyo- php?photogid=2164”>Image:
ruz. Müşterilerin yiyeceklerini Rosen Georgiev/
veya içkilerini ısmarlarken ve
restoran personelinin onlarla
konuşurken kullanabilecekleri
kalıplara örnekler göreceksiniz.
Ayrıca bir restoranda mutfakta
neler olduğunu ve eğer müşte-
rilerden şikâyetler gelirse on-
lara nasıl yanıtlar verilebilece-
ğinin örnekleri de bu ünitenin

Bu okuma parçamız İstanbul’da
bulunan bir deniz ürünleri lokan-
tasını tanıtıyor. Sıcak atmosferi ve
taze deniz ürünleri ile ünlü bu lo-
kantada müşteriler onlara sunu-
lan hizmetten de memnunlar.

The Mezgit Seafood Restaurant

On any Saturday night, the Mezgit Balik Restaurant is one of the most active
businesses in the historic Istanbul district of Taksim. There are only ten tables
in the restaurant, which is why loyal patrons know that on Saturdays they must
have a reservation if they hope to get a table. So, why is this restaurant so popular?
Some say it is the food. Mezgit is well-known for its fresh, seasonal seafood, but it
is even more famous for its starters, or meze. In fact, you will often hear patrons
telling their server that they will not be eating seafood tonight, instead only the
starters. Others say the restaurant is so popular because of its service. Customers
receive immediate attention once they are seated, and this continues throughout
48 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

the whole evening. Before the bread basket, the water glass, or the raki glass is
empty, servers are inquiring about re-fills. And others say that it is the atmosphere
that continues to attract more patrons than there are seats. It starts with the fact
that the restaurant feels more like a home than a business, with walls covered in
historic artwork and photographs of some of the famous customers. Patrons love
the small number of tables and the constant attention they receive from the owner
and staff. Above all, the live musicians are what people remember the most. Deep
into the evening, the music and singing continue, and this is always the biggest
hit of the night. Whatever you may be looking for in a lively night out in Istanbul,
Mezgit has it.

1. Why is Mezgit so active?

1 ——————————————————————————————————
2. Why are reservations necessary at Mezgit?
3. Why is Mezgit so popular?
4. Do all customers order seafood with their dinners? Why?
5. What is special about the service at Mezgit?
6. What continues throughout the whole evening at Mezgit?
7. What does the restaurant feel like to many patrons? Why?
8. To many customers, what is unforgettable?


Bir restorana ilk defa gittiğinizi düşünün. Sizin için önemli olan nedir? Temiz bir
masa, taze ve lezzetli yiyecekler ve güler yüzle size hizmet sunan ve sorularınızı
yanıtlayan personel.


Hizmette sınır yok
A. First-Timer
Restorana ilk kez gelen bir konuk

Server : Good Evening and welcome to

Mezgit. My name is Ahmet and I’ll
be your server.
Customer : Nice to meet you. This is our first
time in Istanbul. Some Turkish
friends of ours in London highly recommended your restaurant.
php?photogid=3299”>Image: maya picture / Server : That’s very nice to hear. We are one
of the oldest restaurants in Taksim.
Customer : We understand that you’re one of
the liveliest, too.
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 49

Server : We try. May I bring you something to drink?

Customer : What would you recommend?
Server : Well, Raki is the traditional drink of Turkey. And, if you look around,
you will see that most people are drinking Raki.
Customer : When in Rome...!* And how do we order it? By the glass? By the bottle?
Server : If you have not had it before, I would suggest that you order a small
bottle of it. Because Raki is so strong, most people dilute it with water,
and maybe one or two ice cubes.
Customer : We’ve heard it tastes like licorice.
Server : That is correct. Raki is made with anisette, which gives it that flavor.
Customer : And what about ordering food? We didn’t get a menu.
Server : We will bring a tray of starters to choose from. I will describe them to
you. You will also have a choice of salad, and your choice of fish. You
may have seen the selection of seafood in the cooler as you entered the
restaurant. We’ll cook it any way you wish.
Customer : And what about the music. When does that start?
Server : In about an hour.
Customer : This is going to be fun.
Server : Hopefully delicious too.
* When in Rome do as the Romans do. The short version appears above. It means
act like those around you.

B. The Best Seat in the House

Restaurant staff talking on the phone:
Telefonda masa ayırtmaya çalışan bir müşteri var.

Staff: Thank you for calling Mezgit Seafood Restaurant. How may I help you?
Customer : Hello. I would like to come to dinner tomorrow night. Do I need a
Staff : A reservation is highly recommended on Saturday nights. What time
would you like a reservation?
Customer : What time do you open?
Staff : You may come any time after seven.
Customer : Do you have live music?
Staff : Yes, we do.
Customer : And what time does it start?
Staff : Usually, at nine. Most people will come at eight. They have time for
meze and a glass of wine or raki before the music begins.
Customer : Meze? What’s that?
Staff : Sorry. Meze means small plates of Turkish appetizers.
Customer : I’m a vegetarian. Are there any appetizers that are vegetarian?
Staff : Oh, Yes. Many of our customers, whether they are vegetarian or not,
are very happy eating only meze.
Customer : Great. Can you put us down for eight, then?
Staff : Of course. How many in your party?
Customer : Four.
Staff : And your name is?
Customer : Peters.
Staff : Can you spell that, please?
50 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Customer : Of course. That’s P-E-T-E-R-S. Also, is it possible to sit near the

Staff : I see that the table right in front of the musicians has already been
reserved. We can seat you at the next table. It is still an excellent
location if you want to watch the musicians.
Customer : Okey. By the way, is there a dress code?
Staff : No, sir. It is very casual.
Customer : Fantastic. And is there a cover charge?
Staff : I’m sorry?
Customer : Do we pay for the music?
Staff : We have a fixed price of one hundred lira per person. It includes meze,
salad, hot starters, a main dish, alcohol, fruit, and Turkish coffee. And,
of course, the music.
Customer : Fantastic. See you tomorrow at eight.
Staff : Thank you Mr. Peters. We’ll see you tomorrow at eight.

Resim 3.3 C. After the meal

Yemeğiniz nasıldı? How to end a night at a restaurant?
Yemek sonrası ...

Server : How was your meal? I hope you liked

Guest : The fish was spectacular and the
eggplant salad was very good. And my
wife loved the beans.
Server : Very good. Can I offer you something
hot to drink? Turkish coffee or tea?
Some desert, may be?
Guest : No deserts for us. We are full. Do you
have regular coffee?
Server : We have Nescafe. Guest : With milk?
photog.php?photogid=2280”>Image: digitalart / Server : Yes.
Guest : Ok, my wife will take a Nescafe
with milk, and I will have a Turkish coffee.
Server : You have three choices
for your Turkish coffee. There is no sugar. There is what we call “middle sugar”
which means there is a cube of sugar in the coffee. And, there is what we call “su-
gary” which has at least two cubes of sugar in the coffee.
Guest : I think I will go with the “middle sugar”.
Server : I will bring those right away.
Guest : By the way, could I also have the check please?
Server : Of course, sir. I will bring your check with your coffee.

Later .....
Server : Here is your coffee and your check, sir. Will you be charging this sir?
Guest : Yes, I will put in on my ..... Card.
Server : Please sign here. I hope you enjoyed your evening with us.
Guest : Very much thank you.
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 51


1. Do you have vegetarian dishes? ——————–––––––––––––––– 2
2. Is there a dress code? ——————––––––––––––––––
3. What would you recommend to drink? ——————––––––––––––––––
4. Is the restaurant busy on Saturday nights? ——————––––––––––––––––
5. We have an 8:00 o’clock reservation. ——————––––––––––––––––
6. I would like some Turkish coffee,please. ——————––––––––––––––––
7. May I have the check please? ——————––––––––––––––––


Bu ünitede restoranı tanımlarken kullanılan sıfatların ‘en iyi’ veya ‘daha iyi’ gibi
karşılaştırma kalıplarında kullanıldığını gördük. Nesneler, kişiler veya objeler bir-
birleri ile karşılaştırıldıklarında benzerlikleri, farklılıkları veya üstünlükleri anla-
tılır. Bu durumlarda İngilizcede karşılaştırma edatları kullanılırken aynı zaman-
da sıfatlar da ekler alır. Eğer bir üstünlük anlatılmak isteniyorsa sıfatın sonuna
‘-est’ takısı gelir. Üstünlük anlatan yapılarda ayrıca the most/the least yani en çok
veya en az kalıpları da sıfatların önlerine getirilerek yapı tamamlanabilir. Hangi
sıfatlarla ‘-est’ hangileri ile the most/the least kullanılacağına dair kesin bir kural
bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, tek veya iki heceli sıfatlar daha çok ‘est’ takısı ile kulla-
nılırken, çok hecelilerde diğer alternative kullanılır.
Bir karşılaştırma söz konusu ise sıfat ‘-er’ ekini alır. Bu ekler çoğu sıfatla kul-
lanılan kurallı eklerdir. Üstünlük belirten kalıplardakine benzer bir şekilde genel-
likle çok heceli sıfatlar bir takı almadan ‘more’ sözcüğü ile birlikte kullanılarak
karşılaştırma kalıplarında yer alırlar. Bir örnek verecek olursak ‘The book is more
complex than the other.’ Ancak, İngilizce’de ‘good’ ve ‘bad’ gibi bazı sıfatların kul-
lanımları kural dışıdır. Bu sıfatların karşılaştırma ve üstünlük yapılarında kullanı-
lan çekimlerini ayrıca öğrenmeniz gerekecek. Örnek verecek olursak;

Good-Better-Best; Bad-Worse-Worst

In this Unit, we’ve seen frequent use of phrases like, “one of the most...” or “A is
better than B.”. It is important to understand how to use these phrases in order to
describe places, food, people, and so on.

A) First, there is “the most” or “the best” or even, “the worst.” You use this phrase
when there is no comparison. Whatever you are describing is either at the top
or bottom. Examples include: Biggest, Oldest, Fastest, Friendliest, and so on.

For the following group, see if you can write a sentence with the word + est.

Example : Quick - He is the quickest server in this restaurant.

1. Hot ——————–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3
2. Small ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
3. Close ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
4. Clean ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
5. Quick ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
6. Windy ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
7. Dirty ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
8. Quiet ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
9. Dark ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
10. Fast ——————––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
52 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

B) this group of words do the same thing, but they are treated differently. Instead
of using “-est” this group will use “the most” + the word, or “the least...” For
example, “the most expensive” or “the least convenient”. There is not a specific
rule that explains exactly when to use “-est” and when to use “most/least”.
However, a general rule is that if the word has one syllable (quick, short, black,
warm) or, if the word ends in “y” (dirty, lazy, angry), then “-est” can be used.
Try to make sentences using the following words.

Example: Creative. He is the most creative person I know.

4 1. Beautiful ———————————————-
2. Convenient ———————————————-
3. Attractive ————————————————
4. Affordable ————————————————
5. Delicious ————————————————
6. Friendly ————————————————
7. Dangerous ————————————————-
8. Comfortable ———————————————-
9. Noisy ————————————————-
10. Expensive ——————————————————-


Size bu bölümde bir restoranda kullanılabilecek cümle kalıplarından örnekler
vermek istiyoruz. Doğal olarak bir restoranda kullanılan kalıpların hepsini bu-
rada listelemek olanaksız. Ancak, sizlere bazı seçenekler sunmak ve İngilizcenizi
farklı durumlarda nasıl kullanabileceğinizi göstermek istiyoruz.
Resim 3.4 A) İlk örneğimiz bir restoranın tanıtımı
İstanbul has a new restaurant which
is fun and different. It is one of the
best authentic Italian restaurants in
İstanbul. The quality is good, the
atmosphere very sophisticated but
homey. It is a family-run restaurant
with very traditional checked table
clothes. The price is reasonable for the
quality you get. Deserts??? Out of this
world. Open everyday from 12:00 to”> 22:00, except Mondays.

Fill in the blanks with the information you have from the description.
5 Cousine : ——————————————————
Atmosphere : ————————————————————
Dress Code : ——————————————————-
Owner : ———————————————————
Hours : ———————————————————
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 53

B) Bu bölümde size bir restoranda olası konuşma kalıplarından örnekler

sunuyoruz. Bu örneklerin en sonunda ise olası şikayetleri anlatan kalıplardan
örnekler bulacaksınız.
Resim 3.5
When Hungry Resim 3.6
Go to a Restaurant!!!!”>

Booking at a Restaurant:

• I would like to reserve a table for 4.
• I would like to reserve a table for 4.
• I am calling to reserve a table for a party of 6 for tonight.
• Tomorrow night/This weekend/Next Monday/ On June 4th etc.
• I would like a table by the seaside please.
• We would prefer a quiet table.
• Is there a dress code?

Maitre D’
• …… Restaurant. How can I help you?
• When would you like to come?
• What time?
• How many will be in your party?
• What name will the reservation be under?
• Is there any table place you would like?
• We are very casual/formal.

Ordering at a Restaurant:

• Can/Could we see the menu?
• Can we have a couple more minutes?
• What would you recommend?
• Do you have any specials to recommend?
• What is (Ali Nazik) on the menu?
54 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

• I am a vegetarian.
• I would like to have soup for starters.
• I would like a stake.
• I’d like spaghetti.
• How long would it take?
• That will be all, thank you.
• Nothing else for me, thank you.

• Can I get you anything while you make your decision?
• Would you care for something to drink?
• Are you ready to order?
• It is a kind of meat/fish/cold dish.
• It is a Turkish specialty.
• You have a choice of rice or potatoes with your meat.
• Would you care for a salad?
• It takes about 20 minutes to prepare.
• What would you like to drink?
• May/Can I get you anything else?
• Will that be all?
• I will bring your starters right away.

During the meal:

Resim 3.7

• Can we have some more bread/water please?
• I need another spoon please.
• Do you have any desserts?
• Can we see the menu for desserts?
• I cannot find the salt and pepper.
• Just coffee, please.
• Thank you, everything was fine.
• Everything tasted great.
• Can I have this wrapped to go, please?

• Excuse me; here is your soup/stake/etc.
• Enjoy your meal.
• I bring another one right away.”> • Would you like any dessert?
• Was everything all right?
• Was everything to your liking?
• I hope you enjoyed your meal.

Paying the bill:

• May we have the check please?
• Can I have the check, please?
• Do you take credit cards?
• We would like to have separate checks, please.
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 55

• Here is your check, sir.
• You can use your credit card.
• Thank you. We hope you come back to see us.

Complaints in a restaurant:
• I have asked for a table by the seaside, why are we given this one in the
middle of the restaurant.
• This table is very noisy. We would prefer a quiet corner please.
• The table is too close to the kitchen (toilets).
• Sorry, my soup is very cold.
• Excuse me, but we have ordered our food half an hour ago.
• I did not want pilav with my meat but ordered potatoes.
• Waiter, my meat is undercooked.

How to respond to complaints:

• I will see what I can do sir.
• I am very sorry about the inconvenience.
• I am very sorry sir. I will exchange it right away.
• The cook must have misunderstood the order. I will replace your plate right
• I will see to it that you get your food right away.

Phrases commonly used in restaurants:

• Please wait to be seated
• Reserved
• Service included
• Service not included
• Special of the day

What is listed in the menu?

• Starters or Meze/ Appetizers
• Soups
• Salads
• Entrees
• Drinks

Dessert menu comes separately.

1. A guest is complaining because she ordered her meal 30 minutes ago, and it
has not come yet. What do you say to the customer? 6
2. A customer is complaining because there really is a fly in his soup. What do
you say?
3. A customer is complaining because the fish is not fully cooked. What do you
say to the customer?
56 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

4. A table of customers is angry because they were seated at their table 20 minutes
ago, and no one has waited on them yet. What do you say to the customer?
5. In the restaurant, customers would like to pay for their food on their own.
What would they say?
6. A customer wants to order fish, what would he/she say?
7. How would a customer reserve tables at a restaurant? What would he/she say?
8. A customer wants to express his/ preference about a table in a restaurant. What
would he/she say?

Bir lokantada oluşan sıkıntılı bir durumu gösteren bir diyalog.
A dialogue about challenging situation

What do you mean, “No reservation”?

Host (at door of restaurant) : Good evening. Welcome to Mezgit.
Guest : Good evening.
Host : Do you have a reservation for this evening?
Guest : We do. Our name is Peters. Party of four.
Host : I’m sorry Mr. Peters, but I don’t seem to have your name on the list of
reservations for tonight.
Guest : That’s impossible. I called two days ago and made a reservation.
Host : I am terribly sorry, but it is Saturday evening and we are very full. If you
don’t have a reservation, it is very difficult to accommodate you.
Guest : Look. I called here two days ago and the person I spoke with said that we
had to have a reservation for tonight. So, I gave him my name and told
him we would be here at eight o’clock.
Host : I understand, sir. It’s just that we are extremely busy tonight. Do you
know who spoke with?
Guest : I have no idea. I only know that I spoke with someone, and they took my
reservation. May I speak with the manager, then?
Host : Sir, I am the manager.
Guest : Good. Then, as the manager, I hope you can realize the mistake that one
of your staff made, and find us a table for four.
Host : Ok. I’m very sorry about the inconvenience. Let me speak with the head
waiter and have him arrange a table for four. Please wait for about ten
minutes while we set up a table for you.
Guest : Thank you.


7 Aşağıda anlatılan durumda nasıl bir diyalog oluşabilir. Size de bu ünitede öğren-
diklerinizi kullanarak bir diyalog yazmaya çalışın.

Create a short dialogue for the following situation.

1. A customer shows up 30 minutes late for their reservation. You have given
away their table. What do you say to the customer
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 57

A. Bu bölümde size farklı lokanta ve restoran türlerinden örnekler vermeye
This section will cover the different types of restaurants and eateries.

Bakery is a type of restaurant that sells bread, Resim 3.8

cakes, cookies etc. Some bakeries may have a
small section where they serve their baked goods Bakery
and tea or coffee.

Buffet is a restaurant where the customers serve

themselves-self service. They can choose their
food from a buffet which has different kinds of
food. The customers may pay a fix price for all the
food they eat.

Café is used for places that sell coffee. But some

cafés may also serve hot or cold sandviches or
simple food like pasta or pizza.

Cafeteria is almost like a buffet. The customers

take a tray and choose their own food and pay
at the end of the line. Most cafeterias are seen in
schools or large organizations that offer food like

Chuck wagon is a unique type of a small restaurant. Chuck wagons were used
to carry food on the train in the United States. They serve western type of big
breakfasts, lunches or dinners.

Coffee House is like a café specializing on coffee.

Concession Stand is the name given to a place where customers can buy simple
foods like ice cream, hotdogs and simple drinks at the cinema, stadium or fairs.

Delicatessen restaurant means fine food in its word meaning. The organizations
that sell specially prepared food are called delicatessens. Most delicatessens sell
cold meats, cheese and dishes like potato salad.

Dining car is basically a restaurant that serves food on a wagon in train.

Drive-In is a US invention. The customers sit in their cars and order their meals.

Drive-Thru is a type of restaurant or eatery that serves food to its customers in

their cars so that they can drive away quickly. It is a kind of fast food organization.

Fast food restaurant is a special type of restaurant. The menu is limited and
the food is pre-prepared. Customers spend minimum amount of time in these

Food Court is the section in a shopping center or university or airports that has
different types of eateries.

Pub is a kind of eatery that exists in Britain, Ireland or Australia. Customers can
get alcoholic drinks and some basic types of food.
58 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Revolving Restaurant is a restaurant that turns around 360 degrees. Customers

get a panoramic view. They are located at the top of very high buildings.
Soup Kitchen is a general name given to a place where food is given free of charge
or at a very very low price. They are organized in low income areas and soup is not
the only food they serve.
Steakhouse is a restaurant that serves meat and specializes in meat. They usually
become specialized in steak. They are very much like Turkish ‘Kebapçı’.

Resim 3.9
Revolving Restaurant in Niagara Falls
Resim 3.10
Team Room

Tearoom is a special kind of restaurant that serves cakes and pastries with tea.
Trattoria is informal Italian restaurant that serves Italian food in a cozy, homey
Yukarıda listelenen yerlerden bir kısmının benzerleri ülkemizde de bulunmak-
ta. Ancak, sizlere anlatacağımız Theme Restaurant adını verdiğimiz lokantaları
ilginç ve değişik bulacağınızı düşünüyoruz. Bu lokantalar belli bir tema üzerine
kurulan ve sevis için kullanılan tabaklardan yemek çeşitlerine ve hizmet edenlerin
kıyafetlerine kadar lokantadaki herşey bu tema üzerine kurulmuştur.
Theme Restaurants are restaurant that use unusual themes for decoration and
serve food parallel to these themes.
Some of the themes used are: Medieval Times that uses medieval themes; Rainforest
Café that uses the theme of the rainforest or The Heart Attack Grill where nurses
(waiters) take prescriptions (orders) and of course the customers are the patients.
There are some other theme restaurants which are more unusual and creative.
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 59

Here are some examples. Ninja Restaurant, Mars Restaurant, Yellow Treehouse
Café, Toilet Restaurant, Dinner in the Sky, Underwater Restaurant and Cat Café.
These restaurants are mostly visited by customers for their theme and probably
not for the food. For example in Dinner in the Sky the table is lifted above the
ground. It is not a restaurant that people who fear heights can go.

