Daily Plan For The 2nd Class PDF

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Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 1 A school magazine

1- Read a poster introducing the unit project topics .

2- Arrange items in alphabetical order .
The 3- Match words and definitions to develop vocabulary.
Objectives 4- Practice to use apostrophe before and after possessive S

The Material The board , coloured board pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
Monthly, team , contribution , below , definition , description , event , interview ( n ) ,
report ( n ) , cartoon , joke (n) , poetry , in print , section (n) , news , café

1- Introduction to the topic . ( read the text aloud and present the meaning of the
vocabularies then ask students questions like :
a- Where do you think this notice is ? – in the girl's school
b- Who wrote it ? – the team
c- What AMISG ? – Al Mustafa intermediate School for Girls
d- What is on the side of the box ? – the notice
2- Write headings in alphabetical order . ( students arrange sections in alphabetical
order in their notebooks according to the first letter )
3- Reading definitions and match to headings . ( read definitions and students match it
in pairs )
4- Discussion: ( ask students to use words and definitions in sentences for example :
Cartoons are funny stories with small pictures . Then ask questions to consolidate
understanding of new words , for example :
Where can you find cartoons ? – in comics , newspapers and magazines
Do you know any jokes / poetry ? finally elicit answers to question 4 tell the students
to choose only at the first then get them to give reasons for their choice .
5- Language study ( students read the grammar box / SB4 – possessive S then write
examples on the board for them to punctuate .
6- Do a vocabulary exercise AB3 (revise the vocabulary by asking questions :
What can you write ? – articles , poetry , reports / What can you tell ? – jokes /
What is the another word for ( famous ) ? then help students to complete the gaps .

1- Abass magazine ( put possessive S )

2- Ahmed is very funny guy , he always tells ……….. to his friends ( jokes , reports )

Extra home Which sentences can you put these adjectives into ? interesting / funny

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 2 A new project

1. Study simplified dictionary entries .

2. Listen for gist and detail .
The 3. Decide on roles for writing own magazine and its contents .
Objectives 4. Suggestion and planning : why don’t we .., let's .., what shall we do ? I'll be

The The board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
Material and
Project, article, cover , edit , editor , print , printer , report , reporter , photographer ,
verb , noun , decide , syllable

1- Use dictionary entries to find meanings SB5 ( read the title aloud and explain the
meaning of project , students listen to some children talking about a school project
then read question 1 aloud and give students time to answer it then students find
another examples .
2- Listen for gist SB5 ( students read the rubric aloud with the two question and try to
find what is the picture about ? then play the audio )
3- Listen for details SB5AB3 Ex A ( write the boy's names on the board and explain
whose idea it is to start the magazine ? then introduce Ex A and students try to
answer the 4 questions and after that play the audio again to check the answers )
Procedures 4- Listen for stress SB5 AB4 Ex B ( explain the syllable for students , show them where
is the stress in these words and write it on the board )
5- Transfer SB5 ( students read the instructions on SB5 and discuss the 3 topics then
draw their attention to the language box at the bottom of the page )
6- Set up project SB5(look back at P28 and decide the best strategy for managing the
school magazine project )

Evaluation 1. What do n. and v. mean ?

2. What do report and reporter mean ?
3. Whose idea it is to start the magazine ?

Extra home AB4 Ex B


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 3 An interview

The 1. Read and understand the text of an interview .

Objectives 2. Read aloud.
3. Like , love , dislike , enjoy + verb +~ing, defining relative who.

The The board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
Material and
The following , group , local , personality , well known , run ( a business) , since , spare
time , dislike , garden , wife , impolite , shout , pasta , programme , centre , ring road

1. preparation for reading SB6 ( explain the title and ask the students to find out where
this interview comes from ?)
Procedures 2. read and do vocabulary questions SB6 ( read the introduction to the interview aloud
and explain the meanings of words like famous and students complete the activity )
3. read and write SB6 AB 4(do the first two questions as a class and explain the meaning
of since and for then students read and answer the next 4 questions )

Find these words and guess their meaning :

Evaluation Wife , shout , pasta

Extra home AB 4

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 4

The 1. Make sentences orally

Objectives 2. Write answers to questions
3. Phrases after for and since
4. Gerunds after like , hate , enjoy , love , dislike
5. Adjectives and adjectival clauses with who

The The board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
Material and
Vocabulary Adjective , relative clause

1. Read aloud in pairs SB 6/7 ( students follow the interview as they listen to the audio
and after that they practice reading aloud )
2. Language study SB7 (explain the grammar box briefly and give more examples )
Procedures 3. Ask and answer questions to practice for / since SB7 ( one student ask the first
question and the others try to give more answers then students ask and answer in
pairs )
4. Ask and answer questions to practice gerunds SB7
5. Ask and answer question to practice adjectives and relative clauses SB7
6. Write answers to questions AB 4/5 ( students write short answers to each question )

1. I ……….. people who help others . ( hate , like , dislike )

2. ……….. have you been in this school ? ( how long , how much , how many )
Evaluation 3. What do you like doing in your spare time ?

Extra home AB 4

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 5

Objectives Consolidating language introduced in the unite so far .

Material and The board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..

Vocabulary Revision

1. Do a punctuation exercise AB5 Ex A : students punctuate the three sentences on their

own , write the sentences on the board without punctuation while they do the exercise.
2. Punctuate sentences with direct speech AB5/6 Ex B ( go through the examples with
Procedures the class and draw their attention to the position of the commas )
3. Do a word-building exercise AB6 Ex D ( explain the difference of add er to the end of
the word e.g. farm / farmer )
4. Complete sentences with for or since AB6 Ex D

Clean , cleaner , skate , ………. , report , ……………

Evaluation I'm hungry . I haven’t eaten anything ………. last night ( for , since )

is ali playing football ( punctuate )

Extra home AB6 Ex C and D


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 6 Problems

1- Understand a description of a personal problem and the advice given.

2- Discuss the advice.
The 3- Read short descriptions of personal problems and suggest advice.
Objectives 4- Expand notes to write short paragraphs giving advice.
5- Explain the imperative sentences and form of notes.

