Asb Report

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Gideon Waters

Jill Mortensen


02 March 2023

ASB Report

1. During this week, I have been on the Dance Playlist Committee as well as the 8th

grade welcome letters committee. Starting with the playlist committee, due to

admin no longer trusting dance DJ’s with their own playsists, Spencer and I were

tasked with putting together a playlist for our DJ to work with that follows

Admins guidelines. For the Letter Committee, members were tasked with writing

6 half page or more letters to 8th graders sharing high school advice.

2. The Playlist committee has completed a multi hour long playlist of songs that

follow the criteria. For the letter committee I’ve completed my share of letters for

the incoming 8th grade class and including advice on going into high school and

how to survive.

3. This week I was incharge of overseeing the playlist. I made sure it was long

enough to meet the needs of the dance as well as reading through lyrics to make

sure all songs were in the clear.

4. Some pros I saw this week was committee organization. Groups were very well

planned and managed so everyone knew what was expected of them and who had

what responsibilities.

5. Something we could have improved on this week was task management. Many

different things were all being worked on at once. I believe we would have been

more efficient if we focused on one task at once.

6. I will be primarily speaking on the playlist, what has been done and why it needed

to be done.

7. My overall opinion of the event is positive. It’s very beneficial to us as well as the

student body. I feel the crunch on time for planning limits our abilities to be as

creative as we can with this event but it’s also good to learn how to move quickly.

8. Based off where we are right now, I believe we will be very successful. As long as

we stay on our game as the event actually approaches we will do very well. All of

our goals are very achievable. However we cannot be certain as last year our

faults occurred during the execution rather then the planning.

9. If it is found that our peers in this class haven’t pulled their weight in planning,

they will feel the pain in execution week. They should be expected to hear every

morning during the challenge week that set up or distribution of gifts is needed

10. My favorite part of this even so far has been the 8th grade letters. I think it is an

awesome way to give back to the community as it's relatively easy for the class to

do and very beneficial. If all 40 or so of us pull our weight and write a few letters,

every incoming 8th grader can have a handwritten letter which is pretty cool to

think about.

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