Medical English 1

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BLACKSwa Publishing House Stepup for Medical English Series Editor Serkan KOC Authors Serkan KOC Ozge KOC Academic Consultants and Contributors Angela Lynn WOODMANSEE Tugba POLATCAN Yuksel TUNA Gillay KOE Yontem KILKIS Okan SOLMAZ Blackswan Publishing House Kazim Karabekir Cacidesi, Murat Altindad / ANKARA, No authorized photocopying. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any farm or fy any means, without the prior permission in writing of Blackswan 2 ublishir permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate copyright clea ization, Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the bave should be sent ta Blackswan Publication, at the ove, book in any other binding ar cover and you must impose this 2 lication are in public domain and their acldresses are 1 by Black 1 Publishing House for information only, Blackswan Publishing House disclaims any responsibility for the content. Kitabin tim yayin haklan Siyah Kugu Yayinciliga aittir. Bu kitabi baski yapan, cogaltan, fotokopi ceken ve alinti yapanlar hakkinda 5846 sayili yasa geregince kanuniislem yapilir. Bu yazi én uyart niteligindedir. Bilgi icin; 0312 341 04 00” Kiitiiphane Bilgisi: Yayin Hakiai Kugu Yayineilik Ltel St. bieotim | lckswan ubtsning House Eutor:Scrkon ko Akaderik Kapak ve Grafik Tasarim: 8iisra Ecem SIRIN Baskr: Umit Ofset Form Mathaaciik San. ve Tic. Ltd. St. 2 Baski 2016 Tel: +90 312 384 26 27 ISBN: 978-605-4654-2 Yayinci Sertifika No: 2 | [BLACKswan LANGUAGE Serles Kutlanian Gorseler Uimit Ofset Farm Matbaarilk San. ve Tic. Lt Sti, Uveligiile wawshutterstock cam adresinden slinmistr BLACKSwan” Publishing House Stepup for Medical English Anatomy Nursing Paramedies Xray Dental Lab Dietetics Prescriptions Surgery In the Lab Receptions simple present tense: verb tobe subject / object pronouns / possessives starting and ending conversations simple present tense: affirmative simple present tense: negative and questions asking for and offering help simple future tense be going to future tense siving erections in a city making comparisons adjectives prepositions of time and place: in /on / at polite requests countable/ uncountable present continuous tense ‘apologies and excuses expressing ability and possibilty: can/ can't conditionals type 0/1 talking about health problems ving advice: should / shouldn't expressing rules: must-have to talking about symptoms simple past tense: verb to be simple past tense showing symaiiny indefinite pronouns rand giving building present perfect tense: hegative and question form ‘medical appointment body parts (upper: ower body) organs and systems Instruments used in nursing duties ofa nurse emergencies emergency expressions radiology terms medical terms with have and get tooth anatomy dental care adjectives describing illnesses symptoms and illness surgical instruments orthopaedic supplies lab equipment parts of a hospital healthcare jobs required skils and duties of a medical secretary i i ‘amazing facts about our body tips for being healthy ‘2 coo! but stressful job ‘two conversations between the patients and the the ambulance ofthe future ‘two dialogues related to the future the future plans futuristic Xray scanner two dialogues between the patients and the doctors duties ofa dental lab technician ‘two dialogues related to a dentist appointment / dental check-up breatharianism diet (eating sunlight) benefits of chocolate ‘the digital pill that monitors your health strange health tips largest babies in the world new liver changed her blood type ‘dead mouse comes back to life Scentists say pink Is for gles top five job interview tips ‘wo dialogues at the reception film a health form roleplay a small talk situation fill in 3 job application form ask for and offer help ‘make an emergency contact card ‘ask for and give directions according to a map write an advice email roleplay a situation using polite request expressions write a description paragraph about a person using an information card roleplay a making and accepting apologies situation ‘write a paragraph about eating habits talk about health problems \write a short paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of traditional medicine ‘make alist of rules in your school or inthe hospital / clinic / fab you work ‘write a short paragraph about possible future advances inmedicine ‘make a presentation on organ donation awareness write a short paragraph about the difficulties of working ina medical lab rewrite a to-do list may on NEN ate ES) ieee Teacher's book Audio CD Interactive Whiteboard Software Blackswan E-class www. A\ Look at the pictures below and match the — body parts with the senses. oae sight 2hearing 3touch 4smell 5 taste B Work in pairs and questions. uss the following | Do you think you are a healthy person? Why / Why not? 2 How often do you see a doctor or a dentist? 3 Do you wear eyeglasses? body parts A Look at the words in the box and put a tick f near the ones you know. Discuss the ones you _/- don’t know with your partner. \ fleg aarm bknee cnose d elbow e forehead gmouth hthroat iankle jear kfinger | toe B Match the words below above with the body (— parts on the pictures. C Read the words in exercise A and put them into the correct boxes. head upper limbs _|_ lower limbs _ eye hand foot A\ Read the title of the following text and choose the correct option. 1A strand of hair is sometimes stronger than abone bstone —_c steel 2 Humans share 50 % of their DNA with amonkeys b bananas ¢ bees 3 Babies blink only once or twice 4 minute while adults average around alo bis 20 BwWork in pairs. Look at the words and numbers below and fill in the following sentences with them. bones, 100,000 iron / muscle / noses / tongue / electricity / 10 million / 576 1 heartbeat / 20% [22% I7 hours /1,000 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT OUR BODY + Auman baby has over 60 more than an adult + Earsand __ never stop growing + The human eye isa kind of dgial camera that has .__megapixels. “Similar to fingerprints, everyone also has a unique print + Sleeping less than _each night reduces your life expectancy. + The human brain can read up to __ words per minute. + The human eye can distinguish about __ different colours. + The strongest _ masseter (jaw muscle). + There are __ miles of blood vessels in an adult human body. + When awake, the human brain produces enough __to power a small light bulb in the human body is the + Your body has enough init to make a metal nail 7.5 em long. + Your bones are composed of ___ water. + Your brain uses __ of the total oxygen and blood in your body. © Your changes and mimics the music you listen to. ANATOMY C4.iPListen to the text above and check your answers in exercise B. Then compare the number of your correct answers with your partner, D Match the words below with their definitions. | heartbeat 2 fingerprints 3 distinguish 4 blood vessels 5 mimic 6 nail a to recognize a difference between things b the mark made by pressing your finger on a surface € the action or sound of the heart as it pumps blood d to copy something very closely a small long, chin sharp metal thing for holding things together f the part of the body that helps to move blood throughout the whole body E Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false. | Our ears stop growing when we become an adult. 2 Sleeping less than 7 hours is bad for our body. 3 The human eye is a good example of a camera 4 The strongest muscle in the human body is our tongue. 5 There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body. 6 Your bones use 20% of the total oxygen and blood in your body. f ANATOMY the verb to be A.Then complete the table with am, is are. affirmative form I am__|a student. You —___| my friend, He / She /It David/ Olga / my cat We You are | French They negative form \ a teacher. You are my brother. He / She /it not [Frank/Evaimy dog We Russian You are They questions | you a student? is he / she /it| at school? we — fyou fine? they B Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be. This is Todd. 2These Todd's children. 3 This his wife, Nancy. 4Todd and his family__—__Brritish. st a happy man,” says Todd 6They ___ riding their bicycles. TM ‘we lost?” ask the children, C Make attirmative o negative sentences. I John is my brother. (+) 21 Russian. (-) 3 Betsy ___ a student. (-) They — Portuguese. (-) SYou appy. () éWe~ a attool D Complete the questions and short answers. | A:Is this your pencil? B: Yes, 2a: they your parents? B: No, 3A { okay? B: Yes, 4a: you at home now? B:Yes, SA: welate? — B:No,_ ‘We can't use contractions in positive short answers. eg.“Are you Mr.jones?”Yes, | am.” NOT, “Yes, mn. (geome p.78 A Read the components of a health form and match them with their explanations. a Date of birth bb National identification number Health insurance number d Emergency contact number e Medicines f Health problems | Each citizen has this number and it helps people use the services like education, health care, banking, etc. more easily and properly 2 The day of the month and the year that you were born. 3 The diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, or other conditions. 