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Pictorial Essay

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Caudate Lobe of the Liver: Anatomy, Embryology, and
Wylie J. Dodds,1 Scott J. Erickson, Andrew J. Taylor, Thornas L. Lawson, and Edward T. Stewart

The caudate lobe is a central structure of the liver that segment of the left lobe of the liver by a well-defined fissure
generally is seen readily on abdominal imaging studies such that contains, at its medial reflection, the ligamentum yen-
as CT or sonography. Caudate anatomy, however, is complex osum. The proximal left portal vein (pars transversa) resides
and may cause difficulties in the interpretation of cross- at the apex, or reflection, of this fissure (Fig. 3A). Fat in the
sectional images. For this reason, we briefly review caudate fissure often communicates with fat in the fissure for the
anatomy, propose a unifying hypothesis about the embryol- ligamentum teres, reflecting the fact that embryologically the
ogy of the caudate lobe, and review conditions that may affect ductus venosus originated at the junction of the left umbilical
this hepatic segment. vein and proximal left portal vein. On reaching the anterior
aspect of the midportion of the caudate lobe, the left portal

Anatomy texts [1 ] describe the caudate lobe as a midline,
vertically oriented hepatic lobe, seen on the posterior aspect
of the liver separating a portion of the right and left hepatic
lobes in an H configuration. The horizontal bar of the H
configuration represents the portal hepatis, which includes
the horizontal portion of both portal veins. Above the bar is audat. Lob.

the caudate lobe of the liver and below the bar is the medial lvc
segment, or quadrate lobe, of the left lobe of the liver.
Although such descriptions delineate the topography of the
liver, they do not adequately describe the relationship of the Fig. 1.-Schematic representation of lateral view of caudate lobe. Over-
all shape of lobe is similar to a wedge located near midline so that Inferior
caudate lobe to the interior of the liver. We suggest that the vena cava (IVC) forms posterior border of lobe. Anterior border of caudate
caudate lobe may be envisioned as a midline wedge in the lobe is separated from medial segment of left (L) lobe of liver by fissure
for ligamentum venosum (FLy). Caudal margin of caudate lobe forms
sagittal plane, with its tip extending cephalad and its base
cephalad margin, or lintel, of foramen of Winslow, which leads to lesser
facing the inferior vena cava (Fig. 1). The right, or medial, peritoneal sac. Distal margin of caudate lobe is located at junction of right
border of the pyramid, via an isthmus, is continuous with the and left portal veins. Cephalad part of caudate lobe feathers off into upper
part of right hepatic lobe at level of middle hepatic vein (MHV), to which
parenchyma of the right lobe of the liver (Fig. 2). The anterior the inferior vena cava enters. This level corresponds to level of esopha-
border of the caudate lobe is separated from the medial gogastric junction (EGJ).

Aeceived June 9, 1 989; accepted after revision August 1 8, 1989

1 All authors: Department of Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226. Address reprint requests to W. J. Dodds, Department of Radiology,
Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave. , Milwaukee, WI 53226.
AJR 154:87-93, January 1990 0361-803X/90/1 541-0087 © American Roentgen Ray Society
88 DODDS ET AL. AJA:154, January 1990

vein ascends in the intersegmental fissure, or umbilical seg-

angle in 30 subjects without liver disease. This angle reflects
ment of the left portal vein (Fig. 3A). Thus, the posterior
the amount of rightward rotation of the liver during its devel-
surface of the proximal left portal vein serves as an accurate opment. The width of the border of the anterior caudate lobe
anatomic boundary of the anterior margin of the caudate lobe. decreases progressively in the cephalad direction until the
The anterior border of the middle third of the caudate lobe caudate lobe gradually disappears cephalad at its apex, which
makes an oblique angle, ranging from 45#{176} to 85#{176}
(67 ± 8#{176} is at the levels of the hepatic veins (Figs. 1 and 4) and the
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SD), with the mid sagittal plane (Fig. 3B); we measured this esophagogastric junction (Fig. 3C). Thus, the caudate lobe
does not extend into the dome portion of either hepatic lobe.
The posterior border of the caudate lobe is bound by the
inferior vena cava, whereas its lateral margin projects into the
superior recess [2, 3] of the lesser peritoneal sac (Fig. 5). The
caudal margin of the caudate lobe forms the cephalad margin,
R L or lintel, of the foramen of Winslow, the foramen that leads
to the lesser peritoneal sac [2]. In some instances, the distal
caudate margin has a papillary process [4] that may be
mistaken for an enlarged lymph node on abdominal CT
(Fig. 6).


