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ARC 182


Marketing and brand are significant for startup businesses especially on architecture
services or architectural firms because the brand an architectural company provide defines how
strong and effective on any type of marketing strategy. There are processes that must be
followed when starting a business. Your marketing strategy's foundation is your brand; thus,
branding must come first. Before you start coming up with your specific marketing methods,
tools, plans, and tactics, it is crucial to establish your brand's identity precisely, even if you are a
startup. Your brand is the cornerstone on which you will establish customer loyalty and what will
keep your customers coming back for more. The brand is what draws repeat business from
clients, whether they are independently owned businesses or large corporations in your
neighborhood. Think about where you order and pick up your family's and your own prescription
medications as an example. Whether the pharmacy or drugstore you visit is a small independent
business or a branch of a larger chain. You have probably been a customer of a certain company
for many years, and they have earned your confidence and loyalty. Despite the fact that you
could buy the exact same medicines at any other drugstore in town, it is their brand recognition
that draws you in repeatedly. This is the reason why it is important to start strong, put up effort
on the business and it will last if it is driven by passionate individuals.

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