4 This includes supplements. 5 The phone number(s) of the person(s) to call in an emergency (a family member, friend, neighbour, etc.) 6 Your insurance company gives you this number. prescriptions, and herbs and B Fill in the following medical record using your own personal information. medical record Name: Date of birth: _ National identification number: Health insurance number: Emergency contact number: Medicines: Health problems A Work in pairs. Read the definitions and discuss the questions below. vital (adj): very important useless (adj): of no use, not functional | Whatis the most vital organ in our body? Why? 2 Are there any useless organs in our body? Give reasons. organs and systems A Look at the words in the box and put a tick near the ones you know. Discuss the ones you don’t know with your partner. 1 intestines 2 heart 3 nerves 4 tissue 5 veins 6 spine 7 stomach 8 joints 9 neurons 10 tendon B Match the words above with the pictures below. C Complete the system word webs with the correct words from exercise A. bones circulatory skeletal blood brain mouth nervous digestive muscular muscle A Look at the phrases and put them in the correct category, greeting (G) or response (R). Hi G How are you? Hello. I'm good thanks. My name's .. Hows it going? Its nice to meet you. Its nice to meet you too. Not bad, You too. les great to see you again. CONVERSATION + A: Hi, my name is Martin. B: Hello Martin, I'm Sally. A: Nice to meet you, Sally. How are things at schoo!? B: Pretty good. What about you? A:Things are great thanks. B: Oh it's 9 0” clock! It’s time for class. See you later, A;See you. (CONVERSATION 2: ‘A: Hi Steve, how's it going? B: Not bad John, and you? ‘A:'m good thanks. B: Shall we order a drink? ‘A:Yeah, Id like a coke thanks. B: Ok, fil speak to the waiter... two cokes please, and some water as well CONVERSATION 3: ‘A: Hello Graham, how are you? B: Hello sir.'m very well thanks. How are you? ‘A: Not bad, and how are your family? B; Pretty good sir, we are having a new baby! A: Oh that’s great news, congratulations, well, | will see you later at the 4 o clock meeting. B: Ok sir, have a good day! B Match the conversations |-3 with the pictures below. i as ; . © Work in pairs. Student A: go to , student + Read your role cards and roleplay the given situation. Nee KS ANATOMY ‘Awork in pairs and ick the healthy* activities. healthy: good for your body and mind B Scan the text below and check your answers in exercise A. C Read the text and match the headings from the box with the texts. a drink water b exercise learn something new have fun e eat fruit and vegetables ‘Are you feeling unhealthy? In summer, most people start eating healthy food to be fit. Here are the top tips £9 be fit and healthy: 1 ‘You should always eat healthy food and fruit and vegetables are very good for you. You should also eat protein, ike egg and carbohydrates like pasta You shouldnt eat alot of sugar and fa. But dont forget thar some fats are -g00d for you, like fish and nuts. 2 2 coanSer water is very heathy but many people do not drink enough waterYou should drink about 2 Ire of ‘water every day. When you go to the gym. you should drink a lot more water 3 Eazrcige Is the best way to be fit healthy and happy. You should exercise for 30 minutes every day. When you exercise you feel happy and you have more energy. 4_ ‘Your brain also needs to be healthy.You should learn new things, ike a new language or sport. 5 The most important tip is to have fun.You should enjoy the exercise you are doing and the food you are eating. Remember to try different things. Maybe you don't like playing tennis, but maybe you love doing yoga! D Read the text again. Mark the sentences as true or false. 1 You should eat lots of different types of food.T 2All fats bad for you 3You should drink 2 litres of water a week. 4 You should exercise every day. 5 Your brain doesn’t need to be healthy. 6 Everybody likes playing tennis. ANATOMY subject pronouns and possessive adjectives A Match the nouns with the subject pronouns. oun subject pronoun | Edward a they 2 my friends bwe 4 my bag dhe | 5 my mother eshe 6 Greg and | fit B Write the correct subject pronoun. I Jane is my mother,__ is 54 years old. 2 Larry isa farmer. works on his farm, 3 Kelly and | are friends. ____g0 to the same school. 4 Joe and Trevor are drivers. drive busses. 5 My name is Lisa. arm a waitress. C Write the correct possessive pronoun. You are lealian country is lraly 2 lama police officer. job is dangerous 3 James and jil are married. — children are Lily and Sofia 4 This is my dog, _— ame is Rover: 5 Kip and I are friends. favourite movie is Titanic subject pronoun possessive pronoun object pronoun 1 mine me you yours you he his him she hers her it its it we ours us they theirs them We don't use a noun after possessive pronouns because it is already used instead of possessive adjective + noun combinations. eg This is your shir, that is mine (mine = ny shirt) (gemma W ANATOMY starting and ending a conversation Ie is important to know how to start, maintain and end a conversation properly. You can find some useful expressions below for starting and ending a conversation, greeting and general questions 1'm... (name) ‘What's up? Nice day,isne ie? What's new? Nice to meet you. Do you live / work / study here? What do you do? How's it going? How's everything? How's life? ‘What about ...? A\ Read the conversation and fill in the gaps with the expressions in the box. Wella dark coffee would be fine b How do you know him Hope to see you soon dd My name is Nicky @ Do you work here f That's interesting Fred: Hi, 'm Fred, Nicky: Hello, Fred a) Fred: Nice to meet you, Nicky. Qy Nicky: No, don't. 'm just here to visit my friend, Tim, Fred:Tim? He is my office mate.____(3)? Nicky: Realy? He is my next door neighbor Fred:___(4).What about having a drink while waiting him? Nicky:Thanks alot. 6) Fred: Okay. Here you are Nicky: Thank you Fred, __ Fred:See you, Nicky. a B12) Listen to the conversations and fill in the gaps. ‘CONVERSATION + Rick: Hello Tina _? Tina: Hello Rick. am having a break 2 Rick am going out for dinner: Do you want to come with me? Tina: Sorry, Rick. I have three more patients today Rice Tina: know. Oh, __weekend by the way? Did you have a good time in the conference? Rick: It was okay. __ your weekend? Did you meet Dr Franke Tina:Yes, | did. We will elk about it later RickcAll right then, __.Tina Tina: See you. ‘What's happening? Where are you from? How was your weekend? How do you know ...? asking and talking about recent events / details / offers ending the conversation le was nice to meet you, le was nice to see you. Hope to see you soon, Hope to meet again soon, See you later. CONVERSATION 2 James: Hi there. Glenn: Hi, _ James: Nice to meet you, Glenn, Do you work here? Glenn:Yes,I started to work here last month. James: ___?Thatis great. Which department do you work in? Glenn: | work in the microbiology department. | am a lab. technician, _ ? James: work in the accident and emergency department. am an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) Glenn: | always wanted to be an EMT. I think you have a great job. James: I love my job, too, but sometimes ic is very stressful..fading) C Listen again and answer the following questions. 1 What is Tina's job? a.She is a doctor. b.She is a driver, 2Whaat did Rick do at the weekend? a. He worked all weekend, b.He attended a conference 3 Did Tina meet Dr. Frank? Yes, she did, No, she didn't 4 Which department does Glenn work in? a. intensive care department b. microbiology department 5 Which department does James work in? a. accident and emergency department b.anesthetics department ayy e. A Look at the pictures below and choose the ‘most stressful three jobs. B Work in pairs and discuss the following Pi questions. | Are you a stressful person? 2What do you usually do when you feel stressed? B Goto ‘Take the quiz and compare your results to your answers in exercise B. instruments used in nursing A Look at the words in the box and circle the ‘ones you know. | gloves 2 stethoscope 3 blood pressure monitor 4 syringe Scatheter 6 antiseptics 7 mask Bbandage 9 thermometer B Match the pictures with the items in exercise A. I a) a) C Read the sentences below and circle the correct option. | Doctors and nurses change their gloves / stethoscopes before examining each patient. 2 You can use a catheter / bandage to keep your wound clean, 3 Mary takes his litle son's temperature with a blood Pressure monitor / thermometer. 