Development of the caudate lobe is shrouded in mystery;

it has been said to develop from either the left or right hepatic
lobe. The origin of the blood supply to the caudate lobe is
Papillary uncertain. To address this problem, we propose a unifying
Isthmus hypothesis about developmental caudate embryology that we
think clarifies existing anatomic findings in the adult. We
Ivc propose
the caudate
that the key to understanding
lobe is the ductus venosus,
the development
which in early em-

bryonic life is suspended within the superior portion of the

Fig. 2.-Schematic representation of frontal view of caudate lobe. Right dorsal mesentery of the liver.
margin of caudate lobe connects to right hepatic lobe by an isthmus; its In the early embryo, the primitive gastrointestinal tract,
anterior (Ant) border Is formed by fissure for ligamentum venosum. In
including the esophagus, is suspended along its length by
some instances, a papillary process projects from caudal margin of cau-
date lobe. R = right L = left IVC = inferior vena cava. both a dorsal and ventral mesentery [1, 5]. Most of the ventral

Fig. 3.-CT scans through caudate lobe.

A, Section through caudal or distal margin of caudate lobe (c) shows left portal vein (arrow) located at medial reflection of fissure for ligamentum
venosum (arrowhead). Joining fissure at this point is fissure for ligamentum teres, reflecting that left umbilical vein and ductus venosus joined left portal
vein opposite each other during fetal life. A short segment of patent umbilical vein is seen.
B, Section through middle third of caudate lobe shows fissure for ligamentum venosum (arrowhead), which demarcates anterior margin of caudate lobe
from medial segment of left hepatic lobe. Fissure for ligamentum venosum forms a 65#{176} angIe with sagittal plane (broken line). Angle reflects extent of
rightward hepatic rotation because mesentery for ductus venosus was originally in a left parasagittal plane, slightly to left of midline.
C, Section through cephalad margin of caudate lobe. Caudate lobe disappears at level of esophagogastric junction (arrow) and just below union of
hepatic veins (not seen on this image). Fissure for ligamentum venosum (arrowhead).
AJA:154, January 1990 CAUDATE LOBE OF LIVER 89
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Fig. 4.-Right parasagittal sonogram of cau- Fig. 5.-CT scans show examples of projection of left caudate margin into superior recess of
date lobe shows echogenic fissure for ligamentum lesser peritoneal sac.
venosum (straight arrow), which demarcates an- A, Pseudocyst of superior recess of lesser peritoneal sac. Slightly blunted medial caudate margin
tenor border of caudate lobe, whereas Inferior (arrow) projects into superior recess. Surgical clips are located along lesser gastric curvature.
vena cava demarcates its posterior wall. Cephalad B, Diffuse abdominal carcinomatosis from ovarian carcinoma. Seeding involved every lntraabdom-
extent of caudate lobe ends at level of junction of inal peritoneal surface, including that of entire lesser peritoneal sac. Tumor has caused deformity
middle hepatic vein (curved arrow) with inferior and scalloping of that part of caudate lobe (arrow) that projects into superior recess of sac.
vena cava.

Fig. 6.-CT scans show papillar caudate pro-

cess, which simulates an enlarged celiac lymph
node in a patient with metastatic liver disease.
A, Scan through level of origin of celiac artery
shows 2-cm soft-tissue density (arrow) adjacent
to hepatic artery. Initially, this density was thought
to be a diseased lymph node.
B, Scan 1 cm cephalad clearly shows that soft-
tissue mass is contiguous with caudate lobe and
therefore represents papillary process of lobe,
which normally varies in size and degree of caudal
projection. Caudate lobe has a narrow isthmus
interposed between left portal vein and vena cava.

mesentery disappears, but the liver develops in the ventral ligament (within the original mesentery) persists from the
mesentery, resulting in a dorsal portion of lesser omentum original ductus venosus in the adult liver [5]. In adults, the
with persistence of the gastrohepatic and hepatoduodenal ligament of the ductus venosus passes through the liver from
ligaments. All vascular structures to the liver that connect to the base of the left portal vein to the vena cava to which it is
posterior structures, such as the aorta or the vena cava, must attached [1 , 5]. The ligamentum venosum passes between
run through the dorsal mesentery of the liver and dorsal the leaves of the original dorsal mesentery of the liver [1].
mesentery of the duodenum to reach the liver. For example, The mesentery persists as the fissure for the ligamentum
the gastrohepatic artery originates from the aorta, but through venosum.
a series of mesenteric twists and foldings, its original mes- During the second trimester the right umbilical vein be-
entery is no longer apparent in the adult. Yet the course of comes atrophic and disappears. The persistent left umbilical
this artery and its major branches provides clear evidence of vein runs in the free margin of the falciform ligament to attach
the original location of their mesentery [6]. In similar fashion, at the base of the left portal vein (Fig. 7). From this juncture,
we propose that the ductus venosus originally was sus- a large vessel, the ductus venosus, suspended within the
pended by a dorsal mesentery early in embryologic develop- cephalad portion of the dorsal mesentery of the liver, shunts
ment (Fig. 7), and part of this mesentery later disappeared. placental blood through the liver to the heart by coursing
The history of this mesentery delineates the development of directly to the vena cava or middle hepatic vein near their
the caudate lobe. At present, there is little argument that a junction with the heart (Fig. 7).
90 DODDS ET AL. AJR:154, January 1990

