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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division Office of Bayugan City
Bayugan National Comprehensive High School

Summative Test in Basic Physics 9 Quarter 4 Weeks 7-8

Name: __________________________________________ Section: ______________________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following could explain Galileo’s results?

a. His lanterns were too far apart.
b. His lanterns were too close together.
c. Measurement of time had not progressed enough to measure thespeed of light.
d. b & c

2. Who was the first person to successfully measure the speed of light?
a. Galileo Galilei b. Olaus Roemer c. Albert Einstein d. Albert Michelson

3. What satellite of the planet Jupiter did Roemer used for his astronomical observation?
a. Io b. Europa c. Ganymede d. Callisto

4. Which among the following explains the result of Roemer’s observation?

a. The period of Io changed. b. Jupiter is in a different position.
c. The earth is farther from Jupiter. d. none of these

5. Who is the person that proposed that light may be a wave?

a. Robert Hooke b. Christian Huygens c. Albert Micheson d. Olaus Roemer

6. What material did Michelson used to measure the speed of light?

a. mirror b. steel c. wood d. paper

7. Which of the following did Newton use as evidence that light acts as a particle rather
than as a wave?
a. Light is emitted by hot objects.
b. Light doesn’t seem to bend around corners.
c. The speed of light can be explained by considering it a particle.
d. none of these

8. Who first showed experimentally that light acts as a wave?

a. James Maxwell b. Robert Hooke c. Christian Huygens d. Thomas Young

9. Who first concluded that light was an electromagnetic wave?

a. James Maxwell b. Robert Hooke c. Christian Huygens d. Thomas Young

10. Which among the colors of the spectrum has low frequencies before the green color?
a. red and blue b. orange and yellow d. yellow and violet d. blue and violet
11. What experiment that could not be explained by considering light as a wave?
a. Michelson-Morley experiment b. Michelson experiment
c. Photoelectric effect d. none of these

12. What is needed to cause current to flow in the circuit?

a. high-frequency light b. low-frequency light c. normal light d. none of these

13. Which would produce emission of higher energy electrons?

a. yellow light b. green light c. blue light d. violet light

14. What do we call the hypothetical medium through which electromagnetic waves were expected to
a. air b. light c. ether d. water

15. Why must the ether not be a material substance?

a. It must permeate material such as glass and water. b. Light reaches us from the stars
c. It absorbs light d. none of these

For nos. 16-20, answer briefly.

16-20. What is the speed of light?



Will light of high frequency or of low frequency be more likely to cause photoelectric
emission of electrons? Why or why not?

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no misconceptions. minimal misconceptions. misconceptions.

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