4 The baby began to cry when she saw the mask / syringe in my hand. 5 They use antiseptics / syringes in the hospital to avoid infections simple present tense: affirmative form A\ Read the sentences in the present simple and underline the verb in each sentence. aL wake up early every day. b She lives in Mexico. ¢ Sam hangs out with friends on Saturdays. dWe usually go shopping after work, B Choose the correct option in the rule below. | We use present simple tense to talk about daily routines / future plans. 2 We use present simple tense to talk about past events / facts and permanent* situations. 3 We add the suffix (s) to the verb with the subjects we, you, they / he, she, it “permanent: situations that do not change. C write the present simple of the verbs in brackets. Ed is a driver. He (I) wakes up (wake up) at 5 o'clock every day. He @) ___ (take) a shower, then he and his wife @ (cat) breakfast ) together. (4) Ed (drive) his car to work and (5) (get) his. schedule for the day. Then Ed and the other drivers (6) —_ (leave) the office and pick up their customers" T (7) (like) my job, but my wife (@) hate), the fong hours. 1 usually got Home after 9 o'clock” says Ed. Ed always ° (arrive) at work on time, and he (1) (be) never late ‘We use never in affirmative sentences but it has a negative meaning. With never,a sentence is affirmative in form but negative in meaning eg. never drink milk = Ido not drink milk, (grammer p.79-80| A Work in pairs. Look at the pictures below and discuss the following questions. Do you think nurses work hard? 2 Do you think nurses have stressful routines? B scan the text with a partner and complete the table below with the activities from the text. 6am she wakes up Tam Bo'clock 12 o'clock pm 6pm COOL BUT STRESSFUL Susan is a nurse in London Central Hospital and her daily routine is really tiring and stressful. She usually wakes up at 6 am in the morning and takes a shower: Then, she fas breakfast and leaves her house around.7 am. She arrives, at the hospital at 8 o'clock and starts working. She reads the patients reports with her colleague Jane. Together they visit the patient rooms and help the patients until 12 o'clock. Then, Susan has lunch with her friends and at | pm she starts working again. In the afternoons, she usually helps the doctors whit operations and surgeries. Sometimes she works in the emergency room and helps _ critical patients. At around 6 pm she stops working and {goes back home. She often feels exhausted after dinner and goes to bed without watching TV. She can’t go out with her friends very often because of her job. So, being a nurse is cool but itis also very difficult and stressful C Match the bold words in the text with their definitions. oF I tiring avery dred 2 colleague someone who works with you 3 critical causing someone to rest or sleep 4 exhausted d seriously ill D Read the text and correct the following sentences. akes in the I Susan is a doctor. 2 Susan works in New Jersey Central Hospital. 3 Susan visits the patients with her colleague Kate, 4 Sometimes Susan helps critical doctors. 5 Susan often feels energetic in the evenings. NURSING ‘A Work in pairs. Read the definition and the job post below and answer the following questions. Registered nurse: a person who has an official nursing diploma, certificate or license. g Registered Nurse Required Royal Hospital is looking for an experienced Renee leet se foto ar ctr Te and surgical facility. If you want to work in oc lea Went racstNotiesatey Cracides seni Essential criteria + Relevant acute c Oye eo err ieye sic Beato ee ie neue rue estates) ne Please fil i) te applietion form. on vv foes ein LWVfiat this job post about? 2Who /What is the sender? 3 Do you like this job? Why, why not? 4s this job suitable for you? PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: ‘Surname: Mobile number: Email address: Education and career Schools and certificates: Work experience: B Goto and, = Read your information card the application form using it, : Se duties of a nurse A Work in pairs and discuss the questions A\ Match the two columns to make full tasks. below. help awith doctors | What is your impression of the people in these 2 keep b the wound pictures? 3 communicate c blood pressure 4 sterilize dan injection 5 check € patients at home 6 establish f patients’ records 7 give gan intravenous line 8 visit h the surgeon B Match the pictures with the tasks in exercise A 1 intravenous line 2 keep record 3 check blood pressure 4 communicate with doctors 5 help the surgeon 6 sterilize a wound 7 give an injection 8 visit patients at home a they are happy b they need help question with your partner. c they are good nurses 1 Which of the jobs shown above are the easiest / 2 Do you like helping old or sick people? Why, why most dificult task for a fresh graduate nurse? Why? not? A Work in pairs and discuss the following questions. | Which of the following things do the patients usually ask for from a nurse? aa cup of tea b a music player a newspaper or a book 4a pillow anda blanket homemade dinner a Bazip Listen to the conversations below and check your answers in exercise A. C Listen to the conversation again and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. a blanket b check c fever d get nauseous peppermint —_g pillow h raise thermometer | vomiting CONVERSATION 1 Patient 1: Ms. Nelson, | think I have a (1) cold in here! Nurse I: Okay, Mr: Kang. Let me (2) Patient |: What do you think? Nurse I:Your temperature seems high. Let me get a @)—tocheck. Patient I: How do | (4) my bed? I can't do it. Nurse I: Here you ares that better? Patient I: Could ! have another (3)? Nurse |: Certainly, here you ares there anything else I can do for you? Patient |: No, thank you. Nurse: OK, I'll be right back with the thermometer: Patient |:Oh,justa moment. Can you bring me another bottle of water, too? Nurse |: Certainly Ill be back in a moment. Its so your forehead, CONVERSATION 2 Nurse 2: Good morning, Mr. Kang. How are you doing today? Patient 2: Horrible! | feel sick. | can't eat anything! Nurse 2:That's too bad.You should eat something. Try to eat something and call me if you fee! (6) Patient 2:1 can't! Nurse 2: Well, okay. Do you have any diarrhea or vomiting? Patient 2:1've been to the toilet twice, but no diarrhea for vomiting. Perhaps, | should drink something. Can | have a cup of tea? Nurse 2: Certainly, il get you a cup immediately Would you like black tea or (7) tea? Patient 2: Peppermint, please. Can | also have a)? I'm so cold. Nurse 2:Here’s an extra blanket. Patient 2:Thanks a lot Nurse 2:You're welcome Mr. Adams. Is there anything elsel cans) for you? Patient 2:That’s alright.I think a cup of tea and a warm blanket should help. NURSING D Look at the pictures and match them with the conversations | and 2. E Complete the following sentences with the words below. Change thelr form if necessary. araise b pillow causeous ——_d vomiting f peppermint —_g blanket 1 means to move something upwards, make it higher. 2 If you out of your mouth, 3 People usually put when they sleep 4 We use to make tea or flavour candies because it smells and tastes good. 5 We use a _ to make us warm when we have a rest or sleep. When you are sick and dizzy, you fee! . anything in your stomach comes under their heads w ) NURSING simple present tense: negative / question forms A Read the sentences below and complete the following tables with do, does, don’t, doesn’t. D Fill in the blanks with the short answers. 1 Do you like spinach? 4 Farmers don't wake up late, No, I don't. b He doesn't finish his work, 2 Does Nicole do her homework? ‘What does he do? Yes, A 4 Does the farmer get bored? 3 Do they lve in Istanbul? Yes, negative sentence 4 Da they make breakfast? H No You 5 Does the ear work? a donot (don't) | getup | late. Yes, They (gremmar pao He She getup | lace, Ie juestions sues AX Read the dialogues below and do the u following activities. ™ ‘get up late? they Excuse me, madam, can | ask a favour? he B: Sure. What is the problem? she [getup ‘| ate? ‘A: [feel cold but | can't find the remote, Could you — |e please turn the air-conditioner off? B:'m sorry but I can't I'l call the tech positive answer negative answer | 7. Yes,!/ you / we / they do.] No, / you / we / they “You look pale, Mrs. Kelly. Do you need any help? . Dies, that would be great. 7 C:Okay, how can |help you? Yes,he / she /it__. | No,he /she it__] 6 Canou give me a glass of water, please? C:Sure. B Make the sentences below negative. | Match the dialogues with the usages below. dialogue | | I deive to work every day. dialogue 2 | don't drive to work every day 2 John cooks food in the evening. a asking for help 3 We go to the cinema on Fridays, 4 She usually has breakfast. SYou call me every Saturday. C Make yes / no questions for the statements below. | go shopping every weekend. Do you go shopping every weekend? 2 Mary sees the doctor once a month 3 Jane and jill buy vegetables from the market. 4We never clean our house. SYou drink lots of water every day. b offering for help 2 Underine asking / offering help phrases in the) dialogues above. 