The Material The board, coloured board pens, student's book, Photos in the text and etc..
Shy (adj) , shyness , afraid , go red , stammer (v), smile ( v, n) , may( modal ), confident
, even ( adv) , nervous , inside , probably , unpopular , piece (n) , advice , happiness ,
Vocabulary kindness , exam , share (v) , copy (v) , paragraph

1- Preparation for reading ( ask the class what the page contians , why do you think Jill
wrote to Aunt Sally ? look to page title and make sure the students understand that
this is magazine‘s page. And Aunt sally works there .
2- Read for gist and paraphrase ( ask the first question and tell the students to read
Jill‘s letter to find out what the problem is and explain it then ask students : what
would you say to Jill?- encourage students to give advices)
3- Read and work out meanings SB8 AB6/7 Exs A/B ( students answer Exs A then read
and do Exs B )
4- Discuss advice given SB8 ( explain all the advices and ask for students‘ opinions with
reasons . )
Procedures 5- Read problems and think of advice SB9 ( introduce the two letters and ask students
to predict what are they about according to the pictures then students work in pairs
to discuss other problems )
6- Work out features of notes (read the instructions and two questions to the class ,
students work in pairs and try to answer the questions , explain the imperative
sentences and form of notes. )
7- Expand notes ( do the first paragraph on the board and students do the other one )

1. Shy (adj) , shyness (n) , happy (adj) : ………

2. Give Ali your homework . (imperative)

Extra home AB 7 Ex.C


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 7 Embarrassing moments

The Objectives 1- Read to work out the sequence of events in short narrative
2- Write a short story
3- Read aloud , evaluate story orally and make plans orally
4- Study past simple and past continuous tenses

The Material The board , coloured board pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
and Equipments
Moment, embarrassing , embarrassed, pronoun (Gr.) , repeat , gift , mug(n) ,
price (n) , spill (v) , pick up , I nearly died , mirror , towards , black eye , copy
Vocabulary , opinion , type , photocopier , language

1- Introduction to topic SB10/11(explain the title and students look at the

pictures and try to identify which one feels embarrassed then predict the
content of the stories) .
2- Read and order sentences SB10/11 ( explain the reading tip SB10 that it
will help students in reading task then tell them to re order the stories in
SB11 )
3- Listen and check answers . ( audio3 )
4- Work out meanings of words and idioms SB 10/11 AB8 Ex A (students
read Ex A and choose the best meanings then they read through the box of
SB10 and think about the 2 questions )
Procedures 5- Write a paragraph AB8 Ex.B (read the writing tip and focus on : sentences
don’t begin on new line but continue along the lines and focus also on
punctuation )
6- Write and self-correct short story AB9 Ex C ( students think of an
embarrassing moment happened to them then elicit some examples . tell
the students to write a draft in their copybooks and edit it .)
7- Read stories aloud and evaluate them AB9 Ex D ( students read their
stories aloud in groups and choose the best for the school magazine )

1- Last Friday I ……. ( walk ) in the park .correct

2- Embarrassing means ……….
Evaluation 3- My friends were playing volleyball yesterday . ( wh-question what )

Extra home AB9 Ex.c and d


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 8 The world youth camp

The 1. Read an advertisement.

Objectives 2. Complete application forms for detail .
3. Fill in an application forms .

The The board , coloured board pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
Material and
Arabic , youth , advertisement , adventure , fill in , application form , in
common , age , address , language, hobby , ballooning , diving , windsurfing ,
Vocabulary sleeping bag

1. Introduction to the topic (books shut , introduce the topic of camps for young people )
2. Read an advertisement (elicit the title SB12then read the instruction aloud , students
read the poster and answer the questions then refer to SB28/29 and continue discussion
on summer camps )
3. Read and compare two completed application forms (read out the task in the box and
explain in common . students find three things the boys have in common then they
search for five things the boys don’t have in common )
4. Revision ( ask questions to revise the new vocabulary e.g. what word means an exciting
or dangerous activity ? –adventure
5. Complete an application form AB10 (students complete the information about
Procedures themselves )
6. Read aloud ( invite different students to read their forms aloud )
7. Project reminder SB28/29 ( remind the students about the Iraq summer camp articles on

1- Who has filled in two forms ? how old is Basim ?

2- What dose advertisement mean ?
Evaluation 3- A sport that needs water and wind is ………….

Extra home SB 28 / 29 Iraq summer camp

AB10 ( fill the application form )

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 9 Round up

The Revision

The The board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..
Material and
Vocabulary Revision

1- Round up ( elicit further examples of all language in numbers 1to 5 )

2- Write synonyms AB10 Ex A
3- Spell words AB 10 Ex B
4- Write sentences with relative pronoun who AB11 Ex C
5- Punctuate a paragraph AB 11 Ex. D
6- Expand notes AB 12 Ex E
7- Read answers , write questions AB12 Ex F
8- Project reminder SB 28 – 31 ( refer students to the summer camp article which they
read for homework )


Evaluation Famous , well known , a present ……………

Extra home AB 11 Ex D and F


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

1 10 Bob and Basim

Read a story for enjoyment

Material and The board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , Photos in the text and etc ..

Vocabulary It doesn’t matter , flight , attendant , seat , a sleep , passport , appear , fewer , customs
officer , anything to declare ? would you mind

1- Introduction SB15 /16 ( explain the story title then ask who Bob and Basim are ? then
ask the students to look at the pictures and find out the what is the story about ? )
2- Read for enjoyment SB15 /16 (elicit the three questions and tell the students to skim the
Procedures story to answer)
3- Listen for consolidation SB15/16 ( students listen and follow the story in their books )
4- Write notes on the story SB15/16 AB 13

1- Why did the customs officer and Basim look at Bob when he opened the suitcase ?
Evaluation 2- What was in the suitcase ?

Extra home AB13 Write notes on the story


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson

2 1 Keep fit

1. Read for gist and detail .

2. Interpret pictures and give advice orally .
Objectives 3. Ask and answer personal questions and write notes .
4. Use answers to write about partner .
5. Study ( should / shouldn't + infinitive for expressing advice )

Material and board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..
Vocabulary Keep fit , get fit , fit , fitness , unfit , in fact , out of breath , regularly , take exercise ,
netball , cycle , form , either , all the time , once a week , twice a week

1. Introduction to the topic ( explain the unit topic : healthy lifestyle , present any
relevant words like fit , fitness , health , exercise
2. Read for gist SB17: establish that there are two paragraphs and explain that the first
sentence in a paragraph often gives you the topic / what the paragraph is about ? tell
the students to read the first sentences in each paragraph before they read the rest
and give them one minute to read it all and don’t worry about unfamiliar words
because read quickly is very good to improve their reading skills .
3. Read for detail SB17 AB18 (introduce the exercise to the students and explain that
question 1 has already done so they can complete the whole Ex. )
4. Discuss in pairs AB18 ( focus on the last question on AB18 and students discuss it in
Procedures pairs then they ask each other )
5. Interpret pictures SB17 ( explain the question above the pictures on SB17 and
students work in pairs and discuss what the boys are saying , then let the class say if
they agree or not )
6. Give advice orally using should SB17 ( explain the example of advice in the
language box then ask the class to give advice to the unfit boys in the pictures . )
7. Vocabulary revision ( spend a few minutes revising words and phrases from the
lesson : fit , fitness , unfit, keep fit , get fit , take exercise , out of breath , regularly ,
all the time)
8. Complete sentences with should / shouldn’t SB17 AB19 Ex B/C ( students try to
complete the exercise B then write : matches , zebra crossing , cycle and medicine on
the board and explain the meaning then students give you advice )
9. Ask and answer AB19/20 Ex D (introduce the activity then use Ex d to practice
question with How often )

