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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Business: Ethics, Governance & Risk
Internal Assignment Applicable for April 2022 Examination

Answer 1.
The name corona virus when comes to our mind creates a state of disbalance in our minds.
This pandemic has created a havoc in our lives. In 2019 when this virus was spread in India it
created a loss of human lives as well as degraded the economy. The impact of Corona virus is
ruthless. Almost all the sectors of the economy have been adversely affected by this virus and
it disrupted the manufacturing, production and distribution channels. At the time when
economy was in boom state this pandemic proves to be a bane to the whole nation and
It is seen that COVID-19 disruptions have not affected all businesses equally. Based on the
condition and situations some businesses or industries are deemed essential and remained
open, while others were required to close. Some businesses had the provision to shift
employees to work from home, while others were ill equipped for the transition and it became
a very critical situation for those businesses. Leaving behind the extent of impact, we can say
that each industry or business had a bad impact on their operations because of this pandemic.


Let’s talk about the tyre industry which faced the challenges in the streams listed below –
Manufacturing > Sales > After sales operations
1. The manufacturing of the tyres could not be processed due to shortage of labour as
when the covid 19 spread labour rushed to their native places to support their families.
2. Sales dropped as some industries and companies were shut in starting so the usage
also reduced as people were not using their transport much and only the ones who were
in urgent need to going used their transports.
3. The After-sale services suffered the most as customers were not able to connect to the
customer care or the technical expert for the resolution of complaint in the tyre.
There are many more challenges which company faced during this pandemic. But somehow
the operations could not be shut and the need of the hour was to find the alternatives or
solutions to these challenges so as to avoid losses in the business and to remain in the
competition among the competitors.
So, after many technical expertise and discussions involving hypothetical analysis and
meetings some plans were formulated so as to manage the survival risk during that period.


The business managed its survival risk during that period by leveraging
IT/digital platforms and Work from Home strategy to connect with and reach its
customers & consumers during the period. These strategies really worked and the survival of
the industries and economy came to a still. The whole market and industries adopted the
digital platforms to combat the situation of crises.

1. Making the labour work overtime and proving them good incentives along with good
health conditions
The labour which was in need of work worked for overtime and earned a much higher
amount than they earlier used to. Meals were provided to the labour, also there were first aid
kits provided to labour including masks and gloves. Labour was provided with higher perks
so that they remain motivated to work. This somehow could help in reducing the challenges
of manufacturing of tyres.
2. Tie-ups with ecommerce companies and also start-up of all-in-one Application-
The company made tie ups with ecommerce firms as it was projected that customer would
approach an online mode for the purchase of commodities. So now the customer could
purchase the tyres online from ecommerce portal such as amazon and India mart. Also, the
company started an application which was a link between dealers, customers and sales
department so that all the three can interlink with each other and this process may boost up
the sales of the company. This somehow could help in boosting sales.
3. Starting of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and Employees shifted to Work
from home-
The company was in a dilemma to resolve this issue of connectivity of customers with the
company as the customers used to call on the toll-free number which landed the calls via IVR
Portal, the problem came how can the calls be landed without IVR. So, the company provided
the employees with Laptops with VOIP Application installed so that calls could be landed
with each employee via this application and they could do Work from Home (WFH) with an
ease. As at that time physical inspection of the tyres was not possible so company started the
process of Eclaim, which was an application through which complaint was registered and
inspection could be done by seeing the photographs of the tyre condition which could prove
to be a relief to the end user. So, the problem of connectivity of the end user with company
could be resolved and After sales services managed to continue its operations even from
Work from Home.

Though this pandemic created a bad impact on operations of the businesses and industries
also there were many challenges which businesses and industries faced but the efforts made
by the them resulted in their survival and also gave them the motivation and courage to face
the worst situations. The plans and strategies formulated worked and businesses managed
their survival.

Though this corona outbreak had many negative impacts but also there were positive impacts
too as now businesses have recognised that work can be done with same efficiency as at
office, even the meetings can be done through online platforms like Zoom or Skype which
saves travelling time and office resources. Also, there was a strong relation build between the
employer and employees as employer motivated the employees to work with zeal and also
employees proved that they will work in the difficult situations also and together will lead to
business survival. The HR On the other hand plays an empathetic role in supporting
employees and motivating them so that trust is built between them and relationship grow

Answer 2.