3 Choose the correct option below. a In dialogue I, there isa positive / negative response. bn dialogue 2, there isa positive | negative response. B Work in pairs. Student A: go to student B: go to Read your role cards and role-play the situation. Remember to use related structures and phrases. marae BS 6 NURSING asking for or offering help In order to ask for or offer help, we can use the expressions listed below: Offering help Possible responses ‘Asking for help Possible responses ‘Cani May help you? Yes, that would be great. || Could you give me a hand? | Certainly. ‘Would you like some help? | That would be so kind, | Could you lend me a hand? | Sure, Can | give youa hand? | thank you. Could you help me, please? | My pleasure. Do you need any help? | Thanks, appreciate your |] Can | aska favour? Need any help? help. Ineed some assistance, Is there anything | can do | Thanks, much obliged. please. to help? [No thanks, can manage it. May | offer my assistance? ma A\22) Listen to the conversations and fill in the gaps. Conversation 1 Front Desk Staff: Hello, Patient: 've got an appointment with Dr. Craig. Front Desk Staff:Are you Ms. Sayers? Patient:Yes,1 am. have an appointment at nine, Front Desk Staff: Okay, first you need to fil in these forms. Patient: Oh, | see. 2 | twisted my wrist | can’t write anything. Front Desk Staff: Patient:Thanks, Front Desk Staff Conversation 2 Nurse: Good morning, Mr. Dave, Patient:Yes, -lcan't find the dispensary. Nurse: is on the third floor: You can use the elevator. Patient, Really. 2 Nurse: Patient-| feel dizzy. don’t think I can use the elevator Can you get these pills for me? Nurse: Do you want me to bring them to your room? Patient:Yes, Nurse:All right, what is your room number? Patient: It is 259 B Listen again and answer the true / false questions below. | Ms. Sayers has an appointment with Dr. Craig. 2-Ms. Sayers appointment is at ten o'clock, 3 Ms. Sayers can’t write because she hurt her wrist. 4 Mr. Dave is looking for the cafeteria, 5 Mr. Dave can't use the elevator because he feels dizzy. a ‘emergencies A Work in pairs and discuss the following A Match the pictures with the words from the questions. box. I Look at the following phone numbers and circle the a bleeding bbroken cburn — dcut ‘ones you know. eattack f poisoned allergic _h unconscious all2 bISS cll4 dil0 e158 2 Match the phone numbers above with the following B Complete the word webs with the words in exercise. noun adjective C Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1 More than fifty people got sick from the __ drinking water. 2The young woman had a heavy __ after birth, 3 My son is to bees, so we can't go for a picnic very often. 4 Some of the casualties have first degree burns on their bodies. 5The child was __ when the police found him;he didn’t hear or say anything, 6 Alan’s arm is going to be in plaster for two weeks because it is_ 7 A balanced diet and an active lifestyle can reduce sudden heart __ 8 This knife is very sharp and it may cause a severe _on your finger. _ European research project is trying to create the ambulance of the future: the smart ambulances. _ Asmart ambulance will be smaller and faster than a normal ambulance. These small and fast ambulances ent. With the help of this equipment, the EMTs will give an accurate is and take the patient to the correct hospital or department. There will also be more staff and fediention in smart ambulances and they will treat the patients without delay. In other words, in the future, fewer patients will go to the hospitals for emergencies like broken bones or burns. Ssearch fOr the smart ambulance project will probably finish within the next five years, and that means ‘on the roads soon. Hopefully, these ‘smart mobile hospitals’ will make our lives safer search project is trying to create the ambulance of the future. nce willbe larger and faster than a normal ambulance. ambulances will also have a lot of extra medical staff. ire, fewer patients will go to hospitals for emergencies like broken bones or burns. future simple tense: will | won't A\ Read the sentences below, then circle the correct words in the rules. A smart ambulance will be smaller and faster than a normal ambulance. b These small and fast ambulances will not get stuck in traffic. ‘We won't know before it happens but we can be ready for the earthquakes. 1 We use will / won't (will not) when we think something Is certain to happen in the future. 2We use will / won't (will not) when we think something is certain not to happen in the future. 3 ‘will and ‘won't’ are followed byVI /Ving. B Fill in the gaps with the simple future forms of the verbs given. | Jenny 10 university (go) 2Bill this dessert. (not lke) 31 you tomorrow. (cal) 4 You home tomorrow. (not be) Sit tomorrow. (rain) C Find and correct the mistakes below. One sentence is correct. | Jerry will comes come to our house tonight. 2 Bobby and Sue will give not us the money. 3 Will Kelly has a question? 4 | will buy a new jacket this weekend, 5 You will cook dinner yesterday. DWork in pairs. Look at the pictures and make predictions: What are the people doing and what ‘ull the they do In each picture! Then compare your answers with your partnen She is talking on the phone while driving. She will have an accident. \Jgemmer pst PARAMEDICS -82 A Look at the emergency contact card (ECC) below and discuss the following questions. yeaa Jo Site POD) rene: 0205555555 caren Mescton NA Zp Mona Adirss Spec Nends A BA) cy, tap ome Jane Sth Pros (538) 4555858 feo Mom na Jack Ste Prone (554) 124-4589 Raaion Dad ane Joby Apples Poe (502) 547-5741 Raion: Grama None Moy Appleseed hone (528) 26-7481 Resin Granting | What is the function of this card? a it shows information about someone's education and b it shows information about someone’s medical background 2.What kind of information is there on the card? Put a ¥ or an X in the table below. person’s name and s\ person's family photo person’s phone num! xs ber person’s email account person's office address medicine the person uses person's allergies, person's relatives an: B Goto \d family members and make your own emergency contact card using your personal information. Then share your card with your classmates. A Work in groups and discuss the following questions. I Do you know how to do first aid? 2.Can you do first aid without any help? B Look at the pictures below and match them the first aids. artificial respiration _b cardiac massage c stop bleeding (C3.10 Listen and check your answers in exercise B. emergency experiences A Work in pai and answer the questions: casualty (noun): person who Is inured or kiled in . Read the expressions below an accident. | What do you do when you see an accident? bl ty to help the casualties 1 do nothing. 2Who do you think says the following expressions? al call an ambulance. For paramedics put a P,for the casualty put a C next to each expression | Are you OK? 2 Call an ambulance! 3 Is he conscious? 4 Help! 5 My leg is bleeding 6 1 can’t breathe, 7 Can you hear me? 8 I need a doctor. 911 can't take his pulse 10 He needs CPR. B Read the emergency expressions in the box and match them with the pictures below. alcan't take his pulse _b Can you hear me? Callan ambulance He needs CPR C Complete the dialogue with the correct ‘expression below. allive at 121 FS5th Street b What is your emergency ls she conscious d The paramedics are on the way A This is 911, H B: My daughter is hurt; she is bleeding on the head, A: Please calm down. 2 B: No, she isn ‘A: Well, can she breathe? B: Yes, | think so. ‘A; Okay. Use some cloth to stop bleeding. What is your name and address? B: I'm Rita ‘A: Rita, please stay near the phone. B: Okay. Please hurry! A Work in pairs and discuss the following ‘questions. | Do you like making plans or do you often decide suddenly? 2Who do you usually make plans with? a your parents b your friends calone a BeGapiisten to the dialogues. Match the following pictures with the people's plans. Dialogue | 1 David 2 Katie PARAMEDICS C Listen to the dialogues again and put a tick near the phrases you hear. You are a pretty girl 2.1 am going to study engineering at university. 3 She wants to buy her wedding dress. 4 Next week | am going to see my dentist. 5 | am going to be in the emergency room. 6 He is going to be here in fifteen minutes. 7We are too busy today. 8You can see me tomorrow. D Complete the following tables with the sentences from the dialogues. | Are you going to come to the wedding ceremony? 2 Are you going to help us with the surgery? 3 He is going to be here in fifteen minutes. 4 1 am going to be in the emergency room, 5.1 am going to go shopping with Jenny. 6 1 am going to study for my anatomy exam. 7 What are you going to do after work? 8 What are you going to do? ‘9 When is she going to get married? Dialogue | James Dialogue 2 David Katie E Read the sentences below and choose the correct option. | James is Lly’s colleague / husband. 2 James has an anatomy lesson / exam, 3 lil / Kate is going to get married. 