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132 ITPL Main Road, AECS Layout, Kundalahalli, Banaglore-560037
(Affiliated to Visveswaraya Institute of Technology, Belagavi)



Guided By
Dr. Helen Josephine
Associate Professor

Submitted By
Asha Yadawad (1CR20MC013)
Amogh Laxminarayan Salehittal (1CR20MC008)
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.



This is to Certify that Ms. Asha Yadawad(1CR20MC013) and Mr. Amogh L. Salehittal
(1CR20MC008) who is the students of M.C.A. 2nd Semester of CMR Institute of
Technology, Bangalore has successfully completed their Project Work ‘Online Seminar
Hall Booking’ during the academic year 2020-21.

The Project was found to be Satisfactory.

We wish them Best of Luck.

Place: Bangalore

Signature of HOD Signature of Lab In charge

(Prof. Gomathi T) (Dr. Helen Josephine)

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


We hereby declare that the Project Report title ‘Online Seminar Hall Booking’ has
been prepared by us during the year 2020-21 under the valuable guidance and
supervision of Dr. Helen Josephine (Associate Professor, Department of MCA, CMR IT,
Bangalore), for the fulfilment of the requirement of Master Degree in Computer
I also declare that Project is the result of our own effort and has not been submitted to
any other University for the award of any Degree.

Ms. Asha Yadawad

Mr. Amogh L. Salehittal

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


A successful and satisfactory completion of any significant task is the outcome of

valuable aggregate combination of different people in radial direction explicitly and
implicitly. We have been lucky to have received a lot of help and support from our
lecturers during the making of this project, I would therefore take the opportunity to
thank and express our gratitude to all those without whom the completion of our
project would not be possible.

I owe a great thanks to Head of Department of MCA, Prof. Gomathi T for providing her
kind support and co-operation.

I extremely grateful to Dr. Helen Josephine, Associate Professor, Master of Computer

Application, for her moral support and encouragement.

I consider its privilege and honour to express our sincere gratitude to our project guide
Prof. Varsha Pawar for guiding and improving our knowledge towards this work.

Finally, I take this opportunity to express our gratitude and respect to all those who
directly and indirectly helped and encouraged us during the course of the Project.

Ms. Asha
Mr. Amogh L. Salehittal

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


This is Project Report on ‘Online Seminar Hall Booking’. During the designing and
developing of this Project we explored new Ideas and Functionality. This Project is the
Output of our Planning, Schedule, Programming skill and the Hard Work and this report
reflects our steps taken at various level of Programming Skill, Planning and Schedule.
Our Project ‘Online Seminar Hall Booking’. This is Web based Application which helps
people in Booking the Seminar Hall for any types of Activity. It is useful in the way that it
acts like intermediate between Organiser and Audience.
It is a Closed Website were Admin can login and can create or organise an Event,
Where End user can and also login, gets notification and can attend the Event or

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

Chapter No. Title Page No
a. Letter of Confirmation i
b. Declaration ii
c. Acknowledgment iii
d. Abstraction iv

4. TESTING 15-20
5. RESULT 21-24

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.



Now-a-days everything works on Internet. Internet plays a vital role in every Humans life.
A man from buying-selling, learning etc., everything depended upon Internet.
Likewise Man in comfort need Entertainment. Entertainment doesn’t means on only
Time pass and Fun. So in his leisure man seek for Entertainment in different form. In that
major activity is watching play or drama, Theatre shows like wise. Moreover Artists,
Speaker seek for Platform to reach the Audience. Whatever the show may be. Our
project ONLINE SEMINAR HALL BOOKING helps brings both of them and connects them.
This Website plays as role of Intermediator for Audience and Artists.

• To help the Artist to reach more Audience.
• To maintain the Computerised Record.
• To generate proper computerised false-less Data.
• To Reduce the Human inefficiency.
• To provide a user friendly application.
• Low cost automation and less time consumption.
• Cheaper installation.
Online Seminar Hall Booking
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

• An elegant user interface.
• Change from paper based transaction to computerised transaction.
• Both Artist and Audience friendly Web Application.

Requirement Specification is the part of the project which gives the detail about the
Hardware and Software Requirement of our Project. It also detail the feature of the
programming language used.
• Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz
• Operating System: Window 10 (1511) (105861540)
• System Type: 64-operating System
• RAM, ROM: 4GB, 1TB
• UI and Scripts: Visual Code Studio
• Web Browser: Google Chrome
• User Interface Design: HTML 5, CSS 3,
• Coding: JavaScript

• HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language): It is the most basic building block of the Web. It
defines the meaning and structure of web content. Other technologies besides HTML
are generally used to describe a web page’s appearance/presentation (CSS) or

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

functionality / behaviour (JavaScript). HTML uses ‘mark up’ to annotate text, image
and other content for display in a Web Browser.