Resim 3.11
A Dinner in the sky
60 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Vocabulary - Sözcükler
Bu sözcük dağarcığı bölümünü bu ünitemizin konusu Sunny side-up (adj) an egg that is broken in a pen with
olan restoran ve yemek ile ilgili sözcüklere ayırdık. its yellow center on the top
Poached (adj) eggs boiled in hot water without
How to dress??? their shells
Dress code rules that tells us how we should Over-easy (adj) an eggs that is broken in a pen
dress when we go to a place Casual its yellow side turned over after a
comfortable clothes that can be worn in while
informal situations, formal conservative
style clothes worn in official situations how does food taste?
Talking about food: bitter (adj) a sharp, non sweet tast
bland (adj) food that does not taste interesting,
Words used to describe food neither good or bad
fresh food (adj) recently made or prepared food crunchy (adj) food that makes noise when we
ripe (adj) ready to eat chew e.g corn flakes
rotten (adj) food that is bad hot (adj) 1. Food served in high
tough (adj) food, meat that is difficult to eat temperature; 2. Food with a lot of
and cut spice
undercooked (adj) food that is not cooked well rich (adj) food that has many calories
enough salty (adj) food that contains a lot of salt
overcooked (adj) food that is cooked too much sour (adj) food that has taste like lemon
spicy (adj) food that has spices
How do we prepare food - meat and eggs sweet (adj) food with sugar
tasteless (adj) food with not taste
bake (v) cooking food in an oven-e.g. bread
boil (v) cooking food in boiling water-e.g. Word describing Eating and Drinking
pasta bite (v) using our teeth to cut food in
dilute (v) to make liquids less strong by adding order to each
water chew (v) using our teeth to bite food in our
fry (v) cooking food in hot oil mouths
grill (v) cooking food over a fire mostly meat swallow (v) sending food or drink from our
roast (v) cooking meat or vegetables in an oven mouth to our stomach
sip (v) to drink something in small
Meat amounts
rare (adj) meat that is grilled for a short
time, red inside Words to describe the taste of food
medium rare (adj) meat that is grilled longer time less Delicious (adj) food that tastes really good, or a
red inside nice smell
medium (adj) meat that is grilled for a moderate Disgusting (adj) food tastes very unpleasant
amount of time Awful (adj) food that tastes bad
well-done (adj) meat that is grilled until it is Good (adj) food that tastes pleasant
cooked inside Tasty (adj) food that leave a nice taste in the
Eggs Yummy (adj) food that tastes good, this is a term
Boiled (adj) eggs boiled in hot water with their used mostly by children
shells-soft boiled eggs are soft, Yucky (adj) food that tastes bad or disgusting,
hard boiled eggs are hard inside this is a term used mostly by
Scrambled (adj) eggs that are mixed while cooking children
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 61

Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
Words used by customers to describe themselves 1-4 soruları aşağıdaki konuşmaya göre yanıtlayınız.
Full (v) to eat a lot
Vegeterian (n) someone who does not eat meat Waiter : Are you ready to order?
Mary : Yes. I’ll have soup, grilled meat and potatoes.
Who works or comes to in a restaurant? Waiter : How would you like your meat?
Busboy (n) a boy or man who cleans dirty Mary : Well-done.
plates and glasses from the table Waiter : Sure, m’am. Anything to drink?
Dishwasher (n) someone who washes dishes Mary : Iced tea, please.
Head waiter (n) the most senior waiter in a Waiter : How about you miss?
restaurant Suzy : I’ll have salad and soup, please.
Host/Hostess (n) a man or a woman who welcomes Waiter : What can I get you to drink?
customers and leads them to their Suzy : Do you orange juice?
table Waiter : Yes, we do.
Maitre d’(n) the person who is the head of all Suzy : Then, I’ll have orange juice.
waiters Waiter : I will be back with your order right away.
Patron (n) customers in a restaurant
Server (n) a waiter 1. What is the first thing the waiter asks his customers?
Waiter/waitress (n) a man or a woman who serves a. Are you finished eating?
food to the tables b. Are you ready to order?
c. Do you want anything else?
d. Can I get you anything else?
e. This is the best table in the restaurant.

2. What does Mary order?

a. Soup, grilled meat and potatoes
b. Soup, fried meat and rice
c. Soup, a main dish and dessert
d. Soup, salad and orange juice
e. Salad, soup and coffee

3. How does Mary want her meat?

a. Rare
b. Medium rare
c. Over easy
d. Well-done
e. Not done at all

4. What does Suzy want to eat?

a. Soup, a main dish and dessert
b. Soup, eggs and iced tea
c. Soup, salad and orange juice
d. Soup, grilled meat and potatoes
e. Soup, fried meat and rice
62 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

5-7 soruları aşağıdaki tanıma göre yanıtlayın. 7. What type of people can eat at Café Yummy
Hours: Mon-Sun 11 am - 10 pm b. Large groups
Good for Kids: Yes c. Families
Accepts Credit Cards: No d. Handicapped people
Parking: Street e. All of the above
Dress code: Casual
Good for Groups: Yes 8. Which one of the following is an Italian restaurant?
a. Delicatessen
Price Range: 10-30 US b. Revolving restaurant
Takes Reservations: No c. Trattoria
Delivery: No d. Bakery
Take-out: Yes e. Bistro
Waiter Service: Yes
9. Which one of the following would be a theme
Outdoor Seating: No restaurant?
Wi-Fi: No a. Roadside Pub
Good For: Lunch, Dinner b. Niagara Revolving Cafe
Alcohol: No c. Anything You Want Grill
Noise Level: Loud d. Spiderman Eatery
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes e. Princess Tearoom

5. Which one of the following is not one of the 10. If we put the all the personnel in a restaurant in an
characteristics of Café Yummy? order who would be the at the top of the list?
a. It is good for kids a. Waiter
b. It is good for groups b. Maitre d’
c. There is a lot of noise c. Server
d. It is open on Tuesdays d. Head waiter
e. There is a parking lot e. Busboy

6. What do you think is the best way to pay?

a. Cash
b. Credit card
c. Personal check
d. Travelers check
e. By credit
3. Ünite - In the Restaurant 63

Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı

Key to ‘Test yourself ’ Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 4’
1.b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. e 1. Istanbul is the most beautiful city I have seen.
6. a 7. e 8. c 9. d 10. b 2. The library is the most convenient place to study.
3. Topkapı Palace is the most attractive museum I
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 1’ have seen.
1. The food is very good and the service is also very 4. This restaurant is the most affordable I know.
good. 5. Baklava is the most delicious desert I have eaten.
2. There are only ten tables and there are many people 6. This little village is the friendliest I have visited.
who would want to eat there. 7. Boxing is the most dangerous sport I know.
3. The food especially meze offered is very good. The 8. This chair is the most comfortable one in this room.
fish is also very fresh. 9. This is the noisiest class I teach.
4. No, they don’t. Because the meze is very good and 10. This is the most expensive room in the hotel.
they just want to eat meze.
5. The patrons (customers) get good service from the Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 5’
owner and the waiters. 1. Italian
6. The service and attention is continued all evening. 2. Very sophisticated but homey
7. The restaurant feels like home to many customers. 3. Formal
8. Customers remember the live musicians the most. 4. Family owned
5. 11:00 to 22:00 every day except Mondays
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 2’
1. We have different types of vegetarian meze. Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 6’
2. There isn’t a dress code. It is very casual. 1. I am very sorry. I will see to it right away. OR There
3. I would recommend wine or raki. must be some mistake. I will take care of it.
4. The restaurant is very busy on Saturday nights. I 2. This is terrible. I am very very sorry sir. We
would recommend that you make a reservation. apologize.
5. Yes, certainly, sir. May I have your name? 3. I will take it back and change it right away.
6. Certainly. How would you like to have your coffee? 4. I apologize for the inconvenience.
7. Here is your check, sir. How would you like to pay 5. We would like separate checks.
for it? 6. I will have fish of the day.
7. I would like to book a table for 4 for tonight.
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 3’ 8. We would like a table close to the musicians. OR We
1. This is the hottest soup served in this restaurant. would like a table by the seaside.
2. Put the smallest plates at the top.
3. The closest restaurant to the hotel is around the
4. Lighthouse Inn is the cleanest hotel I have seen.
5. This restaurant has the quickest service.
6. Alaçatı is the windiest town in the Aegean.
7. This is the dirtiest town I have seen.
8. The library is the quietest place on campus.
9. This table must be in the darkest corner in the
10. Is Ferrari the fastest car?
64 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Reference - Kaynakça
Cannon, Howard. 2002. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to
Starting Your Own Restaurant. Indianapolis: Alpha
Stutts, Alan T., Wortman, James. 2001. Hotel and
Lodging Management: An Introduction. San
Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. Inc
Talalla, Renee. 2008. English for Restaurant Workers.
Burbank: Compass Publishers, Inc.
Jones, Leo. 2005. Welcome! Student’s Book: English
for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Zwier, Lawrence J., Caplan, Nigel. 2007. Everyday
English for Hospitality Professionals. Burbank:
Compass Publishers, Inc.

Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 Restoran dışında bir şeyler yenebilen ve içilebilen kafe ve barlarda yemek ve içki
siparişi vermenin;
 Bu mekânlarda müşterilerden sipariş almanın;
 Müşterilere yemek ve içkilerle ilgili olarak ayrıntılı bilgi vermenin örneklerini
görerek bilgi ve becerilerinizi geliştirebileceksiniz.

Anahtar Kavramlar
• Bir Bistro, Cafe veya barda
kullanılan sözcükler



Turizm İçin İngilizce I The Cafe and the Bar • AT THE CAFE
The Cafe and the Bar


Tatil günlerinde veya çalışırken bazı Resim 4.1
günler tek başınıza veya bir arkadaş Sevimli bir Cafe
grubu ile dost canlısı bir ortamda bir
bardak çay veya bir fincan kahve içip Kaynak:
hafif bir şeyler yemek isteyebilirsiniz.
İşte öyle günlerde bir restoran yerine images/view_photog.
bir kafe’ye gitmeyi yeğlersiniz. Eğer php?photogid=178”>
akşamları birazcık eğlenmek, dostlarla ımage: tom curtis/
sohbet etmek ve hafif bir şeyler içmek
isterseniz o zamanda bir bara gidersi-
niz. Bu ünitemizde size kafe ve barlar-
da kullanılabilecek olası konuşmalar-
dan örnekler vermeğe çalışıyoruz.

Okuma parçamız bir tatil köyünde
bir kafe ile barın karışımı olan sevim-
li mekanı tanıtmak. Eğer bu kafenin
adına bakacak olursanız ‘Bistro’ söz-
cüğünün kullanıldığını göreceksiniz.
İngilizcede ‘Cafe’ ve ‘Bistro’ sözcükleri
arasında çok az bir anlam farkı bulun-
duğunu 3. Ünitemizde anlatmıştık.

Reading 1

The Sunrise Bistro

Welcome to the Sunrise Bistro. This is one of the most popular places on the beach.
It opens at six in the morning because that’s the time that many of the locals and
visitors want a cup of coffee, or tea, or even a smoothie to take on a sunrise walk.
The Bistro serves a light Turkish breakfast with an assortment of breads, cheeses,
olives, jams, and honeys. They serve coffee, tea, and smoothies throughout the
68 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

day. Then, at four in the afternoon it’s happy hour. This is everyone’s favorite time
of the day. The customers generally come from the beaches and hotels in the area,
attracted to the drink specials, the live music, and the delicious appetizers. The
bartenders and the servers always like it because the guests usually have a good
time, and that means more tips. Even the local dogs like it because they never
go home hungry - the guests love feeding them scraps from their plates. The
bartenders, Ahmet and Filiz, have been working at the Sunrise for almost four
years, so they have quite a following. When people return to Antalya to vacation,
they rarely miss a chance to have one of Ahmet’s famous cosmopolitans. Filiz,
on the other hand, is a hit with the health-conscious crowd because of her non-
alcoholic smoothies. Her most popular one is the strawberry, banana, mango,
yogurt, and honey smoothie. In the heat of the summer, she makes nearly three
dozen a day.

1. What time does the Bistro open in the morning?

1 ——————————————————————————————————
2. Why does it open at this time?
3. What can you get all day at the Bistro?
4. What happens in the afternoon at the Bistro?
5. Who comes to the Bistro in the afternoon?
6. Why do they come?
7. Why do the bartenders enjoy happy hour?
8. Why do dogs like the Bistro?
9. When did Ahmet start working at the Bistro?
10. Why do visitors to Antalya like Filiz?

Reading 2
Resim 4.2 A. The Wake-Up-Call
Kahve hazır Ahmet : Good Morning!
Patron : Perhaps to you. What time
Kaynak: is it?
freedigitalphotos. Ahmet : Let’s’s six thirty. You
net/images/ look like you didn’t sleep well last
view_photog.php night.
?photogid=1556” Patron : I didn’t sleep at all last night.
>Image:nuttakit /
FreeDigitalPhotos. Ahmet : Oh. I see. Why not?
net Patron : Well, it actually started here.
I came for happy hour, and that was
very happy.
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 69

Ahmet : Can I get you something to drink?

Patron : Good idea. What kind of coffee drinks do you have?
Ahmet : You name it.
Patron : I think I could use a double shot of espresso.
Ahmet : Ahhh...the Wake-Up-Call. That’ll get your brain moving again. Maybe
it will help you recall last night.
Patron : I’m not so sure I want to remember.
Ahmet : One Wake-Up-Call, coming up.
B. Smoothie Operator Resim 4.3
Patron : Hey Filiz!
Bir Smoothie
Filiz : Hi there! Do you know me??
Patron : Know you? We come to Kaynak:
Antalya every May for two http://www.
things. The sun and your freedigitalphotos.
smoothies. photog.php?photo
Filiz : Wow. I’m flattered! gid=2264”>Imag
Patron : We love your smoothies. e:gameanna/Free
They’re great at the end of a
day in the sun and salt water.
Especialy your strawberry
ones. We even try to make
them when we go home, but
they’re never as good.
Filiz : It must be the secret
Patron : What’s that?
Filiz : If I told you, it wouldn’t
be a secret. Actually, I’m
kidding. There are no
secret ingredients. Maybe
it’s the sun and the salt.
Patron : All I know is that they never taste as good at home as they do here.
Filiz : Do you use fresh Antalya strawberries?
Patron : No. Not really.
Filiz : What about the yogurt you use? Is it made fresh daily and delivered by
the farmer?
Patron : Ours is store bought.
Filiz : Is your honey locally produced?
Patron : Ok. Ok. You win. If we crave delicious smoothies, we won’t try them at
home anymore. We’ll just have to wait until May!

1. Why does Ahmet’s customer reply to Ahmet’s ‘Good morning’ by saying

‘Perhaps to you.’? 2
2. What does Ahmet’s customer imply when he says ‘we started with the happy
hour and we were very happy’?
3. What do you think the customer means by ‘double shot of espresso’?
70 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

4. What do you think ‘The Wake Up Call’ is?

5. Why do Filiz’s customers come back to Anatalya each summer?
6. Which smoothie does Filiz’s customer prefer?
7. What is the secret of Filiz’s smoothies?
8. What does Filiz’s customer decide to do?


Bu ünitemizde konuşmalarda “The Sunrise Bistro is located IN Antalya.” Veya
“This is one of the most popular places ON the beach.” gibi cümleler okudunuz.
Bu cümlelerde kullanılan IN, ON gibi sözcüklere İngilizcede ‘preposition’ diyo-
ruz. Bu minik fakat sık kullanılan edatlar yer, yön veya zaman bildiriminde kulla-
nılan ve İngilizcenin olmazsa olmazı yapılardır.
Yer, yön, zaman bildiren bu edatlardan en sık karşımıza çıkanlar hakkında
biraz bilgi aktarmaya çalışıyoruz.
İngilizce’de edat sayısı bir hayli kabarıktır. Ancak ünitemizin bu bölümünde
biz yalnızca en sık kullanılan üç edat üzerinde duruyor ve bu edatların en sık
kullanılan fonksiyonlarından örnekler veriyoruz. AT, IN, ON
AT: At is used to point to a specific place or space or time.
Bu edat bir mekanda veya zaman diliminde belirgin bir noktayı işaretler.
Examples for space or place:
• The teacher must be at her office.
• Ahmet is at school.
• He is at the hospital.
• We were at the restaurant.
• I am at the train station.
• I will meet you at the corner of Atatürk and Cumhuriyet Streets.
Examples for time:
• The classes start at 9:00 o’clock.
• I cannot talk to you at the moment.
• I stayed home at the weekend.
• I have to work at lunch time.
• The lights went out at midnight.
IN: In is used to show both time and space.
Bu edat ta hem zaman hem de mekan belirtmede kullanılır.
In used for time:
In is used with months, years, seasons, specific times during the day and
periods of time.
• I will see you in June.
• He was born in 1992.
• The sun is hot in the summer.
• I will see you in the morning.
• This book will finish in two months.
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 71

In used for place:

In is used with geographic places like countries, cities etc., enclosed spaces like
buildings or objects, larger areas of space, physical objects like bottles and glasses
or boxes and furniture.
• We all live in Turkey.
• Anadolu University is in Eskişehir.
• My office is in this building.
• The flowers in the garden are beautiful.
• I like walking in the park.
• Put the book in the box.
• The water in the bottle is cold.

ON: On is used to show both time and space.

On hem zaman hem de mekan belirtmede kullanılır. Kullanım yerleri IN
edatından farklıdır.

On used for time:

On is used with days of the week, dates, and special dates.
• I teach on Mondays.
• My sister is coming on Friday.
• The Madonna concert is on June 8th, 2012.
• The school starts on 23rd of September.
• We eat dinner at a nice restaurant on my birthday.

On used for place or space:

On is used with objects or things that form a surface like table, paper, clothes
or body parts, roads, streets and with right and left.
• The book is on the table.
• I put a sign on the door.
• I could not write on my exam paper.
• You have food on your face.
• I can carry the bag on my back.
• We live on the first floor.
• The restaurant is on İstiklal Street in İstanbul.
• The museum is on your right/left.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition AT, IN, ON.
Answer the questions according to this picture. 3

1. There is a boy ------ picture.

2. We can see an apple ---- the table.
3. The boy is working ------ the table.
4. He is writing ------ the white paper.
5. He has a pencil ---- hand.
6. The books are ---- his left..
7. He may be ---- his home or ---- his class.
8. He has a big smile ---- face.
9. How many books are there ---- the picture?
10. He is looking ---- us.
Image courtesy of
72 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

11. When is your birthday? It is --- 20th of August.

12. I will be ---- İstanbul ---- Monday.
13. İstanbul was conquered ----1453.
14. The train will arrive ----- 10 minutes.
15. I will see you ---- 2 o’clock ---- the afternoon.


Aşağıda kafe veya barda müşterilerle onlara hizmet veren personel arasında geçen
konuşmalardan örnekler bulacaksınız.

A. Ordering something to drink.
Resim 4.4 Waiter : Good afternoon. What
would you like to order?
Bir fincan kahvenin
hatırı... Customer : I’ll have a cup of coffee.
Waiter : Nescafe or Turkish coffee?
Kaynak: Customer : Well, I don’t like Nescafe
freedigitalphotos. and I’ve never had a
net/images/ Turkish coffee, and they
view_photog. say while in Rome, do as
php?photogid= the Romans do. Seeing
Vlado/FreeDigital as I’m in Turkey, I guess I’ll do as the Turks do.
Waiter : In that case, may I suggest
Customer : No, I think I’d like to try
the coffee.
Waiter : And how do you take your coffee?
Customer : Not too sweet. You can bring the sugar on the side.
Waiter : We can do that.
Customer : That’s fine.

***** Later
Waiter : Here you are.
Customer : It smells wonderful!
Waiter : I hope you enjoy it. Let me warn you not to drink the last drops!
Customer : Why is that?
Waiter : Because the grounds stay in the cup.
Customer : Thanks for the advice!

B. Ordering something to eat

Waitress : Are you ready to order now?
Customer : Yes, please. I would like to have a cheese sandwich.
Waitress : Would you like lettuce and tomatoes?
Customer : Yes, please.
Waitress : Anything to drink?
Customer : A cup of coffee.
Waitress : Cream and sugar?
Customer : Just black is fine.
Waitress : I’ll bring your order right away ma’m.
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 73

AT THE BAR Resim 4.5

A. Ordering at the bar 1 Barda
Bartender : What is your pleasure sir?
Customer : I’d like something cold. Kaynak:
Bartender : How about some bear? freedigitalphotos.
Customer : No, I would like something photog.php?
stronger. A Whisky sour, photogid=61”>
Image:bk images/Free
Bartender : Coming right up sir.
Customer : This is what I needed. I
feel much better. Do you
have any snacks?
Bartender : We have peanuts, crackers,
cheese and corn chips.
Customer : Thanks.
Bartender : Would you like me to
keep a tab?
Customer : No, I will just have this
one. I am driving.