Fig. 8.-Schematic represen-

tation of hepatic rotation. During
second trimester of pregnancy,
liver rotates rightward. We pro-
pose that a small portion of liver
(shaded area) becomes caudate
lobe and rotates between angle
formed by the ductus venosus
and vena cava. Thus, mesentery
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for ductus venosus becomes an-

terior border for caudate lobe,
and caudate lobe is formed by
medial portion of both hepatic
lobes. Inferior vena cava (IVC)
forms posterior margin of cau-
date lobe. R = right; L = left; LDV
= ligament of the ductus venosus;
pv = portal vein.


Fig. 7.-Schematic representation of left parasagittal section through

ductus venosus (DV) and vena cava. Most of left hepatlc lobe has been
cut away. Ductus venosus Is a continuation of umbilical vein (L Umb V)
that runs in falciform ligament and joins left portal vein near its junction between the ductus venosus and vena cava (Fig. 8). The
with right portal vein. As a direct extension, ductus venosus passes directly proposed hypothesis is also consistent with the general shape
to join vena cava. Ductus venosus runs through dorsal mesentery of liver
of the adult caudate lobe and accounts for why the lobe
near ventral mesentery of esophagus. Note angle formed by junction of
ductus venosus with inferior vena cava (IVC). Later, dorsal mesentery of feathers off immediately caudad to the esophagogastric junc-
esophagus retracts, folds, and disappears. Ht = heart MHV = middle tion and at the level where the hepatic veins join the vena
hepatlc vein; St = stomach.
cava near the esophagogastric junction. Last, as the mesen-
tery for the ductus venosus retracts, the inferior vena cava
becomes the posterior border for the caudate lobe, and small
communicating veins pass directly between the caudate lobe
We propose that during the second trimester the liver and and the inferior vena cava (Fig. 1 0) to take up the venous
mesentery of the ductus venosus rotate rightward as the liver drainage for the caudate lobe. The remaining vascular supply
enlarges, so that a small portion of the liver becomes inserted to the caudate lobe comes from both the right and left hepatic
behind the mesentery for the ductus venosus, within the arteries and both portal veins, as would be expected if the
sagittally oriented angle formed by the ductus venosus and caudate lobe originates from both hepatic lobes. We think
the inferior vena cava (Fig. 8). Subsequently, the extrahepatic that our hypothesis provides a solid basis for remembering
portion of the ductus mesentery shortens and folds over so and clarifying anatomy of the caudate lobe and for under-
that the vena cava lies against the spine and there is no standing clinical conditions that involve this lobe.
longer an identifiable complete mesentery between the ductus
and vena cava (Fig. 8). The ductus venosus becomes oblit-
erated shortly after birth, and the former ductus venosus Clinical Imaging
persists as the ligamentum venosum. Studies in cadavers [1,
Pitfalls in Imaging Normal Anatomy
5] have shown that this ligament runs through the liver from
the base of the left portal vein to attach to the inferior vena The normal anatomy of the caudate lobe can create several
cava or base of the middle hepatic vein (Fig. 9). pitfalls that may lead mistakenly to a diagnosis of disease.
If correct, our hypothesis accounts for most aspects of First, the caudal margin of the caudate lobe often ends in a
caudate lobe anatomy in the adult. For example, the anterior papillary process that attaches to the caudate lobe by a
surface ofthe caudate lobe is demarcated from the left hepatic narrow connection [4]. On axial CT scans the connection of
lobe by the fissure (former mesentery) for the ligamentum the papillary process may be missed and the process thereby
venosum. Also, the caudate lobe does not belong exclusively judged to be an enlarged lymph node (Fig. 6).
to either the right or left hepatic lobes, but rather originates Another potential difficulty is that the ligament of the ductus
from a small portion of both hepatic lobes, as the liver rotates venosus and surrounding fat and medial reflection of its
rightward around and behind the mesentery of the ductus fissure may give an echogenic focus on sonography, similar
venosus (Fig. 7) and a small part of the central liver inserts to that of the ligamentum teres, and thereby suggest a small
AJR:154, January 1990 CAUDATE LOBE OF LIVER 91