Evaluation 1. Don’t let children play with matches ( use should )

2. Ahmed plays football twice a week . ( Wh –question / How often )

Extra home AB 19 Ex C / D

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Sunday Unit Lesson

2015-12-13 2 2 Eat the right food

1. Read and understand a report of a talk about healthy eating .

Objectives 2. Phrases expressing quantity : a little , a few , too much , too many , a lot

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..
Good for you , not so good for you , crisps , nurse , fruit , healthy , unhealthy , fat ,
bar ( of chocolate ) , a little , a few , too much , too many , a lot

1. Discussion ( Students check the picture on SB18 then they find which of the food
items are healthy or unhealthy food )
2. Read for specific information SB18 ( A. Read the instruction above the report and
ask these questions : Who wrote the report ? what is the report about ? what does
" nurse " mean ? B. Students read the report for 2 M and find out if their ideas
about food were correct . C. Ask these questions to check answers :what did nurse
Fawzia say is good for us ? – fish , fruit and vegetables) what did she say we
should be careful about ? – anything with a lot of fat , salt or sugar such as fries ,
crisps and sweets )
3. Identify healthy and unhealthy foods AB20 Ex. A ( students choose which food is
Procedures good for you and which is not so good for you )
4. Read for details SB18 AB21 Ex. B ( students read the report carefully and answer
the questions in Ex. B )
5. Read for language SB18AB21 Ex. C ( students scan for the particular words then
check which of the phrases is used with them and what count and non-count
nouns are ? )

Evaluation 1- …………….. is good food for you while ………. is not so good for you .
2- …………. rice ( too much , too many )

Extra home AB 21 Ex . C

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq Sadiq Mahdy Abuod

Daily lesson plan

2nd Tuesday Unit Lesson

2015-12-15 2 3 In a restaurant

3. Use definitions and pictures to work out meanings.

4. Discuss food on a menu that is good for you and not so good for you .
Objectives 5. Listen for language , then for specific information and take notes .
6. Role play
7. Polite expressions when in a restaurant : good evening( sir ) , Are you ready to
order , sir ? No, sorry , we're not ready .

Material and board , coloured board‘s pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..

Vocabulary Beef , lamb , curry , fried , grilled , baked , fruit salad , cow , ready , heat

6. Work out meanings SB 19 : read the rubric and the four words and tell the
students to look at the menu , read the definitions and work out meanings
7. Students discuss the items on the menu and decide which one are good and the
other are not
8. Predict language and listen to check SB19 : ask students while they are looking to
Procedures the picture : how many people are there in the picture ? where are they ? then
students work in pairs and answer the two questions next to the picture . listen to
Audio 7 part 1
9. Listen for specific information AB22 Ex. A Audio 7 part 2 : introduce Ex. A then
play Audio 7 part 2
10. Role – play SB22 Ex. B : students role play the conversation

Grilled means ……………….

Evaluation Fried fish is ……………… food ( healthy , unhealthy )

Extra home AB 22 Ex. A


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq Sadiq Mahdy Abuod

Daily lesson plan

2nd Wednesday Unit Lesson

2015-12-16 2 4 Aches and Pains

8. Develop voc. related to common ailments .

9. Practice reading dialogues aloud .
Objectives 10. Role-play
11. Use have and have got (a) + ailment / My ( head ) aches

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..
ache (v, n) , pain (n) , tooth , toothache , stomach , stomachache , headache , earache ,
dentist , drop (n)

1- Listen for pronunciation : explain the meaning and spelling of ache then students
listen to Audio 8 and look at the pictures .
2- Work out meanings : ask the class to match the sentences to the pictures then
check like this T: what is Ansam saying ? S: I've got toothache .
3- Study language : students read the language box and find another way of saying
Procedures I've got a headache . ( we can say : my head aches – S in aches is 3rd person because
it's verb ) ask students to change the sentences like this.
4- Listen and read , then read aloud in pairs : students read the conversations on
SB20 then they listen to Audio 9 then they read it as pairs (role-play )
5- Complete sentences with language of advice AB22

Evaluation 11. I've got a toothache . you should go to …….. ( dentist , bed )
12. My ear …………. ( aches , ache )

Extra home

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq Sadiq Mahdy Abuod

Daily lesson plan

2nd Thursday Unit Lesson

2015-12-17 2 5 Activity book

12. Make notes of the details in two recorded conversations between a doctor and
a patient .
Objectives 13. Use notes to complete two paragraphs.
14. Express feelings in different situations .

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..


13. Listen for detail AB23 Audio 10 : explain the first question then play Audio 10
and students write the answers then play it again for checking . tell the students to
read the second set of questions about Rasha then play part 2 and follow the same
Procedures procedure .
14. Use answers to complete two paragraphs AB23 Ex.B : introduce the task and let
students attempt the activity without preparation.
15. Express feelings in different situations AB24 Ex C : students read the first
sentence then ask them ( How do you feel ? ) agree a suitable adjective . tell the
students to write and complete the answers

Evaluation 1- Your brother broke your phone " I feel ………… "

Extra home AB24 Ex C


Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq Sadiq Mahdy Abuod

Daily lesson plan

2nd Sunday Unit Lesson

2015-12-20 2 6 Jala's story

15. Read for gist , then detail .

16. Write sentences to practice a language pattern .
Objectives 17. Study two marked paragraphs and correct and improve them .
18. Then compare answers with the printed paragraphs in the SB.
19. (language) A: want +noun/ pronoun +to infinitive. B: correction marks / Sp. =
spelling , Gr. = grammar , P. = punctuation

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..
An hour or so , be a pain , unusual , surprised , appendix , save , fault , draft , mark ,

16. Read for gist SB21 : explain the heading then ask students to find out Jala's full
name , students look to pictures and try to guess what happened , read the
instructions under the picture and students read the story and choose the best
answer .
17. Read for detail SB21 AB24/25 Ex A/B : students read the questions 1 to 6 and try
Procedures to answer them then refer to the story again to check their answers .
18. Work out an idiomatic expression SB21 : it means : you give me a pain because you
are a nuisance .
19. Write sentences AB26 Ex C : students make correct sentences and they should pay
attention to meaning and grammar.
20. Study a marked paragraph AB26 Ex D : ask students ( who marked Jala's draft ? )
and explain it .
21. Correct and improve the paragraph AB 26/27 Ex D : students write the paragraph
correctly in their copybooks and when they finish they look at SB21 to check .

