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Exam Aasaan Hai
UML Diagrams
➢ Use Case Diagram
➢ Class Diagram
➢ Object Diagram
➢ Sequence Diagram
➢ Collaboration Diagram
➢ Activity Diagram
➢ State chart Diagram
➢ Component Diagram
➢ Deployment Diagram (See book-4 last page, page 49-50)
➢Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
➢What are the benefits of Object Oriented Methodology in real life applications ?
➢ Difference Between Structured analysis and object oriented analysis(book-1,
➢ Object Modeling (book-1, page-27)
➢ Explain Dynamic modeling with example (book-1 ,page-29)
➢ Explain functional modeling with example (book-1 ,page-32)
➢ What is behavioral Diagram (Watch video on our UML playlist)
➢ Concurrency Identification and manage(Book-2 page-11 and book-3 page-26)
➢ Relational database vs. OO Database (book-2 page 15)
➢ Inheritance Adjustment (book-2 page 27, 35)
➢ How do we implement the concept of association ? Explain with an example.
How is a one-to-many association different from a one-to-one association ? (book-
2 ,page-28,37)
➢ How multiple inheritance differs from multilevel inheritance ? Explain with
suitable example for each.
➢ Explain aggregation , generalization, specialization. (Book-3 , unit-1)
➢ Integrity Constraints (Book-3, page 14)
➢ Optimal Association (Book-4, page-7)
➢ Implementing association as class (book-4, page-14)
➢ Explain persistency of data. What is serialization? Where it used and why?
(Book-4, page-18)
➢ Relational Database for object models (book-4, page-22)
➢ What is the use of object IDs ? (book-4, page-28)
➢ Mapping object class to tables (book-4,page-28)
➢ How to map association to tables (Book-4, page-29)
➢ How to map generalization to tables (Book-4, page-33)

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