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Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted apple farmer

named Jack who loved nothing more than tending to his apple
orchard. Every year, Jack would harvest the juiciest, most
delicious apples in the land and share them with his friends and

One day, Jack decided to surprise his wife with a beautiful

glass tray to display their fresh apples. He searched high and
low until he found the perfect one - a shimmering tray with
intricate designs that would make their apples look even more

His wife was overjoyed when Jack presented her with the tray,
and she immediately filled it with their best apples. They placed
the tray in the center of their dining room table, where it
sparkled and gleamed in the sunlight.

However, their happiness was short-lived when one day, as

they were enjoying their dinner, they heard a loud crash. They
rushed to the dining room to find that the glass tray had
shattered into a million pieces, and their precious apples were
scattered all over the floor.

Jack and his wife were devastated, but they didn't let this
setback dampen their spirits. Instead, they gathered up the
apples and carefully placed them in a wicker basket. They
continued to enjoy their delicious apples, albeit without the
shiny glass tray, but they knew that their love for each other
and for their fruit would never break like the fragile glass.

From then on, Jack and his wife cherished their apples even
more and took extra care to make sure they were displayed in a
safe and sturdy manner. And while they never forgot the
beautiful glass tray, they knew that what really mattered was
the delicious fruit that they had worked so hard to grow.

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