B. Ordering at the bar 2

Bartender : What would you like sir, madam?
Customer : Yes, I think wine for my wife and I am not sure what I want.
Bartender : White or red wine madam?
Lady : I’ll have white wine please. Do you have Chardonnay?
Bartender : Yes, ma’m.
Customer : I am still thinking. Do you have any house specials?
Bartender : We do have some famous mixed drinks, sir. I would recommend our
house Bloody Mary.
Customer : That sounds good. I’ll have one please.
Bartender : Would you like it on the rocks, or blended?
Customer : On the rocks please.
Bartender : Your drinks will be ready in a minute.
Customer : Thank you.
1. What is the best translation of the question “How do you take your coffee?” in
a café or restaurant? 4
2. Complete the dialogue.
• How would you like your coffee?
• ————————————————
• ————————————————
3. If you do not want anything in your coffee, how would you order it?
4. What is another way of saying “what would you like to order?” in a bar?
5. What does ‘on the rocks’ mean?
74 Turizm İçin İngilizce I


Bu bölümde size kafe veya barlarda kullanılabilecek kalıp cümlelerden örnekler
vermeye çalışıyoruz. Kafelerde kullanılan kalıplar bir önceki ünitemizde üzerinde
durmuş olduğumuz restoran söyleminden farklı değildir. Ancak, ısmarlama aşa-
masında bazı farklılıklar olabilir. Dikkatinizi onlara çekmeye çalışıyoruz.

Ordering at a café or a bar

Waiter/barman taking the order
• What would you like to have? Both café and bar
• What are you having? More in a bar
• What can I get you? More in a bar
• What is your pleasure? More in a bar

Customer may order or ask a question

• I’ll have a glass of white/red wine. In a bar
• I would like pint/bottle of beer. In a bar
• I like a glass of orange juice. In a café or bar
• I’d like hot chocolate. In a café
• What would you suggest?
• Do you have any specialties?
• Do you have any wine?

Waiter/barman asking for some more information about the order

• Would you like ice with that? Both café and bar
• Would you like to start a tab? In a bar
• Would you like that on the rocks? In a bar

Customer giving the waiter/barman extra information

• No ice for me. Both café and bar
• Straight up / No ice no mix In a bar
• I would like a double please. In a bar

Ordering or asking for something to eat

• Do you have any snacks? In a bar
• What kind of sandwiches do you have? In a café
• I would like some nuts please. In a bar
• Some potato chips will be nice. In a bar

After the drinks or food is served the waiter/barman may ask

• Would you like another? More like in a bar

Customers may reply

• Another round please (everybody will have the same drink one more time)
• I am okay. (you do not want to drink more)
• Nothing for me thank you.

Very important phrases for a bartender or a server in a bar should know.

• Do you have a designated driver?
• Can I call a cab/taxi for you?
• I’m sorry sir, but I don’t think you should drive. Let me call a taxi for you.
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 75

Patrons in a bar may drink a lot. It is a very good idea to warn the customers not
to drive when they have had too much to drink. This is important. Even if the
patron does not want any help, they should be warned.
When you go to a bar and sit down at the bar to drink, you may like to leave
a tip for the barman. You can put in on the table or counter. You may not say
anything. But if you do here are a couple of suggestions.
• Keep the change.
• This/That is for you.


A. Complete the following dialogue which takes place in a cafe. 5
Bir kafede müşteri ile garson arasıda geçen bu konuşmayı yukarıda okumuş oldu-
ğunuz konuşmalardan, kalıp cümlelerden ve resimden yararlanarak tamamlayın.

Waiter : Good afternoon. What can Resim 4.6

I get for you? Kahve menüsü
Customer : ______________________
Waiter : The coffee menu is written http://www.
on the board. net/images/
Customer : ______________________ view_photog.
Waiter : How would you like that? ”>Image: Sura
Customer : ______________________ Nualpradid /Free
Waiter : ______________________
Customer : I’d like something that’s not
sweet and not too greasy.
Waiter : ______________________
Customer : Yes, that sounds good. I’ll
take one of those.
Waiter : ______________________
Customer : I think that’s enough for
now. Thank you.
Waiter : ______________________

B. At the bar.
1. What would a bartender say to a customer when he first arrives?
2. How would a customer say that he does not want ice in his drink?
3. How would the customer ask for something to eat?
4. What would a bartender say to a customer who has just ordered?
5. What would a bartender say to a customer when he has served him his drink?
76 Turizm İçin İngilizce I


Ahmet isimli garson huysuz ve ne istediğini bilmeyen bir müşteri ile oldukça sı-
kıntılı anlar yaşıyor.
Ahmet : Good morning. What can I get for you to drink?
Patron : Good morning. I would like a large cappuccino with a double shot of
espresso, skim milk, a shot of vanilla flavoring, and just small sprinkle
of cinnamon on top.
Ahmet : Right away. Is that for here or to go?

....... Ahmet serves the customer

Ahmet : Here you go.

Patron : It looks great. But it smells like vanilla, not caramel.
Ahmet : That’s because you asked for a shot of vanilla, not caramel.
Patron : I don’t think I did. I never order my morning cappuccino with vanilla.
I always order it with caramel.
Ahmet : Then I apologize. I must have misunderstood you. Let me re-make it. I
promise this time it will have caramel flavoring.
Patron : That’s OK. You were probably thinking of another customer’s order.
Ahmet : Yes. I’m sure you’re correct. Here or to go.
Patron : Didn’t I ask for it to go?


6 Yukarıdaki konuşmayı ve diğer kalıp cümleleri de kullanarak şikayeti olan müşte-
rilere yanıt vermeye çalışın.
1. A customer is complaining that his coffee is cold.
2. A customer says that he has not ordered a cheese sandwich.
3. A customer says that the peanuts are not very tasty.
4. The bartender spills the drink.
5. The customer complains that he has waited too long for his check.

Resim 4.7 İnsanlar bir kafeye veya bara gi-
Çay bahçeleri dince bir şeyler yerler ve içerler.
Bu bölümde size çay, kahve ve
Kaynak: http:// içecekler konusunda genel bilgiler
www.eynesil. sunmaya çalışıyoruz.
ntent&task=view&i Tea
d=166&Itemid=1 Do you know who drank tea first?
It really is not possible to answer
this question but there is a little
story about the beginning of tea.
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 77

According to the legend, about 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor, Shen Nung, who
was interested in plants and herbs, was sitting under a tree. His servant gave him
a glass of boiled water and some leaves from the tree fell into this glass. Instead of
throwing it away, the emperor tried to drink it and liked it. The tree was Camellia
Sinensis, and the drink that came from its leaves is what we call tea today.
Of course it is not possible to know if this story is true but the first tea drinkers
were the Chinese. Tea spread to the world from China. The words for tea also come
from two different Chinese dialects. Mandarin and Cantonese: Cha and Amoy te.
Tea is a soft drink. It is prepared by pouring hot boiling water over the tea
leaves. Tea is one of the most widely drunk beverages. Tea comes from a bush/
plant called Camellia Sinensis. After tea is harvested there is a long process of
drying it and getting it ready for tea lovers. However, depending on the process
we get different types of tea. Here are some:

Green tea : The tea leaves are dried very quickly in an oven.
Black tea : The tea leaves oxidize and become rich in their flavor.
White tea : The tea leaves are picked just as they are starting with silky hair on
their leaves.
Flavored teas : Black tea leaves are mixed with natural flavors. One of the most
famous flavored tea is Earl Grey where the black tea is mixed with
bergamot oil. Black tea is mostly mixed with fruits or spices. Some
types of flavored teas would be vanilla tea, apple tea, orange tea,
cinnamon tea etc.
Resim 4.8

Tea is the most common drink in the Çay ve süt

world after water. However, different
cultures drink tea differently. In Tibet, http://www.telegraph.
for example, yak butter is added to
tea. In Russia a samovar must be used. healthnews/8408416/
In England, many people drink their be-preventing-
tea with milk. Did you know that 60.2 weight-loss.html
billion cups of tea is drunk in English
every year?
There are teas that do not come from Resim 4.9
tea leaves. They are called Herbal Teas. Bitki çayları
Herbal teas are made from dried fruits,
flowers, leaves, seeds, roots or spices. Kaynak: http://
They are mixed with hot water for a short com/pages/Tea-
time. There is a great variety of herbal Guide-Page-Four.
teas such as chamomile (papatya), linden html
tea (ıhlamur), cinnamon(tarçın), sage
(ada çayı), rosehip (kuşburnu), lemon,
apple, strawberry or mint, etc.
78 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Resim 4.10 Coffee

Kahve yemenden Where does coffee come from? Just like
mi gelir? tea, coffee also has a story of its beginning.
In Cofa, Ethiopia, a shepherd named Kaldi
Kaynak: http://
my.opera. noticed that his goats were very lively.
com/bnur/ They were dancing from one small tree
blog/2012/02/08/ to another. They were eating small red
bir-kahve-sonras- berries. He ate some of these red berries
sonrası himself. He, too, like his goats was dancing
and felt very energetic. The red berries
contained the coffee beans.
At the beginning, in Africa, they ate
the coffee beans. From Africa coffee beans
spread to the Arabian Peninsula. There,
Resim 4.11 the Arabs roasted and boiled the coffee
beans. It became a favorite drink. From
Çiçekten kahve
tanesine kadar there coffee spread all over the world.
kahve bitkisi Coffee berries are red. After they are
picked, coffee beans are separated from
Kaynak: the berries and dried. The color of dried
http://www. coffee is green. When it is roasted it
about-rainforests/ becomes black. The taste of coffee changes
rainforest-berries according to the regions it is grown.
When you go to a coffee house, you
notice that there are different types of
coffees that you can order. You will find
short list of different types of coffees and
their descriptions.
Espresso : Hot water mixed with coffee
Resim 4.11
under pressure. Strong
Different cup for coffee without milk.
different tastes Cappucino : Coffee that combines
Kaynak: http:// steamed milk. Chocolate is
funny-pictures-blog. put on the top.
com/2012/05/30/ Caffee Late : Coffee made with steamed
Mocha : Espresso coffee with hot
chocolate and steamed milk.
Americano : Coffee and hot water.
Decaf : Coffee contains caffeine.
Coffee with reduced caffeine
is called decaf.
Half caf : Coffee drink made half
decaffeinated and half
caffeinated coffee beans.
Extra shot : When making coffee,
it is measured in shots.
Therefore, extra shot means
who want very strong coffee.
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 79

Soy : It is coffee latte made with soy milk.

Non-fat : It is coffee with milk. However, the milk used has less fat in it-it
is called skimmed mild.
Iced coffee : It is any kind of coffee served with lots of ice, a cold drink.
Irish coffee : It is coffee with whiskey and cream. Sometimes sugar is added.
Turkish coffee : Finely ground coffee mixed with cold water and cooked over
slow fire with or without sugar.
Something to drink
A bar is a place where you can order alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks. We have
talked about how to order drinks, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, at the beginning of
this unit. Let us talk about bars in general.
One of the most important persons in a bar is the bartender. A bartender must
be a person who is good with people. He/She must have good people skills and
be very patient. What is expected of a bartender: Greeting the patrons, talking to
them, helping them with their drinks, making them suggestions, serving them
their drinks, thanking them when they leave and keeping the bar clean.
A good bar has a good stock of materials to mix or create good alcoholic or non-
alcoholic drinks.
Liquors : Gin, Vodka, Rum, Whiskey, Wine, Tequila, Cognac and of course
Fruits : Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Pineapples, Strawberries, Limes, Bananas,
Fruit juices : Apple, Cranberry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Pineapple and
Liqueur : There are many different types of liqueurs, to name a few: Cointreau
(Orange), Amaretto (Almond), Crème De Cacao (Chocolate),
Crème De Menthe (Mint), Kahlua(Coffee).
Mixers : Lemonade, Cola, Cream, Eggs, Milk, Soda, Tonic, Water, Coffee,
Tea, etc.
Others : Ice, Cinnamon, Olives, Salt and Pepper, Tabasco sauce,
Worcestershire sauce.
There are many different kinds of mixed drinks you can ask at a bar or a cocktail
lounge. It is not possible to have a complete list. Below you will find the names of
some popular or well known and some new non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks.
Here is a list of a few Non-alcoholic drinks: Taken from
Arnold Palmer – iced tea and lemonade.
Cassius Clay – red fruit punch and iced tea
Cinderella – 2 oz. Club Soda, 1 dash grenadine, 1 oz. lemon juice, orange
juice, and pineapple juice.
Nada Daiquiri – A daiquiri made without any liquor
Dolce & Gabbana – A drink consisting of diet Coke and grenadine syrup
Muddy Water – Cola and orange juice.
Phil Collins – 7-Up with Lemonade as opposed to Tom Collins which is
Shirley Temple – Sprite and grenadine syrup, often with orange juice.
80 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Here is the list of some popular alcoholic drinks. We have given recopies for a few.
Taken from

Mojito – Rum, Lime juice, sugar, soda water

Long Island Iced Tea – Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Gin, cola, lime or lemon peel
Cosmopolitan – Vodka, lime juice, cranberry juice
Margarita – Tequila, lime juice, salt
Sangria – Red wine, sugar, slice of lemon, slice of orange, thin
slices of apple, brandy, soda water
White Russian – Vodka, coffee liqueur, light cream
Tequila Sunrise – Tequila, orange juice, grenadine
Screwdriver – Vodka and orange juice
Martini – Gin, Dry Vermouth, green olive
Bloody Mary – Vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce,
Tabasco sauce, lime
Strawberry Daiquiri – Strawberry schnapps, rum, lime juice, powdered sugar,
Black Russian – Coffee liqueur, vodka
Tom Collins – Gin, lemon juice, sugar, club soda, cherry, orange slice

Bu bölümümüzde son olarak içki bardaklarını öğrenelim.

Resim 4.13
İçki bardakları

4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 81

Resim 4.14
Russian tea glasses

Image courtesy of

Resim 4.15
Turkish tea glasses

82 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Vocabulary - Sözcükler
Bu bölümde ünitemizin konusu çerçevesinde kullanı- gratuity/tip (n) : money given to the waiter
labilecek olası sözcüklere yer veriyoruz. or bartender as an extra to
say thanks for the service
İçkiler nasıl yapılır happy hour (n) : a short period of time in
add (v) : to join or to unite a bar when the alcoholic
fill (v) : to put in as much as possible drinks are cheaper
mix (v) : to combine or blend into one unit last call (n) : last chance for someone to
pour (v) : to empty from a container order an alcoholic drink
shake (v) : to move something back and forth before everything closes
Stir (v) : to move slightly liqueur (n) : an alcoholic drink with a
sweet taste
İçki ısmarlama sözcükleri over charge (v) : to ask for more money from
chilled (adj) : cold a customer (sometimes by
double (adj) : double the liquor; two shots of liquor mistake)
in one drink
neat (n) : without ice
on the Rocks : with ice.
tall (adj) : means in a bigger glass.
top shelf : means premium; the very best
with a twist : usually adding lemon to the drink
with salt : putting salt on the rim of a glass

Başka faydalı sözcükler

beverage(n) : drink
black coffee (adj+noun) coffee without milk
booze (n) : alcoholic drink
bottle opener (n) : a kitchen tool used for
opening bottles
cocktail (n) : an alcoholic drink mixed
with fruit juice
coffee maker (n) : a machine that makes
coffee automatically
condiment (n) : types of sauces added for
corkscrew (n) : a tool used to remove the
cork from a wine bottle
designated driver (adj+n) : a person in a bar or a party
who does not drink so that
he car drive other people
free refills (adj+n) : drinks that are renewed
without any cost
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 83

Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
1. What is not included in a mocha? 6. Which one of the following does not indicate where
a. water IN is used?
b. espresso a. to indicate the years
c. chocolate b. to indicate cities
d. cinnamon c. to indicate countries
e. hot milk d. to indicate days of the week
e. to indicate seasons
2. Which one of the following will not be in the menu
in a bistro? 7. Which of the following shows the meaning of neat?
a. sandwiches a. no milk
b. cakes b. no salt
c. cookies c. no ice
d. soft drinks d. no juice
e. alcoholic drinks e. no fruit

3. What does happy hour mean? 8. Who were the first tea drinkers?
a. A time when all the customers are happy. a. Japanese
b. A time when drinks are cheaper. b. Turkish people
c. A time when all the waiters are happy. c. Indians
d. A time when the cook is happy. d. Chinese
e. A time when the customers do not pay for their e. Arabs
9. What color are the coffee berries?
4. If you are very tired and want to wake up very qu- a. black
ickly, which of the following drinks will help you? b. red
a. double espresso c. green
b. double martini d. brown
c. cola e. yellow
d. orange juice
e. a smoothy 10. Which of the following is not one of the duties of
a bartender?
5. Who is a designated driver ? a. Greet the patron
a. a person you hire to drive your car b. Talk to the patrons
b. a person who drives you around all night c. Serve the patrons
c. a person who does not drink in the bar for safe d. Keep the bar clean
driving e. Ask for tips from the patrons
d. a person who is chosen by the waiter
e. a person who drives a taxi
84 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı

Answer key to Test yourself 11. on
12. in – on
1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c
13. in
6. d 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. e
14. in
15. at – in
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 1’
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 4’
1. It opens at six o’clock.
1. “Kahvenizi nasıl içersiniz?”
2. Many customers come early in the morning for a
2. * Not too sweet, please.
cup of coffee or a smoothie.
*With milk and cream.
3. Early in the morning you can get breakfast, smoot-
3. If you do not want anything in your coffee your or-
hies and coffee all day long and at night something
der “Black coffee.”
light to drink and delicious mezes.
4. “What is your pleasure?”
4. There is the happy hour. Customers can have light
5. “On the rocks” mean a lot of ice in your drink.

5. Customers from hotels and beaches.
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 5’
6. They like the drinks and the smoothies.
7. Customers are happy and they leave good tips.
Waiter : Good afternoon. What can I get for you?
8. Customers who come to the bistro give them food.
Customer : What kind of coffee do you have? OR
9. He started working at the Bistro four years ago.
Can I see the coffee menu?
10. They like her smoothies.
Waiter : he coffee menu is written on the board.
Customer : I’ll have some coffee.
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 2’
Waiter : How would you like that?
1. The morning may be nice for Ahmet, but it is not
Customer : Black, no sugar.
nice for him. He does not feel well.
Waiter : Would you like something to eat? OR
2. He means that during happy hour he was happy
Can I get you something to eat?
because he drank a lot.
Customer : I’d like something that’s not sweet and not
3. He wants to coffee that is double the normal size.
too greasy.
4. The double size of coffee has a lot of caffeine in it
Waiter : I recommend our sandwiches with
and it will wake people up.
cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers.
5. They say that they come to Antalya for the sun and
Customer : Yes, that sounds good. I’ll take one of
Filiz’s smoothies.
6. They like the smoothies made of strawberries.
Waiter : Anything else? OR Would you like
7. Fresh ingredients.
anything else?
8. They decide to come and drink smoothies in An-
Customer : I think that’s enough for now. Thank you.
Waiter : I will be back with your order shortly.
OR I’ll bring you order right away.
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 3’
1. in
2. on
1. Good evening. How can I help you? OR What wo-
3. at
uld you like to have?
4. on
2. No ice for me. OR Straight.
5. in
3. Can I see the menu? OR I would like something to
6. on
7. at – in
4. I’ll be right back. OR Coming up.
8. on
5. Anything else. OR Would you like another?
9. in
10. at
4. Ünite - The Cafe and the Bar 85

Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 6’

1. I am sorry sir. I will bring you a new one
2. I apologize. I must have misunderstood you. OR
The cook must have confused the orders?
3. I suggest you try the pistachios. OR I will bring
you fresh ones.
4. My apologies sir. Let me help you clean up.
5. I am sorry sir. This is a very busy time. I will bring
you your drink right away.

Referanslar - Kaynaklar
Talalla, Renee. 2008. English for Restaurant Workers.
Burbank: Compass Publishers, Inc.
Jones, Leo. 2005. Welcome! Student’s Book: English
for the Travel and Tourism Industry. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Zwier, Lawrence J., Caplan, Nigel. 2007. Everyday
English for Hospitality Professionals. Burbank:
Compass Publishers, Inc.
favourite-beverage history of tea
h t t p : / / w w w. t e a s o u r c e . c o m / m e r c h a n t 2 /

Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 Bir konaklama tesisinde müşteriye sunulan ücretsiz hizmetlerin neler olduğu
 Bir konaklama işletmesinde müşterilerin farklı gereksinimlerine cevap vermek
için ne tür tesisler olduğu saptayabilecek,
 Konaklama tesisinde kalan konukların ne tür sorular beklentileri olduğu konusun-
da bilgi edinecek ve bu konularda bilgi verme becerilerinizi geliştirebileceksiniz.

