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Disciplina – Inglês Técnico


Talking to a visitor

A visitor is coming to your company. What can you talk about?

1. Listen to Ms Rufer talking to a visitor, Mr Harris. Put a tick next to the topics they talk
a) The weather
b) The journey
c) The hotel
d) Mr Harris’s next meeting
e) Mr Harris’s trip to Brussels

Is this their first meeting?

Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. Mr Harris didn’t enjoy his train journey because ___________________
2. Mr Harris was in Brussels _____________________________________
3. What does Ms Rufer do when he arrives?_________________________

Put the words in the box under the correct headings.

Presentation traffic fine journey wet flight

Overcast conference trip windy trade fair


Business Travel Weather

presentation traffic fine

Attending business events

A. Do you ever go to any of these business events?

Seminar trade fair conference meeting exhibition training course

Look at the adjectives in the box to describe business events. Put them under the appropriate
heading: positive (+) or negative (-). Can you add any other words?
Interesting stressful successful terrible disappointing useful tiring productive

Disciplina – Inglês Técnico


+ -

B. Complete these conversations with adjectives from A.

1.A: How was the fair?

B: We didn’t make any new contacts. It was ________________________________

2.A: Was it a good conference?

B: Yes, it was. I think it was very _________________________________________

3.A: How was the exhibition?

B: There was a lot to do. It was __________________________________________

4.A: What was the course like?

B: It was very hard work. It was __________________________________________

5.A: How was the meeting?

B: We were very pleased. I think it was very ________________________________

6.A: Did you enjoy the seminar?

B: we didn’t learn anything new. It wasn’t very_______________________________

C. Listen to Sarah, Isobel and Pedro talking about recent business events.
Who went:
- To a trade fair?
- On a training course?
- To a conference?

Listen again. Who said what? Complete the table?

Sarah Isabel Pedro

There was an excellent atmosphere.
There simply wasn’t enough time to talk to everyone.
It was nice to be out of the office for a few days.
My hotel was a bit far out.
Our stand was really crowded.
The hotel was fantastic.
We made a lot of good contacts.
I learnt a lot.


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