Evaluation I ……….. you to play football with me . ( wants , want )

Extra home

Teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature

Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq Sadiq Mahdy Abuod

Daily lesson plan

2nd Monday Unit Lesson

2015-12-21 2 7 "Get well" cards

20. Choose a Get well card for a friend .

21. Match the cards with the messages inside .
Objectives 22. Read instructions and make a card . read an informal letter .
23. Write a parallel letter .

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..
Cheer up , best wishes , front , card , middle , fold , suit , as soon as , coach ( netball
….) , be able to , leave

22. Read cards and discuss questions in pairs SB22 : students work in pairs read
the 4 questions and writing notes then explain the meaning of Get well for them .
23. Match cards and messages SB22 : students match the cards with the messages
then discuss the reasons for their choice and correct the answers orally .
24. Read and make a card SB23 : read the instruction aloud then students follow
the four individual instructions on how to make the " Get well " card .
25. Revision of letter format SB23 : introduce the letter on SB23 and explain it as
Get well letter then write notices about how to write it ( sender's address , date ,
paragraphs, forms of farewell ).
26. Read for gist : students read the first and second paragraph quickly for gist
then read and explain it for detail


Extra home Students write a parallel letter as a homework


Headmaster’s signature Teacher’s signature

Sadiq Mahdy Abuod Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Tuesday Unit Lesson

2015-12-22 2 8 Project lesson – limericks

24. Write a limerick for the school magazine

Objectives 25. Rhyme and rhythm

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..

Vocabulary Limerick , winner , pie

27. Introduction to the topic SB24 : explain that the students will look at a special
kind of poem called a Limerick for the school magazine in the first part of the
lesson and they will write one in the second part .
28. Listen and read SB24 Audio 11 : students read the limericks as they hear them
on the audio .
Procedures 29. Read and work out rules SB24 : prompt students to guess the rules , then write it
as notices .
30. Read aloud : let students practice saying the limericks for pronunciation
31. Complete limericks AB27/28 Audio 12 : students complete the limericks in the
activity book and when they do it play audio 12 .

Evaluation Limerick is …………… poem ( sad , funny , romantic )

Limerick is consisting of ………… lines ( 2 , 4 , 5 )

Extra home

Headmaster’s signature Teacher’s signature

Sadiq Mahdy Abuod Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Thursday Unit Lesson

2015-12-24 2 9 Round up

Objectives Revise language from the unit

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..

Vocabulary Revision

32. Round up SB25 : prompt more examples of giving advice by asking questions like
how do you keep fit ?
33. Spell words AB28 Ex A : students work in pairs to do the spelling and ask them to
refer the words in their student's books .
34. Evaluate eight activates Ab28 Ex B : students do the activity on their own and
discuss why the choice it ?
35. Reorder words to make sentences AB29 Ex C : do the first two on the board and
students complete the other four sentences .
36. Join sentences AB29 Ex D : remind the students of why we join sentences ? and
explain it orally then students complete the Ex.
Procedures 37. Punctuate sentences AB30 Ex E : students discuss the punctuation in pairs before
writing in their notebooks .
38. Complete sentences AB30 Ex F :students complete the sentences using the words
from the box .


Extra home

Headmaster’s signature Teacher’s signature

Sadiq Mahdy Abuod Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

2nd Unit Lesson Story time :

2 10 Bob and Basim – the eggs a

Objectives Read the story for enjoyment .

Material and board , coloured board's pens , student's book , activity book , Photos in the text and
Equipments etc ..
Algeria , wake up , whole , scrambled eggs , pan , perfect , proud of , pick up ,
wallaby , race through , bush , wipe , plate

39. Introduction SB26/27 : explain the title and ask the questions at the top of the
page then ask students to talk about the pictures .
40. Read for enjoyment SB26/27 : tell the students to read and find the answers of
Procedures the questions then ask students what they think of Bob and what they have
learned about him so far ?
41. Discussion SB26/27 : ask and discuss why did bob need to borrow clothes ? whose
trousers / shirt / sweater did he borrow ? why did Bob drop the eggs ? How did
the other boys feel ? Clarify anything the students don’t understand .
42. Write notes on the story SB26/27AB31 : students fill the summary chart on AB31.


Extra home

Headmaster’s signature Teacher’s signature

Sadiq Mahdy Abuod Yasser Mohammed A. Al Khaliq

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:1 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: The sports centre

1-Talk about sport, the unit and project topic.
2- Listen for pronunciation.
3- Revise and develop vocabulary.
4-Ask and answer questions about preferences related to sport.

1- Write the word sport on the board and elicit the names of the sports the students know and write them
on the board.

2- Tell the students to look at the pictures on SB32 and ask them to work out what it is. It's an
advertisement giving information about a sports Centre in a place called Ashby.

3- Play the audio (track 15) and tell the students that it's about a radio advertisement for the sport Centre.

4- Use the grammar box. Explain the meaning of etc. and rule.

5- Read the rubric of AB36 Ex A and see if any of the students can work it out for themselves

Materials: SB32, AB 36, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 15)

Language: would you like to…..? I'd like to ….

vocabulary: sports centre, karate, athletics, gymnastic, information, rule,etc and racket

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson: 2 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: The timetable

1-Listen for specific information.
2- Ask and answer questions about a sports timetable.
3- Ask and answer questions about a sports ability.

1- Read the title and present " timetable". Tell the students to read the line under the title and find what
the boy in the picture is doing.

2- Play the audio (track 16) and tell the students to listen to the telephone conversation and answer the
question What does Dave have to leave?.

3- Play the audio (track 17) and tell the students to listen and repeat the three words, then check their

4- Elicit the question and answer in speech bubbles orally. Ask similar questions about the timetable.

5- Remind the students that we use apostrophe after s in plural nouns, but there are irregular plural
nouns such as men and women in which we use the apostrophe before s.

Materials: SB33, AB 36, and a Coloured board pen and the audio (track 16)

Language: Apostrophe before s in irregular plural nouns

vocabulary: timetable, beginners, advanced, team practice, leaflet,

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson: 3 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: Booking lesson

1-Listen and read for specific information.
2- Do exercises practicing vocabulary, grammar and spelling
3- Make conversation.

1- Remind the students of the sport centre and what you can do there.

2- Books shut, tell the students they are going to hear two conversations of people booking classes, Liz
and Dave.

3- Ask the students to listen and answer these questions: What sports does Liz ask about? What sport
does Dave ask about? What class will he go to?. Play (track 18) and ask the students to answer.

4- Ask the students to look at AB37and elicit the meaning of the abbreviations.

5- Play the audio (track18) again and ask the students to read the conversation as the hear them.

Materials: SB34, AB 37\38, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 18\19)

Language: Revision

vocabulary: book (v)

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson: 4 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: The basketball game

1-Read and complete a conversation.
2- Role-play a conversation.
3- Narrate orally and in writing a story about a sports competition.

