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How can young people to be better support to thrive in green

Young people represent the future and if we want our future to be more healthier, we
need to protect the nature. It is the only way to survive the damage of the tehnology in
our lives. Green jobs can reduce the sickness of the nature and protect our future.
The planet is in pain, nature is not the same. We destroy it with huge factories and the
water and air pollution. The climate is changhing and that can destroy the future. We
need to fix this problem, because our future depends of how we treat nature. From the
point of view of the biology a apocalypse is waiting for us if we don’t developed our
habits. The conclusion is that human society is in danger due to the accelerated decline of
Earth’s natural life support system.
In the future the green jobs will be the most used and if we know this when we are
teenager, we can think better what jobs we want. There are more options waiting for us.
For example, green designer, urban farmer or green home construction worker. These are
some of the jobs that are going to trendy in the next 10 years. If we think about applying
for the green jobs, we will help the economy to grow. This is what every human desire,
because we want to our planet to build stronger. To be rich and our nature to be healthier
and well take care of. If we want the future to be easier to live, we need to think better
about our future jobs choices, because every human that apply on one of the green jobs
counts as a savior. In conclusion, nature is the most fragile thing, and if we want to live in
a healthier habitat, we need the green jobs.
On the one hand, green jobs represent the future. But now they’re not so developed, and
that is a disadvantage in our list of jobs. But who knows what can change in 5 years. Now
these jobs are just ideas but can take time for these jobs to be real. But when it will be,
the nature will feel healthier ant protect more than momentarily. The green jobs can
change many small things that make a big difference. If young people would like to
change the world and make it better, we will have to have a base in green jobs. The
nature is needing us, because it will not solve the problems of the present and the future
by itself.
All the problem arises from pollution and in order to slow it down this pollution we will
have to come up with certain solutions, one is green jobs. The second is to sort more
garages and reuse it. If we are going to continue it like this for 10 years the word will to
stand, nature will be ruined. Human being will die because of this air and land pollution.
That’s why young people need to think more for applying for green jobs in the future.

Titica Adelina Igor 8th grade 16.03.2009 508 words

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