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To have Avoir Eu Had

To be Etre Été Was

To go Aller Allé(e) Went

To sleep Dormir Dormi slept

Go Partir Parti (e) Left

To acquire Acquérir Acquis Acquired

To die Mourir Mort (e) Dead

To Offer Offrir (rir) offert Opened

Flee Fuir Fui Fled

To do Faire Fait Did

To put Mettre (ettre) Mis Put

To want Valloir Voulu Wanted

To Know Savoir Su knew

Able Pouvoir Pu Could

To see Voir (oir) Vu seen

To receive Recevoir Reçu Received

To sit S’asseoir Assis (e) Seated

To sell Vendre (endre / ondre) Vendu Sold

To tell Dire Dit Said

To read Lire Lu Read

To write Ecrire (crire) Ecrit Wrote

To laugh Rire Ri Laughed

To drive Conduire Conduit Drove

To life Vivre (ivre) Vécu lived

To believe Croire (oire) Cru Believed

To district Distraire Connu Known

Be born Naitre Ne (e) Born

To attend Attendre Atteint Attended

To join Joindre Joint joint

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