4 James is | isn’t going to go to the wedding ceremony. 5 Katie is isn’t going to help David with the surgery. PARAMEDICS be going to future tense A Read the examples and rules below. Circle the correct words in italics. | am going to finish my project tomorrow. b Mr. Norman has a ticket. He is going to fly to New Jersey next Friday. | We use be going to for present | future actions or states, 2 We use be going to talk about planned / possible future states and actions. 3 We use infinitive | Ving form of the verb after ‘be going to! B Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. | Miranda (Gee) the dentist tomorrow. 2 Mrs, Huller (cook) delicious meals for her guests tonight. 3 Gary (watch) a soccer game on TY this afternoon. 4 The students this class next Monday 5! (make) you a sandwich later, 6 Tim has a terrible stomach (g0) to a hospital tomorrow. (take) a test at 7 Helen's parents (move) to another city next month. BWe (play) basketball today after school C Read the sentences below. Rewrite them in negative and question forms. | Lucida is going to buy a new computer, 2 ‘2. Norman is going to see the doctor tomorrow. ? 3 The Watsons are going to move to another country next year 4 Donald's sister is going to clean her house this afternoon. 2 5 Michael and |are going to hold a party this weekend. ? Vgrammar pons ache. He © A. Read the directions below from the supermarket to the hospital, and draw the See a [BI i te From the supermarket, turn left: When you get to the Main Road, turn right. Go along the road and go past the park When you get to the Pine Avenue, turn right. Cross the street and turn left onto Queen Road. Go along the road for 200 metres and then turn left. You will see the hospital on your left. B Work in pairs. Student A: go to student B: go to + Read your role cards, look at the map and role-play the given situations. ad SER ennsanrny PARAMEDICS Asking for and giving direction ‘We use some expressions for asking and giving directions. Follow the chart and read the examples below. asking for directions giving directions How do I get to..2 turn right /Teft Where is. take the first / second turning on the left / right Can you tell me where is? go past Is it near / far? go ahead How can I go to..2 it is next to / across / behind fin front of cross the ...street / road / avenue 0 along the way take a taxi// the bus / the subway a AG20 Listen to conversation | and fill in the gaps. Patient: Excuse me, 'm afraid I've lost my way. Security: Of course, itis in block A, and Patient:The first turning on the left Security:Yes, you will see block B on your left and ____that building Patient:All right, thank you very much, Security: You are welcome. ~ B4349Listen to conversation 2 and fill in the gaps with the expressions below. alsit far bon the lefe —_¢ opposite dTake the first turn on the left e take the firse turn on the left Fake the second turn on the right g cake the second turn on the right Dave: Hello, this is Dave. Jenna: Hi Dave. This is Jenna. Dave: Hi Jenna. Ho ut Jenna:I'm fine. I'm driving to the central hospital later today. Could you give me directions? Dave: Of course.Are you leaving from your office? Jenna:Yes. (1)_ from my office? Dave: No, it is not.) on Hayley Street and drive to Broadway Street. Jenna:All right. Dave: Then, continue on the Broadway Street and (3) Jenna: Let me repeat that quickly. | will) ‘on Hayley Street and drive to Broadway Street. Then I will continue on the Broadway Street and (5) Dave:That' right. Drive for about three miles and then you will see the police station The central hospital is 7)__ the police station Jenna: Okay, that sounds easy. Dave-Yes, it’s very easy to get to. Jenna:Thanks for your help. Dave:You are welcome. Jenna: Bye. Dave: Bye. C Listen again and answer the questions below. | Where does the patient want to go? a cardiology department. b emergency services 2Where is the cardiology department? _a Its in block A. b itis in block B, D Listen again and answer the questions below. | Where does Jenna want to go? a conference centre b central hospital 2Is central hospital far from Jenna's office? aes, it is. b No, it isnt Oo aaa AN Work in pairs and discuss the following questions with your partner. | Look at the pictures below. Which arm do you think has a problem? 2 Look at the items below and choose the ones that a radiology technician uses. 9 B Take the following quiz and check your answers on = Compare your results with your partner. How much do you know about radiology? | Who is the discoverer of X-rays? Graham Bell b Wilhelm Réntgen Louis Pasteur ‘2Which of the following ones is not a medical imaging type? a MRI ultrasound ¢ surgery 3 Which metal do people use as a protection against radiation? alead b gold copper What does a radiology technician often do? a draws patients’ blood for tests b checks patients’ blood pressure c monitors patients during the imaging examination 5 Which picture below is a typical radiology room? radiology terms A\ Look at the words in the box and circle the ones you know. 2 radiation 5 Xeray film | fracture 4 tomography 3 ultrasound 6 lead apron B Look at the pictures below and match them, ith the words in exercise A. MBI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging CT: Computed Tomography e IVsintravenous (into the vein) MAMMO: Mammography C Read the sentences below and choose the correct option in italics. | Radiologists, technicians,and patients must wear lead aprons J X-ray films in the imaging room. 2 She cannot walk because she has a shield / fracture on her leg. 3 Shield I Tomography is a kind of detailed X-ray technique. 4 They use tomography I X-ray films photographic material to make X-ray pictures. 5 We can get images from an unborn baby using trasound / fracture technology. 6 You should wear proper clothes to protect against the x-ray film ! radiation X-RAY A Work in pairs and discuss the following questions. | What are the disadvantages of the present X-ray machines? a they are too complex to use b they are too big and need lots of energy 2 How will X-ray scanners be different in the future? a They will be smaller and cheaper: People will use them in their homes. B Scan the text and check your answers exercise A, FUTURISTIC X-RAY SCANNER In the series Star Trek, we see a small hand-held device that has many uses; such as sensor scanning, data analysis, and recording, However, things are different in the real world. Currently, X-ray machines are really big and they need a lot of electricity. These disadvantages make the machines impractical so they cannot fulfil their main purposes. Lots of scientists and engineers have been studying this subject for a long time. Finally, Professor Kovaleski and his team have designed a new power source. It is as big as a USB stick, and it can produce X-rays and other types of radiation. The key to the success of this device is in the materials, It has a lithium niobate crystal and this allows it to make 10-volts of power as strong as 100,000 volts. This is more than enough to produce X-rays. In around three years, we can have a prototype hand-held X-ray scanner. This device, as small as a smartphone, will improve medical services in some poorer areas and also reduce health care expenses everywhere,” says Kovaleski Now, maybe we can ask, is it safe for people to use handheld X-ray machines? Professor Kovaleski’s answer is, “When the device is switched off, it is harmless. Even while its working, it gives out very low radiation.” Read the text again and match the bold words with their definitions. Thand-held a difficult to use 2eurrendly —_b first sample of something 3 impractical _c money that you spend on something 4 prototype —_d not working, turned off S expense —_e now,at this time 6 switched off _f small enough to be used in the hand D Read the sentences below and correct the mistakes in italics. | Currently, X-ray machines are really expensive and they need a lot of electricity. 2 Finally, Professor Kovaleski and his team have designed a new X-ray machine. 3 Its as big as a smartphone, and it ean produce X-rays and other types of radiation, 4 This new device will increase health care expenses everywhere. 