Anahtar Kavramlar - Key Terms

• Vocabulary used to describe facilities in hospitality industry

İçindekiler - Unit Contents


Turizm İçin İngilizce I Amenities and Facilities • TROUBLE SHOOTING - SORUN ÇÖZME
Amenities and Facilities


Çoğu kişi tatil için kendisine bir konaklama yeri ararken, o kurumun kendisine ne
tür imkânlar sunduğunu, ne tür ek tesisleri olduğunu ve kalacağı odasında ne tür
ücretsiz hizmetlerin bulunduğunu araştırır. Genelde insanlar tatile giderken ken-
dilerini evlerindeki gibi rahat ettirecek her şeyi- örneğin, saç kurutma makinesi,
havlu vb.- yanlarında taşımak istemezler. Özellikle çocuklu aileler, çocuklarına
ait tüm oyuncak ve oyunları bavullarına doldurmak istemezler. Bu tür basit ama
onlar için önemli olan hizmetleri kaldıkları otelde bulmaları onlar için önem taşır.
Bazen de aile fertleri farklı farklı gereksinimlerine cevap ararlar-yüzme havuzu
veya internet hizmetleri gibi.
Bu bölümde otellerde veya konaklama kurumlarınca sunulan hizmet ve
imkânları anlatmanın olası sözcük dağarcığı ve kalıpları üzerinde duruyoruz.

Resim 5.1
Güzel bir yüzme havuzu ve yanında deniz

view_photog.php?photogid=3974”>Image: njaj /
88 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Aşağıdaki okuma parçası farklı tesisleri olan ve konuklarına farklı hizmetler su-
nan bir otel hakkında bilgi veriyor.

Reading 1:
When vacationers are making choices about hotels, one of the most important
factors is the quality and quantity of amenities and available facilities. There are
certainly different amenities for different target audiences. For example, there are
active, or high-energy vacationers, who always want to be doing something that
will keep them moving- such as exercise rooms, pools, and outdoor sports. There
are also the sedentary or low-key visitors who also like activity, but they want to
watch someone doing that activity. That is, they don’t want to be the ones who are
actually doing the activities. The amenities that best suit this target population are
places to eat, drink, relax, and watch entertainment.
Finally, there are the
Resim 5.2
families, who can be a
Çocuk oyun ister mixture of high and low
energy. Maybe the kids
Kaynak: http://www. want non-stop activity,
images/view_photog. but the parents want to
php?photogid=2280”>Image: take it easy. A perfect
digitalart /
example of such a location
is the Sea Turtle Holiday
Village in Kemer. The
Sea Turtle has something
for everyone. There is a
spa with a Turkish bath,
indoor and outdoor exercise facilities, two swimming pools, one twelve-person
Jacuzzi, four bars, two restaurants, three cafes, a supervised play area for children
under seven, a wide selection of water sport opportunities - from kayaks to jet skis
- plus nightly live entertainment. Guests can also join organized morning runs and
bicycle tours, or afternoon yoga classes. The list of amenities offered by vacation
hotels is growing each year, and the guests are greatly benefitting from these.

1. What is one criterion that vacationers use to choose a place to stay?

1 ————————————————————————————————
2. What does “target audience” mean?
3. What types of vacationers are described in the reading?
4. Describe the active vacationer.
5. Which group is looking for places to eat, drink, and relax?
6. What types of amenities do families generally look for?
7. Sea Turtle Holiday Village is a “perfect example” of what?
8. Every year, what are guests benefiting from?
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 89

Reading 2:
Resim 5.3
Otellerin sunduğu hizmet veya
sahip oldukları tesislerin neler Otel banyosunda olsa iyi
olabileceğini açıklayan bir oku-
ma parçası. Kaynak: http://www.
What do hotels offer? php?photogid=1824”>Image:
Many hotels like to call nuchylee /
themselves a home away from
home. Therefore, they must
offer a comfortable and safe
environment for their guests.
As a hotel goes from one star
to five stars, the amenities and
facilities available for its guests
increase in quality and quantity.
However, as a standard feature
each hotel room must have a
nicely made clean bed, if it is
en suite, a clean shower, clean
towels, a television and a telephone, a closet for hanging clothes, a hairdryer and
an iron. The complimentary toiletries such as shampoo, hair conditioner, soap
and other cosmetics are almost standard in each room.
Of course, if there is a nice sitting area with some comfortable chairs, a desk to
write on, may be a mini refrigerator that is called mini bar with drinks and snacks,
you would be adding to the amenities the hotel is offering. An in room coffee or
tea maker might just be what the guests need after a long day outside.
As the hotel goes up in the star scale the hotels offer more and guests request
more such as “in room internet access” and ‘free Wi-Fi’. In the past only the
business men travelled with their computers. These days families and even
romantic couples do not leave their computers at home. Free Wi-Fi helps guests
keep in touch with their business or friends. “24-hour room service” might be
what some people who really want their comfort and like their breakfast early in
the morning or their dinner after a long day to be served in their room need.
A hotel may offer a swimming pool, a sauna, number of restaurants and a
business center or even a casino to their guests for their use and enjoyment. The
list of facilities is endless. Here is the list of facilities Beverly Hilton Hotel offers to
90 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Banquet, Meeting & Conference Facilities Hair Salon/Barber

24 hour Room Service Handicapped Access
Airport meet-and-assist (extra charge) Jacuzzi/Whirlpool
Babysitting service (extra charge) Limousine service (extra charge)
Bar/lounge Multi-lingual Staff
Boardroom Pet Friendly
Boutique/Gift Shop Private Dining Room
Business Center Sauna
Club/Concierge Level Security
Concierge Spa
Fitness Center/Gym Steam Bath
Golf nearby Swimming Pool - Outdoor
Grand Ballroom Weddings & Celebrations

Taken fom:


The geographical location of the hotels also determines what types of facilities
they can offer. If a hotel is a mountain resort, then we cannot expect scuba diving
Guests also like to know about the facilities around the hotel like historical
sites, a very popular night club or a famous panoramic view. The hotel staff should
be able inform their guests about them.
What you need to do is, when you make your reservations, choose the one that
fits your personal taste and how you like to spend your vacation.

1. What are some of the standard amenities in a hotel?

2 ————————————————————————————————
2. Name some of the toiletries that can be found in a hotel room?
3. What is in a mini bar?
4. Why do people like to have in room internet access?
5. Why would some people like to use room service?
6. Give examples of facilities a hotel may have?
7. Beverly Hilton Hotel says that they have multi lingual staff. Why is that
8 Can you think of other types of facilities a hotel can offer other than the ones
mentioned in this reading passage?
9. Name some of the facilities that may be around a hotel?
10. In your opinion what is the most important amenity in a hotel?
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 91


Otele gelmek isteyen bir konuk otelin tesis ve hizmetleri konusunda bilgi almaya
Staff Member : Thank you for calling the Sea Turtle Holiday Village. How may I
direct your call?
Guest : I am thinking about making a reservation, but I have some questions I’d
like to ask about your hotel.
Staff : Then I may be able to help you. What questions do you have?
Guest : We are a family of four, and we are going to come for a week. I want to
make sure there’s enough for us to do. Our kids don’t like to be bored.
Staff : I understand completely, sir. How old are your children?
Guest : Five and eight.
Staff : And how would you describe your family’s activity level? Are you very
active? Or, do you like to relax?
Guest : Yes. My wife and I are looking for a relaxing week. But our kids are very
Staff : Well then, I think we have something for all of you. For your kids, we
have two swimming pools, both of them have shallow ends that are one
meter deep.
Guest : Do they have lifeguards?
Staff : Yes, of course. Also, for you and your wife, each pool has a jacuzzi and
a full-service bar, in case you want to relax while your children are pla-
ying. We also have activity staff who play games with the children thro-
ughout the day. And, if it’s raining, there is an indoor recreation center
with staff who supervise the children and keep them busy with games
and educational activities.
Guest : And what about water sports? What do you have for my wife and I, or
the kids.
Staff : We have a lot of things to do. From kayaks to jet skis to water skiing,
to windsurfing, to para-sailing. We have fully trained staff who provide
one on- one lessons in how to enjoy any of the activities.

Resim 5.4 Resim 5.5

Jet ski Para sailing
Kaynak: http://www. Kaynak: http://www.
images/view_photog. images/view_photog.
php?photogid=194”> php?photogid=1058”>
Image: Tony Dowson / Image: Arwind Balaraman/
92 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Guest : Can the kids do any of these?

Staff : We don’t allow children to do these alone. We require adult supervision.
And any time the children are on the water, they must wear a life vest.
Guest : And what about meals.
Staff : We have three different restaurants to choose from. Three meals per day
from any of these restaurants are included in the price of your stay.
Guest : Is there some after dinner or evening activity?
Staff : Absolutely. Every night we have a live variety show that includes dancing,
traditional folk dancing, or traditional Turkish music and singing.
Guest : Is there something specifically for the kids?
Staff : For younger guests, there are movies, live entertainment, teen dancing,
and a variety of games that are organized by our activity staff.
Guest : Sounds like there is plenty to do for all of us.
Staff : Also, I forgot to mention that if you are early risers, we have organized
runs and bicycle tours.
Guest : Do we need to bring bikes?
Staff : No. But we do have a limited number of bikes, so you must sign up in
advance to guarantee a bike.
Guest : This sounds like a good place to have a vacation. Can I speak with
Staff : Certainly. Please hold while I connect you.
Resim 5.6
Wind surfing

Kaynak: http://www.freedigitalphotos.
php?photogid=2285”>Image: M - Pics /


3 Yukarıda okumuş olduğunuz konuşmadaki örnekleri de kullanarak aşağıdaki hiz-
metler hakkında soru sormaya çalışın.
1. Entertainment tonight ———————————————
2. Evening activities for our children. ———————————
3. Water sports for children. ———————————
4. Water sports supervised. ———————————
5. Swimming pool. ———————————
6. Spa. ———————————
7. Restaurants. ———————————
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 93

8. Jacuzzi. ———————————
9. Lessons for water skiing. ———————————
10. Morning activities. ———————————
Resim 5.7
Water ski

Kaynak: htttp://www.
Paul Martin Eldridge/Bağlaç


Bu bölümde bağlaçlardan örnekler göreceğiz. Ancak tüm bağlaçları ve fonksiyon-
ları tartışmak yerine, bu ünite kapsamında kullanabileceğimiz bağlaçlar üzerinde
A conjunction is a word that connects other words or groups of words. There
are coordinating conjunctions that combine two equal or similar parts. Most
common ones are and, but, or...
AND: It is commonly used to join two similar ideas or entities; The hotel has a
sauna and a tennis court.
It is also used to show a surprise element, an unexpected result; The hotel has
many nice facilities and it is very cheap.
BUT: It is commonly used to join to contrasting ideas; The hotel is cheap but it
is far from the center of town.
It is also used to mean except; The bar serves all the drinks but beer.
Another group of conjunctions are subordinating conjunctions. The conjunctions
join two clauses. A clause is a group of words which consists a subject and a verb.
For example take ‘I like the hotel’ and ‘It is expensive’. These two clauses have a
subject and a verb. When we join these clauses with a conjunctions one of them
becomes a dependent clause. It means that it cannot exist alone. Let us join these
two sentences

Although I like the hotel, it is very expensive.

Here if we only have ‘Although I like the hotel’ it cannot really mean much by
itself, because it is dependent on the second clause called the independent clause.
Subordinating conjunctions can show contrast or cause and effect.
Some of the most common subordinating conjunctions that indicate contrast
of ideas are: although, whereas, while...
94 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Although the hotel has many facilities, they do not allow pets.
While the XX hotel has a swimming pool, YY hotel has a sauna.
XX hotel is near the sea, whereas YY is far away.

Some of the most common subordinating conjunctions that indicate cause and
effect between ideas are: because, since...

I don’t like XX hotel because it is not very clean.

Since YY hotel is far from the seaside, I don’t want to stay there.

The last group of conjunctions we will talk about is the correlative conjunctions.
A correlative conjunction consists of a pair of conjunctions. Their function is
basically similar to coordinate conjunctions. Correlative conjunctions always
join grammatically equal elements -nouns with nouns, adjectives with adjectives
or clauses with clauses. The parts that they join are equal to one another. These
conjunctions always are placed before the parts they join. Some of the most
common correlative conjunctions are:

either ..... or : I will either go to Antalya or Marmaris for vacation.

(giving choices)
neither ..... nor : XX hotel has neither a swimming pool nor a sauna.
(negative meaning)
not only ..... but also : XX hotel not only has a swimming pool but also a
sauna.(positive meaning)

It’s your turn-Şimdi sıra sizde 4

4 Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunction: and, but, although, while, because,
either…or, neither …or, not only but
1. I wanted more towels ——- some shampoo from the housekeeping.
2. I do not like people smoking around me ——- I am eating.
3. The hotel has ——- an outdoor pool ——- indoor pool as well.
4. I do not want any dessert ——- I am full.
5. ——- the hotel has five restaurants, I still asked for room service.
6. We ordered something cold to drink ——- some sandwiches.
7. ——- the receptionist ——- the concierge could find my lost luggage.
8. My children Ahmet ——- Ayşe both wanted to go the pool ——- it was closed.
9. We stayed and extra night ——- we really wanted to go to the concert.
10. It rained all the time ——- we did not leave the concert.


Aşağıda otel müşterilerinin hizmet ve tesis sorarken ve otel personelinin onları
yanıtlarken kullanabilecekleri kalıplara örnekler bulacaksınız.

How to ask about amenities and facilities:

Where can we (find, see) —————- ?
I am looking for (restaurant, shopping center, historical site, book store) ——
Do you know where I can find (restaurant, shopping center, historical site,
book store) ———- ?
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 95

Could you recommend a (restaurant, shopping center, historical site, book sto-
re) ———- ?
Is there a ........... in the hotel?

How to answer these requests:

You might want to try (give a name of a place)
Well, one of my favorite places is (give a name of a place)
You may enjoy (shopping, visiting, seeing, going to...) ———-
I would highly recommend (give a name of some place) ———
We have .......
Resim 5.8
Horseback riding

Kaynak: http://www.
Tina Phillips /

A. Aşağıda üç ayrı otelin sunmuş olduğu tesis ve hizmetler listesini bulacaksınız.

Bu listeleri dikkatli okuyarak aralarında en an üç farklı hizmetin neler olduğunu 5
bulmaya çalışın.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
96 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Conrad Koh Samui Resort & Spa -
Resort - Los Cabos, Mexico - Exclusive Thailand 5 Star Luxury Hotel
5 Star Luxury Hotel Fishing (extra charge)
Golf Course on property
FACILITIES Fitness Center / Gym
24 hour Room Service Jacuzzi/Whirlpool
Airport meet-and-assist (extra charge) Kids Club
Babysitting service (extra charge) Scuba Diving (extra charge)
Banquet, Meeting & Conference Facilities Spa
Bar/lounge Swimming Pool - Outdoor
Beach Club/Service Tennis Court(s)
Boat Rental (extra charge) Water Sports
Boutique/Gift Shop Weddings & Celebrations
Butler service Banquet, Meeting & Conference Facilities
Concierge 24 hour Room Service
Doctor on call Airport meet-and-assist (extra charge)
Fishing (extra charge) Babysitting service (extra charge)
Fitness Center / Gym Banquet, Meeting & Conference Facilities
Golf nearby Bar/lounge
Hair Salon/Barber Boat Rental (extra charge)
Horseback Riding (extra charge) Boutique/Gift Shop
Jacuzzi/Whirlpool Business Center
Kayaking/Canoeing Concierge
Massage therapy (extra charge) Doctor on call
Multi-lingual Staff Fitness Center / Gym
Pet Friendly Kids Club
Pre-Arrival Coordinator Library
Private Pools Massage therapy (extra charge)
Sailing Multi-lingual Staff
Sauna Private Pools
Scuba Diving (extra charge) Sailing
Spa Sauna
Swimming Pool - Infinity Pool Scuba Diving (extra charge)
Tennis Court(s) Spa
Water Sports Swimming Pool - Infinity Pool
Whale watching (seasonal) Water Sports
Weddings & Celebrations
Grey Cliffs Ranch - Three Forks, Montana -
Luxury Guest Ranch
Banquet, Meeting & Conference Facilities
Babysitting service (extra charge)
Breakfast Complimentary
Croquet Lawn
Fishing (extra charge)
Golf nearby
Handicapped Access
Horseback Riding (extra charge)
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 97

Hot thermal springs Resim 5.9

Massage therapy (extra charge) Yoga
Private Check-in
Private Dining Room Kaynak: http://www.
Safari / Wildlife viewing
Security images/view_photog.
Shooting php?photogid=1789”>Image:
Skiing lobster20 /
Star gazing
Water Sports
Weddings & Celebrations
WiFi - Complimentary in-room
Winter Sports/Activities
Airport meet-and-assist (extra charge)

B. Using the information about the

hotels construct 10 sentences with
conjunctions. Example: Grey Cliffs
Ranch has both horseback riding
and fishing facilities.


1. The Business Center
İnternet hizmetlerinden memnun olmayan bir konuk bir otel personeli ile konuşuyor.
Guest calling front desk : Do you have a Business Center?
Gront Desk Staff : Yes we do, sir.
Guest : Is it open twenty-four hours?
Staff : I’m sorry, it is not. It is open from six a.m. to ten p.m.
Guest : Why do you close it?
Staff : We don’t staff it all the time because very few people use it at night.
Guest : You mean, if I need to get in the business center to print something, I
need to wait until the morning?
Staff : That is correct, sir.
Guest : That is ridiculous. In most hotels I’ve stayed in, the business center is
open twenty-four-seven.
Staff : I understand that sir. However, what we found was that after hours, pe-
ople were using the business center for non-business related activities
on the Internet, and guests found this disturbing. So, we had to limit its
hour to when it could be staffed.
Guest : I can’t believe this. Do you also charge to use the business center?
Staff : There are fees for some of the services provided.
Guest : Such as?
Staff : There is a fee to use the Internet in the business center. Five lira for ten
minutes, ten lira for thirty minutes.
Guest : What? That’s crazy. Why should I have to pay to use the Internet?
Staff : I’m sorry sir. We found that this was the best way to guarantee that
guests who really needed the computers would have access to them.
Guest : I’m paying a ton of money to stay here, and you want to take more from
me when you should be providing this service for free? I think this may
be the last time I stay here.
98 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Staff : I’m sorry sir. I’ll make sure that I share your concerns with the hotel
Guest : No need to. I’ll do it myself.

2. Kids... Out of the Pool!

Guest to maintenance staff : The pool is filthy.
Staff : Sorry?
Guest : The pool is dirty. It’s disgusting. When was the last time it was clea-
Staff : We have a strict cleaning schedule. The pool is cleaned at the end of
the day, after it is closed, and in the morning, before it is opened.
Guest : Then explain to me why the same dead bee is floating in the pool that
was there yesterday.
Staff : Ma’am, I supervise the cleaning of the pools. I can guarantee you that
this pool was cleaned less than six hours ago.
Guest : How do you explain the bee? I don’t want my children swimming in a
pool that has not been cleaned
Staff : Ma’am, I’m sorry you feel that our pool is not clean. We have a lot of
bees die in this pool. They accidentally land on the water and then
they cannot fly away.
Guest : I still don’t believe you. I will report this to the management.
Staff : As you please, ma’am.

Aşağıda belirtilen konuk şikâyetlerine yanıt vermeye çalışın. Daha önceki ünite-
6 lerden de fikir edinebilirsiniz.
1. A guest is complaining that there are not enough towels in the room.
2. A guest thinks that the pool is cold.
3. The children are unhappy that there is not a game room.
4. A guest complains that his TV is broken.
5. A guest complains that the food at breakfast was not enough.


Bu bölümde size bilgi edinmek için yararlanabileceğiniz internet kaynaklarından
söz etmek istiyoruz. Conde? Nast Traveler, Bu bölümde
okuyacağınız bilgilerin bazıları size bu kaynaktan derlenerek aktarılmıştır. Daha
fazlası ve daha ilginç bilgiler için istediğiniz zaman bu siteye başvurabilirsiniz.
Ayrıca, ve internet
sitelerinden de seyahat konularında iyi bilgiler edinmeniz mümkün.