A Business can be successful only when the work environment and work culture is healthy in
the workplace. The work culture plays a crucial role in maintaining the position and dignity
of the enterprise. It is seen that in many companies and corporations mostly females face the
troubles such as harassment in some or the other way. It is said that if women employees are
safe then the work culture of that organization is ethical and fruitful. Although it is said that
now women are educated and have earned a higher standard of living and are competent
enough to protect themselves from any sort of situations such as harassment. It is a pathetic
dilemma that women at work place still suffer from sexual harassment also everyday women
are mistreated in the workplace by their co-workers. Sexual harassment leads to anxiety,
depression, lower self-esteem, and degradation of overall physical and  mental health . In
order to combat such situations, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Protection,
Prohibition, Redressal) Act 2013 have been put in place.
Our company ‘Ace Solutions’, a midsize IT services company, have taken all the mandatory
requirements for compliance to “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Protection,
Prohibition, Redressal) Act 2013. There are major ethical issues which include inequitable
performance appraisal and discrimination of employees on the basis of age, gender, religion
or disability.


Sexual Discrimination
Harrasment in Employment

Ethical issues

Unjustified and
Privacy Issues

Safety and
Health Issues

Being the Head of Marketing department, according to me the below mentioned are the
critical practices or initiatives which we need to genuinely implement to ensure providing a
safe working environment to all the women employees-



It is observed that usually women who faces sexual harassment don’t speak up and keep it to
themselves. Women is also asked to tolerate whatever happens so they feel shamed and fear
consequences of the after incidence.
The women at the work place should be encouraged to express themselves and come out of
their discomfort, if they cannot express with the male boss then at least they should share it
with the female colleague or female supervisor. Women employees should be taught how to
escalate any uncomfortable situation they suddenly find themselves in or how to seek help
and also assuring that their name will remain confidential.
A strong and credible Internal Complaints committee must be setup that could take up such
cases and recommends strong action to be taken. The Internal committee should be fair in all
means and be free of any biases related to gender, seniority of the employees etc. The
committee should be made in such a way that thoroughly investigates and recommends
decisive action in all matters related to safe working environment for women at work place.
A woman who is feeling unsafe in any means can approach any member of this committee
and share her experience and so the committee after listening and investigating could take
decisive actions against the culprit.
All the measures taken such as educating women to express themselves, setting up Internal
committee to increase women safety are effective and fruitful but this stigma can only be
abolished from the root when the males are trained how to conduct themselves while working
with women employees. A program or seminars related to the sensitiveness of this aspect and
how to behave in co-working environment. Make them understand what constitutes as
harassment and they come to know that what inappropriate behaviour is. These programs
should be conducted once in month or quarterly so as to educate them about the conduct of
appropriate behaviour and difference between being friendly and sexually harassing an
It is seen that women are still not aware of women’s safety in the workplace which is the
saddest part and so the cases related to sexual harassment increases in the organizations.
Trainings, seminars, workshops should be conducted so as to spread awareness. Women must
know what is exactly the difference between being friendly or conducting an inappropriate
touch. The women should be educated whom to report such cases and when so that necessary
action can be taken up. Spreading of awareness is very important to stop these unethical
practices. Employees, both male and female, should be educated about behavioural ethics and
developing the right culture that supports female safety. Women employees should be trained
on the PoSH Act and should be made aware of the rights and powers.
Strict measures should be taken to prevent any kind of violence or harassment of women. The
women should be trained to keep themselves alert for any uncomfortable situation they find
themselves in and also escalate the same to the respective authority. The women should be
the educated to keep some sort of equipment in their bags which could act as a shield of
protection against any unethical violence by male employees. Also, women should be taught
that they should stand up in case they feel that there is glass ceiling practices in the
It can be said that A Business can be successful only when the work environment and
work culture is healthy in the workplace. Both men and women should be educated
about the conduct of inappropriate behaviour and practices which leads to
harassment. The harassment if we talk about is generally seen that it is faced by
women so it is necessa ry to acknowledge men about their conduct at the workplace.
Trainings, seminars should be conducted to promote the safety of working women at
workplace. It is important that people in leadership roles encourage their subordinates to
inform about improper behaviour or report the misconduct to the respective authority. All
these gestures could help in reduction of harassment cases in the organization and will lead to
safe working environment for women at workplace.