1- Introduce the activity. Tell the students to read and guess the meaning of the four words in red. Then
discuss as a class.

2- Elicit the page heading and highlight the picture. Organize the students into pairs to discuss what they
think has just happened.

3- Play the audio (track 21) and tell the students to listen to complete the conversation.

4- Use the question in the box below the conversation. Encourage the students to think and discuss the

5- Tell the students to practice the conversation in pairs.

6- Use the grammar box on AB39 to explain how to say decimal numbers.

Materials: SB35,AB 39\40, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 20\21)

Language: Comparative of adjectives and adverbs.

vocabulary: result, win\won, lose\lost, awful, point, let's face it, at least, against, race, high.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:5 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: London 2010

1-Scan for information.
2- Write three similar questions to ask the class.
3- Use a set of sports verb

1-Eicit the name of sport shown in each picture. Ask the students if they know who the sports person is.

2- Ask the students to answer the questions on SB37 as fast as they can.

3- Introduce the final activity on SB37. Elicit some answers so that the students know what they have to
do, then tell them to think and write their answers.

4- Tell the students to read the text on SB36 and SB37 again in order to answer the questions on AB40.

Materials: SB36\37, AB40, Coloured board pen

Language: superlative of adjectives

vocabulary: final, boxing, medal, score(n,v) world record, performance, establish.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test.


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:6 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: Changes

1-study a plan to write a paragraph.
2- read the completed paragraph.
3- Write sentences to practice the past habitual tense.

1-Read the introductory text at the top of the page and explain that this page shows how Samir planned
his paragraph.

2- Ask individual students to read aloud the notes on the left. Present the meaning of weak and

3- Elicit the sentence at the top of the notes on right. Tell the class that we call such sentence the topic

4- Focus on the grammar box (used to + infinitive ) at the bottom of the page. Tell the students that we
use such a new tense to talk about something happened in the past, but doesn't happened now.

5- Tell the students to read Samir's article silently and find out what he has added.

Materials: SB38,AB 41, Coloured board pen

Language: used to + infinitive

vocabulary: change(v,n), weak, schoolwork, health, confidence, train, used to

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:7 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: --------------------------------

Write a paragraph

1-.Elicit what the students remember about Samir's article. Tell them they are going to write
one of their own in this lesson.

2- Tell the students to read the writing tip and answer the questions on AB42..

3- Encourage the students to ask for help if they need it. When you see that the majority of the
class have got as far as the can, tell them to stop writing .

4- Discus common errors as a class and encourage the students to check their work .

Materials: AB42\43

Language: used to + infinitive

vocabulary: topic sentence, reason and diagram.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:8 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: Have fun with words

Read and practice tongue-twisters for enjoyment

1- Read the page title. Find out if anyone remember the first tongue-twister from last year..

2- Play the audio (track 22\part1) and tell the students to listen and read the first tongue-twister.

3- Read the explanation, then invite the students to try saying the tongue-twister.

4- Play the audio (track 22\part2) and tell the students to listen and read the tongue-twister.

5- Tell the students to work in pairs constructing tongue-twister. Encourage them all to try.

Materials: SB39, AB 43, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 22)

Language: -----------------------------

vocabulary: tongue-twister, twist, peck, pickled and finally



Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:9 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: Round up


1-Elicit further examples of sports the students might like to play.

2- Ask further questions about the timetable.

3- Ask the students about different sports. Encourage them to answer truthfully.

4- Tell the students to match the correct verb to each sentence on AB44 E x A, then check their answers.

5-Complete the activity on AB45 E x A orally as a class, then in writing.

6- Tell the students to work in pairs and practice pronunciation on AB45\46 E x E

Materials: SB40, AB 44\46, Coloured board pen

Language: Revision

vocabulary: Revision



Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson:10 Date: \ \ 2017

Subject: Bob and Basim- the ice-cream

Read a story for enjoyment
1- Tell the students to recall the previous episode of Bob and Basim and discus what happened in pairs.

2- Elicit the title of this episode and ask the students to talk about the pictures and predict what happened.

3- Ask the students to read the story and find answers to the three questions at top of AB41.

4- Play the audio (track 23) and tell the students to listen and follow the story in their books.

5- Ask the students if they want any further explanation, or if they have something to say about the story.

Materials: SB41\42, AB 47, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 23)

Language: ---------------------------

vocabulary: break, competition, court, exhausted, melt, queue, sigh, surprise, trip

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the story by asking them some questions.


Teacher's name: Dia'a Hussein

Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 4 Lesson:1 Date: \ \ 201

Subject: Listening

Read and practise ways of improving listening

1- Discuss the listening skills. Find out something about the students' attitude to the skill and what
problems they have.

2- Ask a students to read Tip 1 aloud. Discuss the advice as a class. Focus on the tow conversations:
Where are the people in each conversation? What are they doing?

3- Ask a students to read Tip 2 aloud. Discuss why this is important and whether the students usually
follow the advice or not. Play the audio (track 26) to check.

4- Ask a students to read Tip 3 aloud. Explain that there are abbreviations for some words that are used
by lots of people, for example: Mon. Tue. Ok.

5- Play the audio (track 27) and ask the students to work out what Mr. and Mrs. Andrews ordered.

Materials: SB43, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 25-27)

Language: ===

vocabulary: ===

Evaluation: ===

Homework: ===

Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 4 Lesson: 2 Date: \ \ 201

Subject: Reading

Read and practise ways of improving reading

1- Talk about the reading skill. Ask if there are any similarities with the listening skill. Discus which one
the students find more difficult and why. Point out that if the students can read well in English, all other
aspect of learning become much easier.

2- Read and discuss Tip 1. Then ask what the students would expect to find in an article with the title
danger in the desert.

3- Point out that the students should already know the advice given in tip 2. Its put here to highlight the
importance of reading.

4- Go through Tip 3 discuss why most students want to know the meaning of each word when its not
useful to comprehension.

5- Go through the advice of leaning vocabulary. Point out that the students do not need to worry about
words while they are reading. reading is much easier with a large vocabulary.

Materials: SB44, Coloured board pen

Language: ===

vocabulary: ===

Evaluation: ===


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 4 Lesson: 3 Date: \ \ 201

Subject: Speaking

Read and practise ways of improving speaking
1- Read the comment in the box and ask whether the students agree. Ask them how they can practise .
their speaking.

2- Go through Tip1. Then move straight to the exercise, which is intended to practise reading words in
group. Play the audio (track 28). Pause after each sentence and get the students to repeat it.

3- Go through Tip2. Then move straight to the exercise. Play the audio (track29), conversation 1. Then
choose two students to perform it.