A: Hotel rating system: Stars

Hotels have classifications depending on size, location and who may stay. Hotel
star rating system differs from country to country. For example, the American star
system is different than the European system. European star system is based on 4
stars; the American system has a 5 star system. American Automobile Association
uses diamonds for hotel classification instead of stars.
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 99

Even though the star system can be confusing, they are still good guidelines for
guests when they make their decisions. They can inform us about the hotels. We
know that a 1- star hotel is not as luxurious as a 5- star hotel. If you are looking
for some basic amenities, all hotels. If will have them. The more luxurious the
amenities become the higher the star f you are looking for room service, internet
access, fitness center or multiple restaurants, then you might like to stay at a
hotel with 3 or more stars. A three star hotel will be less expensive but will be
comfortable and offer you basic amenities like internet access. Of course, a five
star hotel will be very luxurious and expensive.

B: Favorite hotel amenities

Are you interested in learning about what guests prefer in terms of amenities in a
hotel? An on line travel journal Luxury and Resort Travel asked guests of different
hotels, “What is your favorite hotel amenity?” The answers may surprise you. Here
are top five amenities the travelers voted for.
The guests, 41.18%, voted for ‘in room internet access’. This may not be
surprising. In the past business people travelled with their computers. These days
most people take their lap tops or notebooks with them when they travel. They
want to stay in touch with their family or friends.
In the second place the guests said ‘24 hour room service’. The guests who
wanted 24 hour room service are usually the outdoor types. They may be too tired
to go out after a long day on the beach or the pool.
‘All I want is clean sheets’ came in third place. Now, this choice is more like a
Turkish choice don’t you think?
If you are on a holiday, why Resim 5.10
would you like to stay in your
room? Well, some travelers who Kaynak: http://www.
answered said that they wanted 2010/08/12/7-most-outrageous-
‘satellite, flat screen TV’. hotela_n_675729.
Families who travel with html#s124509&title=Soap_
their children and pets like to Tides
have services and amenities that
can take care of them. 11.76% of
the travelers voted for reliable
‘babysitting services and pet care’.
Of course hotel amenities and
services can be in many different
forms. You may have your shoes
shined at night, the hotel may
offer you handmade personal
towels or you may just be happy
with free shampoo and a hair dyer
in the room.
In the website, there is a list of real interesting
services and amenities offered by hotels. Just for fun let us look at some of them.
At Tides Riviera Maya hotel in Mexico, luxury holiday village, there is a soap
concierge. A soap concierge? He stops by the villas and makes slices of different
soaps to offer to the guests. Trying different soaps guests decide which soap they
would like to use.
If you think this is interesting, check this one.
100 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Resim 5.11 In Oman Six Senses

Kaynak: http:// Hideaway at Zighy Bay hotel
www.huffingtonpost. offers three different ways
com/2010/08/12/7-most- to arrive at their hotel: By
outrageous-hotel-a_n_675729. speedboat, by Jeep, or by
Arrival the help of a professional
paraglider and fly in to the
hotel through cliffs.
How about a personal
butler? A person who will
help you with anything you
need. They will prepare your
bath for you, serve you breakfast or prepare the clothes you want to wear that day.
These days many luxury hotels offer personal butler services. But a baby butler?
At Keswick Hall, located at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia, new
mothers can call on the baby butler. This special type of butler warms bottles, feeds
the baby, helps the baby to sleep and puts the baby in a special crib. In general they
help the mother.
If you like ghosts or ghost’s stories, then you must go and stay at the Hotel
Galvez in Galveston, Texas. On Wednesdays and Thursdays each October guest
can participate in a ghost hunt tour.
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 101

Vocabulary - Sözcükler Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
Bu ünitemizde hizmet ve tesislerden söz ettik. Aslın- You will find the description of services and amenities
da tüm unite boyunca kullandığımız sözcükler bu ko- of Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas - Kidani Village
nunun sözcük dağarcığını oluşturuyor. Ayrıca hepsini taken from their own website:
burada sıralamak yerine sizlere bu kez turizmde kulla-
nılabilecek bir kaç deyimle tanıştırmak istedik. Deyim- kingdom-villas-kidani/services-amenities/
leri hem metin içerisinde göreceksiniz hem de ayrıca Please read the text and answer the questions.
tanımlarını bulacaksınız.
When you are planning a holiday you must do your Services and Amenities at Disney’s Animal Kingdom
homework and try to find out about different hotels and Villas
holiday options. Last year, I stayed at this hotel which
was a stone’s throw from the sea side. Unfortunately,
this hotel fell short of my expectations and I had to pay
through the nose for everything.
At this moment, I am staying at a small boutique hotel
in South of Turkey. The little town I am staying is out
of this world. The hotel personnel take very good care
of me, I am in good hands. The director of the hotel is
so nice he fells over himself to make me feel at home.
When I arrived at an unearthly hour after driving for taken from the website http://disneyworld.
almost a day, I was dog tired. But my room was so nice
and my bed was comfortable that I slept like a log. villas-kidani

to do your homework: Do research, ask around, find Room Service

answers to your questions before planning • Room service at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas
a stone’s throw away: Very near, close by – Kidani Village is available from 6:00 a.m. to mid-
to fell short of my(someone’s) expectations: Something night, 7 days a week and includes both African-ins-
that is not really good enough for you pired cuisine and American fare from the kitchen.
to pay through the nose: Very expensive
You can also pre-order from the menu and enjoy a
out of this world: Very nice and extraordinary
spectacular dawn or dusk from your balcony.
in good hands: to be safe and cared for
to fell over himself (oneself): to try very hard
Massage & Fitness Center
an unearthly hour: Time that is either too early in the
• Survival of the Fittest Fitness Center at Disney’s
morning or too late at night
Animal Kingdom Villas – Kidani Village is located
dog tired: very tired
near Samawati Springs Pool. The minimum age re-
to sleep like a log: to sleep very well
quirement for the fitness center is 14 years of age.
An adult must accompany Guests under age 18 at
all times.
• Zahanati Massage & Fitness Center at Disney’s
Animal Kingdom Villas – Jambo House is located
on the first floor off Giraffe Trail and Uzima pool.
This spa and salon offers massage therapy, skin care
and body treatments and features steamrooms for
men and women, saunas and the latest in fitness
equipment including free weights, treadmills, ellip-
ticals, bicycles and stair climbers. Lockers are avai-
102 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

• Open from 6:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m. …… A Laundry Facilities/Services

personal trainer is also available by appointment. • Laundry room is located next to the arcade at
In-room service is also available for an additional Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas – Kidani Village.
cost. Services for Guests with Disabilities
• This Resort includes an accessible path of travel
Babysitting and Child Services from arrival to the lobby area, as well as to accessible
• Located on the first floor of Disney’s Animal Guest rooms; restaurants; merchandise locations;
Kingdom Villas – Jambo House near the Uzima Community Hall; pools; and exercise and laundry
pool deck area, Simba’s Cubhouse is a supervised facilities.
activity center for children ages 3 to 12 that is • Wheelchair-accessible transportation is available.
open daily from 4:30 p.m. to midnight. At this • This Resort hotel offers accessible rooms for Guests
delightfully themed playspace, children are invited with disabilities including wheelchair and hearing
to play videogames, enjoy dinner and snacks, watch accessible rooms. TTY equipment is available upon
Disney movies and interact with other kids their request at check-in.
age, while parents are off experiencing more adult- • Service animals are welcome throughout the Resort
oriented fare. with designated relief areas.
• Together with independent childcare provider Kids • Accessible parking or valet parking is available.
Nite Out, Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas – Kidani • Complimentary wheelchairs are available on a first-
Village also offers you the convenience of one-to- come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved in
one in-room babysitting, allowing you the flexibiity advance. Guests are also welcome to bring their
to enjoy your vacation your way. You can even own wheelchairs to the Resort.
reserve a childcare specialist to accompany you and • Learn more about services for Guests with
your family during your visit to the Parks, providing Disabilities. Or, for additional accessibility
a helping hand where needed. information, please call (407) 934-7639.
• To make a reservation for Simba’s Cubhouse or in-
room babysitting, please contact Disney’s Animal Room Amenities
Kingdom Villas – Kidani Village front desk or • Alarm clock with MP3 player
Concierge during your visit. • Cable TV
• DVD player
Concierge Assistance • Wi-Fi is available in all Guest rooms and in select
• Available to Resort hotel Guests 7 days a week, from public spaces
7:00 a.m. through 10:00 p.m. Located in the main • Coffee maker
lobby, the concierge can help you purchase Park • Mini-fridge
tickets, make dining reservations and secure show • Microwave
seats. • Iron and ironing board
• Hair dryer
Parking • Makeup mirror
• Self-parking is located in front of the main entrance • Full-length mirror
to the lobby and under the building (on the first • Ceiling fan
floor). There are elevators from the first floor • Safe
parking to guest room corridors.
• Valet parking is available.
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 103

Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
1. What types of food can you order from the room 6. What can a disabled person do if he/she has not
service? brought his/her wheel chair?
a. African and American a. Buy a new one at the resort
b. African and European b. The resort will buy a new one
c. American and European c. Just stay in the room
d. African and South American d. There are complimentary wheelchairs
e. European and Chinese e. Drive in his/her car

2. Which days can you order food from the room 7. Which areas are not accessible to guests with
service? disabilities?
a. Tuesdays a. Restaurants
b. Mondays b. Movie house
c. Fridays c. Pools
d. Saturdays d. Community hall
e. All of the above e. Exercise facilities

3. Which one of the following is not offered by the 8. What is a ‘service animal’?
Zahanati Massage and Fitness Center? a. An animal trained to help a disabled person.
a. Massage therapy b. An animal who likes to play with children.
b. Skin care c. An animal who fallows scents to find missing
c. Face lifts persons.
d. Body treatment d. An animal who accompanies policeman.
e. Steam rooms e. An animal trained to find bombs.

4. Which one of the following is not one of the 9. Where is the laundry room?
babysitting and child services offered? a. First floor of Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas
a. Kids Nite Out b. Near Jumbo House
b. One to one in room babysitting c. Next to the arcade at Disney’s Animal Kingdom
c. Simba’s Cubhouse Villas
d. Childcare specialist d. Near Samawati Springs Pool
e. Kinder garden e. On the first floor of Giraffe Trail

5. How long is Simba’s Cubhouse open? 10. Which of the following are not included in the
a. From 4:30 am until 12:00 am rooms?
b. From 4:30 pm until 12:00 pm a. Coffee maker, cable TV, DVD player
c. All day long b. Mini fridge, microwave, alarm clock
d. From 8:00 am until 7:00 pm c. Iron , ironing board, hair dryer
e. Only in the mornings d. Library, computer, USB
e. A safe, make up mirror, Wi-Fi
104 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı

Answer key to test yourself 3. Do you have any water sports activities for children?
1. a 2. e 3. c 4. e 5. b 4. Are the water sports for children supervised?
6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. d 5. Is there an indoor swimming pool?
6. How late is the spa open in the evening?
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 1’ 7. Are there restaurants that we can order from late at
1. They check the facilities and amenities a hotel offers. night?
2. The patrons or customers who will come to the 8. Can our children use the Jacuzzi?
hotel. 9. Do you have instructors for water skiing?
3. Three kinds of vacationers are described: the 10. I get up early in the morning. Do you organize
energetic vacationers; calm sedate vacationers and morning activities?
families who go on a vacation together.
4. An active vacationer will go outdoors, exercise, go Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 4’
for walks and swim. 1. And
5. The calm, low-key vacationers will not want to be 2. While
active. 3. Not only …. But
6. They look for activities and facilities for their 4. Because
children. 5. Although
7. Sea Turtle Holiday Village is a good example of a 6. And
hotel or holiday village that is good for families. 7. Neither… nor
8. The guests benefit from facilities that the hotels 8. And/but
offer more and more. 9. Because
10. But
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 2’
1. A clean bed, a shower, clean towels, a television, a Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 5’
telephone and a closet for hanging clothes. 1. ‘Whale watching’ - Las Ventanas al Paraiso
2. Shampoo, hair conditioner, soap and some other 2. ‘Croquet Lawn’ – Grey Cliffs Ranch
cosmetics like moisturizers. 3. ‘Kids Club’ – Conrad Koh Samui Resort and Spa
3. A mini bar is a small refrigerator. There are other differences, these are just examples, read
4. Especially businessmen like to contact their carefully and find out more for yourself.
partners or offices while travelling or people like to
be in touch with their friends. Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 6’
5. They may be too tired to eat outside. 1. I will talk to the housekeeping right away. OR I will
6. Swimming pool, exercise rooms, a sauna, a number have the housekeeping bring more towels to your
of restaurants or a business center where they can room.
get internet service. 2. It is a very cold day outside, it could be the reason.
7. It is nice to meet someone who speaks your language OR Our pool is heated but there is a technical
when you arrive at a hotel. problem. It will be warm soon.
8. Horseback riding, wind surfing or cliff climbing. 3. The game room is in the basement, I think your
9. Historical sites or natural wonders. children might have missed it. OR I am sorry we
10. A clean room. (This question is very personal, give do not have a game room, but we have quite a nice
your own answer) video room for children.
4. Which room are you in? I will have the technical
Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 3’ staff come to your room right away.
1. Is there live entertainment tonight? 5. We never had such a complaint, sir but you can
2. Does your hotel have evening activities for our always ask for more food.
5. Ünite - Amenities and Facilities 105

Reference - Kaynakça
Inghilleri L., Solomon M., Schulze H. (2010).
Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The
Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service
Organization. New York: American Management
Association AMACOM.
Venison, P. (2005).100 Tips for Hoteliers: What Every
Successful Hotel Professional Needs to Know and
Do. New York: iUniverse, Inc.
Wyatt, Rawdon. (2007). Check your English vocabulary
for Leisure, Travel and Tourism. Downloaded on
May 2012 from
Favorite Hotel Amenities: Poll Results - What Luxury
Resort Readers like most in Their Hotels | Suite101.
com http://jennifer-w-miner.suite101.

Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 İlk defa gittiğimiz bir kentte veya turistik mekânda görülecek yerlerin nereleri
olduğunu sorma;
 Konuklara farklı yerel mekânlar konusunda bilgi verme;
 Konukları farklı yerlere yönlendirme, yol-yön tarif etme konularında örnekler
görerek bilgi ve becerilerinizi geliştirebileceksiniz.

Anahtar Kavramlar - Key Terms

• Yol, yön sorma ve anlatma konusunda yapılar ve sözcük dağarcığı

İçindekiler - Unit Contents

Turizm İçin İngilizce I Local Sight Seeing • A LOOK AT THE LANGUAGE
Local Sight Seeing

Tatilimizi planlarken nasıl Resim 6.1
bir tatil istediğimize göre
Nereye gitmeli
kararlar veririz. Gezmek is-
tiyorsak gitmek istediğimiz Kaynak: http://www.
yerleri düşünürüz. Dinlen-
mek istiyorsak nerede din- php?photogid=1152”>
leneceğimize karar vermeye Image: jscreationzs /
FreeDigitalPhotos. net
çalışırız. Ne tür tatil yaparsak
yapalım, gittiğimiz yerlerde
tarihi, farklı ve ilginç yerleri
gezmeyi ve görmeyi isteriz.
Bu ünitemizde, Üniversitemizin bulunduğu Eskişehir’den yola çıkarak bazı ka-
lıp cümlecikler ve olası konuşma örnekleri sunuyoruz.

Resim 6.2 Resim 6.3

Pamukkale İstanbul - Famous silhouette

Local sightseeing certainly needs no description for places such as Istanbul
or Kuşadası or Pamukkale. However, there are many unique, less-popular towns,
108 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

villages, and islands around Turkey with local attractions that draw visitors from
far and wide. These may be natural wonders, man-made, or even a mixture of
both. A prime example of this “off the beaten path” tourism is Seyitgazi, in the
countryside outside of Eskisehir. This rural village has a history reaching back to
3500 BC. During the Ottoman Empire, Seyitgazi was an important stopping point
between Istanbul and Baghdad. Another example is Bozcaada, a small island in
the Aegean Sea, near Çanakkale. According to one well-known travel guide, it
is “one of Turkey’s best kept secrets.” The island has beautiful beaches, fantastic
winding narrow streets, and the rugged remains of a mysterious fortress, whose
exact age no one knows. The island also has an intriguing wine industry that has
experienced considerable growth in recent years. It is locations such as Seyitgazi
and Bozcaada that are not on the route of the average tourist, but still worth
seeing. In fact, because these locations are still not very popular, they may be more
attractive than the more famous points on the tourist’s map.

Yukarıda okuduğumuz parçayı ne kadar anladık?

1 1. In the first sentence above, what “needs no description” mean?
2. In the second sentence, what does “draw” mean?
3. In the next sentence, what does “These” refer to?
4. In the same sentence, what does “both” refer to?
5. Why was Seyitgazi important during the Ottoman Empire?
6. What is “one of Turkey’s best kept secrets”?
7. “No one knows” what about Bozcaada?
8. What has happened in recent years on Bozcaada?
9. What is “not on the route of the average tourist”?
10. What do you think “off the beaten path” mean?

Resim 6.4 Resim 6.5

Seyitgazi Mausoleum Yazılıkaya

Kaynak: 1resimler. com Kaynak: 1resimler. com


Eskişehirde bir otelde Concierge ile bir konuk arasında geçen konuşmayı okuyun.
Bu konuşma bize Eskişehir hakkında bilgi verirken, kendi kentimizle ilgili olarak
da bilgi verme konusunda da yol gösteriyor.
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 109

At the hotel in Eskisehir

Concierge : Good day. How can I help you?
Guest : I’m here on business, but I have an extra day to see some local
sights. Do you have any recommendations?
Concierge : Absolutely. You have a number of interesting options. Let me start
by asking if you have a car.
Guest : Yes, I do.
Concierge : That certainly expands your options. There are some wonderful
choices within the city itself. For these, you won’t need a car.
Or, if you feel like driving outside the city, there are some tremendous
historical sites that would make a good day-trip.
Guest : Tell me about some of the day trips.
Concierge : Well, there are two historic sites that I would recommend.
First, there is Seyitgazi, which was established in the first
millennium. It is named after a Muslim saint and battle warrior.
The thing to see is the tomb and shrine for the saint.
Guest : How long does it take to get there?
Concierge : It is about forty-five kilometers directly south of Eskisehir. It will
take about an hour to get there. A little further south on the same
road is Yazılıkaya, which was a holy site for Phrygians. It is also
called Midas City. It has fascinating carvings from the sixth BC. It
is about seventy-five kilometers from Eskisehir and will take you
about one and a half hours to drive there.
Guest : How is the drive?
Concierge : Well, I haven’t been there in a while, but from what I remember, it is
mostly two-lane roads that pass through a number of small villages.
If the weather is good and you’re not in a hurry, it’s a beautiful drive.
Guest : Are there places to eat or get gas?
Concierge : You may think about taking a sandwich or a picnic with you. Also,
it’s probably a good idea to fill up your tank before you leave town.

Resim 6.6 Resim 6.7

Odunpazarı Evleri Odunpazarı Evleri

Kaynak: of Kaynak: of

Sami Altınay Sami Altınay

Guest : OK. I’ll think about those suggestions. And what about in-town?
Concierge : Within Eskisehir, there are two other choices. First, I would highly
recommend Odun Pazarı. There is also the river tour. In fact, you
can probably do both in one day.
110 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Guest : Tell me about the first place you mentioned.

Concierge : Odun Pazarı is a very old section of town. There are lots of old,
wooden houses that show you traditional Ottoman architecture.
Many of the houses have been restored by the municipality. You
can tour some of the houses. There are also some very nice cafes
and shops with craftsmen doing work by hand with meerschaum.
Guest : What is that?
Concierge : It is a unique mineral that is mined only in Eskisehir. Perhaps you
have seen meerschaum pipes before.
Guest : Oh, yes! The beautiful pipes with the intricate carvings of old
Can you see people doing the carving?
Concierge : Yes, you can.
Guest : That, I want to see. It sounds like I’m touring...O...
Concierge : Odun Pazarı.
Guest : Yes, O-dun Pa-zar. And do I drive around, take a bus, or walk?
Concierge : I would highly recommend walking. However, it is a little hilly.
It can be a little tiring. But, it’s worth it.
Guest : No problem. I like walking around and taking photos. Now what
about the other place you mentioned?
Concierge : The river tour. If the weather is nice, this is also a good way to see
an interesting part of the city. The tour is in the city center. You
can take a gondola, like in Venice, or there is a small river boat
that does group tours.
Guest : How long does it take?
Concierge : The tour is less than an hour. It’s very relaxing and you can do lots
of people-watching on both sides of the river.
Guest : I think I’ll have to do the day-trips outside the city the next time
I’m here. I’m driving back to Izmir in two days, so I’ll save my
driving for then.
Concierge : If you have any other questions, please let me know how I can
Guest : Thanks very much.

Resim 6.8 Resim 6.9

A Meeerchaum Pipe (Lületaşı) Lületaşı Oyma Örnekleri

Kaynak: of Sami Kaynak: of Sami Altınay

6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 111

Yukarıdaki konuşmadan ne anladık?

