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9 Practice: Complete Your Assignment Practice

English 10 Sem 1 Name:

Use the research you gathered in Lesson 1 to write a first draft of an essay about a
topic that Eric Schlosser explores in Fast Food Nation. You may have to conduct new
research to get all the information you need, especially if some of your sources in
Lesson 1 weren't credible.

A thesis statement will establish the focus of your paper, and subtopics will support
the thesis. Each subtopic must be supported by evidence from relevant and credible
sources. Even though this essay is your first draft, you must still make sure it is as
polished as possible.

Your essay should include the following elements:

 A thesis statement that establishes the purpose of the essay

 Subtopics that are related to your thesis statement

 Evidence from credible sources that support your subtopics and thesis

 An introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph

 Transitions that connect ideas and introduce cited sources

You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one.
If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.
Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

 Does my thesis statement follow naturally from my research? Will my thesis

statement, subtopics, and evidence all come across as related? Do I make that
relationship clear to the reader?

 Does my introduction paragraph grab the reader's attention and present the
thesis statement? Does it provide enough background information for the reader
to understand the thesis statement?

 Do my body paragraphs all present evidence from credible sources? Do they

show how the evidence is connected to my overall point? Does each body
paragraph include a topic sentence that makes it clear what each paragraph is

 Do I use in-text citations correctly? Do they follow MLA guidelines? Do I show

good judgment about when to paraphrase and when to quote from a source?

Use this rubric to determine how well you're meeting the criteria for the assignment.
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4.2.9 Practice: Complete Your Assignment

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