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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Current Management of Glycemia

in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Mark A. Sperling, M.D., and Lori M. Laffel, M.D., M.P.H.​​

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
­supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the authors’ clinical recommendations.

A 12.5-year-old pubertal girl is referred to a tertiary medical center for management From the Department of Pediatrics, Divi-
of new-onset diabetes mellitus. Her mother, a nursing aide, brought her to her sion of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Icahn
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
pediatrician after noting excessive thirst, nocturia, and weight loss. The initial evalu­ York (M.A.S.); and the Pediatric, Adoles-
ation revealed glucosuria but no ketonuria; her blood glucose level is 288 mg per cent, and Young Adult Section, Joslin Dia-
deciliter (16 mmol per liter). There is no family history of type 1 diabetes mellitus; betes Center, and Harvard Medical School
— both in Boston (L.M.L.). Dr. Sperling
her mother has hypothyroidism, and a younger brother is well. On examination, her can be contacted at m ­ arksperling408@​
weight is 40 kg (32nd percentile), height 150 cm (27th percentile), body-mass index ­gmail​.­com or at the Department of Pediat-
(the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) 17.8 (41st rics, Division of Endocrinology and Dia-
betes, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
percentile), blood pressure 104/60 mm Hg, and pulse 78 beats per minute. She has Sinai, 1 Gustave Levy Place, New York,
Tanner stage 3 breast and pubic hair development. How would you evaluate and treat NY 10029.
this patient? N Engl J Med 2022;386:1155-64.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp2112175
Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The Cl inic a l Probl em

ype 1 diabetes mellitus is caused by the progressive autoimmune at
destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells initiated by as-yet-
unconfirmed triggering events (e.g., potential viral infections) in persons
who are genetically predisposed.1-4 In the United States, the overall pediatric inci-
dence of type 1 diabetes mellitus is approximately 25 per 100,000 per year and
increased by 2 to 3% per year during the 2002–2012 period.5 The incidence varies
according to age (peaking in the pubertal years, ages 10 to 14), season (winter
more than summer),6 geographic location (Finland and other Nordic countries
more than equatorial regions),7 and race and ethnic group (U.S. non-Hispanic
White persons more than Native Americans).5 About 30 to 40% of patients present An audio version
of this article
with diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening medical emergency.2,5,8 Genetic stud- is available at
ies show a preponderance of genes regulating immune response, especially HLA
DR3-DQ2 and DR4-DQ8, which account for some 50% of the hereditary predispo-
sition; however, only approximately 10% of patients with new-onset disease have
a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes mellitus.9 Circulating autoantibodies to
islet cell components3,4,10 and glycemic criteria1,2,11 that are used to classify and
stage diabetes are shown in Table 1.

S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
Insulin Requirements
Because type 1 diabetes mellitus is associated with eventual near-total deficiency
of endogenous insulin secretion, this disease predicts a lifelong dependence on

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

Current Management of Glycemia in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

• Type 1 diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood, with incidence
increasing worldwide.
• Control of glucose levels to near normal reduces the risk of long-term microvascular and macrovascular
• Newer biochemically modified insulins have durations of action ranging from very long (24 hours of
basal insulin level) to ultrarapid (for glycemic control at meal or snack times).
• Technologies that have improved management of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children include continuous
glucose monitors that replace painful fingerstick glucose checks, smart insulin pen injectors that receive
data from continuous glucose monitors and assist with insulin dose calculations, and improved
formulations of glucagon for autoinjection or nasal administration.
• Newer hybrid closed-loop systems combine an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitoring device,
and control algorithms that automate insulin delivery to maintain glucose levels within predetermined
ranges and avoid hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
• High costs of newer insulins and diabetes technologies reduce their universal accessibility, resulting in
disparities that warrant remedy.

