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HFBC 826

Currently, the development of information technology has provided many new opportunities
so that knowledge exchange can be carried out even though it is constrained by distance, time
and place Through various applications and new technologies, information technology can be
used as a solution to the various problems above. One of the promising technologies is the
internet with its social media facilities. Social media allows the implementation of
interaction, communication, and collaboration among users effectively, quickly, accurately
and relatively inexpensively Kapplan and Heainlein define social media as a collection of
web 2.0-based internet applications that provide interactive services among individuals and
communities to interact, discuss, create and modify content
Historically, Social Media used to be enough to have an online presence on the Internet for
the one-way broadcasting and dissemination of information. Today, social networks such as
Facebook and Twitter are motivating new forms of social interaction, dialogue, exchange and
collaboration. Social networking sites enable users to exchange ideas, to post updates and
comments, or to participate in activities and events, while sharing their wider interests. From
general chit-chat to propagating breaking news, from scheduling a date program to be
following from gentle humor to serious research, social networks are now used for a host of
different reasons by various user communities Online social networks (Facebook, Twitter,
Blog, Plus Share, LinkedIn and the like) have become truly significant new phenomena in
human communication and interaction patterns and may have a profound impact in the way
people communicate and connect with each other. In this study, the decision to use an online
social network is conceptualized as intentional social action and the relative impact of the
three modes of social influence processes (compliance, internalization, and identification) on
intentional social action to use (collective intention) is examined. An empirical study of
Facebook users (n=389) found that collective intention to use a social networking site is
determined by both subjective norm and social identity3 Social networking is a composition
of individuals or organization, which are attached with one or more individuals such as
friend, neighborhood, small communities etc. In the professional field, especially in the
workplace, university and colleges, it is most fashionable online networking site among the
individuals. This is because of the widely spread of internet in the work places like colleges,
universities and other work places the individuals gather and share their first hand experience
and information among them.10 Boyd and Ellison described social networking websites as
systems that allow individuals to: (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a
bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and
(3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system

In this age of the internet, knowledge can be shared instantly and people are able to access
information quicker and easier than ever before.

Social Media is the most effective tool for sharing and marketing. Scientists and researchers
need to use this tool to their advantage in order to promote their work and share information
with the world.

But to promote any kind of item, including academic research, a knowledge of social media
and its impact is required.

Blogging and vlogging (video blogging) have become a new way for scientists to share their
work with the general public. Science news media is a growing industry, with magazines,
websites, TV shows, and documentaries. Scientists need to take advantage of these platforms
in order to share their work with more of the world.

Social media has transformed the way people communicate, share information, and consume
content. In today's knowledge society, social media has become a powerful tool for
disseminating information and shaping public opinion. This essay will discuss the role of
social media in a knowledge society and its impact on communication, information
dissemination, and knowledge acquisition.

Social media platforms have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other.
These platforms have provided a platform for people to connect with others from different
parts of the world and share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Social media has made
communication faster, more efficient, and more accessible than ever before.

The rise of social media has also led to the democratization of communication, allowing
individuals to have a voice and express their opinions on various issues. Social media has
created an environment where anyone can share their thoughts and ideas, and this has led to
the emergence of new voices and perspectives.

Information Dissemination:

Social media has also become a crucial tool for disseminating information. Social media
platforms have become the primary source of news for many people, with more than half of
the world's population using social media to access news content. Social media platforms
have also become essential tools for political campaigns and advocacy groups, allowing them
to reach a broader audience and spread their message.

However, the proliferation of fake news and misinformation on social media has become a
growing concern. Misinformation can spread quickly on social media, leading to the
dissemination of false or inaccurate information that can harm individuals, communities, and
society as a whole. It is essential to develop strategies to combat fake news and promote
accurate and reliable information on social media platforms.

Knowledge Acquisition:

Social media has also become a powerful tool for knowledge acquisition. Social media
platforms have created communities of experts, scholars, and professionals who can share
their knowledge and expertise with others. These communities have created opportunities for
individuals to learn from others, acquire new skills, and expand their knowledge.

Social media has also created new opportunities for online education, with many universities
and educational institutions offering online courses and degree programs. Social media
platforms have also created new opportunities for self-directed learning, with individuals able
to access a vast range of educational resources online

 In virtual communities, knowledge intervention by an expert can ensure

knowledge creation and knowledge dissemination on a continuous basis.
 Employees’ intentions to use social media to enhance internal knowledge
exchange are effected by the interplay between the importance and deficits
concerning knowledge exchange, the perceived usefulness of social media for
knowledge exchange, and the experience with social media use on the success of
such an activity.
 The new types of behavior (e.g. authoring, experimentation) that are possible
thanks to new IT-based communication and are enabled by social media can
support knowledge creation in organizations.
 Certain social media tools support the management of different types of knowledge
(individual and collective knowledge), and there is the possibility of integrating a
social collaborative dimension in these activities.
 Social media has potential for facilitating tacit knowledge sharing, which is
considered essential in new business models.
 Starbucks uses social media for customer knowledge management.
Social media supports the resource “knowledge”
 Social media contributes to different types of knowledge as well the overall quality
of the knowledge base.
 Social media can (directly and indirectly) affect different types of knowledge such
as structural knowledge, relational capital and social capital.
 Social media can make communication visible, which in turn can help
organizations in their meta-knowledge.
Social media helps in overcoming knowledge management barriers
 Social media can facilitate the easing of knowledge problems through providing
necessary information, locating knowledgeable people, providing a virtual context,
harnessing collective wisdom, and building trust.


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