Answer 3(a)
In the context of business, ethics is all about conducting the business based on a set of
principles and standards for the welfare of all associated. Business ethics ensure creating a
good image of an organization, stopping the malpractices, develop good relation and ensure
right conduct of business. To create an ethical environment in an organization, it should be
ensured that ethics of the organization are embedded in its culture. Many organizations face
ethical dilemma whether the prospect is ethical and morally correct or no. Businesses usually
face ethical issues like insider trading, bribery, discrimination and fiduciary responsibilities.

As per the situation, As the purchasing manager is expecting a favour in return of providing a
large order is highly unethical. The further points may support that the practice or the
expectation is highly unethical. This is purely an example of Favourism or it can be said
that it is an indirect form of bribe.
It is always said that donations and charity is done with no expectations and free
from any pressure or force. And if the manager is expecting the donation from the
sales person for the charity of supporting a local youth sports team trained by his wife
is purely for his benefit and not for the company and it can be considered as a form of
bribe and not charity.
As it’s the first order of this company, starting any deal with unethical norms would
lead the company in creating an unethical environment and also it may face
consequences later on.
Now, for providing the order of 10 lakh, the manager has expected a donation of Rs
20000, it may happen that if the sales person of the mid-size IT Company agrees for it
then later on there are chances that, for the next big order, he might expect a large
amount of donation. This would lead to a corruptive practice in the long run.
The donation expected by the manager of the large company was for his own
personal benefit as the donation for the charity of the local youth sports team and not
benefit the company and this is purely against ethical norms.
If the sales person may agree to the expectations of manager of the large company,
then it will create an urge in the manager to earn more by the form of expectations in
the form of charity or donations and he will continue this practice.
Getting a small order as per the right code of conduct is beneficial than getting large
orders with the following of unethical practices.
Expecting something in return is purely Favourism and an indirect form of bribe. The act of
donating can also result into misuse of his company’s fund and the sales manager would be
the medium, he/she would get stuck in the management audit to which there will be no record
to show. Hence, as a fund trajectory cannot be traced back, he shall not encourage the said
transaction on Ethical grounds.

Answer 3(b)

Business ethics is the study of business situations, activities and decisions

about various issues whether they morally and ethically correct or incorrect.
Ethics has helped me a lot in identifying and understanding the foundational ethical issues involved
in better decision making process as a professional . Ethics is not just whether one takes
bribe or not but also the employees in the organization expect impartiality ,
gratitude , appreciation and loyalty from their employees.These employees
are inspired by their ethical leaders who set an example themselves.Ethics
have taught me to face the ethical issue with the principle of
Fidelity .Decision making is a very crucial and thus difficult task to do.With
the help of following ethical practices , decision making would be more
precise and rightful.

Acting ethically is not a cup of tea but is the right thing to do .While making
decisions it becomes the need of the hour to prioritize between ethical values
and principles .Choosing the high standard of conduct is not just about takin
right or wrong decisions but has ethical dilemma involved in it .

Let me explain this in the context of the above example where there was a
decision to be made by the sales manager whether he should accept the
order of 10 lakh offered by the manager and expected a donation of Rs 20000 as a charity
for a sports club trained by his wife. The sales manager has faced a lot of ethical dilemmas
whether he should accept the order as it could be a good opportunity for the expansion of the
business and as it was their first order denying the order would be a big loss to the
opportunity for the company or he must deny the offer as it is highly unethical as expecting
something in return is purely Favourism and an indirect form of bribe and also it is said that
charity and donations is done with no expectations and free from any pressure or force
and in the long run this decision of not accepting the order as it is highly unethical will
prove to be a good decision .
Thus , taking decisions which are ethically correct would lead to a successful
organization with good decision making power .It can be said that Ethical decision-
making is based on ethical values like Trustworthiness , respect , responsibility ,
fairness , responsibility and good citizenship. Ethical decisions leads to ethical behaviors
and provide a foundation for good business practices.
Ethical decision-making is based on core character values like trustworthiness,
respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. Ethical decisions
generate ethical behaviors and provide a foundation for good business practices.

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