5 When the device is working, itis harmless. X-RAY comparative / superlative forms of adjectives We often use than after the comparative form of an adjective when we compare two things / people. eg. Nina is shorter than Fiona We always use the before the superlative form of an adjective in a sentence. eg. Nina isthe shortest gir in the fami. A Complete the table below with the comparative or superlative form of the adje adjective comparative | superlative tall taller the tallest easy the easiest hardworking | more hardworking happy happier beautiful the most beautiful hot hotter good the best B Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives given. | Burj Khalifa is the world’s the tallest building, (tall) 2The __ tree in the world is in California. (old) 3The rman in the world is from Nepal. (short) 4The place in the world isin Iran. (hot) 5The — man in the world is Usain Bolt. (fast) C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives. I My ear is ___your car. (new) 2 Jeremy is ‘student in our class. (handsome) 3 Colas tea. (expensive) 4 Uncle Salis —_ person in our fami. ch) (Y/grarmmar p83 5 Barbara is Tale. (quiet) A\Read the email below.What is the health problem? * Dear Dennis, we | hope you are feeling better. | know you have the flu, and | have some advice for you. | think you should take time off work You should drink lots of (A tea and rest.You shouldn't do any exercise. You should always ‘eat healthy food and take care of yourself. Take care. Jenny B Read the health problem card below and write a short email to your friend. Use the information ‘on the card and give them advice on their health problem. Remember to use should and shouldn't. Health Problem Card : problem: backache sleep onaard bed do not carry heavy objects do not do any sports eat healthy food rest at home | What is the room in the picture? a an operating room b an imaging room € an emergency room 2Who is in the room? aa patient and a radiologist a patient and a surgeon a patient and an EMT. 3 What is the patient doing in the room? a having a surgery b having an injection having an X-ray B Read the definition below and answer the following questions. medical check-up:a general physical examination 1 1 Do you think having regular medical check-ups is important? 2.Do you have regular check-ups? medical terms with have and get A Complete the word webs with the correct words below. ‘a medical check-up / injection / surgery! examined / sick / an X-ray have get B Read the sentences below and choose the correct option. | The litle gil has a broken arm and she is having a(n) X-roy sick. 2 Mrs. Taylor is getting examined | an injection ay the hospital. 3 Betty is going to have plastic surgery / an X-ray to look much younger. 4 Little John is getting sick / examined because of his stomach ache. 5 My father often gets surgery /sick, especially in winter. 6 Mr.Peng and his wife have a sick / medical check-up every six months. C Look at the pictures and match them with the sentences in exercise B. ‘er an i A Work in pairs. Look at the words below and | regular 2 physical exam 3 blood sugar levels 4 screen 5 stool 6 scan aa flat surface that separates one area from another: b to look at the inside of something / someone by using an imaging machine cc happening every day, week, month, etc. dd medical check-up ¢ the amount of glucose in the blood fa seat that has no back or arms mm Bt itisten to the conversations below and fill in the blanks with the words from exercise A. C Listen to the conversations again and choose the correct options from italics. “le Doctor: Good morning, how are you today, Mr, Paltrow? Patient: am pretty good, Doctor Nelson. Doctor: So, you are here for your regular check-up, aren't you? Patient:Yes, | have an appointment for a physical exam, Doctor:| see. Well, we will check your heart, lungs, blood sugar levels, and eyes. Patient: Okay.| think | have a problem in / at my left arm Can you check it? Doctor: Sure. When we finish our work here, you can see Doctor Solomon on / in the imaging room and have an-X ray Patent Thank you, Should | see you later? Doctor:Yes, after you leave the imaging room, please see ime at / on my office in at 11 am. Patient: am busy today.Are you available tomorrow? Doctor: have operations tomorrow. Then, see me on / in Wednesday, okay? Patient: Alright, See you Wednesday. 2 Patient: Good morning Mrs. Solomon. May | come in? Radiologist: Good morning, sir. Please come in. Are you Mr. Paltrow? Patient:Yes, am. | am here to have an X-ray. Radiologist: | see, Mr. Paltrow. Take your jacket off and stand behind that screen. Patient: Okay. Should | take my watch off? Radiologist:Yes, please. Well sit on / in this stool and put your arm onto the table. Patient: Okay, is this right? Radiologist: Yes, hold your arm stil and wait while | am Patiene Alright. Is that al? Radiologist: Yes, it’s over: You can wear your jacket. | will send your results to Doctor Nelson. Patient: Thanks a lot. X-RAY D Listen to the conversations again and match the conversations with the pictures below. AX Work with a partner. Read the following conversation an underline the phrases expressing polite requests. A:Hi Fred, How are you? B: Hello Jenny. | am fine, but you look terrible! What is the problem? A: My sister is getting married tomorrow. BrThat’s great! Is this a bad news? A; Of course not! The problem is that | have to work all, day tomorrow. Brl see, A; Can you please work for me? I promise I will make it up to you, B:Let me think. Can I talk this to my girlfriend? You know, ‘we have other plans for tomorrow A: Surebut de you mind caling me when you make your decision? B: Of course, Can fall you at home? ‘A;Sorry.| won't be at home. Please call me on my phone, B: Okay Talk to you later. Bye. A.Bye. B Work with a partner and role play the situation below. Student, : You work in a busy medical clinic. You have worked hard all year and you think you need a rest.You have decided to take the folowing week of so you need to speak fo the manager. Student B : You are the manager of a medical cline Recent) the clinic is very busy and you need oo hee: so you ok allow any staff to have an off: X-RAY, Prepositions of time and place: in | on | at A Read the rules below and fill in the gaps in, on or at. Time aWe use __ with months, seasons, years and times of the day. bWe use with days and dates. cWe use with precise times, Place aWe use __ when we tall about a surface. bWe use __ when we talk about specific points. We use when we talk about enclosed spaces. B Read the sentences below and fill in the gaps with the correct prepo: jons. There are delicious pizzas ___this menu, 2The library is__ the end of the street. 3 David is waiting for us ___ the train station. 4 Do you work an office? i SThere are three pens the table. (Jammer pad | 61 willbe Paris tomorrow. polite requests There are many different ways of making polite requests in English. You can see the most common ‘expressions in the following tables. asking to do asking others to things - asking for accepting refusing do things - making accepting refusing __ permission requests Please +VI (informal) Can you. ‘Well, afraid Yes, sure. ‘Yes, sure. fell, Vn afrai Cant Well, I'm Will you... (informal) + reason Could. afraid..+ | [Could you..2 Could | possiby..2 | YeSeFeOUse: | reason Do you think you could.? | Yes,of course. | Well che (formal) aes (formal) Certainly problem is Is ic all right if 1.2 vainly Sorry, but... | | Would you... Do you mind ift,.2 | Nonot atall Do you mind -ing...2 No, not at all, | Sorry, but. z " No, of course not. Would you mind -ing..?__| Of course not. n and fill in the gaps. David: Hi Mrs. Jones. Do you have a moment? Mrs. Jones: Hi David. What can I do for you? David:_ take Wednesday afternoon off? Mrs.Jones: ‘Wednesday might be really busy, David: What about Thursday afternoon? _—_ Tleave carly on Thursday afternoon? Mrs, Jones: Thursday afternoon? David: Thank you, Mrs. jones. Mrs, Jones: Oh Davia: Mrs, Jonesils there anything else | can do for you? David: No, thank you very much, Mrs. Jones. Mrs.Jones:You are welcome. me an e-mail as a reminder? B Listen again and answer the true / false questions. | David wants to take Friday afternoon off. 2Wednesday afternoon will probably be very busy. 3 Mrs, Jones doesn't accept David's request for Thursday afternoon. 4 Mrs, Jones wants David to send her an email as a reminder. uss the following questions. | Which teeth look healthy and which one looks unhealthy? 2,Do you think the people in the pictures have a regular dental care? Why or why not? 3 What is good or bad for our teeth? Give examples. dental anatomy A Look at the words in the box and put a tick near the ones you know. gum (gingiva) / dentin / enamel / crown / pulp / root / cementum B Look at the following tooth image and fill in the blanks with the words from exercise A. C Match the parts of a tooth with their definitions below. | crown a the protective outer surface on the top of the tooth 2 gum (gingiva) b the area inside the tooth that holds the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth 3 root the firm, the fleshy tissue covering the tooth-bearing border of the jaw ‘enamel dda bonelike substance covering the root of a tooth 5 dentin f the visible part of teeth $ pulp g the majority of the inner surface of the tooth 7 cementum f the part ofa tooth which is normally invisible and attached within the bone DENTAL LAB ‘AWork in pairs and discuss the following questions. 