1. What does a day trip mean? 2
2. Who is Seyitgazi?
3. How far is Yazılıkaya from Eskişehir?
4. Why does concierge suggest that guest visit Odunpazarı?
5. What is meerschaum?


Aşağıda herhangi bir ziyaretçi veya turist ile onlara hizmet veren otel personeli
veya onlara yardım etmeye çalışan kişilerin soru veya yanıt kalıplarından örnekler
Questions about asking for suggestions or information:
• Do you have any suggestions/recommendations on places I (we) must visit
in —
• Do you have any suggestions/recommendations for things to do in ——
• Do you have any suggestions/recommendations for historical places to visit?
• I am running out of ideas, where should I go to shop for a nice gift?
• Hello, I would like to get some information about ——-
• Can I recommend some nice, authentic local shops?
• How far is ——— from here?
• How long does it take to go ——- from here?
Asking for directions:
• Could you tell me how to get to ——-
• Do you know where the ————- is?
• I am looking for this —————-(this address OR name of a place, street..)
• Is this the right way to ————
• Can you give me directions to ———
• How do I get to ———— from here?
• What is the best way to go to ————-?
• What is the shortest way to get to ————?
Making suggestions:
• ————— is definitely worth visiting.
• You really should (need to) pay a visit to ———-
• There are some nice places to visit . However, they are not anywhere near
• If you’d like to have a general idea about the city, why don’t you take a
guided tour?
• I would suggest/recommend that you go to —— to shop for authentic gifts.
• ————-is not very far away from here.
• ———— is a short walk from here.
• There are no busses (the metro does not get here) but you can take a taxi.
• It takes only a couple of minutes to get to ——————- from here.
• There are some nice concerts, and plays that you can go to.
112 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Giving directions;
• Go straight ahead and turn left/ right.
• Take the first/second turn to your left/right.
• It is near/next to/between/opposite to ———-
• You are going the wrong way, you must turn —-
• Continue for about a kilometer, you will see ———— after that keep going
until you get to ———- (giving directions to someone who is driving)
• If you take the next right/left then walk about a block you should be there.
• It is a five minute walk, but the walk is up hill.
If we do not know the answers:
• I am sorry, I don’t know.
• I am sorry, I am not from around here.
Bu kalıpların yukarıdaki konuşmada nasıl kullanıldığına ve sıfatlarla nasıl des-
teklendiğini bir kez daha inceleyin.
• There are many unique, less-popular towns, villages, and islands. (unique,
• These may be natural wonders, man-made, or both. (natural, manmade)
• This rural village has a history reaching back to 3500 BC. (rural)
• During the Ottoman Empire, Seyitgazi was an important stopping point.
• The island has beautiful beaches, fantastic winding narrow streets, and the
rugged remains of a mysterious fortress. (beautiful, fantastic, narrow, rugged)
• The island also has an intriguing wine industry. (intriguing)

Resim 6.10 Kullanabileceğiniz sıfatlardan

Sorular, sorular, sorular
bazılarını aşağıda size listeliyoruz.
Local Wooden
Kaynak: http://www. Interesting Traditional Wonderful Intriguing
php?photogid=1152”> Tremendous Soft
Image: jscreationzs / Historical Brilliant
FreeDigitalPhotos. net Fascinating Intricate
Two-lane Hilly
Small Tiring
Beautiful Relaxing


3 Bir turist size aşağıdaki soruları yöneltiyor. Hem konuşma hem de kalıp cümle-
cikleri gözönünde bulundurarak bu soruları yanıtlamaya çalışın.
1. I have two hours to go gift-shopping. Where should I go?
2. Where is a unique place to drink some Turkish tea or Turkish coffee?
3. Where is a nice place to go for a walk?
4. Are there any nice forests or gardens nearby where I can go for a walk?
5. I have half-a-day tomorrow. Are there any historic sites I can visit?
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 113

6. Is there a place nearby where can I listen to some traditional music?

7. Is there a traditional food that I should eat while I’m here?
8. Are there any holidays or festivals that I should be here for?


Bu ünitemizde pek çok yer ve yön tarif etmemiz gerekti. Size bu konuda yardımcı
olacak kalıp cümleciklerden ve deyimlerden örnekler vermeye çalışıyoruz.
Step 1: Finding out about places you may need to go
Question types:
• Excuse me. Is there a bank (a metro station, a tram stop, a bus stop, a railway
station, a car park, taxi stand, book store, hospital, restaurant) near here?
• Excuse me. Is there a post office on İstiklal Street?

Different answers:
• Yes, there is.
• No, there isn’t.
• Over there, near the police station.
• It’s the first on the right.
• The book store is on the right.
• The bank is on the left.
• It’s between the post office and the cafe.
• In front of the shopping centre.
• It’s behind the taxi stand.
• It’s next to the car park.
• It’s across the street.
• I am afraid I don’t know.
• Sorry, I don’t live in this city.
• I am sorry, I am a stranger myself

Step 2: Asking for directions for the place you want to go

Question types:
• (Excuse me.) How can I get to……..?
• (Excuse me,) can you tell me the way to………?
• (Excuse me.) Where is the bus stop?
• (Excuse me.) Can you tell me the way to the Castle?
• How can I get to Ortaköy (Galata Bridge, the metro station ,the Old Town
Square, Topkapı Palace, İstiklal Street)?
• Where is the nearest hotel (post office, beach, café, bakery)?

Different answers:
(İlk örneğimizde uzun bir tarif yapmamız gerekiyorsa ilk önce ve sonra gibi
sıralama zamirlerinin nasıl kullanılabileceğinin örneklerini veriyoruz.
• First Go down the street. / Go up the street.
Go straight, to the traffic lights,
Turn left and walk till you get to the traffic lights
Go up the street.
Walk three blocks up/down.
114 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Then Turn right.

Turn left.
Take the first on the right (on your right).
Take the second on the left (on your left).
It’s the biggest/smallest (tall, red) building on the left.
• Go along Oxford Street.
• Go straight on.
• Turn left at the roundabout.
• Go through the ……….into ……….Street.
• Go over the bridge.
• Go through the park.
• Go to (pass) the town square.

Final sentences:
• You’ll see (find) post office in front of you.
• You can’t miss it.

Step 3. Asking about the distance:

Question types:
• Is it far from here?
• How far is it from here?

Different answers:
If it is near:
• No, it isn’t far. Just a few minutes on foot.
• No, it isn’t very far. You can walk there in ten minutes.
• 10 minutes by car/on foot.
• 5 minutes walk.
• It’s no distance at all.

If it is far:
• Well, it is quite far. You’d better take a tram (take a bus, go by tram, go by
bus, a taxi)
• It is not near, you can take number 5 bus (take Opera tram and change at
Kızılay), then get off at ------

1. Finding a ride
Eskisehir Hotel Concierge: Good day. How can I help you?
Guest : I’m here on business, but I have an extra day to see some local
sights. Do you have any recommendations?
Concierge : Absolutely. You have a number of interesting options. Let me start
by asking if you have a car.
Guest : No, I do not. Do I need one?
Concierge : Well, there are a few historical sites outside of Eskisehir that are
very interesting. One is from thirty-five-hundred BC. But, the ne-
arest site is about forty-five kilometers away.
Guest : Is it possible for me to find a ride there?
Concierge : There may be a minibus that goes there.
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 115

Guest : And how long Resim 6.11

would it take
Nasıl gitmeli?
me to get there
by minibus? Kaynak: http://www.
Concierge : I would say two
or two-and-a- images/view_photog.
half hours. Image: digitalart /
Guest : H m m . . . D o e s FreeDigitalPhotos. ne
the hotel have a
Concierge : I’m sorry, sir.
We do not.
Guest : How about hi-
ring a taxi?
Concierge : It may be rather expensive.
Guest : How expensive?
Concierge : It may be one hundred lira for a day.
Guest : Can I ask you to investigate this for me, please? Also, can you find
out the cost and schedule of the minibus?
Concierge : I most certainly will, sir.
Guest : Thanks. I’ll stop back in a couple of hours to see what you’ve found.
Resim 6.12
Eskişehir haritası

Kaynak: http://

2. Lost
Hotel Front Desk: Thank you for calling the Porsuk Hotel. How may I direct
your call?
Guest : We are staying at your hotel, and we are on a day trip to Yazı-
lıkaya, and I think we’re lost.
Front Desk : Don’t worry, we’ll help you find your way.
Guest : We are some place, but we don’t speak Turkish and no one
here speaks English.
116 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Şekil 6.13 Front Desk : Do you have a map

Ne tarafa gitmeli? or GPS?
Guest : I feel stupid. We don’t
Kaynak: http://www. have a GPS in our car, and I accidentally
php?photogid=721”> left the map at the
Image: renjith krishnan / hotel. All we have
FreeDigitalPhotos. net are the directions we
wrote down from the
Front Desk : OK. We’ll figure it out.
Do you have any idea
where you are?
Guest : Nope.
Front Desk : How long have you been driving?
Guest : Well, we drove to Seyitgazi...
Front Desk : you made it to Seyitgazi.
Guest : That’s right. But after that, we must have taken a wrong turn.
Front Desk : Where did you take the wrong turn?
Guest : If I knew that, I wouldn’t be lost!
Front Desk : Good point. OK, let me ask you this. After you left Seyitgazi, did
you turn left or right.
Guest : Actually, from Seyitgazi, we went straight. After about ten kilome-
ters, we turned right, but then we stopped because our directions
don’t tell us to turn right.
Front Desk : Are there any signs pointing you to the next town?
Guest : When we turned left, the sign said Çifteler this way. We knew this
was wrong, so we stopped.
Front Desk : I’m looking at a map. I bet you’re near Bardakçı.
Guest : Yes! We just passed a sign that said Bardakçı.
Front Desk : OK. You want to head south, toward Akdere and Kayı. If you see
signs for either of these, you’re on the right road. If you see signs
for Orhaniye or Çifteler, you’re on the wrong road. Stop and turn
back. When you get back to Bardakçı, turn left. When you get to
Kayı, which is about 10 kilometers from Bardakçı, turn right and
you should see signs for Yazılıkaya.
Guest : OK. Got it. Thanks very much
Front Desk : Please call if you’re lost again. Or, call if you make it.
Guest : Will do!

Write short responses to help a tourist with the following problems:

4 1. Directions from your hotel to the nearest post office.
2. Directions from your hotel to the nearest pharmacy.
3. My car has a flat tire.
4. “There is nothing to do around here.”
5. Can you help me find a local tour guide?
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 117

Bu bölümde okulunuzun da bulunduğu Eskişehiri sizlere kısacık tanıtmaya çalı-
şacağız. Benzer bir şekilde siz de kendi kentinizi tanıtmaya çalışabilirsiniz.
Let’s talk about Eskişehir
A little history:
The fertile and peaceful lands between Sakarya and Porsuk rivers were home
to many civilizations since the Stone Age. The history of Eskişehir runs from Hit-
tites to Phrygians, to Greeks, Romans and Byzantium, and finally Ottomans. Es-
kişehir houses many myths and legends.
Many has heard about the myth of Midas, the Phrygian king who turned every-
thing he touched to gold, the story of Alexander the Great who solved the prob-
lem of untying the Gordion Knot, and Battal Gazi whose voice could kill many.

Eskişehir today:
Today, Eskişehir is a province located at the crossroad of railways and high
ways. The city is a modern city worthy of young Turkish Republic. The city is ac-
cepted to be the Culture and Arts Capital of the Turkic World for the year 2013.
Eskişehir is truly a culture and art center. It has a very active cultural life with
continuous performances of the Municipal Theaters and the Symphonic Orchest-
ra. The two universities located in the city, Anadolu University and Osmangazi
University makes Eskişehir youthful and full of energy. Students find plenty to do
in Eskişehir besides getting their college education.

Resim 6.14
A day at the

Kaynak: http://

The city is also a great football city. Eskişehirspor, the soccer team that takes its
name from the city is a favorite. If you are in Eskişehir, you should go to a game.
The fans are fantastic. They even have a brass band to cheer the team.
118 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Where to go?
There are several things to do and see in Eskişehir. The Ottoman–style houses,
Kurşunlu Mosque complex (1515) and Atlı Han located in Odunpazarı, the old
town, the Porsuk River with its cruise boats and gondolas, theme parks of Sazova
and Kentpark in the city and ruins of ancient Phrygian cities and temples outside
the city.

Resim 6.15 Resim 6.16

Sazova Theme Park A sciene from the River Porsuk

Kaynak: Courtesy of Sami Altunay:www. Kaynak: manzaralari-47803.html

What is in Eskişehir?
Eskişehir is a prosperous city. Due to its location many investors like to start their
business in Eskişehir. Its prosperity comes from the railroad and its factories: TÜ-
LOMSAŞ (the only locomotive engine factory), TUSAŞ (aircraft parts and engine
Resim 6.17 factory), sugar factory (one of
the first established in the Tur-
Carvings kish Republic), brick and tile
factories, ETİ ( biscuit and food
Kaynak: http:// factory) and the strategic Tur-
net/forums/ kish Air Force training base.
ressamlarin-cizme- What to buy?
resimler/49206- When we talk about Eskişehir,
post210392.htm it is necessary to mention Me-
erschaum. Meerschaum is a
soft white stone which is mined
in the Eskişehir province. The
mineralogists call meerschaum
sepiolite. It is lületaşı in Turkish.
This white stone is carved into
pipes which they are famous for,
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 119

as well as beads, necklaces, earring and various other ornaments one by one. It
is not possible to find two pieces of meerschaum carving that match each other.
The artisans who carve meerschaum are trying to keep this art from dying. The
Meerschaum Museum is a place to visit where you can learn about mining it and
the art of carving it.
Learn about prominent people from Eskişehir:

Yunus Emre
If you go to Eskişehir, you will Resim 6.18
find the name Yunus Emre used
Yunus Emre Statue
in many places. The main cam- at the enterence of
pus for Anadolu University is Anadolu University,
called Yunus Emre Campus, Yunus Emre
there are several streets called Campus
Yunus Emre and many buil- Kaynak: http://
dings. So who is Yunus Emre www.eso.
that takes so much attention in
Eskişehir? eskisehir&id=7
It is not easy to describe Yu-
nus Emre in a short paragraph.
Yunus Emre was a sufi mystic,
a poet, a troubadour and a very
influential philosopher. He has
influenced Turkish literature
and an outlook to life for the last
seven hundred years. One of the
main reasons why he is still very
popular as he was in his day is
his use of pure, simple Turkish.
Even the complex and rich ima-
ges he uses in his poems are easy
to understand.
His main concern was spiritual beauty adorned with eternal love of God, fri-
endship, tolerance and love of humankind. His idea of God advocated that God
was everywhere within each of us thus in every human being. Therefore, to Yu-
nus Emre, love of God and love of humanity were one and the same, as his poem
We love the created
For the Creator’s sake
This humane poet, mystic, dervish, call him what you like is still appreciated
by the Turkish people. His words are quoted, his poems turned into hymns are
still sung and his teachings have gone beyond the borders of his home country.
The fact that UNESCO celebrated 1991 as the year of Yunus Emre is proof of his
world wide popularity.
There many other poets who used his name, therefore, there are many locati-
ons that claim to have his grave. However, historical facts tell us that his grave is
in Sarıköy, Sivrihisar, a township within Eskişehir province.
120 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Nasreddin Hodja
Hortu village in Sivrihisar township within Eskişehir is the birth place of yet anot-
her prominent historical character. Nasreddin Hodja. It will not be wrong to say
that there are few people who have not heard of Hodja, as he is lovingly referred to
by the Turks. This 13th century trickster, philosopher, pedagogue has been known
for his quick wit, great humor and his ability to find answers to problems and
dilemmas humans face each day. Nasreddin Hodja and his jokes are known not
only in Turkey but throughout the world. He is referred to with different names
in the Islamic world.
Resim 6.19 Resim 6.20
Nasreddin Hodja marking the center of the universe A book cover of Hodja Stories

Kaynak: Kaynak:

komik-bebek-resimleri-4656.htm nasrettin-hoca-fikralari/371469

The common people, institutions and social rules have received their share of
criticism from Hodja. His satires cover people, state, culture or human frailty. He
is capable of seeing the weaknesses in human psychology and finding a humorous
way to talk about them. He can joke about everyday life as much as he can about
life in general. He is not really a jester but rather a teacher. The realisms in his
teachings are funny but still teach. That is why he is still popular in Turkey and
outside Turkey.
He moved to Akşehir later in his life where he lived and died. To day his tomb
is in Akşehir with a huge door and a huge padlock on the door that leads to the
tomb. Guess what? The other three sides of the tomb have no walls. Even in death
he is teaching us.
Every year there is a Nasreddin Hodja Festival where artists paint, draw and
act in his honor. His jokes and stories are told today by people of different count-
ries and in many different languages. And he is still capable of making us laugh
and think.
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 121

Here is a story that Hodja has told 700 years ago and is still valid. The story
starts as most Hodja stories does…
“One day Hodja was invited out to a wedding feast. He went to the feast with
his daily clothes and nobody talked to him or offered him food. So he went back to
his house and put on his fur coat. When he came back, everybody greeted him with
respect and was offered plenty of food.
When he started to eat, he started talking to the sleeve of his coat,”Eat my coat,
eat!” When the host and others asked him what he was doing, he said; “A few minu-
tes ago, I was here with my daily clothes. Nobody noticed me. But when I put my fur
coat on, I got your attention and respect. My coat got all the attention and respect, so
it is my coat who should eat the food.”
There are many other things to talk about Eskişehir. But you can find informa-
tion that interests you in many different web sites.
122 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Vocabulary - Sözcükler
Bu bölümde size bir yeri, bir bölgeyi, bir binayı, bir relaxing (adj): calm, quiet
manzarayı veya doğayı anlatmanıza yardımcı olacak remarkable(adj): unusual, extraordinary
sıfatlardan örnekler veriyoruz. romantic(adj): full of dreams
alive (adj): full of life rural (adj): in the country, not the city
amazing (adj): wonderful sensational(adj): exciting, breathtaking, magnificant
beautiful (adj): something or someone with shiny(adj): bright, full of light
qualities of beauty silent(adj): without noise, calm
bright (adj): shining, sparkling small (adj): not big
brilliant (adj): very bright soft(adj): not hard, gentle, kind
calm (adj): without motion; without stormy(adj): not nice weather,very windy and
expression; quiet rainy; rude,fierce manners
calming (noun): being quiet, strange (adj): out of the ordinary, extraordinary
colorful (adj): full of color, very bright terrific(adj): very intense; horrible, terrible;
creepy (adj): fearful, unpleasent fantastic, superb
crowded (adj): full of people, things tiring (adj): make someone tired, fatigue
deserted (adj): having nobody traditional (adj): customary, habitual
different (adj): not the same tranquil (adj): calm, quiet, uneventful
tremendous (adj): large in size; extraordinarily great
dry (adj): without water, without rain,
tropical (adj): from the tropics
without sense of humor
two-lane (adj): a road that has two separate lanes
enchanted (adj): full of charm
ugly (adj): not beautiful
fairytale like (adj): like a fairy tale
unique (adj): being unequal; special
fascinating(adj): being very interesting and
unusual (adj): out of the ordinary
urban (adj): related to city, belonging to the city
fresh(adj): very new, recently made
warm (adj): medium temperature; not hot,
harmonious: balanced with each other
not cold
hilly(adj): slightly steep
wild (adj): untamed; act unrealistically
historical (adj): related to history, old
windy (adj): a lot of wind
hot (adj): physically full of heat wonderful (adj): amazing; very very good; splendid
interesting (adj): attractive, attention getting wooden (adj): made out of wood
intricate(adj): complicated, complex
intriguing(adj): imaginative, complex
incredible(adj): unbelievable, astonishing
interesting(adj): amusing, funny
local (adj): from a particular region, regional
magical(adj): full of magic,
magnificent(adj): fine, extremely beautiful
modern (adj): from modern times
mysterious (adj): full of secrects
mystical(adj): metaphysical
natural(adj): produced by nature
noisy(adj): not silent, full of noise
old(adj): historical, aged, not new
peaceful(adj): quiet, calm, serene
perfect(adj): very correct, without fault
pleasant(adj): attractive, lively, likeable
quiet(adj): without sound, calm
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 123

Let Us Test Ourselves -

Kendimizi Sınayalım
1. İstanbul is really well known by everybody, which Answer questions 5-7 by checking the diagram.
one of the following would be a good way to describe
a. İstanbul needs no description.
b. İstanbul is in Turkey.
c. İstanbul is a big city.
d. İstanbul is on the Sea of Marmara.
e. You must visit İstanbul.

2. You want to visit a place which is ‘of the beaten

path’, where will you go?
a. To the center of a well known city.
b. To a museum.
c. To the library for research.
d. To a hidden cave up in the mountains.
e. To a travel agent.

