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2.1.1 Study: Ocean Commotion Study Guide Earth Science Sem 2 7 Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Oceanographers use submarines and sonar to study the transition from land to the bottom of the ocean floor. 2.1.1 Study: Ocean Commotion us ‘Copyright© 2021 Apex Learning inc. Use of his materia is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, use, of redleubuton ie prohibed Measurements (Continental Margin Features) Instrument Used: Location: Method: Deseriber Allows Scientists to Figure Out: Describe: Shelf Break + Continental cust Lo . Continental Siope ~ | Describe: Continental Margin Types ‘Active Margin >) (o. = Passive Margin Define: ‘Topography: ‘Topography Continental Rise ) Describe: | Main Idea #2: Ocean basins have several interesting features. 2.1.1 Study: Ocean Commotion 24 Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning Inc. Use of ths material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited, ‘Seamounts ‘Abyssal Plains Describe: Hydrothermal vents) Describe: | L{ — Ocean Bottom Features Mid-Ocean Ridges Describe: j | Sediment | Formed From: + Organisms: | + Continents: Describe: 21.1 Study: Ocean Commotion 3/4 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use ofthis materials subject to Apex Leamming's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited, 2.1.2 Study: Ain't No Mountain High Enough Study Guide e Earth Science Sem 2 Name: Date: Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: By studying mountains, geologists can determine where continents have been and how they formed. They also can figure out which way the continental plates have shifted and when they started moving. 2.1.2. Study: Ain't No Mountain High Enough 13 ‘Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use ofthis materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution s prohibited. Mountain Rangi Mountain Belt: Foldin Diagram: ‘Aleutian-Type Mountains Describe Formation: eo.) Fault-Block Mount Describe Formation: Example: Continental-Continental Convergence Deseribe Formation: ‘Andean-Type Mountains Stops: Examples: ‘Arc-Continent Mountains Describe Formation: | _ TT Main Idea #2: Earth Is a dynamic planet, with mountains constantly shifting position. 2.1.2 Study: Ain't No Mountain High Enough, 23 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Buoyancy “sostasy | Defin Define: Mountains Float Atop: Buoyancy | | i J —z ~~ Shifting Mountains ~ Deseribe: Weight Change Caused By: — Isostatic Adjustment ) Copyright © 2018 Apex Learning nc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Apex Learning ® and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of ‘Apex Learning inc, 2.1.2 Study: Ain't No Mountain High Enough 3/3 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use of tis material is subject to Apex Leaming’s Terms of Use, Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. 2.2.1 ‘Study: In a Volcanic Panic Study Guide Earth Science Sem 2 q Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Volcanoes look like mountains, but they form as a result of repeated eruptions of magma from underground. 2.21 Study: In a Voleanic Panic ur Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learing's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistraution is proibited, volcanoes Dormant: Extinct: Anatomy of a Voicano —) Crater Formation: Central vent Magma Chamber Conditions: Main Idea #2: Three major and tephra. \gs come out of a volcano when it erupts — gas, lava, 2.2.1 Study: In a Voleanic Panic ar Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use of tis material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Ary unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistributon ts prohibited, Explain: Influence of Silica Content: Lava Formations Pillow Lava tavaTubes Describe: — Main Idea #3: Not all volcanoes are bullt the same. The shape of a volcano Is determined largely by the magmas viscosity, the force of any eruptions, and how much weathering has occurred. 22.1 Study: In a Volcanic Panic arr omyig.@ 2021 hoax Learing ne Use tts mata sijelo Apex Lenin's Tems of Use, Ary nautozed ‘copying, reuse, or reistibution fs profited Volcano Types >) : ‘Composite Cone Volcano } Describe: Diagram: Magma Type: Eruption Type Shield Volcano Deseribe: — Megma Type: Eruption Type: ~~ Cinder Cone Volcano Describe: Caldera Describe: ~ ~ Lava Dome Describe: Magma Type: — Main Idea #4: How a volcano will erupt is determined mostly by the type of magma. ‘a Voleanic Panic ar Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning inc. Use of tis material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Ary unauthorized copying, reuse, or redisibuton is prohibited, Hawaiian-Type Describe: a. | Low-Viscosity Magma Eruption Types High-Viscosity Magma ) Types of High-Viscosity Eruptions Pelean ee Strombotian Describe: Plinian Describe Deseribe: JK Main Idea #5: Volcanoes occur in specific regions of Earth. 221 Study: Ina Voleanic Panic 87 ‘Copyright © 2023 Apex Leaming nc. Use of this malerials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized ‘copying reuse or redstibuton is prohibited. Subduction-Zone Volcano Describe Subduction Zone: Magma and Eruption Characteristics: | Examples: Rift-Zone Volcano Describe Rift Zone: Example: Hot-Spot Voicano Describe Hot Spot: Example: Copyright © 2018 Apex Learning Inc. Use ofthis material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Apex Learning @ and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of 2.21 Study: In a Volcanic Panic 7 ‘Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning nc. Use of this materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, of redlstibutlon is prohibited Earth Science Sem 2 4 2.2.3 Study: Brake for Quakes Study Guide Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Earthquakes occur as a result of plates grinding past one another and forming faults. 2.23 Study: Brake for Quakes us Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning inc. Use ofthis material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redisvibution fs prohibited, Earthquakes Formation “Location Describe: Two plates: Stress Builds: + Rocks Break: «Energy Released: + Aftershocks: | Define: u SS Main idea #2: Using specialized instruments, geologists can determine the location of an earthquake, as well as its intensity and magnitude. 