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The centaur is a half horse, half human creature from

Greek Mythology. They can be both male and female.

In the old stories from Greece, a few centaurs were

teachers. However, most centaurs were mad and
scary. They lived alone in forests, and were never
friends with people. They liked to drink, and to fight
cities and the people in them. Sometimes they even
kidnapped people.

In new stories, centaurs are very different. They are

usually friendly.

In the Narnia books, centaurs are intelligent and

brave animals. They are good at fighting, excellent
doctors, and can read the future by looking at stars.

In the Harry Potter books, centaurs live in the dark

forest next to Hogwarts School. Like the centaurs in
Narnia, they can also see the future in the stars, and
are great doctors. When they fight, they use a bow
and arrow.


1. What is a centaur?
2. Are centaurs male or female?
3. Do you like centaurs? Why or why not?
4. In the old stories, are centaurs good or bad? What do they do?
5. In the new stories, are centaurs good or bad? What do they do?
6. Can centaurs be teachers?
7. Where do centaurs live? What other animals live in this place?

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