exogenous insulin tailored to simulate endoge- of glucose levels, and management of hypoglyce-
nous insulin secretion. Endogenous insulin se- mia. Guidelines recommend that children with
cretion is characterized by a relatively constant type 1 diabetes mellitus should receive care at a
basal rate that is sufficient to restrain hypergy- pediatric diabetes and endocrine center from a
cemia or hypoglycemia interprandially and inter- certified diabetes care and diabetes education
mittent short bursts of insulin secretion of 1 to specialist, nurse, nutritionist, and psychologist or
2 hours’ duration after meals, with peaks propor- social worker in addition to the pediatric endo-
tional to the quantity and composition of the in- crinologist.16
gested meal, augmented by gut-derived incretins.12 The combination of exogenous basal and bolus
insulin delivery by injections and self-monitor-
Benefits of Tight Glycemic Control ing of blood glucose four to six times daily is the
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial most common, practical means of initiating in-
showed that glycemic control within near-nor- sulin treatment; the knowledge that patients gain
mal glucose concentrations throughout a 24-hour from this approach also helps protect them if
period substantially reduced the risk of diabetic they subsequently begin insulin-pump therapy and
microvascular complications in proportion to the the pump fails. Basal insulin levels are attained
degree of euglycemia that was reached, although by using intermediate or, preferably, longer-act-
it increased the risk of hypoglycemia.13 More- ing insulin preparations; rapid-acting prepara-
over, longitudinal observational follow-up sup- tions cover meals and snacks and provide correc-
ported a carry-forward benefit associated with tion doses for hyperglycemia (Table 3).17 Newer
tight glycemic control (metabolic memory) ex- formulations of insulins and technologic advanc-
tending to macrovascular disease, with a 42% es have been developed that increase the likeli-
reduction in cardiovascular disease events over a hood that a patient will achieve better glycemic
mean 17-year follow-up.14,15 Current recommend- control. Such advances include continuous glucose
ed glycemic targets for children with type 1 dia- monitors and devices for delivering insulin, such
betes mellitus16 are summarized in Table 2. as smart insulin pens and mechanical or electronic
insulin pumps (continuous subcutaneous insu-
Initiation of Treatment lin infusion) for programmable manual insulin
The initial phase of treatment includes stabiliza- delivery or partially automatic insulin delivery.18
tion of glucose levels and education of the patient
and family about self-monitoring of blood glu- Continuous Glucose Monitoring
cose, techniques for insulin injection, dose cal- Continuous glucose monitoring eliminates the
culations, principles of nutrition, interpretation need for frequent, painful fingerstick glucose

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Clinical Pr actice

Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus.*

Stage Diagnostic Criteria†

Latent diabetes (Stage 1) Presence of two or more autoantibodies and normal glucose levels
Impaired glucose tolerance Fasting plasma glucose level of 100 to 125 mg per deciliter (5.5 to 6.9 mmol/liter)
(Stage 2) or
Two-hour plasma glucose level of 140 to 199 mg per decliliter (7.8 to 11.1 mmol/liter)
during an oral glucose-tolerance test
Glycated hemoglobin level of 5.7 to 6.4%
Diabetes (Stage 3) Fasting plasma glucose level of ≥126 mg per deciliter (≥7 mmol/liter)
Two-hour plasma glucose level of ≥200 mg per deciliter (≥11.1 mmol/liter) during an
oral glucose-tolerance test
Random plasma glucose level of ≥200 mg per deciliter with symptoms of polyuria and
weight loss
Glycated hemoglobin level of ≥6.5%

* Criteria are derived from the American Diabetes Association Diagnostic Guidelines.1,2
† Oral glucose-tolerance tests should be performed as described by the World Health Organization (using a glucose
load containing anhydrous glucose of 1.75 g per kilogram, up to 75 g, dissolved in water). Autoantibodies to insulin,
glutamic acid decarboxylase, islet antigen 2, and islet-specific zinc transporter are used for diagnostic confirmation; the
presence of at least one of these confirms the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus.10,11 The presence of two or more
antibodies, in the absence of any abnormality in glucose, is classified as latent stage 1 diabetes, a diagnosis that pro-
vides an opportunity for preventive intervention before clinical symptoms and exhaustion of the insulin reserve.4,10

Table 2. Recommended Glycemic Target Levels for Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

Time Glucose Level

Fasting, including bedtime, nocturnal, and preprandial levels 70–126 mg/dl (3.9–7.0 mmol/liter)
Postprandial peak 180 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/liter)
Time in range, >70% of a 24-hour day* 70–180 mg/dl (3.9–10.0 mmol/liter)
Glycated hemoglobin ≤7.0% (≤53 mmol/mole)