223 — Study: Brake for Quakes 214 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use ofthis material is subect to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Measures: CL Location Intensity Instrument Used: Waves Measured: 1. P waves: 2. $ waves: 3. Lwaves: Measures: Data Analysis: SS Richter Scale Rates Magnitude Describe 2.5 to 7 on the Richter Scale: Main Idea #3: Earthquakes can result in a lot of damage. 2.23 Study: Brake for Quakes 314 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use of tis materalis subject to Apex Learnings Terms of Use, Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Damaged Buildings Landslides Describe: Describe: XQ Copyright © 2018 Apex Learning Inc. Use ofthis material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Apex Learning @ and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of Apex Learning Inc. 223 — Study: Brake for Quakes ala Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use ofthis materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistrbution is prohibited. Earth Science Sem 2 4 2.3.1 Study: Down and Dirty Study Guide e' — Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: The uplift caused by plate movement puts features in place, and the forces of weathering, erosion, and mass wasting polish them. Physical weathering Is a result of breaking rocks into smaller pleces through force. 2.3.1 Study: Down and Dirty us Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning nc. Use ofthis materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, of redstibutlon is prohbted. Action: Heat \ Action: Frost Wedging ‘Action: Biological Activity oy Main Idea #2: Chemical weathering is a result of changing the chemical composition of small rocks. 2.3.1 Study: Down and Dirty 216 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc, Use of this materalis subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. eae f —— Action: Solution Action: Hydrolysis ‘Oxydation Aetion: Hydration Aotion: ‘Carbonation Action: Main Idea #3: Erosion is caused by wind, water, and gravity. 2.3.1 Study: Down and Dirty Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this mater copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited, is subject to Apex Learing’s Terms of Use. Any unauthorized 36 Describe: Factors Affecting Erosion | ‘Steepness of Slope Effects: : o = Moisture Effects: Ground Cover Effects: a Main Idea #4: Mass wasting Is caused by gravity and, therefore, occurs on slopes. 2.3.1 Study: Down and ‘Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning nc, Use ofthis materials subject to Apex Leaming's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse of redlstrbution is profited. 4l6 jes of Mass Wasting Soil Describes aad ‘Avalanche Describet Mudflow Deseribet Rockslide Describe: Copyright © 2078 Apex L ning inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited, Apex Learning ® and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of 23.1 Study: Down and Dirty 516 Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning inc. Use ofthis materia is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Earth Science Sem 2 wy 2.3.3 Study: Karst Topography Study Guide fe Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea: Landforms caused by the chemical weathering of limestone are called karst topography. 2.3.3 Study: Karst Topography 18 ‘Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use of this materials subject to Apex Leaming’s Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. ‘Two Requirements for Karst Topography “Addic Rain Limestone Describe Cerbonation Process: Caves/ Caverns Describe: Stalagmites Describe: Describe: Copyright © 2018 Apex Learning Inc. Use ofthis material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Apex Learning ® and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of 23.3 Study: Karst Topography 28 ‘Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse or reistibution is prohibited, 2.3.4 Study: Ata Glacial Pace Study Guide Earth Science Sem 2 Use the spaces below to take notes on the key concepts presented in this study. Main Idea #1: Glaciers are like rivers of ice in super-slow motion. They flow downhill, carry debris and rocks, and follow and shape the contours of the land. 23.4 Study: Ata Glacial Pace ‘Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use ofthis material is subject to Apex Leamming's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. ue Types of Glaciers Alpine Ice Sheets Glacier Formation Describe the Steps Firn: Glacial Ice: Advancing: Retreating: Describe: Describe: Rate of Movement: 216 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning Inc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying, reuse, o redistribution Is prohibited. G Glacial Structures from Erosion Describe: U-Shaped Valleys Describe: Horn Peaks Describe: Describe: Fjords Roche Moutonnées Describe: Main Idea #3: As a glacier moves across Earths surface, it can leave evidence of Its passing through deposition. 234 Stu Glacial Pace 36 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use of ths materials subject to Apex Leamming's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized copying, reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Describe: Describe: Terminal Moraines Describe: Define: Describe: Main Idea #4: There are several theories about the cause of Ice Ages through Earth's geological history. 23.4 Study: Ata Glacial Pace 416 Copyright © 2023 Apex Learning nc. Use of his materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized ‘copying, reuse, or recistibution is prohibited. Precession ) Effects: Effects: | { | —————— Current Ice Age Theory Last Ice Age: Copyright © 2018 Apex Learning Inc. Use ofthis materials subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use. Any unauthorized copying. reuse, or redistribution is prohibited. Apex Learning ® and the Apex Learning Logo are registered trademarks of 23.4 Study: Ata Glacial Pace 5/6 Copyright © 2021 Apex Learning nc. Use of this material is subject to Apex Learning's Terms of Use, Any unauthorized copying, reuse, o redistibuton is prohibit,

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