4- Play the audio (track29) conversation 2 and ask the students to perform it,. Then ask them to practise
the two conversations in pairs.

5- Find out if and where the students have opportunities to listen to English outside school.

Materials: SB45, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 28\29)

Language: ===

vocabulary: ===

Evaluation: ===


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 3 Lesson: 4 Date: \ \ 201

Subject: Writing

Read and practise ways of improving writing
1- After reminding the students that we have discussed listening, reading and speaking, discuss the
writing skills and ask what particular problems the students face when writing.

2- Read and discuss Tip 1. Point out that this isn't so difficult if each one is done separately.

3- Read and discuss Tip 2. Point out that once the students use their imagination, writing can be much
more fun.

4- Read and discuss Tip 3. Point out that it is more motivating to make your writing interesting and

5- Read and discuss Tip 4. Draw a diagram on the board and ask the students to draw one in their
copybooks and write notes about what they did on a nice weekend.

Materials: SB46, Coloured board pen

Language: ===

vocabulary: ===

Evaluation: ===


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson:1 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Old ways of sending information

1-Read short texts introducing the unit topics.
2- Use pictures to work out meanings.
3- Talk about old and new ways of sending information.

1- Write the unit topic on the board and explain that the unit is about modern ways of sending
information, but we begin by talking about the past.

2- Read out the words in the box at the top of the page, then tell the students to work out their Arabic

3- Ask questions to elicit these new words and phrases: messenger service, lighthouse, flag.

4- Divide the class into groups and give a text to each one. Tell each group to read and discuss the
meaning of the their text, then practise reading aloud.

5- Introduce the vocabulary activity AB65 . Tell the students to complete it and do a class check.

Materials: SB47, AB 64, Coloured board pen

Language: Past habitual tense: used to + infinitive .

vocabulary: light house, horse, messenger, drum, pigeon, signal, smoke, flag, service

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson: 2 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Accessing information

1-Read the texts about ways of accessing information.
2- Listen for details and write notes.
3- Ask for advice.

1- Elicit the page heading, then tell the students to look at the three pictures in pairs and answer the

2- Ask How many paragraph are there? then get the students to skim for the answer.

3- Ask the students to look at the three pictures below. Discuss what kinds of information you can get
from newspapers, dictionaries and radios.

4- Play the audio (track 31) . Tell the students there are three separate conversations and that you will
give them time after each to write there notes on AB64.

Materials: SB48, AB 64, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 31)

Language: ---------------------------------

vocabulary: library, reference, internet, almost, look (it) up, encyclopedia, dictionary

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson: 3 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Working out meaning

1-Understand some features of a dictionary entry.
2- Practise alphabetical order and finding the correct definition.
3- Understand different grammatical terms.

1- Find out what the students know about the contents of dictionaries and how to use them.

2- Read the first part of Dictionary tips to the class. Revise alphabet and alphabetical order, then tell the
students to order the words alphabetically.

3- Read tip2 and introduce the second exercise. Explain what each abbreviation stands for and what it

4- Elicit each of the four sentences at the bottom of SB45 and find out what kind of word bank is in each
one. Tell the students to do the exercise in pairs.

5- Pronounce the word comb with a silent b, then tell the students to read the first definition. Point out
that this is only one of the meanings.

Materials: SB49, AB 65\67, Coloured board pen

Language: Names and abbreviations of parts of speech.

vocabulary: abbreviation, adverb, proposition, conjunction, entry, comb, chesterfield, shattered…

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson: 4 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: From Cairo to Baghdad

1-Use pictures and captions to understand a process.
2- Write verbs in the present passive to complete sentences.
3- Write about an illustrated process.

1- Elicit the page heading and ask some general questions, for example: How far is it from Cairo to
Baghdad?Where do you think pictures 1 and 2 are – Cairo or Baghdad? What is the man doing in picture 8?

2- Go through the grammar box, explain how and where we form a passive sentences.

3- Ask the students to scan for a passive form in the text, then write them on the board.

4- Tell the students to check the order on SB 50\51. While they check, tell them to look carefully at the
passive forms.

5-Write three headings on the board: infinitive, past tense and past participle, then write examples under
each heading .

Materials: SB50\51,AB 68\70, Coloured board pen and the audio

Language: Present passive

vocabulary: less than, printing, press, arrive, early, active (Gr.), passive (Gr.), participle(Gr.),
land, factory, can.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson:5 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Great inventions

1-Scan for information.
2-Ask and answer questions about the text.

1- Elicit the page heading. Tell the students to look at the pictures and find out which inventions they are
going to read about.

2- Ask the students what the dates next to the three names mean. Tell them to scan the page to answer the
four question.

3- Go through the grammar box. Point out how and where to use the past passive.

4- Ask the students to scan for the past passive form in the two texts, then write them on the board.

5- Organize the students in pairs to ask and answer the four questions at the top of SB52.

. Materials: SB52, AB71, Coloured board pen

Language: Past passive

vocabulary: alive, however, wire, distance, waves, screen, continue, develop, moving (adj)

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test.


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson:6 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Telephones

1- Understand a text about different kinds of phone.
2- Reorder sentences.
3-Fill in gaps in a text.

1-Focus on the pictures on SB53. Elicit the meaning of landline and mobile.

2- Write the two words (advantages and disadvantages) on board, then Tell the students to read and find
the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of phone mentioned in the text.

3- Go through the grammar box and ask the students to find examples of the present passive with can in
the text.

4- Tell the students to re-read the article on SB53, then write if each statement on AB72 is true or false.

Materials: SB53,AB 71\72, Coloured board pen

Language: Present passive with modal can

vocabulary: access, send, receive, landline, advantage, desert, reliable, useful, space, transmit

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson:7 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Making telephone calls

1-Read about how to make a phone call.
2-Listen and evaluate someone.
3- Making a call.
4-Listen for specific information.
5- Making conversations

1-As introduction, tell the students that they are going to learn some things about making
important phone calls.

2- Tell the students to read the text speak up! on SB50 to see if it contains their ideas.

3- Introduce the listening, ask one student to read the text and anther to read the advertisement.

4- Explain the four positive points of advice given in the article, then write them on the board.

5- Play the audio (track 32) and ask the students that they should look at the four points on
the board.

6- Play the audio (track 33) and tell the students that this time Anas made his telephone call
after reading Susan's advice . Let the students listen to the improved conversation.

Materials: SB54, AB 72, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 32\33)

Language: Imperative sentences: positive and negative with do for emphasis

vocabulary: speak up!, waste, clearing, part-time, ring up

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson:9 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Round up

Revise language from the unit

1-Elicit all the meaning of the abbreviations and ask for examples.

2- Use the examples to remind the students of how to form the passive.

3- Tell the students to complete the spelling on AB73Ex A before having a class check.