▪ CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on
screen, paper or in other media. CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of
multiple web page all at once. External stylesheet are stored in CSS Files. CSS is used to
define style foe your Web Pages, including the design, layout and variation in display
for different devices and Screen size.

▪ BOOTSTRAP: BOOTSTRAP is a free and open-source front-end web framework. It comes

HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and
other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extension. Unlike many
earlier web framework. It concerns itself with front-end development only.

▪ JS (Java Script): Java script, often abbreviated as JavaScript, is a High- level, interpreted
programming language that conforms to the ECMA Script specification. It is
programming language that is characterised as dynamic weekly typed, prototype-
based and multi paradigm. JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the World Wide
Web. JavaScript enables interactive web pages and is an essential part of web
applications. The vast majority of web sides use it and major web browsers have a
detected JavaScript engine to execute it.

▪ VISUAL STUDIO CODE: Visual code is a free source-code editor, made by Microsoft for
Windows, Linux and MacOS. Features include support for debugging, syntax
highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded
Git. Users can change the theme, keyboard shortcuts, preferences, and install
extensions that add additional functionality.

▪ WEB BROWSER: Google Chrome is a free web browser from Google which we are using
here. With its clean design and advanced features, Chrome has quickly become one
of the most popular web browsers worldwide. More Extension enhances the web

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


In Analysis the current system was studied in detail, its loopholes identified and
different data was collected in order to come up with a system that covers these
loopholes. Here, data collection techniques such as Interviews and Observations
were used. Data collection techniques looked at analysis and comparison of other
working systems and critique of the current method by reviewing the possible

Details of Event

Create Event


Remove Event (Organiser)

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.



Entity It may be an object with
physical existence.

Attributes The properties of entity can be is represented by

Relationship Whenever an attribute of one

entity refers to another
entity.some relation exists.

Link Lines link attribute to entity sets

an entity sets relation.

Drived Attribute Dashed elipse denotes derived


Key Attribute An entity type usually as an

attribute whose values are
distinct for each individual
entity in entity set.
Multivalued Attribute Attributes have different
number of values for particular

Cardinality Ratio 1:1 Its specifies the maximum

1:M number of relationship,instance
M:1 that an entity can participate in.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


Username Password

ADMIN Event date



Start Time
END USER Stop Time

Username Password



Process A process transform incoming
data flow in to outgoing data
flow.A process is showed by
named circles.
Data Store These are repositories of data in
the system.They are sometimes
also refered as files.
Data flow Data flows are pipe line throw
which packet of information
flow.Lable the arrows with the
name of the data that moves
throw it.
External Entity External entities are object out
side the system. With which the
system communicates. External
entity are the sources and the
destination of the system input
and output.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

Context Flow Diagram:

Register /Login Manage Details

Online Seminar
USER Hall Booking ADMIN

Storing Data Fetching Data

Data Store

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


payment Payment


Event Event

Event Event

Hall Booking


Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

Register Register

Hall Hall Details

Chek Date Event Details

USER Check
Envetory inventr


method Paymenent

Bill Details Bill

a. Admin Records: Admin by his Login credential can open his Page and Create
an Event or Activity. He can also check Event Details.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

b. End User: This is a Closed System where it has an application in an Organisation,

where authorised people can check the Activity and can get details related to


The goal of coding or programming phase is to translate the design of the system
produced during the design phase into code in a given programming language, which
can be executed by a computer and that performs the computation performed by the
Development Guidelines: The Coding is done with the following characteristics in mind.

• Ease of design to code translation

• Code efficiency
• Memory efficiency
• Response time
• Maintainability
• Security
• Simple ease to understand code
• Efficient and consistent logic

In the design phase the informational, functional, and network requirements
identified during the initiation and planning phases will be converted into unified
Online Seminar Hall Booking
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

design specifications that will be used to script programs during the implementation
phase. The design tools to be used were entity relationship diagram (was used in
describing the relationships between entities), flow charts (was used to show the flow
of events and how the processes are executed) and the following tools will be used:
WAMMP to design a database, PHP and HTML to make interface, authenticate user
and make a connection to a database, CSS to describe the presentation of a
document and JAVASCRIPT to add interactivity, validation to the webpages.