3. Which sentence best completes the dialogue?

Hotel Guest: Do you think I should visit the Topkapı
Palace? Kaynak: From
Concierge: -------------------
a. I do not know anything about that palace. 5. You are at the camping site. Give directions to the
b. It is very crowded at this time of the year. post office.
c. Topkapı Palace is definitely worth visiting. a. Walk down King’s Way. Go straight across
d. Topkapı Palace is closed on Mondays. Queen’s Avenue. Turn right on High Street.
e. I do not know where Topkapı Palace is. b. Walk down King’s Way. Turn right and again
turn right at Oxford Street. Post office is on your
4. Which question best fits to the answer given? right.
Hotel Guest:----------------- c. Walk down King’s Way. Go down Queen’s
Receptionist: It only takes five minutes on foot. Avenue until the traffic lights. Then cross the
a. How far is the Topkapı Palace from the hotel? street.
b. How can I get to Topkapı Palace? d. Walk down King’s Way. Turn left and cross the
c. Where is Topkapı Palace? street.
d. Can you tell me where Topkapı Palace is? e. Walk down King’s Way. Go down Queen’s
e. I am lost. How shall I find Topkapı Palace? Avenue until the park. Then turn right on
Prince’s Road.
124 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

6. Give directions to the police station from the hotel. 9. Which one of the following is not one of the places
a. Turn left and go down Queen’s Avenue. It is the to visit in Eskişehir?
second on your left. a. Kent Park
b. Turn right and go up Queen’s Avenue. It is on b. Kız Kulesi
Oxford Street. c. Sazova Park
c. Turn left and go down Queen’s Avenue. Turn d. Odunpazarı
left on Prince’s road. Past the Clive. e. Atlı Han
Street. The Police Station is on your right.
d. Turn left and go down Queen’s Avenue. Cross 10. What makes Yunus Emre and Nasreddin Hodja so
the Avenue to Prince’s Road. It is on popular?
your right. a. They lived in the 13th century.
e. Turn left and go down Queen’s Avenue all the b. They both wrote important books.
way to Park Road. It is on your left. c. They both fought against Timur.
d. Both of them wrote beautiful poetry.
7. You are at the camp site. Here are your directions. e. Both used the language of common people and
Where are you going? could teach universal values.
Walk down King’s Way. Go down Queen’s Avenue until
the traffic lights. Then cross the street. It is the second on
your right.
a. Bank
b. Theatre Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı
c. Shopping Center 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. b
d. Museum 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. b 10. e
e. Baker’s

8. What is one thing that you might like to buy in Answer Key for ‘It’s your turn 1
Eskişehir? 1. The sentence is talking about İstanbul and
a. clothes Pamukkale. Everyone knows something about
b. shoes İstanbul or Pamukkale. Therefore, there is no need
c. jewelery to describe them. Needs not description means
d. meerschaum something, someone or someplace is really well
e. lokum known.
2. Attract
3. ‘These’ refers to many unique places, less-popular
towns, villages and islands around Turkey. In other
words, the places mentioned in the second sentence.
4. The sentence is “These may be natural wonders,
man-made, or even a mixture of both.” Both
means two things combined. In this sentence a
combination of natural wonders and man made
5. It was on the road to Baghdad.
6. Bozcaada is one of Turkey’s well kept secrets. ‘A well
kept secret’ means something a few people know
about and do not talk about.
7. No one knows the age of the fortress in Bozcaada.
8. Wine industry developed and grew in recent years.
6. Ünite - Local Sight Seeing 125
9. There are well known places everyone knows how Answer key for It’s your turn 4
to go. Most tourist follow a pattern that is used by 1. Turn left; go two blocks then turn right. You will see
everyone. When a place is not on the route of the the post office.
average tourist that place is not visited by many 2. There is a pharmacy right across the street.
tourists. 3. I can call a garage for you. They will fix your tire.
10. Far away from places that tourist or people usually 4. That is not true. If you would like history, there is
visit. a museum; if you like shopping we have some very
nice authentic shops; if you like to party, I suggest
Answer Key for ‘It’s your turn 2 the disco at the hotel.
1. When a you can complete a trip in one day, it 5. We have a resident tour guide at the hotel.
is called a day trip. For example, if you can go to
Ankara from Eskişehir in the morning and come
back late afternoon, it is a day trip.
2. Seyid Gazi is an Islamic saint and a war hero. References - Kaynaklar
3. Yazılıkaya is fortyfive kilometers south of Eskişehir. Boratav, Pertev Naili. 1996. Nasreddin Hoca. İstanbul:
It takes about an hour and a half to go there. Kırmızı Yayınları
4. Because it is the old part of Eskişehir and there Gölpınarlı, Abdülbaki. 2009. Yunus Emre Hayatı ve
are many interesting houses and shop located in Bütün Şiirleri. İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları
Odunpazarı. Halman,Talat. 1991. Yunus Emre and His Mystical
5. It is a white mineral mined only in Eskişehir. Pipes Poetry. Bloomington: Indiana University Turkish
made out of meerschaum are very popular. Studies
Answer key for ‘It’s your turn 3
Bu soruların yanıtları çok farklı olabilir. Parantez için-
de birkaç örnek veriyoruz. lesson1.html
1. If you have only two hour to shop, I suggest you go
to Atlıhan (Kapalıçarşı-Town Center) for authentic
gifts. It is not very far away from our hotel.
2. There are nice cafés in town center (by the river, by
the sea) where you can get tea or coffee.
3. There is a park by the river (you can take the paths in
the forest). I am sure you will enjoy the scenery.
4. There are not gardens or forests where you can go
for a walk near the hotel but if you take a taxi to the
harbor (the sea side, the river) I am sure you will
enjoy your walk in that area.
5. There is a fortress that you can try. But it is a diffi-
cult climb. OR
We have two museums that you can visit. OR
There are two historic mosques that you would like vi-
6. There is a nice music bar around the corner where
you can listen to traditional Turkish music.
7. In Eskişehir, we have çibörek that is authentic to our
city. But you can go to any kebap house and have
some traditional Turkish kebap.
8. We have Rose Festival (Strawberry Festival, Inde-
pendence Day) but unfortunately this is not the
right time.

Amaçlarımız - Our Aim

Bu üniteyi tamamladıktan sonra;
 Konaklama tesislerinde karşılaşılabilinecek acil durumlarda konuklarla görev-
liler arasında geçebilecek konuşma örneklerini;
 Lokanta, restoran veya kafe gibi yemek yenen yerlerde karşılaşılabilinecek acil
durumlarda müşterilerle görevliler arasında geçebilecek konuşma örneklerini;
 Tıbbı veya farklı acil durumlarda kullanılabilecek kalıp cümlecik örneklerini
görerek bilgi ve becerilerinizi geliştirebileceksiniz.

Anahtar Kavramlar - Key Terms

• Vocabulary about emergencies: • Non medical emergencies
• Medical emergencies

İçindekiler - Unit Contents

Turizm İçin İngilizce I Emergencies • A LOOK AT LANGUAGE THE OF

Turizm sektöründe ister konaklama tesislerinde ister lokanta, restoran gibi yemek
hizmeti sunan tesislerde olsun amaç konukları en iyi şekilde ağırlamak ve onların
ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaktır. Bu nedenle turizm çalışanları her koşulda hazırlıklı
olmak zorundadırlar. Çok arzu edilmese de zaman zaman acil durumlarla karşı-
laşmak mümkündür. Konukların kalp krizi, düşme nedeniyle kırıklarının olması
gibi ciddi sağlık sorunları olabileceği gibi, paralarının çalınması veya kıymetli bir
eşyalarını kaybetme gibi sorunları da olabilir. Dahası tesislerde yangın tehlikesi
veya deprem gibi beklenmeyen acil durumlarla da karşılaşılabilir. Bu ünitede acil
durumlarda konuklarla yapılacak konuşmaları örnek olaylar yardımı ile irdele-
meye çalışıyoruz.

Resim 7.1
Acil durumda yardım

Kaynak: http://www.
SimonHowden /

Turizm endüstrisinde çalışanların her şeye karşı hep hazırlıklı olmaları gerekiyor.
Aşağıdaki okuma parçası bu konu üzerinde duruyor.
In the tourism industry, certainly no one wants to think about emergencies,
but every employee must be prepared. And the more planning and training
that the hotel or restaurant or bus line does, the safer everyone will be if
a real emergency occurs. In a hotel, whether you work at the front desk, in-
128 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

housekeeping, or as the concierge, in an emergency, you should have a specific

role to play. In a restaurant, whether you are in the front of the house or the back
of the house, you too have a critical role to play in an emergency. For example,
the front desk staff member has a major role in guest safety and security,
especially on an evening or night shift when there are not many employees
in the hotel. They are the control center of the hotel, responsible for checking
the fire panel, calling 112, communicating with the staff, and meeting the fire
trucks and ambulances. In the restaurant, this person may be the manager, the
hostess, or the bartender. In either location, emergencies can be a fire, a heart
attack, a patron choking on food, a guest accidentally falling down the stairs or
someone having a medical problem like an unexpected toothache or a serious
one like a asthma attack. Sometimes emergencies are not related to disasters or
health issues, patrons may lose a valuable item, get their money stolen or be in
a car accident. Whatever the emergency, there should be a plan, and staff must
be trained and prepared to act quickly and properly.

1. What happens if more training takes place?

1 ——————————————————————————————————
2. In the hotel, who has a specific role to play in an emergency?
3. In the restaurant, who has the critical role in an emergency - the front of the
house staff or the back of the house staff?
4. In a restaurant, who is in the front of the house?
5. In the restaurant, who is in the back of the house?
6. What type of an accident can happen in a restaurant?
7. Name a few health related emergencies.
8. Name a few non-health related emergencies.
9. What is the number to call in case of emergency?
10. How can a hotel be ready for emergencies?


Konaklama tesisinde pek çok acil durumla karşılaşılabilinir. Aşağıdaki konuşma-
lar bu acil durumlara sadece birkaç örnek.

This section looks at possible conversations that the staff might have with pat-
rons in an emergency situation.
7. Ünite - Emergencies 129

Situation 1: Fire Alarm Resim 7.2

Otelde olası bir yangın alarmı söz konusu ve konuk- Yangın alarmı
lardan birisi bedensel engelli.
Guest (to hotel employee) : Can you tell me if the fire
alarm is false or real?
Employee : Ma’am we have a situation
and you must evacuate
your room.
Guest : I understand that but my
husband is in a wheelchair.
What should I do?
Employee : The elevators are not working
in case of fire, so we need to
get him down the stairs.
Guest : Somebody needs to help
because I cannot get him
down the stairs by myself. Kaynak:
Employee : Of course not. Which
room are you in? view_photog.php?photogid=1912”>Image:cbe
Guest : We are in room two thirty njasuwan /
Employee : OK, the safest thing to do is get him to the stairwell. We
will carry him from there.
Guest : Please hurry. He has high blood pressure and he doesn’t
deal with stressful situations very well.
Employee : If you take him to the stairwell on the second floor,
we’ll be there as soon as we can.
Guest : Please hurry.

Situation 2: Guest falls and cuts self (head) in the restaurant

Bir restoranda müşterilerden birisi kayarak başını çarpıyor.

Restaurant Employee : Ma’am, are you OK? Resim 7.3

Customer : I’m not sure. What happened? İlk yardım

Employee : You tripped and fell, and hit
your head.
Customer : How bad is it?
Employee : It could have been worse. You
cut your ear in the fall. We
have cleaned your wound. We
are waiting for an ambulance
to take you to the hospital.
Customer : It’s really starting to hurt. I can’t
believe this is happening. I was
supposed to meet some friends
here for dinner tonight. Now,
I’ll probably be on the way to Kaynak:
the hospital when they get here.
Employee : We’ll inform your friends view_photog.php?photogid=2280”>Image:dig
italart /
once they arrive.
130 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Customer : What did I do?

Employee : Well, you were coming out of the restroom and you must
have tripped on something.
Customer : How did I cut my head, though?
Employee : You must have hit your head on the table or chair as you
Customer : How far is the hospital?
Employee : About five minutes from here. Can I get you some water?
Customer : I feel dizzy. I think I’m going to faint. Some water would
be good.
Employee : You should stay seated. Don’t lie down. All the blood will
go to your head. Let’s lean you against this wall over here.
Customer : I can’t stand the sight of blood.
Employee : I think the ambulance is here. We’ll have you at the hos-
pital soon.

Situation 3: Down the shaft

Otelde veya herhangi bir turistik tesiste konuklardan birisi kıymetli kol saatini
kazara asansör boşluğuna düşürüyor.

Guest : I need your help.

Staff : What seems to be the trouble?
Guest : I lost my one-thousand dollar watch.
Staff : I am sorry to hear that, sir. Do you know where you lost it?
Guest : Yes, it fell down the elevator shaft.
Staff : How did that happen?
Guest : It was unbelievable. Just as I was getting on the elevator, the watch band
broke, and my watch fell through the crack between the doors.
Staff : Which floor were you on?
Şekil 7.4
Guest : The first. If I were on any higher
Kaybolanları aramak floor, my watch would be a pile of
metal and glass right now.
Staff : Ok. I will get the manager
immediately. We can get the
elevator technician to get it for
Guest : Thank you very much.
Staff : Don’t worry. Last month a woman
lost her watch the same way and
we got it back. Everything was
viev_photog.php?photogid=3062”>Image: David
Castillo Dominici/Free Digital
7. Ünite - Emergencies 131


Aşağıda farklı acil durumlarda kullanılabilecek kalıp cümlecik- Acil durumlarda sakin ve ayakta
lerden örnekler bulacaksınız. kalmalı
1. Talking about medical problems
Sağlık sorunlarından söz ederken çoğu kez have veya to be
I have a headache
a fever
a cold
the flu
an earache
a stomachache
a toothache
high blood pressure
diabetes http://www.freedigitalphotos.
asthma net/images/viev_photog.
I am ill/sick php?photogid=2664”>Image: Stuart
cold Miles /Free Digital
allergic to asprin
allergic to penicilin
allergic to (names of food) (for example, eggs, milk,strawberry)
Asking for medical assistance:
I need a doctor.
a dentist.
Possible conversations with the staff.
Resim 7.6
• Q : I have a headache, can you give me something for the
pain? Her yerde her zaman tehlike
• A1: I suggest you go the pharmacy. OR olabilir
• A2: We have a doctor in residence. Why don’t you talk to
him? OR
• A3: I advise you to go to hospital.
2. Talking about theft
Çalınan eşyalardan bahsetmek ve bu konuda konuklara yol
göstermek için kullanılabilecek cümle kalıpları.
• Guest 1: Somebody stole my wallet.
• Guest 2: My diamond ring is stolen.
• Staff 1: We will inform the police right away.
• Staff 2: Do you remember when you last saw ——?
3. Losing something Kaynak:
• Guest 1: I lost my passport. net/images/view_photog.
• Guest 2: I lost my hand bag. php?photogid=659”>Image:
• Staff 1: Where did you lose it, do you remember? Salvatore Vuono /
• Staff 2: What was inside your hand bag?
• Staff 3: I will help you go to police. We must file a report.
132 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

4. Talking about other disasters or accidents

• Guest : I hear the fire alarm.
• Staff : Please, stay calm and evacuate the building.

• Guest : There was a big explosion.

• Staff : There is no cause for alarm. We have called the authorities.

• Guest : I was not driving very fast but someone hit my car.
• Staff : We will call the police. We will also call an ambulance.

• Guest : Please, help. Somebody seems to be drowning in the pool.

• Staff : Do not worry; our life guard is by the pool.


2 Aşağıda belirtilen durumlarda konuk olarak çalışanları nasıl uyarırsınız veya bir
çalışan olarak konuğa nasıl yanıt verirsiniz. Yanıtlarınzda örnek konuşma örnek-
lerinden ve kalıp cümleciklerden yararlanabilirsiniz.
1. Guest: (call to hotel front desk) My daughter fell in the bathroom and hurt
her leg.
2. Guest: (call to front desk) I smell natural gas.
3. Guest: (call to front desk) I think I have food poisoning.
4. (call to front desk) My husband is having a heart attack!
5. (call to front desk) I smell smoke.
6. (at front desk) I have a terrible headache. Where’s the nearest pharmacy?
7. There’s a fire in the restaurant kitchen. What do you say to the guests?
8. To a guest who has lost his/her plane ticket.


İngilizcede kullanılan yardımcı filer konusunu 1. ünitemizde açıklamıştık. Ancak,
yardımcı fiillerin kullanım alanları geniş bir yelpazeye yayılır. Yardımcı fiiller çok-
lukla yetebilmek, olasılık, gereklilik veya tahmin belirten yapılarda kullanılır. Bu
ünitemizde yukarıdaki konuşmalarda karşımıza ‘could have’ ve ‘must have’ yapıla-
rının kullanıldığı cümleler okudunuz. Bu yapılar üzerinde biraz daha ayrıntılı ek
bilgi vermeye çalışıyoruz.
Could have +v3 yapısı can yardımcı fiilinin have yardımcı fiili ve fiilin üçüncü
çekimi yani past participle çekimi ile kullanılan bir yapıdır. Bu ünitemizde ör-
neklerini gördüğünüz farklı kullanımları vardır. Bu kullanımlara birkaç örnek ve
açıklama getiriyoruz.
1. Could have is used to talk about something that we are able to do but did
not do. Sometimes this meaning also includes criticism.
I could have studied more for my exam.(but I did not)
7. Ünite - Emergencies 133

She could have cooked a better diner. (but she did not)
He could have taken me to a nice restaurant. (but he did not)
We could have bought tickets to the concert. (but we did not)
Could have yapısını yapabileceğimiz halde yapmadığımız eylemleri anlatmak
için kullarınız. Bazı durumlarda bu yapılarda bir eleştiri fikri de bulunur.
2. Could have is used to guess about something that has happened.
They could have seen the thief. (we are not sure)
He could have heard us speak about him.(we are not sure)
Could have ortaya çıkan,olmuş bir olay hakkında fikir yürütmek veya tahmin
etmek için kullanılır. Tıpkı ilk örnek cümlemizde olduğu gibi; “Hırsızı görmüş
olabilirler.” Ancak, bu tahminimizden emin değilizdir.
3. Could have is used to guess about something that did not happen.
You could have failed your exam. (but you did not)
You could have run over by the bus when you ran after it. (but you didnot)
4. Could have is used to talk about something that is possible to happen in
present time or past time.
It’s 6 o’clock. The train could have arrived by now.
She could have arrived two hours ago.
Could have yapısı gerek şimdiki zamanda gerekse geçmiş zamanda olasıklık-
lardan söz etmek için kullanılır. Örneklerimizde olduğu gibi, “Saat 6, şimdiye
kadar tren gelmiş olmalı.” İkinci örnek ise geçmiş zaman zarfı kullanıyor. “İki
saat önce gelmiş olabilirdi.”
II. Must + have + V3
Must have + v3 is used to express opinion. These opinions are very strong
because they are based on observation and facts.
Did you feel earth quake?
No. It must have been in the middle of the night. (because I did not wake
Ali must have received a high grade in the English exam. (because he is
very good)
Must have v3 kalıbı elimizdeki verilere dayanarak bir fikir veya tahmin yü-
rüttüğümüzde başvurabileceğimiz bir yapıdır. Örneğin yukarıdaki örneklerden
birinde olduğu gibi: “Ali İngilizce sınavından yüksek bir not almış olmalı.” Bu tür
bir cümle ancak Ali’nin çok iyi İngilizce bildiğinden eminsek yürütebileceğimiz
bir tahmindir.
Ünitemiz içerisinde kullandığımız yapılarda yer almamakla beraber could
have v3 ve must have v3 yapıları ile hemen hemen aynı işlevleri gören birkaç
yapıyı da burada size tanıtmak istiyoruz.
III. Should + have + V3
a. We can use should have v3 to talk about the past event that did not happen.
It may express regret.
I should have cleaned my room. (but I did not)
I should have bought my bus ticket earlier. (but I did not)
Örneklerden de görebileceğiniz gibi should have V3 geçmişteki olaylardan
bahsederken kullanılıyor. Ancak, bu olayların özelliği hiç gerçekleşmemiş olmala-
rı. Türkçe’mizde ‘keşke’ sözcüğü işe başlayan cümle yapılarımızdaki anlamı ifade
ediyor. ‘Yapsaydım ama yapmadım.’
134 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

b. Should have V3 can be used to talk about event that may or may not have
happened. In other words, we guess or speculate about events.
Our meal should have arrived by now. I think we will get it soon.
You should have received my message. Let me send you another one.
Should have V3 olasılıklardan bahsetmek için kullanılıyor. Tıpkı could have
v3 kalıbında olduğu gibi gelecek veya geçmiş zamanda tahmin yapmak için kul-
lanılır. Bu iki kalıp arasında kullanım açısından bir fark yoktur. Her ikisi de bu
anlamda kullanılabilir.
c. Should have V3 and its negative form should not have v3 can expresses
regret. Something that we should not have done.
I should not have been late. I am sorry.
I should have given your money back sooner. I apologize.
Should have V3 ve bu yapının olusuz hali should not have v3 pişmanlık belir-
tebilir, tıpkı örneklerde olduğu gibi.

