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Clase del 13/11 Mini examen final


Activity 1: Let´s have a conversation about what Zendaya is

wearing everyday.

Activity 2: Answer this questions in present simple and

present continuos.

1. What are you doing right now?

2. Is your mom sleeping?
3. Is your dad working?
4. What is your mom doing right now?
5. What is your dad doing right now?
6. Is your bestfriend studying?

Activity 3: What´s your favorite animal…

1. Does your favorite animal have claws?

2. Does your favorite animal have wings?
3. Does your favorite animal eat meat?

Activity 4: Tell me where can I buy this things.

1. Where can I buy new books?

2. Do I buy my shoes at the bakery?
3. What can I buy at a bakery?
4. Where can I buy new clothes?
5. Do I buy flowers at a newsagents?
6. What can I buy at a florist?


Activity 1: Complete the gaps using present simple tense of

these verbs, and make it affirmative or negative.

1. Ana _______ (go) out with her mom to have lunch every
sunday. (+)
2. They ______ (have) a great job (-)
3. Alberto ________ (scream) all day. (+)
4. Adela __________ (like) Alberto. (-)
5. We ________ (walk) for hours. (+)
6. You ________ (study) a lot this summer. (-)

Activity 2: Make questions in present simple.

1. Juan Cruz/ study/ everydady/?

2. Adela / like/ cooking/?
3. We/ do/ what was right/?
4. They/ run/ for hours/?
5. You/ jump/ into the game/?
6. It/ moves/?
Activity 3: Complete the gaps in the conversation with the
present continuos tense of these verbs, also use affirmative
and negative ways.

Juan: Mom, I am hungry. Are you _______ (cook +) already?

Lourdes: Yes! I am already ________ (do +) it.
Juan: You ______________ ( lie – ) to me right? I __________ (hear +)
the tv at the back mom…
Lourdes: Sorry Juan! I ________ ( do –) it. What I am strating
Juan: OK!!

Activity 4: Complete the text with the correct form of the

verbs in the box. Use the present continuos or present simple.

wear - drive - prefer - wash - go - not come - watch - sit

I always ______ comfortable clothes like a hoodie, but now I´m

using a t-shirt because I´m _______ out and it´s hot. Today, my
mom _______ them all, so I don´t know what I´m going to wear!
Now my mom is ________ to the cinema. We are going to ______ a
Marvel movie. We have to hurry up because my mom likes
________ at the front. My dad was supposed to come, but he
______________ now. But it´s ok, I ________ having a good time with
my mom alone.

Activity 5: Write the past simple of the verbs in brackets to

complete the sentences.

1. Juan ______ (start) a new book.

2. My dad ______ (study) at the university for three years.
3. Adela ________ (change) her mobile phone.
4. We _______ (talk) a lot last night, I´m tired now.
5. You ______ (agree) on sharing.
6. They ______ (stop) dating, it wasn´t working.
Activity 6: Complete the description with was. were, wasn´t or

The zoo _____ amazing! It ______ very big an there _____

hundreds of animals. There _____ any insects or fish, just big
lad animals and birds, but they _____ great! It _____ much fun
being with my parents, but it was uncomfortable… My dad
______ really irritating, he ______ laughing so loud and talking
selfies! I ______ very interested in staying much time there, I
wanted to go back home….

Activity 7: Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1. You wash yourself here: s_________.

2. You put dirty clothes in this: w_______ m______.
3. You turn this to get water: t_______.
4. You see yourself in the: m________.
5. This give you light: l____________.
6. You have this at your windows: c________.

Activity 8: Complete the correct option (adverbs of manner)

1. I usually eat my breakfast very quick/ quickly.

2. My young sister is very happy/ happily.
3. Jack waved to me cheerful/ cheerfylly.
4. The man shouted at the dog angry/ angrily.
5. She is mad/ madly.
6. They are noisy/ noisily.

Activity 9: Choose the correct option.

1. Use your brain/ nek and think hard.

2. My eyebrow/ skin went brown in the sun.
3. After the race my heart/ stomach was going very fast.
4. Jack goes to the gym to get biger bones/ muscles.
5. My dad´s hair is brown but is ankle/ beard is withe.
6. I can´t ear any more, my stomach/ lips is full.

Activity 10: Complete the sentences with some, any, much,

many and a lot.

Adela: How _____ sandwiches have you got today?

Ana: I haven´t got ____. I didn´t have enough bread, just ______
of it.
Adela: Oh, and how ______ water did you drink in the day?
Ana: Oh definitely ________, I love drink water!

Activity 11: Complete the sentences with the correct form of

he adjectives in brackets.

1. My dad is _______ (old) than my mom.

2. Her sister is ______ (tall) than me.
3. We are ______ (happy) than all of you.
4. They are ______ (short) than me.
5. I am _______(good) than you.
6. You are ______ (bad) than me.

Activity 12: Pass the sentences from activity 11, to superlative


Activity 13: Complete the email with the correct forms of the
adjectives in brackets.

Hi Ana,

Thank goodness, our end of year test are finished! I am _____

(happy) than I was this time last year. Math was _______ (easy)
than before and frech was ______ (good) too. But technology
was horrible, the paper definitely wasn´t as ______ las year´s.
Last year I was the _____ (bad) at my class. Everyone were ____
(good) than me. But now, I am the _____ (great).

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