Interface and Authenticate user:

The technology which was used to design Graphical User Interface is the HTML which is
on Client Side Programming to help the operation to be performed on client’s
machine, JavaScript was used for client-side validation. CSS was also used as style
sheet language for describing the presentation of a document written in a mark-up
In the system the server side programming which was used is PHP which is open
source scripting Language allows the operation to be performed on server, PHP code
was embedded into HTML code.

Architectural Design of the System: The architectural design of the system shows how
the architecture of Parking System. The architecture of the system was based on the
Ntier architecture model, where application is split into different layers. OVPRS is
composed of different subsystems which when combined all together form the whole
architecture of the system.
The topmost level of the web application is the presentation layer which displays
information such as browsing parking lot, client, system user login, booking, etc. It
communicates with other layers by which it puts out the results to the browser/client
tier and all other tiers in the network. The Business Access Layer Project is responsible
for all the business logic of the application by performing detailed processing, it
interfaces the Data Access Layer and the presentation Layer. The Data Access Layer
subsystem is responsible for accessing the database for data retrieval and insertion.

Online Seminar Hall Booking
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

Testing and Implementation is the process which tells the Reliability,
Efficiency and Flexibility of the Design System. Reliability means how much the user is
expecting from the System. Flexibility tells how much the user is comfortable and has
additional facilities with the system.

System Testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary
purpose is to fully exercise the Computer based System. Although each test has a
different purpose, all work to verify that all system elements have been properly
integrated and perform allocated functions.

During testing it will make sure that the product does exactly what is
supposed to do. Testing is the final verification and validation activity within the
organization itself. In the testing stage , It try to achieve the following goals; to affirm the
quality of the product, to find and eliminate any residual errors from previous stages, to
validate the software as a solution to the original problem, to demonstrate the presence
of all specified functionality in the product, to estimate the operational reliability of the
system. During testing the major activities are concentrated on the examination and
modification of the source code.

TYPES OF TESTING: The two basic approaches are:

• Black Box or Function Testing: Black Box testing treats the software as a “black
box”, examining functionality without any knowledge internal implementation,
without seeing the source code.
• White Box or Structural Testing: White box testing(also known as glass box testing,
transparent box testing and structural testing, by seeing the source code) tests
internal structures or workings of a program, as opposed to the functionality
exposed to the end-user.


Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

Since the error in the software can be injured at any stage. So we have carry in the
testing process at different levels during the development. The basic levels of testing
1. Unit Testing: Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software
design that is the module. Unit testing exercises specific paths in a module’s control
structure to ensure complete coverage and maximum error detection. This test
focuses on each module individually, ensuring that it functions properly as a unit.
Hence, the naming is Unit Testing.
2. User Acceptance Testing: User Acceptance of a system is the key factor for the
success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user
acceptance by constantly in touch with the prospective system users at time of
developing and making changes wherever required is done in regard to the
following point:
▪ Input Screen Design
▪ Output Screen Design
▪ Menu Driven System
▪ Output Testing
3. Integration Testing: Integration testing addresses the issues associated with the dual
problems of verification and program construction. After the software has been
integrated a set of high order tests are conducted. The main objective in this testing
process is to take unit tested modules and builds a program structure that has been
dictated by design.

The following are the types of Integration Testing:

• Top down Integration: Integration testing addresses the issues associated with the
dual problems of verification and program construction. After the software has been
integrated a set of high order tests are conducted. The main objective in this testing
process is to take unit tested modules and builds a program structure that has been
dictated by design.
• Bottom up Integration: This method begins the construction and testing with the
modules at the lowest level in the program structure. Since the modules are
integrated from the bottom-up, processing required for modules subordinated to a
given level is always available and the need for stubs is eliminated. The bottom up
integration strategy may be implemented with the following steps:
Online Seminar Hall Booking
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

The low-level modules are combined into clusters that perform a specific Software
A driver (i.e.) the control program for testing is written to coordinate test case input
and output.
The cluster is tested.
Drivers are removed and clusters are combined moving upward in the program
4. Output Testing: After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing
of the proposed system, since no system could be useful if it does not produce the
required output in the specified format. Asking the users about the format required
by them tests the outputs generated or displayed by the system under consideration.
Hence the output format is considered in 2 ways- one is on screen and another in
printed format.
5. Validation Checking: Validation checks are performed on the following fields:
▪ Text Field: The Text Field can contain only the number of characters lesser than
or equal to its size. The text fields are alphanumeric in some fields and
alphabetic in other fields. Incorrect entry always flashes an Error Message.
▪ Numeric Field: The Numeric Field can contain only numbers from 0 to 9. An entry
of any character flashes an Error Messages. The Individual modules are checked
for accuracy and what it has to perform. Each module is subjected to test run
along with sample data. The Individually Tested modules are integrated into a
Single System.
6. Performance Testing: This is used to test the Run time performance of software. It
mainly checks weather the system meet all the user requirement.
7. Security Testing: This attempt to verify that protection mechanisms built into system
will protect it from improper penetration.
8. Recovery Testing: This forces software to fail in variety ways and verifies that recovery
is properly performed.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