1 What do dental technicians usualy do at work? a They clean people's teeth b They make false teeth for people 2Which of the following people have more contact with dental patients? A dental hygienists B dental lab technicians B Read the article below and check your answers in exercise A. DUTIES OF A DENTAL LAB TECHNICIAN Dental technicians give support to dentists. They create crowns, bridges, or false teeth for dentists. They work closely with dentists and orthodontists. However, a dental technician is not a dental hygienist. Dental hygienists work with the dentist and mostly “clean” teeth or clean teeth gums. Dental lab technicians don’t clean plaque or put fingers in anybody's mouth. They have very little contact with patients. Contact happens, for example, when they really need to sce the patient’ teeth. Many labs are large, but some technicians ‘work alone in their studios and can work under contract with a dentist."If you're afraid of being alone, don’t be a dental technician.” says one dental technician. Successful DTS say it’s important to be able to make changes quickly. They create replicas of people's teeth. These replicas can be perfect, but they sometimes need minor changes. Then the DT works by looking at the information from the dentist and makes the changes.“Sometimes you make changes four or five times and itis sill not enough”, says a DT. Another adds, ‘We earn enough money but this job can be very difficult sometimes”” They work hard to do their job well (One needs to have a good eye and a good ear to do this job. C Match the words |-4 with the defini | alse teeth 2 replica 3 contract 4 plaque a an (often written) legal agreement to trade goods, services and/or property. b an unnatural replacement for one or more teeth a layer on the surface of a tooth made of mucus, bacteria, food, ete, d a copy or reproduction of something D Read the statements below and decide whose tasks they are. Put DH for dental hygienists and DT dental technicians near the statements. | They work with the dentist and mostly clean teeth or clean teeth gums 2 Their contact with patients is very litte. 3 They create crowns, bridges, or false teeth for dentists. 4 They work alone in their studios and can work under contract with a dentist. 5 They create replicas of people's teeth, E Work individually. Cover the article again and find four countable and two uncountable nouns in thirty seconds. Then compare your words with a partner. — DENTAL LAB countable / uncountable nouns AA. Choose the correct option in the rules below. | Countable / uncountable nouns have singular and plural forms. We can / can’t count these nouns. 2 Countable / uncountable nouns have only singular forms; they don't have plural forms. We can / can't count them, B Work in pairs and complete the word web with the nouns from the reading part. burger cheese countries patient farmer food health ingredients meat money people restaurant countable uncountable Food can be used as both a countable and uncountable noun, See the difference below: Is there enough food at home? (uncountable: things that people or animals eat) I don't like sweet foods (countable: a specific type of food) C Make the following nouns plural. leat 2 foot 3 ble _ 4 hour 5 box bus 7 sandwich Bhouse We usually add an -s to make a noun plural. eg. restaurant ~ restaurants Some nouns are irregular. eg. child ~ children woman — women ‘man — men gern pbs iption of a dental lab technician and match it with the correct picture. Dina is « vert au (euinucin and she works in her studio with her two friends. She is 21 years old and she has beautiful large blue eyes. She has dark hair and she prefers getting her hair cut short because she thinks it is more practical especially while she works. She has a high school diploma and a GED certificate, She also has enough experience and knowledge to be a successful dental technician. She wants to go to a faculty of dentistry but she works too hard and usually doesn't have enough time to study for exams. She thinks her salary is not bad but when she has a university degree she will earn more money and also have more free time for her hobbies. B Complete the table with the 5 countable and 4 uncountable nouns from the text above. countable uncountable C Write a description paragraph (80- 120 words) using the following information card. Remember to use at last five countable and five uncountable nouns in your paragraph. Information card ‘A male dental lab technician, Chris He is 18 years old, has blonde hair and green eyes He is a medical school student, doesn’t have a diploma yet He likes his job but doesn't earn much now He doesn't want to get a university degree He plans to own his own dental lab in the future and discuss the questi | Why do people usually go to a dentist? 2What is your dental care routine? 3 Which hygiene and dental care products do you use? dental care A Look at the words in the box and put a tick near the ones you know. Discuss the ones you don’t know with your partner. I cavity 2 floss 3 toothpick 4 whitening 5 filing 6 implant 7 dental brace 8 toothbrush 9mouthwash B Match the words in exercise A with the following images. C Work in pairs and answer the following questions. Share and compare your answers with your classmates. | How do you keep your teeth clean and healthy? 2What harms our teeth most? What can we do to avoid it? present continuous tense A Read the rules below and circle the correct words in italics. | We use present continuous for actions that are happening at the moment of speaking / will happen in the future 2 We also use present continuous for future arrangements / past arrangements. B Read the questions and answers below and fill in the gaps with am / is / are. \ you working? Yes, | 2 he having a shower? No, he __not. 3 they visiting Tina today? Yes, they C Match the pictures a-e with the sentences 1A medical secretary is making an appointment on the phone. 2The doctor is examining the litte girl 3 The nurse is taking a blood sample. 4 The patients are waiting in the hospital 5 The surgeons are performing an operation. | D Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the verbs below in their correct form. ahave bdean cg. dicome e swim flisten visit h play IWe breakfast now. 2 Kari and Gary in the pool at the moment. 3 I can't come now.) the house. 4__he to the movie tonight? No, he is not. 5AWhere_ you? Bl to the bazaar. 6 Tom to a new song from his favourite band. 7 Najla and Ahmed 8We a computer game now. our neighbours tonight. (games p86 | | | | DENTAL LAB nN AG 1DListen to conversations and match them with the following pictures. B Listen to the conversations again and put a tick near the phrases you hear. aa dentist appointment | | have an appointment with Dr: Peterson at 10.30. 2 Can | have your phone number, please? 3 Ihave a bad toothache. 4 Thatlll be part of today’s dental hygiene. 5 I'm sorry but Dr. Peterson is busy today. b dental check-up | Please lie down and take off your jacket. 2Well, there is some inflammation of the gums. 3 It looks like you may have a few cavities as wel. 4 Put on these protective glasses, please. 5 Fil just pull out your tooth then we'll clean your teeth. C Read the sentences below and correct the mistakes according to the conversations. a dentist appointment 1 I came to teeth cleaning and checking last month. 2 have a new phone number. Here's my new card, 3 | have a lot of tooth pain. 4 Fd like some plaque cleaning as well. dental check-up 1 Thave a lot of gum bleeding recently 2.1 think we should also do a new set of surgeries. 3.We need to give an injection to check tooth decay. 4 Ie looks like you may have a lot of cavities as well Dworkin pairs and choose the correct opt tofil'in the gaps. 1 Sam is a a receptionist b patient 2 The patient wants to see a DrWaters b _Dr Paterson. 3 The patient a wants, bb doesn’t wane 4 The dentist wants the patient 4 to give a blood sample b to take an X-ray 5 The patient ahas b doesn't have some gum cleaning. extra decay. ~ AE2) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions with your partner. Alan: Would you like to go to the museum sometime? Mick: That would be nice. When do you want to go? ‘Alan: | was thinking we could go next weekend. Mick: Oh, I'm so sorry but a friend of mine from the UK will be here. Alan:That's a shame. What about the weekend after? Mick: Actually, 'm going away that weekend, ‘Alan: Oh, Ok Well Ill call you then, Mick: Ok, sure. 1 What is the dialogue about? 2What does Alan want to do? 3When does Alan want to do ie? 4 How does Mick apologize? 5 What is the reason behind Mick's apology? B Roleplay giving excuses with your partner. Use the prompts below to help you, I You want to invite your friend to dinner. 