* Values shown are based on continuous glucose monitoring. These targets are associated with a lower risk of complica-
tions and are consistent with targets adopted by the American Diabetes Association and National Institute for Health
and Care 2 Excellence guidelines for adults.16 Time in range that is maintained for 14 consecutive days corresponds to
a glycated hemoglobin level of approximately 7.0%. A glycated hemoglobin level of <7.0% (<53 mmol/mole) is appro-
priate for most patients, but the level should be individualized to achieve as near to this target as possible without induc-
ing hypoglycemia or undue stress for the patient and family. A history of adherence, access to technology (especially
continuous glucose monitoring), and prompt recognition and correction of hypoglycemia influence the recommended
target range.

checks to guide insulin dosing. Continuous glu- this article at Sensors are replaced
cose monitors include a subcutaneous sensor, every 7, 10, or 14 days (depending on the type);
a transmitter to receive the glucose signal, and a longer-lasting sensors that can function for up
receiver (either freestanding or an app on a mo- to 1 year are under development.19 Consensus
bile device) that displays glucose levels and trends. guidelines recommend that glycemic targets in-
Earlier continuous glucose monitoring systems clude a time in range (the time over a 24-hour
required calibration with self-monitoring of period that the blood glucose level is in the ref-
blood glucose, but some current systems include erence range of 70 to 180 mg per deciliter) of
factory calibration and thus have greater ease of more than 70%, amounting to approximately 17
use, accuracy, and safety (Table S1 in the Supple- hours per day.20 Many U.S. centers currently start
mentary Appendix, available with the full text of the use of a continuous glucose monitor on the

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 3. Insulin Preparations and Onset, Peak, and Duration of Effect.*

Insulin Duration and Type Brand Name Onset Peak Duration

min hr
Human regular insulin Humulin, Novolin, 30 to 60 2.0 to 4.0 5.0 to 8.0
and Insuman
Insulin lispro Humalog 15 to 30 0.5 to 2.5 ≤5.0
Insulin aspart Novolog 15 1.0 to 3.0 3.0 to 5.0
Insulin glulisine Apidra 12 to 30 1.5 5.0
Faster rapid-acting
Faster insulin aspart Fiasp 15 to 20 1.5 to 2.2 5.0 to 7.0
Inhaled human insulin Afrezza 12 0.5 to 0.9 1.5 to 3.0
Intermediate-acting U100
NPH Humulin and Novolin 1 to 2 2.0 to 8.0 14.0 to 24.0
Long-acting U100
Insulin glargine Lantus and Basaglar NA No peak effect 24.0
Insulin detemir Levemir NA No peak effect 7.5 to >24.0
Insulin degludec Tresiba NA No peak effect 42.0

* Adapted and modified from Hirsch et al.17 NA denotes not applicable.

day of diagnosis and begin insulin-pump ther- ketoacidosis were observed with the use of con-
apy later, often 6 months or more after diagnosis. tinuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps in
Randomized trials of the use of continuous a large international pediatric cohort.24 Studies
glucose monitors in children, with or without of continuous glucose monitoring together with
pump use, have shown substantial benefits for pump use report improved psychosocial out-
glycemic control. As compared with self-moni- comes and quality of life.19,25-27
toring of glucose, continuous glucose monitor-
ing significantly, although modestly, improved Insulin Preparations
glycated hemoglobin levels (adjusted difference, Insulin preparations with distinct pharmacoki-
−0.37%) in persons 14 to 25 years of age21; netic and pharmacodynamic characteristics are
among younger children 2 to 7 years of age, shown in Table 3.17 Glargine, detemir, and de-
continuous glucose monitoring considerably re- gludec are the most common preparations of
duced the time that glucose levels were less than basal insulin used in the treatment of children
70 mg per deciliter (by about 40 minutes daily) and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
and reduced parental fears of this outcome, al- Neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin is a
though the use of continuous glucose monitors less expensive and readily obtainable interme-
did not improve glucose time in range.22 A meta- diate-acting insulin; however, the use of NPH
analysis of randomized trials that compared con- usually requires two daily injections, whereas
tinuous glucose monitors with self-monitoring of one daily injection is usually sufficient when
blood glucose, some of which included children, glargine, detemir, or decludec is used. Degludec
showed significant reductions in glycated hemo- (U100 and U200) and glargine (U300) are the
globin and severe hypoglycemia in the group longest-acting of these preparations, each with a
that used continuous glucose monitors23; bene- half-life of approximately 25 hours, a low peak-
fits among children appeared similar to those to-trough ratio, and a nearly flat action profile,
among adults. Similarly, lower glycated hemo- which is often associated with less risk for hypo-
globin levels and lower incidence of diabetic glycemia (Table 3).