1. Admin Login:
Sl. No. Test Description Test Case Expected Output Result

1 Username and Click on Message- Invalid ID and SUCCESS

Password are Confirm. Password.

2 One of the text-box is Click on Message- This is field is SUCCESS

left Blank. Confirm required.

3 Both Username and Click on Directs to Admin SUCCESS

Password are correct. Confirm Homepage.

2. User Login:
Sl. No. Test Description Test Case Expected Output Result

1 Username and Click on Message- Invalid ID and SUCCESS

Password are Confirm. Password.

2 One of the text-box is Click on Message- This is field is SUCCESS

left Blank. Confirm required.

3 Both Username and Click on Directs to Admin SUCCESS

Password are correct. Confirm Homepage.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

Create an Event:

Sl. No. Test Description Test Case Expected Output Result


1 If Date choose Click on Creates the Event. SUCCESS

and name of Confirm
event and time.

2 If name of Event Click on Message- This is field is SUCCESS

left blank. Confirm required.

3 If Date is not Click on It throws an error SUCCESS

chosen Confirm

4 If Time not Click on Message- This is field is SUCCESS

chosen properly. Confirm required.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


1. Login Page:

2. Index Page:

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

3. Create an Event:

4. Check the Event:

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.



System Maintenance is a modification of the software product after delivery to

accomplish one of the following objectives:

• Correct faults.
• Improve the performance or other attributes

Adapt the product to the change environment the term support and maintenance
describes activity that occur after a system is made operational. Support activities
assist users in realizing the full benefits of the system. It ensures that the system function
at peak efficiency and the needed changes are implemented with minimal disruption
to the organization.

The performance of the system can be measured by two factors, viz. the Efficiency
and Effectiveness. The efficiency indicates the manner in which the inputs are used by
the system .If the input-output ratios is adverse, we say that the system is inefficient
thought produces the desired output or not .When the system is ineffective, the
Online Seminar Hall Booking
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.

system is out of control and it needs a major correction. A system has to be

effectiveness is measure of the productivity i.e. the measure of the output against the

Throughout the Lifecycle of the project it is put through test against efficiency and
effectiveness quite frequently. The stronger the system is, the lesser maintenance the
system requires. As of now, there is no significant maintenance policy adopted or
proposed for the system.

The system security problem can be divided into four relates issues: security, integrity,
privacy and confidentiality. They determine the file structure, data structure and
access procedures.
System Security: An (operating) system is responsible for controlling access to system
resources, which will include sensitive data. The system must therefore include
ascertain amount of protection for such data, and must in turn control access to those
parts of the system that administer this protection. System security is concerned with all
aspects of these arrangements.
System Integrity: State of a system where it is performing its intended functions without
being degraded or impaired by changes or disruptions in its internal or external
That condition of system wherein its mandated operational and technical parameters
are within the prescribed limits. The state that exists when there is complete assurance
that under all conditions antisystem is based on the logical correctness and reliability
of the operating theological completeness of the hardware and software that
implement the protection mechanisms, and data integrity.
Confidentiality, integrity and availability, also known as the CIA triad, is a model
designed to guide policies for information security within an organization. The model is
also sometimes referred to as the AIC triad (availability, integrity and confidentiality) to
avoid confusion with the Central Intelligence Agency.
Online Seminar Hall Booking
SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


• Both User and Admin have same Login Page

• No Register Page
• Anyone can create the Event.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


• Registration for both Admin.

• Open Source Website
• Seat Booking feature.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


This chapter discusses about what has been done, recommendations on the system’s
operations and the conclusions that are to be made regarding the system’s
functioning in the current status and that of the future where some improvements are
to be made on the system.

This Project makes Artist and Audience come together.

So that Audience can check the Events and its Details. So that they could not miss
Good Events.
Artists get Good Fame and recognition.

Online Seminar Hall Booking

SDM College| Department of B.C.A.


• Online Resource
• Website Referred:

Online Seminar Hall Booking

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