Yukarıdaki açıklamalar ışığında aşağıdaki alıştırmayı yapınız.

3 Apply what was learned above. Rewrite the following sentences, or provide
responses using “could have,” “must have,” “sould have”, “should not have.”
Example :
Guest (calling front desk) : “I can’t find my wallet.”
Employee : “You must have left it in your room.”
1. Bob missed his plane. (must have)
2. Bob missed his plane. (should have)
3. The fire started in the waste basket. (must have)
4. The fire started in the waste basket. (could have)
5. The boy fell and broke his arm while running around the pool. (should not
6. The boy fell and broke his arm while running around the pool. (could have)
7. Her jewelry was stolen from her room. (must have)
8. Her jewelry was stolen from her room.(could have)
9. He cut his hand on the glass. (should have)
10. He cut his hand on the glass. (could have)
7. Ünite - Emergencies 135

Sizlere keyif alacağınız bir alıştırma hazırladık. Aşağıda bu derste öğrendiğimiz

could/must/should + have + V3 kalıplarının yer aldığı üç şarkı seçtik ve sözlerini 4
aşağıda veriyoruz. Bu sözleri okuyun, anlamaya çalışın ve isterseniz şarkıları in-
ternet üzerinden dinleyin.
Roxette : It must have been love
Lay a whisper
On my pillow
Leave the winter
On the ground
I wake up lonely
There’s air of silence
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now
I close my eyes
And dream away
It must have been love but it’s over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it’s over now
From the moment we touched
‘til the time had run out
Make-believing we’re together
That I’m sheltered by your heart
From the film “My Fair Lady”, Judy Andrews: I could have danced all night
My head’s too light to try to set it down! Sleep! Sleep!
I couldn’t sleep tonight.
Not for all the jewels in the crown!
I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I’ve never done before.
I’ll never know What made it so exciting;
Why all at once My heart took flight. I only know when he
Began to dance with me I could have danced,
danced, danced all night!
Taylor Swift: You should have said not
It’s strange to think the songs we used to sing,
The smiles, the flowers, everything,
Is gone.
Yesterday I found out about you,
Even now just looking at you,
Feels wrong.
You say, that you’d take it all back,
Given one chance, it was a moment of weakness,
And you said yes
136 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

You should’ve said no,

You should’ve gone home,
You should have thought twice before you let it all go.
You should’ve known that word about what you did with her would get back to me.
And I should’ve been there, in the back of your mind,
Shouldn’t be asking myself why,
You shouldn’t be begging for forgiveness at my feet,
You should’ve said no,
Baby and you might still have me.


Aşağıdaki konuşmalar sağlık sorunu olan bir konukla otel çalışanı arasında geçi-
yor. Size yukarıda sunulandan daha farklı kavram ve kalıplar sunuyoruz.

Resim 7.7 Situation 1: Finding a doctor

İnsan kendini iyi Guest : I am not feeling well. I
hissetmezse... think I have a fever. I feel very very hot.
Staff : Would you like me to
Kaynak: http://www. call a doctor for you?
images/view_photog. Guest : I think it will be a good
php?photogid=2717”> idea. But would the doctor speak English?
Image: farconville / Staff : Certainly ma’am.
Guest : How will I pay the doctor?
Staff : You can pay by cash or
credit card. Do you have travel insurance?
Guest : I do. I bought travel
health insurance before I came here.
Staff : In that case your
insurance will cover the cost. Please, rest
over here. Let me call the doctor for you and make an appointment.
Guest : Thank you. I’d like to see the doctor as soon as possible.

Situation 2: Going to the Emergency Room

Guest : I am sorry to call you in the middle of the night, but I need help.
Staff : Of course sir, what is the problem?
Guest : I have a very bad stomachache.
Staff : Did you eat something strange or different.
Guest : I ate chicken with white sauce.
Staff : Maybe the food was bad. It could be food poisoning.
Guest : May be, but my stomach is killing me.
Staff : We will drive you to the Emergency Room right away.
Guest : Yes, please.
Staff : We will come to your room in a minute. Keep your door open.
Guest : Thank you.

Situation 3: After visiting the doctor

Guest : I am back. Thank you for your help.
Staff : I hope your visit to the doctor went well.
Guest : Yes. I must have caught a virus. He gave me prescription for some tablets.
7. Ünite - Emergencies 137

Staff : I hope you will have a speedy recovery.

Guest : I think I will. I have to take two of these tablets three times a day every 8
hours. Is there a pharmacy close by?
Staff : Yes, there is. I can get your prescription filled out for you.
Guest : Thank you.

Aşağıda sağlık sorunlarını veya farklı acil durumları simgeleyen resimler bulacak-
sınız. Örnek konuşmaları ve kalıp cümleleri kullanarak benzer konuşmalar yazınız. 5

php?photogid=2280”>Image: digitalart /
1. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-

php?photogid=3062”>Image: David Castillo Dominici /
2. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-

php?photogid=659”>Image: Salvatore Vuono /

3. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-

tog.php?photogid=2804”>Image: nokhoog_buchachon /
138 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

4. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-

php?photogid=3062”>Image: David Castillo Dominici /

5. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-

php?photogid=1499”>Image: Ambro /

6. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-

php?photogid=2039”>Image: Ohmega1982 /

7. —––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––———————————-


Resim 7.8 Bu ünitemizde size farklı acil du-
Yangın rumlarda neler yapılması gerektiği
konusunda kısa bilgi aktarmaya ça-
Kaynak: lışıyoruz.
freedigitalphotos. An emergency is an emergency.
net/images/ An emergency situation is very
view_photog.php? confusing for everyone. People have
photogid=2280”> different reactions. Most people
FreeDigitalPhotos. panic and cannot stay calm. There are
net different types of emergencies. Each
situation needs different action. Here
are some basic principles to follow in
different emergencies.

In case of Fire
Fires are one of the most common emergencies that can happen anywhere. If you
are a hotel/restaurant employee:
7. Ünite - Emergencies 139

• You must be prepared for fire. You must have a plan to evacuate your guests.
There must be smoke alarms and the exits must be clearly marked.
• In case of a fire alarm you must remain calm. You must direct your guest
to fire escapes and help the disabled. Do not allow your guests to use the
• You must get everyone out and make sure that you have called the fire
• You can use the fire extinguisher if you are trained to use it.

In case of a Thunderstorm or Hurricane

The weather conditions in the world are changing. We see more electrical storms
and hurricanes in every country. Even if we do not think that storms or hurricanes
are not dangerous, we must be prepared. Some of the things you can do to keep
your guests safe in case of a storm or hurricane:
• Try to have all your guests Resim 7.9
inside the building. Try Fırtına
to keep them close to the
center of the building. In Kaynak: http://www.
case of a hurricane, if you images/view_photog.
have a shelter, use it to php?photogid=1836”
protect your guests. >Image: Vlado /
• Tell your guests to stay FreeDigitalPhotos.
away from windows.
• Make sure that all the
outside objects like
chairs, tables and etc.
are removed. Because
they can blow away and
hurt someone.
• Tell your guests not to
use electrical devices.
• And most importantly
stay calm and comfort
your guests until the
storm or hurricane
passes away.

In case of medical emergencies

One of the most common Resim 7.10
emergencies in tourism sector is the Sağlık sorunları
medical emergencies. Here are some
suggestions for what to do in medical Kaynak: http://www.
• Call 112, emergency services php?photogid=3062”
or a doctor. >Image: David
• Stay calm. Tell your guest that Castillo Dominici/
help is coming.
140 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

• Try to help your guest as much as you can. Make your guest comfortable.
• Do not move your guest if it is not necessary.
• Try to understand the problem such as a heart attack, a head injury, nose
bleed, food poisoning, burns, seizure or broken bones.
• When medical help arrives, try to tell them as much as you can about the

Things to do and thing to know in case of emergencies when

you travel
When you travel, remember that emergencies can happen. Things may go wrong
so here are some suggestions.
• To avoid unnecessary heartache do not put all your money in one place.
• When you are in a hotel, put your jewelry or valuable possessions in the
hotel safe.
• Always keep your passport, identification card with you and put them in a
safe place.
• If you have medical problems carry your medicine with you.
• When you need help go to the authorities, your hotel personnel will help
• It is a good idea to have travel insurance made out before you start your
• You must know the telephone number of your country’s consulate.

Yukarıdaki açıklamaları göz önünde bulundurarak bu soruları yanıtlayın.

6 1. How must a hotel employee act in case of emergency?
2. Is it possible to use the elevator in case of fire?
3. Can anyone use the fire extinguisher?
4. In case of a very bad storm where should the guest stay?
5. Is it wise to watch the hurricane from a window?
6. What number should one call in case of emergency?
7. Is it wise to move the guest when he has broken a leg?
8. Where would you put your passport while travelling?
9. Why is travel insurance a good idea?
10. Why must you know the telephone number of your country’s consulate?

Okuma parçalarımızda birkaç kez acil sağlık hizmetlerine başvurmak için 112
numaralı telefonu aramaktan söz ettik. Acil servisler için telefon numaraları her
ülkede aynı olmayabilir. Örneğin ülkemizde 112 Hızır Acil Servis, 155 Polis İmdat
olarak belirlenmiştir. Aşağıda farklı ülkelerde acil servis veya servisler için kulla-
nılan telefon numaralarından örnek bir liste bulacaksınız. Farklı ülkeleri öğren-
mek isterseniz listenin altındaki referans kaynağından tüm ülkelerin benzer nu-
maralarını bulabilirsiniz.
The emergency numbers to call may be different in different countri-
es. Sometimes they are the same for a region; for example, it is 112 in many
European countries. It is wise to know which number to call if you are tra-
velling. If you need more numbers, you can check the website referred at the
bottom of the list.
7. Ünite - Emergencies 141

International Emergency Telephone Numbers Tablo 7.1

Taken and adapted
Country Ambulance Fire Police from the web page of
Turkey 112 110 155 Santa Clara County
Fire Department Last
Algeria 21606666 14 17 update December 11,
Argentina 107 100 101 2011
Australia 000 (112 on mobile) Kaynak:
Austria 112/122
Azerbaijan (Baku) 03 01 02
Belgium 112
Bosnia-Herzegovina 911/112
Brazil 192 193 190
Bosnia 112/104/94/124 112/105/93/123 112/107/92/122
Bulgaria 150 160 166
Canada 911
China, The People’s Republic of 119 110
(Beijing, Shanghai)
Croatia 94/112 93/112 92
Cuba 26811
Czech Republic 112/155 112/150 112/158
Denmark 112
Egypt 123 180 112
England 112/999
Finland 112
France 112/15 112/18 112/17
Germany 112 112 110/112
Ghana 193 192 191
Guatemala 125/128 122/123 110/120
Hong Kong 999/112 mobile
Hungary 112/104 112/105 112/107
Iran 115 125 110
Israel 101 102 100
Italy 118/112 115/112 112/113
Japan 119 119 110
Kazakhstan 03
Kenya 999
Kosovo 911
Kyrgyzstan 103
142 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

International Emergency Telephone Numbers

Country Ambulance Fire Police
Macedonia, Republic of 112/194 112/193 112/192
Morocco 15 15 19
Netherlands (Holland) 112
New Zealand 112/911/111
Norway 113 110 112
Pakistan 115 16 15/1122
Poland 112/999 112/998 112/997
Portugal 112 (117 for wildland fires)
Qatar 999
Romania 112
Russian Federation 03/911/112 01/911/112 02/911/112
Saudi Arabia 997 998 999
Scotland 112/999
Singapore 995 995 999
Spain 112
Sri Lanka 110 111 118/119
Sweden 112
Switzerland 112/144 112/118 112/117
Thailand 1669 199 191
Tibet 120 110
Turkmenistan 03
United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) 998/999
United Kingdom 112/999
United States 911
Uruguay 911
Uzbekistan 03
Venezuela 171
Vietnam 115 114 113
Zimbabwe 994/999 993/999 995/999
7. Ünite - Emergencies 143

Vocabulary - Sözcükler
Bu bölümde sizlere hastalık ve acil durumlarda kulla- prescription (n): reçete
nılabilecek sözcüklerden örnekler vermeye çalışıyoruz. private hospital (n): özel hastahane
Bu kez karşılıklarını Türkçe veriyoruz. sea sickness (n): deniz yolculuklarında deniz tutması
sinusitis (n): sinüzit
Tıbbi sorunlarla ilgili sözcüklerimiz: sprain (f): burkma
a cold(n): soğuk algınlığı sunburnt (n): güneşte aşırı yanma
a fever (n): ateşlenmek sunstroke (n): güneş çarpması
a headache (n): baş ağrısı surgeon (n): operatör
a stomachache (n): mide ağrısı swollen (n): şişme
a toothache (n): diş ağrısı the flu (n): grip
air sickness (n): uçak tutması tired (n): yorgunluk
alarm (n): alarm to ache all over (f): her tarafın ağrıması, kırılması, kı-
ambulance (n): ambulans rıklık hissi
bandage (n): bandaj to be allergic to (f): alerjisi olma
emergency (n): acil durum to be burned (f): yanmak
accident (n): kaza to be sick (f): hasta olmak
allergy (n): allerji to be weak (f): halsiz hissetmek
an earache (n): kulak ağrısı to bleed (f): kanamak
arthritis (n): artirit to break (f): kırmak
asthma (n): astım to cough (f): öksürmek
car sickness (n): araba tutması to faint (f): bayılmak
caution (n): uyarı to injure (f): yaralanmak
crime (n): suç to shake (f): titremek
protection (n): korunma to sneeze (f): hapşırmak
safety (n): güvenlik to throw up (f): kusmak
wound (n): yara
cut (n): kesik Doğal afetlerle ilgili sözcüklerimiz:
hazardous (n): tehlikeli aftershock (n): artçı sarsıntı
cold (n): soğuk algınlığı avalanche (n): çığ
danger (n): tehlike blizzard (n): tipi, kar fırtınası
diabetes (n): şeker hastalığı drought (n): kuraklık
diarrhea (n): ishal olma earthquake (n): deprem
dizzy (f): baş dönmesi famine (n): kıtlık
doctor’s consulting room (n): doktorun özel muayenehanesi fire extinguisher (n): yangın söndürücü
dressing (n): pansuman, yara sargısı fire (n): yangın
frostbite (n): soğuk ısırması, soğuk yanığı flood (n): sel
hay fever (n): saman nezlesi fog (n): sis
heart attack (n): kalp krizi heat wave (n): sıcak dalgası
heartburn (n): mide yanması hurricane (n): kasırga
injection (n): iğne (tıbbi anlamda lightning (n): şimşek
jet lag (n): uçak yolculuklarında saat farkından ötürü mudslide (n): toprak kayması
duyulan yorgunluk natural disaster (n): doğal afet
medication (n): ilaç tedavisi, ilaçlar storm (n): fırtına
nurse (n): hemşire temperature (n): sıcaklık (hava durumu olarak)
pain (n): ağrı, acı thunder (n): gök gürültüsü
patient (n): hasta tornado (n): siklon, tornado
plaster (n): alçı tsunami (n): tusinami
144 Turizm İçin İngilizce I

Let Us Test Ourselves - Answer Keys - Cevap Anahtarı

Kendimizi Sınayalım
1. What is the best reply to the following complaint Answer key to ‘Let us test ourselves’
from a guest? 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a
‘Somebody is drowning in the pool.’
a. Don’t worry; our life guard is on duty. Answer key to ‘It’s your turn 1’
b. Don’t worry; he knows how to swim. 1. Everyone will be safer.
c. Don’t worry; I will go and save him. 2. Front desk personnel have a specific role in
d. Don’t worry; someone will be there immedia- emergencies, especially in the evenings and at night.
tely. 3. In a restaurant the front house personnel like the
e. I don’t know how to swim, please help us. manager, the hostess or the bartender have critical
roles in an emergency.
2. How should hotel/restaurant personnel behave in 4. The manager, the hostess and the bartender,
case of fire? maitre‘d and may be some waiters who only serve
a. they should escape. customers at the front.
b. they should stay calm and help guests. 5. The cook and his helpers.
c. they should talk to the police. 6. Patron can choke on food, may have a heart attack
d. they should leave the hotel/restaurant. or fall down.
e. they should put the fire out. 7. Heart attack, broken bones, asthma attacks,
unexpected toothaches or upset stomachs.
3. How would you complete this sentence? 8. Stolen or lost valuable items, money stolen or car
“I---------------- left the hotel early. I missed my flight.” accident
a. must 9. In Turkey it is 112. (Please check the phone numbers
b. could for emergencies listed at the end of the unit. Table 7.1)
c. might have 10. They should plan and train their staff and be
d. could prepared.
e. must
Key to ‘It’s your turn 2’
4. You should ------------ from the windows in case of 1. I am sorry to hear that. I will send our house doctor
hurricane. right away. OR
a. watch That is too bad. I will call an ambulance right away.
b. look out 2. Please, stay calm and evacuate the building. OR
c. go There is no cause for alarm. The problem is taken care of.
d. stay away 3. I will call the ambulance right away.
e. walk 4. Ma’am, please stay calm. Help is on the way.
5. Please, do not be alarmed. There is nothing to worry
5. How would protect your money and valuable je- about.
welry while traveling? 6. I can send the house doctor to you right away. I am
a. put them in the hotel safe sure he has medicine to help you.
b. put them in your suitcase 7. Ladies and gentlemen. We do not want you to panic.
c. put them in your hand bag We would like you to evacuate the building quickly.
d. put them under your pillow. 8. There is nothing to worry about. I will call the travel
e. put them in the refrigerator. agency right away.

Key to ‘It’s your turn 3’

1. He must have been late getting to the airport.
2. He should have left the hotel earlier.
3. The fire must have started in the basket. Somebody
must have thrown a match into it.
7. Ünite - Emergencies 145
4. We do not know where the fire started. It could House Security : That is probably what happened. Let
have started in the waste basket. us inform the police.
5. The boy should not have broken his arm but he 6. Guest : I am not feeling very well. I head
was running around the pool. feels big.
6. I am glad the boy did not break his arm. He was House doctor : You may have high blood pressure.
running around the pool and he could have broken Let us check.
his arm. 7. Guest : I have a stomach ache.
7. She must have left the door unlocked. The jewelry House doctor : Did you eat
was stolen from her room. anything within the last two hours.
8. She was lucky that she put her jewelry in a safe. Guest : Oh! I had eggs for breakfast in the
They could have been stolen from her room. morning.
9. He cut his hand on the glass, he should have been House doctor : Eggs could have affected you.
more careful.
10. He could have cut his hand on the glass if he was Key to ‘It’s your turn 6’
not careful. 1. They must be calm, and comfort their guests.
2. No. it’s not possible to use elevators in case of fire.
Key to ‘It’s your turn 4’ Do not let your guests use the elevators.
???????????????????? 3. No. Only trained people can use the fire
Key to ‘It’s your turn 5’ 4. The guests should stay in their rooms, and they
Bu yanıtlar, farklı kalıplarla da verilebilir. Sizlere örnek must not go near windows
ve öneri sunuyoruz. 5. Never. Hurricanes are dangerous. The window
1. Guest : I have a terrible toothache. may blow away and the glass can hurt people if
Staff : Would you like to see a dentist? I they are in front of the window.
can make an appointment for you. 6. In Turkey it is 112. But emergency numbers change
2. Guest : My wife slipped and fell down the stair. from country to country.
Staff : Let me call an ambulance right away. 7. In cases of medical emergency, if you are not
3. Guest : Please help. There has been an trained, it is better to not to move the guest with a
accident. broke leg.
Staff : How did the accident happen? Did 8. When traveling, you must carry your passport
you call the police? with you and put it in a very safe place in your bag
Guest : It was not my fault. Yes, I called the if you are a woman or in an inside pocket if you are
police. a man.
Staff : Do you have your driving license 9. In cases of emergencies, it will be safer to have
with you? Do you have insurance? travel insurance.
Guest : Yes, to both questions. 10. When you need help, you can always call your
Staff : Iam sorry about the accident. We country’s consulate for help.
will send someone for help.
4. Guest : I think my husband is having a heart
attack, please help! References - Kaynaklar
Front Desk : Please stay calm. We will be with ht t p : / / w w w. m e d i n d i a . n e t / p at i e nt s / f i r s t a i d .
right away. asp#ixzz1smmYlc6r
5. Guest : Please help. I cannot find my wallet.
Hotel Security : Did you look for it? htm#ixzz1smn1L3U3
Guest : Yes, I checked everything and http://w w
everywhere. I cannot find it. I went vocabdisasters.htm
shopping in the morning.
Someone must have stolen it from essential-uk/natural-disasters
my bag.

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