4- Tell the students discuss the definitions on AB73 Ex C in pairs..

5-Point out that AB74 Ex D is like a puzzle: students have to find clues to put the pieces together.

Materials: SB55, AB 73\74, Coloured board pen

Language: Revision

vocabulary: Revision



Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 5 Lesson:10 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Bob and Basim – the ants

Read a story for enjoyment
1- Tell the students to recall the previous episode of Bob and Basim and discuss what happened

2- Elicit the title of this episode and ask the students to talk about the pictures and predict what happened.

3- Ask the students to read the story and find answers to the three questions at top of SB56.

4- Play the audio (track 34) and tell the students to listen and follow the story in their books.

5- Ask the students if they want any further explanation, or if they have something to say about the story.

Materials: SB56\57, AB 74, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 34)

Language: ---------------------------

vocabulary: guide, make yourself, comfortable, yawn, dusty, stream, anthill, so do we.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the story by asking them some oral


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson:1 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: What do they do

1-Introduction to the unit topic – jobs.
2- Read short texts and work out names of jobs. .

1- Books closed, explain that the topic of this unit is Jobs. Ask the students what names of jobs they
know in English.

2- Play the audio (track 36) and tell the students to listen and read the texts on SB62.

3- Tell the students to match the jobs to the pictures. They can use the texts to help them.

4- Divide the class into three groups. Allocate three texts to each group. Tell the students that we will
have a competition to see how well they have understand the explanation.

5- Tell the students to do exercise AB78 Ex A without looking at the student's book. Then check their
answers orally.

Materials: SB62, AB 78, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 36)

Language: Indefinite article before job .

vocabulary: businesswomen, pilet, architect, plan, design, mechanic, workshop, firefighter ….

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson: 2 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Two jobs

1-Work out meaning of new jobs..
2- Read texts about two people's jobs and make notes .
3- Ask and answer question.
4-Check work by listening.

1- Elicit the title. Ask the students to look at the two pictures and guess which two jobs the people do.

2- Explain that you want the students to find the meaning of the words at the top of the page after
reading the two paragraphs.

3- Elicit what the students already know about Dr. Salwa. Then introduce the reading task.

4- Ask about Dr. Salwa and Hanan , why do they enjoy their jobs? Tell the students to find the answers
at the end of the two texts.

5- Play the audio (track 37) and tell the students to listen and read the interview (AB80) aloud with a
correct pronunciation.

Materials: SB63, AB 79\80, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 37)

Language: Question information

vocabulary: Dr.(doctor), take care of, hard-working, hours a day, university, collage .

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson: 3 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: A day in the life of a firefighter

1-Use pictures to work out an account of a firefighter's day.
2- Predict the ending.
3- Number sentences in the correct order.
4- Work out meanings of new words.

1- Write A day in the life of firefighter on the board. Ask the students to think of the kind of things that
might happen.

2- Tell the students to work in pairs and use the pictures to tell the rest of the story.

3- Ask the class What do you think happened next? Ask questions about the pictures on SB64.

4- Play the audio (track 38) and ask the students to listen carefully in order to do AB82 Ex C.

Materials: SB64, AB 81\82, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 38)

Language: -------------------

vocabulary: fire station, equipment, heat, trapped, horse, on fire, upside-down, side.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson: 4 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: What's my job

1-Read and listen to work out how to play language games.
2- Play the game.

1- Tell the students to read the instructions for Game A silently and then explain it.

2-Use the same procedure with the instructions for the other two games.

3- Ask the students to scan for a passive form in the text, then write them on the board.
4- Play the audio (track 39) and Tell the students to listen and answer the questions at the bottom of
5- Play game A as class.

Materials: SB65,AB 82, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 39)

Language: Present simple statements and questions.

vocabulary: -------------------------

Evaluation: ------------------------


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson:5 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: A school timetable

1-Listen to identify days on a timetable
2-Compare an English timetable with own school timetable .
3- Write a school timetable in English.
4- Develop vocabulary for names of school subject.

1- Elicit the page heading. Then get the students to guess or work out what kind of school has this

2- Ask the question at the top of the timetable. Give the students time to think of the table. Then elicit
anything that is different.

3- Ask a few questions to help the students become familiar with the timetable such as: How many school
days are there? How many lessons are there every day? How long are the lessons?

4- Play the audio (track 40) and tell the students to listen and work out what days the seven students are
talking about.

5- Choose pairs of students to read the questions and answers in the speech bubbles.

Materials: SB66, AB83\85, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 40)

Language: Present simple

vocabulary: secondary, geography, technology, information, mathematics, education, science

physical education, in common.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test.


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson:6 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: What are they going to be

1- Use pictures to predict answers to questions.
2- Scan a text to check predication.
3-Practice vocabulary.

1-Read the page title and elicit what it means. Tell the students to use the pictures to guess the answer.

2- Ask the students to read the two questions at the top of SB67 and find answers. Remind them that
they should look for clues in the questions.

3- Ask what animal is Firas taking a photo of ? Elicit peacock and practise pronunciation.

4- Go through the grammar box and explain for certain. Ask the students to find examples of this
construction .

5- Pronounce the word patient and tell the students to read the two meanings and answer question 1.

Materials: SB67,AB 85\86, Coloured board pen

Language: Going to future

vocabulary: patient (n,adj) peacock, zoologist, examination, take an exam, pass an exam,
certain, biology, chemistry, physics.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson:7 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Career plan

1-Practise scanning
2-Work out meaning.
3- Talk about own career plan.
4-Correct a paragraph.

1-Read the page title and present career. Elicit the names of the four students.

2- Ask the students to do question 1 by scanning each text for the word friendly. Tell them that
they should do the same thing with other questions.

3- Go through the grammar box. Then elicit similar questions and write the on the board.

4- Ask the students what they want to do when they leave school. Then elicit ideas from
different students.

5- Ask the students to open their books on page 84. Elicit the title of the article and pronounce
the two words trash and treasure correctly, then check their meaning.

Materials: SB68/69, AB 86-88, Coloured board pen

Language: When + present tense + going to future

vocabulary: career, translator, vet, carpenter, woodwork, astronaut, future

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson:9 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Round up

Revise language from the unit

1-Ask the students to give examples using people they know. For example, ask What does your father do?

2- Ask the students to talk about their favourite subjects and the things they are god and bad at.

3- Ask the students to say what they are going to do when they leave school.

4- Tell the students to do AB88 Ex A. Let them work in pairs to complete the exercise.

Materials: SB70, AB 88\89, Coloured board pen

Language: Revision

vocabulary: Revision



Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 6 Lesson:10 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Bob and Basim – the basketball

Read a story for enjoyment
1- Tell the students to recall the previous episode of Bob and Basim and discuss what happened

2- Elicit the title of this episode and ask the students to talk about the pictures and predict what happened.

