Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa

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Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa.

Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa. (Arequipa, Peru, March 28, 1936). Peruvian writer, politician

and journalist. Nobel Prize for Literature 2010.

He spends his childhood between Bolivia and Peru and upon finishing his primary studies he

collaborates in the newspapers La Cranic and La Industry. In 1952 he wrote a play entitled La

huia del Inca, which premiered in a theater in Lima.

He studied Letters and Law at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and began to

collaborate professionally in newspapers and magazines, being editor of Cuadernos de

Composition and the magazine Literature.

In 1958 he was awarded the "Javier Prado" scholarship at the Completeness University of

Madrid, where he obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophy and Letters. A year later, he moved

to Paris, and there he worked in different media until he managed to enter the Agency France

Press and, later, the French Radio Television, where he met many Spanish-American writers.

In 1965, he joined the Cuban magazine Casa de las Americas as a member of its editorial board

and remained there until 1971. In those years he served several times as a jury for the Casa de

las Americas awards.

Later he traveled to New York, invited to the World Congress of the PEN Club, and installed

his residence in London, where he worked as a professor of Latin American Literature at Queen

Mary College.

During this period he also works as a translator for UNESCO in Greece, together with Julio

Cortázar; until 1974 his life and that of his family was spent in Europe, residing in Paris,

London and Barcelona.

In 1975 he began a series of cinematographic works, and in March of that year he was elected a

Member of the Royal Peruvian Academy of Language. In 1976 he was elected president of the

International PEN Club, a position he held until 1979.

In Peru, he presented the television program La Torre de Babel and in 1983 he chaired the

Investigative Commission of the Uchuraccay case, dedicated to solving the murder of eight

journalists. At the end of the eighties he entered the world of politics in Peru and in 1990 he

returned to London, where he resumed his literary activity.

In March 1993, he obtained Spanish nationality, without renouncing his Peruvian one. He

collaborates with the newspaper El País and with the cultural magazine Letras Libres.

In 1994 he was named a member of the Royal Spanish Academy and that same year he won the

Miguel de Cervantes Prize; Later, he was recognized as an honorary doctor in numerous

universities. His work has been translated into more than 30 languages.

In 2013, he was awarded the Columnistas de El Mundi award, in recognition of his journalistic



The first few days were a bit boring. More than anything we pulled the car to go everywhere,
since neither taxis nor trains worked well. My friends made me a little dizzy; that if we are
going to see such a colleague, that if we are going to see the other ... I met a lot of interesting
people, but we threw ourselves more than half the time on the road, glimpsing a city full of

possibilities that we never quite stepped on. From time to time we did very funny things. One
night I had to take home my drunk friends, the truth is that I laughed for a while. Another day
we visited the roof of a hotel in the city and had spectacular views, as well as having a great
time. The truth is that not everything was tedium, there were days that I will always
Susana Baca

She was born on May 24, 1944 in the city of Lima, daughter of Ernesto Baca Ramírez and
Carmen de la Colina Gonzáles. Susana descends from one of the most illustrious families of
Afro-Peruvian music: the De la Colina, from San Luis de Cañete being first cousin of Ronaldo
Campos and Caitro Soto. She is responsible, together with her husband and representative
sociologist Ricardo Pereira, for the recovery of almost forgotten harmonies and rhythms of
Afro-Peruvian music.

She lived her childhood in the Lima district of Chorrillos, a place of which she keeps the best
memories as she herself indicates in various interviews. From a very young age she was
surrounded by musicians; his father was a guitarist, his mother a dancer, his aunts sang and his
cousins were the creators of the group Peru Negro. They provided the necessary strength that
drove Susana to dedicate herself fully to music.


my vacation was boring of a week that I was in Al Acasa rested all ele day in the house I went
with my parents a Wednesday ala Parque de las Leyendas was so nice to be with my parents a
good time since I always spend it interning in the school and I only go out on Saturday until
Sunday that gives very little time and and again back to school always with that same
Repetitive rhythm. All summer holidays I always spend at school but it is very nice to be with
Miguel Grau.
Summary biography of Miguel Grau

Miguel Grau was born in Piura, northern Peru, on July 27, 1834. His parents were Manuel Grau
and Maria Luisa Seminario. From a young age he worked in the merchant navy and in 1853 he
entered the Navy. n who had ten children.

In 1868, he received command of the ship Huáscar with which he stood out defending the
elected president Manuel Pardo in 1872 and defeating the rebel Nicolás de Piérola in 1874. In
1876, he was elected deputy for Paita.

In 1879, at the outbreak of the War against Chile, he became the top leader of the Peruvian
squadron. On May 21, 1879, in the battle of Iquique, his ship Huáscar managed to sink the
Chilean ship Esmeralda. Unfortunately, that same day our armored Independencia crashed and
sank while pursuing the Covadonga.

In command of the Huáscar, Miguel Grau managed to keep at bay the powerful Chilean
squadron that for five months made vain efforts to sink or capture it. But on October 8, 1879
there was the battle of Angamos where a powerful enemy fleet surrounded the Huáscar that
resisted as much as it could. A cannon shot by the Chilean ship Cochrane ended the life of the
great "Knight of the Seas".

Miguel Grau Seminario, for his personal virtues and his great services to the Homeland, is
today considered "The Peruvian of the Millennium".


My vacation has been a lot of fun!!! I've ridden horses, I've painted a thousand leaves, I've
gone to the pool. My parents have taken me to different places, I have eaten very rich meals
and I have met so many friends.

Everything has made me more agile, stronger and I go back to school eager to see my
classmates and tell them everything.

What a nice holiday I've had. I also went on a trip to visit my paternal grandparents and they
were so happy that they even cried with emotion. I had a very nice time meeting new uncles
and cousins, eating new things and seeing fantastic landscapes, my grandparents are from
Apurimac. I studied Karate and now I know how to defend myself, I also did swimming and I
don't swim very fast but I stay afloat.

I am very happy. My holidays were beautiful and the best thing is that I enjoyed them with my

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