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Valledor, Daylyn T.

BEED- 3rd Year



Grade 1- Research Ms. Panizales To avoid students being messy before they enter to their classroom, teacher Panizales ask her
Compassio students to form a two line which is one for girls and one for boys. And before they begin and
n ended the class, teacher Panizales always reminded her students to have opening and closing
prayer. She ordered her students to arrange their chairs and pick up the pieces of paper under their
chairs. Moreover, she is good in managing their classroom because she know how to handle the
kids, she know what to do when the attention of the students are not in the class.

Grade 2- Science Mr. Duran At the end and the beginning of the class, I have observed that teacher Duran doesn’t have a set of
Simplicity roles to follow, except of having a prayer before and after the class. He let his students to be noisy
and misbehave. When he entered the classroom after prayer, he immediately proceeded to ask his
students on what they have tackled on their past meeting. When it comes in managing the behavior
of students, teacher Duran is lack of it.

Grade 3- English Ms. Pizana Teacher Pizana begins the class discussion with a prayer. Like teacher Duran, she doesn’t have a
Humility set of roles to her students, except the prayer and checking of attendance. I can say that she is lack
of classroom management because she let her students noisy and it happened not only the
beginning of the class but also at the end until they leave the classroom. They are so very noisy and
messing around, especially those kids that are stubborn.
Valledor, Daylyn T.
BEED- 3rd Year

Grade 1- Research Ms. Panizales Teacher Panizales is good in delivering her lesson. Instead of laptop, she
Compassion used manila paper to make sure that all her students can see and get what
she is teaching. When her students are not behaving and their attention are
not in the class, teacher Panizales asked them all to read the text that was
written in the manila paper. And after that, she call them one by one to get
back the attention of her students in the class and to make sure that they are
learning as well.

Grade 2- Simplicity Science Mr. Duran Teacher Duran is good in explaining and discussing his lesson, and he
mastered it well. His students have their own books so when teacher Duran
is lecturing, students used their books as a guide and follow the discussion
as well. He also used hand gestures in order to deliver the lesson properly.
When he was discussing he did not stay in front but also he go at the back.

Grade 3- Humility English Ms. Pizana Even though her students are stubborn and not behaving, but I can say that
teacher Pizana is good in delivering her lesson. Most of her students are
answering her question, in her class I have noticed that there is fast learner
because every time she asked him/her, even she did not already finish
talking, that student are quickly responses. But the only problem is she did
not told her students to raise their hands before reciting.


Valledor, Daylyn T.
BEED- 3rd Year



Grade 1- Computer Ms. Panizales When she is teaching, she makes sure that all students are getting their attention in the
Compassio class. After discussion, she call anyone especially those who are not behaving and
n mischievous in class, to go in front and read what inside the manila paper. And when
her student’s reading comprehension are not really good, she immediately helping and
correcting them. Her tone of voice is very loud and clear, so that some of her students
are focusing on what she is talking.

Grade 2- Science Mr. Duran Teacher Duran gives motivational activity to his students and I have noticed that it was
Simplicity really useful to get the attention of the students and also for them to have an idea of
what they are going to discuss. While he is lecturing, it doesn’t have a problem when it
comes on his voice. It was very loud and clear, the reason why he got the attention of
his students. Every time that his students are asking questions, he quickly responses.
And the last thing I have observed that makes me delighted is when I saw his students
are helping each other when his/her classmate doesn’t know the answer and don’t have
an idea to do
Grade 3- English Ms. Pizana I really like the way she is talking, because for me she is very good in pronunciation.
Humility Her tone of voice is loud and clear, she used hand gestures, going in front and back
while she is discussing. In short she have a good teaching approaches, the reason why
most of her students are fast to get the lesson.

Valledor, Daylyn T.
BEED- 3rd Year



Grade 1- Research Ms. Panizales When it comes to classroom assessment, teacher Panizales are not giving a good rules
Compassion and instructions to her students. She let her students to be noisy. I observed that when
students did not know how to answer the assessment, they ask their teacher. And when
teacher Panizales have noticed that her students are copying the work of her classmate,
she let them do that which is not good for the students.

Grade 2- Science Mr. Duran He has a good way of giving assessment to his students. He give clear instructions
Simplicity before the students started to do their task. In that way, most of his students got and
know what they have to do to finish the task that was given to them. After the
assessment he gives class recitation to make sure that his students are learned and if
they already met the needs they have to acquire.
Grade 3- English Ms. Pizana She likes giving assessment to her students like quiz and oral recitation. Maybe that
Humility was her way to know if her students are learning on what she had discussed. When it
comes to quiz, her students are messing around, instead of asking to their teacher they
are going everywhere inside the classroom to ask what they have to do to answer their

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