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Clinical Pr actice

Fast- or rapid-acting insulin preparations (e.g., still used. Modern insulin pen injectors contain
lispro, aspart, and glulisine), in which chemical prefilled cartridges along with needle devices to
modifications of regular insulin enable more inject the recommended amount. Both pens and
rapid onset of action, ameliorate the early post- syringes include options for dosing at half-unit
prandial hyperglycemia followed by hypoglyce- increments, valuable when administering insulin
mia that is often seen with regular insulin. to very young children. Current devices that are
Rapid analogues have generally supplanted the labeled as smart insulin pens are often linked to
use of the more traditional regular insulin and mobile apps that digitally record doses with the
at times even allow for dosing immediately after concurrent glucose values from a glucose-sens-
eating (desirable for the very young or highly ing device; smart insulin pens have been associ-
selective eater at risk for hypoglycemia if insulin ated with better glycemic control and with lower
is administered before eating). Generally admin- projected lifetime health care costs than stan-
istered 15 to 20 minutes before meals and dard care in adults.29,30 Smart pens have also
snacks, doses of rapid-acting insulin constitute been associated with reduced hypoglycemic
50 to 60% of the total daily dose, with dose events in children, although there was no differ-
amounts based on the estimated carbohydrate ence in time-in-range in a pre–post compari-
content and insulin sensitivity as detailed in son.31 Pen injectors offer convenience in setting
published guidelines.28 The insulin-to-carbohy- doses and in portability, ease of storage, and
drate ratio provides insulin coverage for the durability in that they maintain function and
meal or snack on the basis of how many grams potency without the need for daily refrigeration.
of carbohydrate will be metabolized per unit of Competence in the correct use of insulin pens or
insulin, enabling an appropriate bolus of fast- syringes along with glucose monitoring is an
acting insulin based on the estimated carbohy- integral part of family education.32
drate content.28 The insulin sensitivity index, or
correction dose, estimates the decline in glucose Insulin Pumps
(in milligrams per deciliter) per unit of insulin
Insulin pumps, first introduced more than four
to correct an elevated glucose level to the pre-
decades ago,33,34 are increasingly used in chil-
scribed target range, generally 100 to 120 mgdren. Among children with type 1 diabetes mel-
per deciliter.28 litus who were included in a registry study con-
To facilitate appropriate insulin dosing, pa-
ducted in endocrinology practices across the
tients and their families must be educated about
United States, almost two thirds were using
these principles, including how to estimate car-
pumps during the 2016–2018 period.35 In a
bohydrate content; the limits can be used forpopulation-based observational study involving
manual calculations or entered into a smart pen,
more than 30,000 pediatric patients, pump
an app, or a pump or can be used in automatedtherapy was associated with significantly lower
algorithms.28 The effectiveness of insulin doses
rates of severe hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis
is determined by a review of glucose patternsand lower levels of glycated hemoglobin than
observed from self-monitoring of blood glucose
multiple daily injections.36 A meta-analysis of
or a continuous glucose monitor. randomized, controlled trials of continuous sub-
Insulin doses are adjusted often in childhood
cutaneous insulin infusion involving children
owing to growth and development, when there and young adults 1 to 21 years of age showed
are changes in eating habits or exercise, or with
lower levels of glycated hemoglobin with con-
illness. Although these concepts are taught from
tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion than with
the time of diagnosis, teaching self-management
multiple daily injections in five of the seven re-
is an ongoing, interactive process involving the
ports.37 A subsequent updated meta-analysis
patient, family, and diabetes care and education
confirmed these findings along with lower rates
specialist teams. of severe hypoglycemia; however, relative im-
provements in glycated hemoglobin levels with
Insulin Delivery Devices continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion were
Syringes and Pens fewer in trials that included multiple daily injec-
Standard syringes with needles to withdraw a tions of rapid-acting insulin analogues than in
determined amount from a vial of insulin are those that included injections of regular insulin