3- Ask the students to read the story and find answers to the three questions at top of AB56.

4- Play the audio (track 41) and tell the students to listen and follow the story in their books.

5- Ask the students if they want any further explanation, or if they have something to say about the story.

Materials: SB71, AB 90, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 41)

Language: ---------------------------

vocabulary: clinic, entomologist, insect, public courts, trainers.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the story by asking them some oral


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson:1 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: World problems

1-Read newspaper headlines; match with pictures.
2- Study headlines.
3- Discuss world problems. .

1- Books closed, write World problems on the board and ask the class what this means to them.

2-Present headlines. Read each headline aloud and briefly discuss what it means.

3- Tell the students to match the headlines to the pictures. Then check the answers orally.

4- Go through the grammar box, show the students how to make a headline, then write a full sentence on
the board and omit the extra words.

5- Introduce Exercise A on AB93 and tell the students what they have learned about the forms of
headlines. Tell them to try doing the exercise.

Materials: SB72, AB 95, Coloured board pen

Language: Headlines: missing verbs, articles.

vocabulary: headline, scientist, air, pollute, pollution, litter, waste, supply, UK.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson: 2 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: How can we help

1-Read a short text for detail.
2- Identify syllable stress .
3- Complete sentences with must and should..
4-Listen and read for specific information.

1- Books closed, discuss briefly the topic of poverty, especially in Africa, as a world a problem.

2- Elicit the heading and tell the students to read the article quickly and find out why Sara was upset.

3- Play the audio (track 43) and tell the students to listen and find out what the two girls are talking

4-Use the grammar box at the bottom of the page and elicit examples of must

5- Choose four students to read the conversation aloud to practise pronunciation. Use the audio with
pauses if there any phrases or sentences cause problems.

Materials: SB73, AB 95-97, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 43-45)

Language: Models: must, should, will

vocabulary: must, dollar, sell, sold, bring-and-buy sale, playground, bake, headmistress

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson: 3 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Animals in danger

1-Read to find out why animals are in danger to develop vocabulary.
2-Match animals to habitats.
3-Practise expressing agreement and disagreement.
1- Elicit the names of the animals on SB74, then practise the pronunciation.

2- Elicit what in danger means, then ask the students why these animals are in danger.

3- Ask a students to read the instruction at the top of SB74 aloud. Elicit what the students think the
reasons might be before they begin reading.

4- Tell the students to match the animals to the habitats by searching for clues in the texts on SB74 and
in the pictures.

5- Ask a student to read the two questions at the top of SB75 and then discuss the purpose of killing each
one of these animals.

Materials: SB74/75, AB 97, Coloured board pen

Language: I agree/ disagree

vocabulary: blue whale, tiger, ibex, golden, toad, snow leopard, in the wild, horns, hunt, bright

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson: 4 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Please keep the rivers clean

1-Read for gist and details.
2-Work out meanings of new words.

1- Ask the students to read the four paragraphs in order to match the appropriate heading with the correct

2-'Water in Iraq' is the heading for paragraph1. Ask the students to work individually on the next three

3- Tell the students to read the rubric below the text and do the task.
4- When you check answers, ask the students which words helped them to work out the meaning.

Materials: SB76,AB 97, Coloured board pen

Language: …………………...

vocabulary: river, sewage, rubbish, industrial waste, ton, destroy, natural, damage, litter, effort

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson:5 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: A warmer world

1-Read a short interview about global warming.
2-Write and talk about possible future events.
3-Express opinions in discussion.

1-Tell the students to study the diagram at the top of SB77 and answer the questions.

2-Write these words on the board; fuel, coal and ice cap. Present the words in the context of the

3- Go through the text in the grammar box. Ask the students to find examples of may and might in the

4- Draw the students attention to the questions in the box below the interview. Then organize the students
to do the pair discussion.

Materials: SB77, AB98, Coloured board pen

Language: Expressing possibility with may, might

vocabulary: earth, fue, coal, ice cap, sea level, rise, might, atmosphere, farmland.

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test.


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson:6 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Throwing things away

1- Guess stories using picture cues.
2- Read and sequence a jumbled account of a story.
3-Listen to check answers.
4- Listen and write notes.
5- Ask and answers personal questions.
6- Give advice to people dropping litter.

1-Read the page title at the top of the page, then tell the class to work in pairs and use the pictures to tell the story.

2-Ask the class to answer the question What do you think happened next? After each picture and elicit as
many suggestions as the students want to make.

3-Play the audio (track 47) and ask the students to fellow the pictures on SB78 as they listen to the story.

4- Present waste. Tell the students that waste is a verb as well as a noun, and present the adjective

Materials: SB78/79,AB 99, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 46_48)

Language: Advising and ordering

vocabulary: workman, truck, rubbish, empty, puss, wasteful, switch off, waste not, want not

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson:7 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: The moving desert

1-Read a newspaper article fore detail.
2-Discuss the topic in groups.

1-Write the word desert on the board, then tell the students to discuss the different kinds of desert they
know about.

2-Read the title of the article on SB80. Present any vocabulary that cause problems.

3- Tell the students to read the article and find the answers to the two questions at the top of
the page.

4-Draw students' attention to the box below the article. Tell the students to discuss the
questions in groups.

Materials: SB80, AB 100-101, Coloured board pen

Language: ……………

vocabulary: challenge, dunam, economic, environment, expand, fertile, green belt

marsh, political, rainfall, sand dune, social, suffer, zone, oil well

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the lesson by an oral test


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson:9 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Round up

Revise language from the unit

1-Ask the students to tell you the differences between the headlines and their corresponding whole sentences.

2-Ask the students to form their on sentences using should/shouldn't and must/ mustn't.

3-Organize the students in groups. Tell them to imagine they are organizing a party. Each person should
offer to bring something.

4- Organize the students into groups of four to complete Exercise D and E.

Materials: SB81, AB 100\102, Coloured board pen

Language: Revision

vocabulary: Revision

Evaluation: …………..


Teacher's name:
Daily lesson plan

Second intermediate class

Unit: 7 Lesson:10 Date: \ \ 2018

Subject: Bob and Basim – the medals

Read a story for enjoyment
1- Tell the students to recall the previous episode of Bob and Basim and discuss what happened

2- Elicit the title of this episode and ask the students to talk about the pictures and predict what happened.

3-Elicit the three questions orally, then tell the students to read the story and find the answers.

4- Play the audio (track 49) and tell the students to listen and follow the story in their books.

5- Ask the students if they want any further explanation, or if they have something to say about the story.

Materials: SB71, AB 90, Coloured board pen and the audio (track 41)

Language: revision

vocabulary: guy, slip, serious, stretcher, cheer, pin, press

Evaluation: Checking the students' understanding to the story by asking them some oral


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