2 Someone asks you to go to the movies, but you don't want to go DENTAL LAB | making and accepting apologies of expressions used for making apologies and accepting apologies. ‘We use different expressions to apologise (say sorry) and / or respond to an apology. Below is a list | making apologies ‘accepting apologies Tam sorry. Excuse me, lam so sorry for | apologize for | must apologize for Vd like to apologize for .. Fes all my faut, Please, forgive me for Please, excuse me for . I'm terribly sorry for, Pardon me That's okay. That's al right Never mind. You don't need to apologize for. Don't worry about it. I quite understand. I know you couldn't help it. Forget about it. No harm done. Don't mention it. Let's forget about it Please, forgive. me for my. pose cy apologies for. T a A\is3iListen to the conversations and fill in the gaps. Act hope you'll _ bing late. The traffic was heavy B:Thats allright 2 A:Please for the mistakes in the report. but next time, please be more careful shouting at you yesterday. lost control of myself. | know you are under a lot of stress laely | didn’t mean to keep your book so long. won't need it until next year: stepping on your foot! Its very crowded on this train | B Listen to the conversations again and match them with the situations below. a apologising for stepping on someone's foot 5 b apologising for returning something late __ ‘apologising for making a mistake on a document __ 4 dapologising for getting angry and losing control @ apologising for being late S b [S | AWork with a partner and discuss the questions below. | What is a diet? 2.Do you believe in diets? 3 What kind of people should go on a diet? B Take the quiz on to find out how healthy you are? diet vocabulary A Look at the words in the box and put a tick near the ones you know. Discuss the ones you don’t know with your partner. put on weight / nutritional / anorexia / obese / slim down, ‘weigh / bulimia binge ~eating (excessive eating) / fattening B Complete the word webs with the correct words from exercise A. eating disorders ‘common verbs adjectives C Look at the pictures below and match them with the following sentences. I Michael has 2 Leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit, and grains are considered as__ foods. 3 Lily eats an only half slice of bread and some water all day. I'm afraid she’s got__ 4 | know that fast food is ___, but I can’t help eating some three times a week 5 Rita does exercises regularly to____ before her wedding. 6 l'm happy today as |___ 300 gr. ess this morning. some ___ lately. He needs to renew his wardrobe, 7 Kathy has been diagnosed with ___because she vomits right after she eats. 8 __ means to eat excessively and too frequently. DIETETICS groups and discuss the questions | Do you know any extreme diets? 2.Do you think people can live only by drinking water and herbal teas? Whylwhy not? 3 How does the quality of breathing effect health? B Look at the following pictures and answer the following question. | Which following thing(s) is enough for a healthy diet? Soll C Scan the text and check your answers in exercise A. GREATHARIANISM DIET (EATING SUNLIGHT) People who follow this diet think that food and water are not necessary to survive. They think we can live very well on air and sunlight. In the USA, many people follow this unusual diet. They focus on the spiritual concept of inedia’ or fasting. Of course, there are a lot of discussions about the concept. In the 90s,a few European followers died while they were on the diet, Reasons of death were generally, dehydration and lack of food, However, people did not stop following. this diet Many believe that just water or herbal teas, and enough sun exposure, are enough to keep them alive. However, many of the people who say they live a Breatharian life do not want doctors to examine them or do tests.Another Breatharian is the founder of the Breatharian Institute of America, Wiley Brooks. He says he lives on ‘air and sunlight’ most of the time, but he breaks the fast sometimes by eating a McDonald's burger and a diet Coke. He explains this by saying that junk food provides a specific energetic balance to the clean state that his body is in most of the time. D Read the article again and match the words in bold with their definitions. | dehydration 2 exposure 3 diet 4 fasting 5 survive a too much loss of water from the body b the condition of being affected by something cto stay alive d all the food that is eaten by a person or another organism e the act of not eating or drinking for a long period of time E Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false. | Breatharians think that food and water are not necessary to survive 2 leis scientifically proven that Breatharianism is good for our health 3 Thousands of people have died because of this diet 4 Many believe that just water and sun exposure are enough to keep them alive 5 Breatharians dont ike visiting doctors 6 Wiley Brooks never eats fastfood like McDonald's burger or a diet Coke. ‘expressing ability and possibility: can ! can’t ability: the capacity for such a state, use, or action possibly: @ chance that something might happen A Read the sentences and decide if they express ability or possibility. a London can be cold, so take a coat when you go next week. b My sister is 21 years old and she can drive a car. Francesca can speak French well but she can't speak English dil don't want to go to the pool because | can't swim. e She can't attend the meeting today, let's start ‘without her f can leave early this evening, will meet you at home. B Complete the sentences with can or cannot, | Driving to fast cause an accident, 2Watng too long _ make people angry. 3You be serious. don' believe you. 4 Swudents pass their classes without taking the exams. 5 The weather be rainy at this time, so take an umbrella C Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 1 can cooking Italian food, ‘2 My parents cant play tennis. 3 Cat's can't swims. 4 My sister cans drive really wel 5 My dog can to run fast. 6 Monkeys can't fying Usrammar pa? DIETETICS AWork in pairs.Read the sample paragraph and do the following activities. LENA’S EATING HABITS. Usually teenagers like eating fast food, chips, sweets and other fatty foods. But | think | have quite a healthy diet. I never skip breakfasts and | usually have a cheese sandwich or some muesli with milk for breakfast My next meal is usually at school. | have lunch at the school canteeayhen there are heathy low meals. Otherwise@Bfgen hyga salad or some fruit. wvth yoghurt Ph Xd Mic otdock soln have a late lune 1OF \t dinner, | often have soup, meat og Some pasta, My mother can cook wel W butt can make realy delicious, lesserts. | often make my dng and ny parents ad jething before going to bed. Sometimes a48op of yogurt or maybe an apple. ‘When | eat “Something fatty, | can't sleep well. | can sleep and wake up early, have an energetic day thanks to my healthy diet. | Make a list of things that Lena can do. 2 Make a list of things that Lena can't do. 3 Choose the correct picture of Lena's favourite dessert? B Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions and write a paragraph using your answers. I What are your favourite foods? 2What is your favourite meal: breakfast, lunch or dinner? 3 How often do you have breakfast? 4 Can you cook? 5 Can you make any side dish or dessert? 6 Do you often eat something before sleeping? If yes, give examples. | | A Work in groups. Look at the pictures and ms with your group | Do the people in the pictures look healthy? Why? 2.Do you think your diet is normal? 3 How often do you weigh yourself? 4 Are you happy with your weight and body shape? Why! 5 Do you know any extreme diet programs? What are they? 6 Do you think the fashion industry is responsible for super skinny women? 7 How important is exercising as part ofa diet? 8 Do people in your country have a well-balanced diet? adjectives describin illnesses and diseas A Look at the words in the box and underline the ones you know. Discuss the ones you don't know with your partner. acute / stubborn / contagious epidemic / chronic / curable / terminal / viral B Read the following words and match them with their defini | acute 2 chronic 3 contagious 4 curable 5 epidemic 6 stubborn 7 terminal 8 viral {a disease that spreads from one person to another through touching or the air b an illness or disease that is possible to make better € an illness or disease that is difficult to treat or remove d an illness that cannot be cured and will cause someone to die an illness that becomes severe very quickly f an illness caused by o relating to a virus gan illness or pain that is serious and lasts for a long time han illness or disease that spreads quickly and affects many péople in an area or population at the same time C Circle the correct option below. | Malaria is a (n) epidemic / curable disease and has killed millions of people so far especially in Africa 2 The flu is a chronic / viral disease 3 Doctors cannot find any remedies for some disease; they are still viral / terminal 4 You should use a mask and disposable gloves because this isa (n) contagious / acute disease 5 Jessie has had chronic / acute asthma since he was a child. 6 Many types of cancers are curable / stubborn now thanks to the efforts of scientists

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