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Methods for Insulin Delivery and Glucose Monitoring

Standard Therapies Emerging Therapies


Insulin syringe and vial Continuous glucose monitoring

becoming standard


Prefilled pen injector


Smart pen injector

Self-monitoring of capillary
blood glucose

Open-loop insulin pump

Partially and almost fully
automated insulin delivery

Variety of fast, intermediate- and

long-acting insulin preperations

Some Potential Future Therapies

• Fully closed-loop insulin delivery • Implanted sensors
• Smartphone control with machine learning • Combined insulin and glucagon delivery
• Intraperitoneal delivery • Tissue-specific insulin
• Wearable tracker • Glucose-responsive insulin
• Sensors for other metabolites

(mean glycated hemoglobin difference, −0.29% yielded the next generation of advanced insulin
vs. −1.93%).38 delivery with automation. Such artificial-pancre-
Improved communication between continu- as systems incorporate an algorithm that uses
ous glucose monitors and insulin pumps has data from a continuous glucose monitor to di-

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Clinical Pr actice

Figure 1 (facing page). Standard, Emerging, and Projected trolled trials that included children showed im-
Future Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. proved glucose time in range and, in one trial,
Standard therapies include insulin and syringes, separate- less hypoglycemia than with standard sensor-
ly or combined in pens, using basal and bolus insulin augmented pump therapy.40,41 A recently ap-
from currently available types. Self-monitoring of capil- proved tubeless system links a pod pump and a
lary blood glucose is recommended to be performed at continuous glucose monitor with an algorithm
least 4 to 6 times per day and is steadily being replaced
by continuous glucose monitoring devices, which are
built into the pod; the two devices communicate
less painful to use and provide more frequent, reliable by Bluetooth wireless technology transmitting to
information. Open-loop insulin-pump delivery devices a locked-down smartphone (a dedicated smart-
that use regular or fast-acting insulin with manual input- phone used only for the insulin monitoring and
ting of basal, meal, and correction factor boluses by the delivery system), which enables the hybrid
wearer are now also considered consistent with standard
closed-loop system. Studies that evaluated this
therapy. Emerging therapies include continuous glucose
monitoring, smart insulin pens that record administered system recently showed rates of diabetic keto-
doses and link to a display device that also may receive acidosis and severe hypoglycemia that were
information from a continuous glucose monitor to track lower than those at baseline and lower than that
the effect and adjust future doses, and increasingly sophis- in a cohort receiving multiple daily injections.44,45
ticated hybrid closed-loop pump devices that approach Standard, newer, and potential future treat-
a fully automatic closed-loop system.18 Some potential
therapies that may emerge in the future are described;
ments for children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
other anticipated future therapies might include autolo- are summarized in Figure 1.
gous stem-cell–derived islet transplants.46
Newer Glucagon Preparations for
rect insulin delivery.18,19 The earliest sensor-aug- Severe hypoglycemia that results from insulin
mented insulin pump yielded improved glycemic dosing errors, a missed meal or snack, or after
control.39 The next advance provided for auto- exercise may cause loss of consciousness and
mated suspension of insulin delivery when the seizure, resulting in fear among family members
glucose level reached a predetermined low and barriers to attaining recommended glycemic
threshold. This was followed by predictive low- targets. When a patient is unresponsive and un-
glucose suspension systems in which insulin able to ingest oral glucose, treatment has tradi-
delivery was reduced or suspended when glucose tionally required intramuscular or subcutaneous
levels, as measured by continuous glucose mon- injections of glucagon, which needs reconstitu-
itoring, were predicted to be low. The most re- tion immediately before use. To surmount this
cent advances provide for automated increases in problem, a new liquid, ready-to-use glucagon
insulin delivery for elevated glucose levels above analogue has proved to be effective and is avail-
180 mg per deciliter or for rising glucose levels able for use in children 6 to 17 years of age.47 A
that predict impending hyperglycemia. The auto- stable glucagon preparation is available in either
mated insulin-delivery systems, known as hybrid prefilled syringes or an autoinjector and is ap-
closed-loop systems, assess the rate of change in proved for use in children as young as 2 years of
glucose to guide increases and decreases in, or age. An intranasally administered powder form
suspension of, insulin delivery. When these hy- of glucagon has also been approved for children
brid systems are used, the carbohydrate content 4 years of age or older; it is safe, effective, easy
of meals and snacks must be manually entered to use, and does not require reconstitution be-
for bolus doses. Several hybrid closed-loop sys- fore use, which permits faster delivery, even by
tems that have been approved by the Food and persons untrained in administering glucagon,
Drug Administration are currently in use, and for management of severe hypoglycemia.48
others are in development.18,19,40-43 Such systems
use various algorithms to regulate the rate of A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
basal insulin delivery to maintain glucose levels
within the recommended range of 70 to 180 mg The cause of type 1 diabetes mellitus and rea-
per deciliter day and night.18 One approved sys- sons for its worldwide increase remain incom-
tem includes automated bolus doses to correct pletely understood. In addition, adequately pow-
hyperglycemia; two 6-month randomized, con- ered trials involving children are needed to

