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വിശ്വാസപരിശ്ീലന കേന്ദ്രം


Question Bank for Bible quiz

Acts of The Apostles
Grade 8-12

1. Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?

2. What was the occupation of the author of "Acts of the Apostles”?

3. To whom the Acts of the Apostles addressed?

4. After his resurrection, how many days did Jesus appear to the apostles?

5. After witnessing resurrection of Jesus, apostles moved to --------------

6. Disciples who stayed at Jerusalem were involved in -----------?

7. How far is Mount Olivet from Jerusalem?

8. What does "Akel Dama" mean?

9. Who were the Apostles chosen to replace Judas?

10. By which name Joseph was called?

11. Who among Joseph and Matthias was chosen to replace Judas

12. “Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only …….” . Who said this to Men of Judea?
13. Who was the prophet first quoted in the first sermon on Pentecost?

14. “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh” and your young men shall ---------

15. “For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One experience corruption”.
Concerning Jesus these words were said by?

16. Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be

forgiven and you will receive ----------

17. How many were baptized on the day of Pentecost after the first Gospel sermon?

18. Who accompanied Peter when they met the man lame from the birth at the temple gate?

19. The name of the temple gate where the lame from the birth man was laid?

20. Name the disciple of Jesus who made the lame man stand up and walk?

21. What part of the man's body received strength at the Temple Gate?

22. Where did the lame man go after his feet and ankles were strengthened?

23. “The Lord your God will raise up for you form your own people, a prophet like me” Name the

prophet mentioned here?

24. About which prophet did Peter speak in the porch of the temple?
25. “And in your descendants all the families of the earth shall be blessed” who’s descendants

26. How many men heard and believed the word taught by Peter and John?

27. What happened to Peter and John after they cured the lame man and the speech at the temple gate

28. Who was the high priest that dealt with Peter and John in Acts 4?

29. The lame man on whom the sign of healing had been performed was of ----- age?

30. What is the meaning of name Barnabas?

31. Barnabas was from which country?

32. Name the husband and wife who sold their property and hide part of its value amount to Apostles?

33. Along with high priest which sect of people filled with Jealous arrested the apostles and imprisoned


34. Who was the Pharisee stood before the council and warned them about killing the apostles?

35. Who was the man who came with 400 followers, boasting of himself, and was killed leaving his

followers without a leader?

36. Against who did the people murmur because of the way they were neglecting widows?

37. Who did Some say that Stephen had spoken blasphemous words against?
38. Who delivered the customs that would be changed by Jesus of Nazareth?

39. When God spoke to him, Abrahm lived in "the land of the ."

40. How long would Abraham's descendants be in bondage?

41. What covenant did God give to Abraham?

42. How many among Jacob's family moved to the land of Egypt?

43. In which land was Jacob buried?

44. Which tent does Stephen quote in Amos?

45. Who built a house for the Lord?

46. Who went to the city of Samaria and preached Christ in Acts 8?

47. Who in Samaria used sorcery, astonished the people, and claimed he was someone great?

48. Which two apostles were sent to Samaria after the apostles heard of the great response to the Word of


49. From which country was the man Philip met as he traveled from Samaria?

50. What was the man who Philip met on his way to Jerusalem, reading?

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