hyperechoic nodular lesion. The distinguishing feature is 10- wise. In some instances, the gallbladder relocates posterior
cation. Last, the anterior border of the fissure for the ligamen- to the liver and bowel interposes in front of the liver. Orien-
tum venosum may act as a strong specular reflector, creating tation of the fissure for the ligamentum venosum also may be
the appearance of a hypoechoic lesion [7] behind the reflector useful for recognition not only of right lobar atrophy but also
(Fig. 1 1). This is avoided by changing the angle of the trans- of volume loss from a partial right hepatic lobar resection.
ducer. Enlargement of the caudate lobe commonly accompanies
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occlusion of the hepatic veins [9], along with patchy areas of

low and high attenuation on CT (Fig. 1 2B). The explanation
Enlarged Caudate Lobe given is that the venous drainage of the caudate lobe is
maintained by emissary veins that pass directly from the
The most common abnormality of the caudate lobe is caudate lobe to the vena cava [9]. Thus, obstruction of the
enlargement. Methods of measuring caudate enlargement are hepatic veins causes greater blood flow through the caudate
discussed elsewhere [8]. Caudate enlargement generally oc- lobe and, thereby, hypertrophy of the caudate lobe (Fig. 1 1 B).
curs in the setting of primary cirrhosis of any type or is caused Although the patchy hepatic changes that occur with hepatic
by venous occlusion (Fig. 1 2). Cirrhosis often has companion vein occlusion may occur with chronic right heart failure, right
findings of right or left lobar atrophy, irregular hepatic contour, heart failure seldom causes enlargement of the caudate lobe.
ascites, and varices (Fig. 1 2A). With right lobar atrophy, the Enlargement of the caudate lobe may narrow the intrahepatic
fissure for the ligamentum venosum may rotate counterclock- portion of the vena cava (Fig. 11 B).

Fig. 9.-Anatomic dissection of liver. Ligamen-

tum venosum and ligamentum teres attach to left
portal vein directly opposite to each other. Liga-
mentum venosum then courses through liver and
attaches to vena cava or proximal portion of mid-
dIe hepatic vein. (Reprinted with permission from
Moore [5].)

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Fig. 10.-CT scan through middle third of cau-

date lobe shows an emissary caudate vein (arrow)
that courses posteriorly directly from caudate lobe
to inferior vena cava.

Fig. 1 1.-Sonogram shows pseudolesions and

relationship to normal anatomy of caudate lobe.
Axial section through distal third of lobe shows
hyperechoic zone (open arrow) caused by fat
around ligamentum teres. A second smooth hy-
perechoic area (solid curved arrow) was judged to
represent a small hemangioma. Caudate lobe pos-
terior to fissure for ligamentum venosum appears
hypoechoic (straight arrow), simulating a space-
occupying lesion. This appearance is caused by
fat-containing fissure anterior to caudate lobe that
acts as a high-attenuating specular reflector with
decreased echogenicity behind reflector. Caudate
lobe appeared normal when transducer angle was
92 DODDS ET AL. AJA:154, January 1990

Fig. 12.-CT scans show two examples of cau-

date enlargement
A, Alcoholic cirrhosis. Caudate lobe is enlarged
andleft hepaticlobels atrophic. Ascitesis present
Portal vein is replaced by multiple small veins
(arrow) and varices are located in gastrohepatic
B, Cirrhosis from occlusion of hepatic vein
(Budd-Chiarl syndrome). Caudate lobe is markedly
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enlarged and compresses intrahepatic portion of

inferior vena cava (arrow). Liver exhibits scattered
areas of Increased and decreased enhancement.
Hepatic veins are not seen.

Fig. 13.-Simple cyst in caudate lobe. Well-

demarcated 1-cm lesion in cephalic portion of cau-
date lobe was considered to be a cyst on both
sonography and CT In patient with multiple follow-
up studios for malignant melanoma. Caudate le-
sion did not change during a 2-year period.
A, Parasagfttal sonogram shows well-demar-
cated lesion (arrow) with smooth margins and
posterior enhancement.
B, Axial CT scan through cephalic portion of
caudate lobe shows a 1.5-cm hypodense lesion
(arrow) that corresponds to lesion seen on sonog-


Fig. 14.-CT scan shows metastatic lesion Fig. 15.-Abdominal CT scan in an alcoholic Fig. 16.-CT scan after an automobile accident
expanding caudate lobe in a patient with several patient with changes in liver function due to shows horizontal fracture of caudate lobe (arrow).
hepatic metastases, one of which expands cau- recent heavy drinking shows enlarged caudate Also seen are a splenic fracture and a diffuse
date lobe. Anterior margin of lesion is limited by lobe. Initial concern was about a caudate tumor hemoperitoneum.
fissure for ligamentum venosum. however, general appearance of lobe and low
CT numbers suggested fatty infiltration. Possi-
bly, remainder of liver is affected by cirrhosis
and only caudate lobe responded with fatty infil-
tration related to binge of heavy drinking.
AJR:154, January 1990 CAUDATE LOBE OF LIVER 93

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