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

better show the effects of continuous glucose lescence.35,54 Consistent with guidelines, we
monitoring and pumps, including newer hybrid recommend that the patient receive care at a pedi-
closed-loop systems, on short- and longer-term atric diabetes and endocrine center that includes
outcomes, including quality of life. Also, recent a certified diabetes care and education special-
studies have indicated disparities in the alloca- ist.16 She and her family should receive education
tion of pumps and continuous glucose monitors about self-monitoring of blood glucose, insulin
as well as disparities in glycated hemoglobin injection techniques, dose calculations, nutrition,
levels according to socioeconomic status49-51 and glycemic targets, and management of hypoglyce-
race.49 Moreover, costs of newer insulins are mia. We would initiate treatment with a basal–
high and have also substantially increased in the bolus program using insulin pen injectors — one
United States52; effective strategies are needed to for basal insulin and a smart pen for rapid-acting
ensure equitable availability of insulin and new- insulin to assist with insulin dose calculations. To
er technologies to a larger proportion of chil- allow the patient to avoid painful fingersticks, we
dren with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Finally, it has would initiate use of a continuous glucose moni-
been suggested that glycemic control by means tor, which is often available in a starter kit at
of peripheral insulin infusion results in higher specialty centers or as a pharmacy benefit. We
circulating insulin levels than portal delivery, would initially plan daily phone contact with the
which may in the long-term lead to deleterious diabetes team for a period of several days to sev-
effects,53 a suggestion that supports further eral weeks to review glucose profiles and provide
study of robust beta-cell–replacement strategies. family support, and then transition to quarterly
follow-up visits. The occurrence of a so-called
honeymoon phase, in which residual beta func-
Guidel ine s
tion temporarily improves, generally calls for re-
Guidelines and standards of care for children ductions in insulin doses that may last 6 to 12
and adolescents with new-onset diabetes are months. Since many children prefer using insulin
published and regularly updated by the Interna- pumps to reduce the number of daily injections
tional Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Dia- and allow greater flexibility in their schedules, we
betes and the American Diabetes Association.1,2 would begin education about insulin-pump op-
The current recommendations are consistent with tions within weeks to months after diagnosis and,
these guidelines. if the family is interested, assist them in choosing
a system. In view of the family history of autoim-
mune disease, we would encourage the family to
C onclusions a nd
R ec om mendat ions consider enrolling the son in a research study that
involves screening of relatives for risk of type 1
The 12-year-old girl in the vignette had new-onset diabetes mellitus55; if the son is found to have two
type 1 diabetes mellitus that was confirmed by islet autoantibodies, he might be eligible for a
the presence of beta-cell autoantibodies. Fortu- trial of prevention methods for type 1 diabetes
nately, her mother recognized the symptoms and mellitus.4,10
appropriately sought care so that diabetic ketoaci- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
dosis was avoided. Living with diabetes affects the the full text of this article at
entire family and may disrupt life priorities; ongo- We thank Alan Rogol for valuable comments and suggestions
during the drafting of an earlier version of this manuscript and
ing family support is important to ensure adher- Jill Gregory (Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, New York)
ence to the treatment plan, especially during ado- for the initial draft of the figure.

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Clinical Pr actice

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