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International Journal for Clergy April 1992 S

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Abortion and the church abort. It was my privilege to explain to nationalities of the Old World that
The abortion issue is real! Pictures them that abortion is not an turbulent sea of 'peoples, and multi
of a fetus developing and a fetus being unpardonable sin. There is a loving tudes, and nations, and tongues.' It
destroyed are nauseatingly real. They God who forgives and takes our guilt must be sought in the Western Conti
evoke outrage and disgust, and demand away. nent" (The Great Controversy, p.
the elimination of abortion. Surely, as a church we carry a great 440). Robert H. Granger, Little Creek
This is only one part of the picture. load of guilt for our participation in Academy, Knoxville, Tennessee.
What about our casual attitude toward abortion on demand. For us too it is
sex, particularly premarital sex? Often surely not too late to repent and seek In the conclusion of his article,
uncontrolled passion is disguised as God's forgiveness. Joseph L. Story, Surridge states that "we [Adventists]
love and is pressed by the abusive pastor and registered nurse practitioner, ought to abandon our old argument that
persuasion "If you really love me . . ." Tok, Alaska. merely contrasts 'earth' with 'sea.' "
Is it not time for the church to take At the same time he concludes that
a firm stand for sexual morality? I am The beast from the earth "earth" means what we say it means,
a pastor and a licensed marriage Regarding Robert Surridge's but uses proof from outside the Bible.
counselor, and I see within the church a suggestion ("The Beast From the To understand "earth," we must
very casual attitude toward sex outside Earth," June 1991) that the apostle have a correct understanding of "sea."
of marriage. John resorts to a myth in order to Revelation 17:15 equates "waters" to
Perhaps we need to study and teach depict a Bible prophecy is absurd, peoples, multitudes, nations, and
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 in its context. untenable, and makes a mockery of tongues (KJV). However, the applica
The phrases "temple of the Holy inspiration. Does this mean that if I tion is restricted to "where the whore
Ghost" and "bought with a price" refer fail to unearth the appropriate myth sitteth." In verse 1 the angel came to
not to vegetarianism but to our sexual (which is likely), I fail to decipher the show John the judgment of the whore
bodies! The church would do well to mysteries of Revelation 13? that "sitteth upon many waters."
teach God's truth about sex and sexual Remembering that prophecy is not Where was the whore, Babylon the
expression in a positive way, and in only prospective (revealing the future) Great, seated when John last saw her?
that context face the issue of fetal but often retrospective (illuminating It has to be on the Euphrates in
destruction. the past), history aptly demonstrates Revelation 16:12. Therefore "sea"
This too is a moral responsibility! the truth of the heretofore Adventist would represent the densely populated
Roger H. Ferris, pastor, Renton position on Revelation 13. eastern part of the earth.
Seventh-day Adventist Church, Renton, The earth in verse 11 and the earth To me it would be logical to
Washington. in verses 12-14 are at two different conclude that "earth," then, would
stages of growth. The earth (represent represent a sparsely settled part of the
I am much saddened by George ing the United States) of Revelation world ... or the "western" part of the
Gainer's article on abortion (August 13:11 was unpopulated when John earth. You will also find this interpre
1991). It is not pleasant to note that for viewed it at the commencement of the tation in The Great Controversy, page
20 years the overarching ethic that judgment period (verse 1), but that 440. -Woody Oliver, Tulsa, Okla
determines policy for our health-care same earth will have become a densely homa.
institutions is money. In the for-profit populated nation at the fulfillment of
chains that kind of ethic is under this prophecy, though still less popu Inspiration—casebook or codebook?
stood but we are a church. lated in comparison with continental For several months I have been
As a health-care worker I have Europe. My homeland of Australia, watching to see what reactions Alden
worked in a Catholic hospital. Their while sparsely populated, doesn't even Thompson's recent book on inspiration
stand on abortion has been firm all qualify as a runner-up because of other would produce. I am pleased to see the
along. They are not going under conditions that must be met. reviews, particularly Norman Gulley's,
because of their stand against abortion. Please, in our quest for prophetic in the December issue of Ministry.
Long ago the servant of the Lord understanding, let us not belittle the Thompson's Inspiration contains
wrote, "The greatest want of the world authoritative pen of Ellen White: "But excellent insights and viewpoints,
is the want of men men who will not the beast with lamblike horns was seen needed by the Adventist Church. But
be bought or sold" (Education, p. 57). 'coming up out of the earth.' Instead there is danger that many readers,
It sounds as if the greatest want of the of overthrowing other powers to taken up with the book's good aspects,
church is not that different from the establish itself, the nation thus repre will become infected with a virus that
greatest want of the world. sented must arise in territory previously has a devastating effect on belief and
As a pastor I have counseled unoccupied and grow up gradually and experience. If the casebook aspect is
women who carried tremendous loads peacefully. It could not, then, arise overstressed, how much of the Bible is
of guilt because of their decision to among the crowded and struggling (Continued on page 31)

First Glance
2 Letters
4 The goodness of guilt
Martin Weber
Two church leaders have decided to speak out concerning
the more extreme dissidents in the church. Our church has
always tolerated a diversity of opinion; in fact our church was
5 Global Mission, my mission
J. David Newman
conceived out of discord. But there comes a time when
diversity becomes divisive rather than inspiring, dysfunctional 9 Adventist youth cry out!
rather than functional, destructive rather than productive. And Roger Dudley and Gan-Theow Ng
church leaders need to lead.
12 Investigative judgment—a scriptural
Thus, Cyril Miller, president of the Southwestern Union, concept
and Douglas Devnich, president of the Canadian Union, wrote Eric C. Livingston
articles in their respective union papers alerting their parishio
ners to some of the more radical dissidents among us. Some
15 Evangelism and the ecumenical
who speak out within the church are sincere individuals, Bert B. Beach
sometimes misguided; others have discovered that this is just
another way to fleece naive members and make some easy
19 Look and learn
Ronald Strasdowsky
We reprint these articles so you can share these facts with 22 Sending tithe to independent ministries
your church members. Cyril Miller

We make no apologies for printing another article on the 25 Dissident groups: the threat and
investigative judgment. Pastor Livingstone clearly demon the truth
strates that there is nothing legalistic or uncaring about a pre- Douglas Devnich
advent judgment. He shows from the Old Testament how no
earthly tribunal would execute a sentence without some prior
27 Sermon resources—IV: your people
Floyd Bresee
investigation so would we not want God to do the same? God
is both just and merciful. 28 Biblio File
30 Elders in the Trans-European Division
David Currie
32 Shop Talk

Ministry is the international journal of the George W. Reid, Ariel Roth 12501 Old Columbia Pike SUBSCRIBER SERVICES:
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The goodness
of guilt
Martin Weber

n this age of you risk mechanical disaster. great about his chemistry test until he saw
affirmation, old- One morning I had worship at the that big red D.
fashioned guilt has Pacific Union Conference office. Want Spiritually as well, feelings often fail
I gotten a bad name.
Secular society dis
misses it as hazard
ing to get there on time, I drove hard and
fast. A red light flashed, indicating a low
water level. Running late, I suppressed
to tell the truth. We might feel confident
about heaven while yet in an unrepentant,
unsaved state. Or we might suffer guilt
ous to self-esteem. the warning. It was a $600 mistake, just even after sincerely entrusting ourselves
Many Christians also condemn guilt, con in time for Christmas. My failure to heed to Christ.
sidering it a needless assault upon their that little red light brought expensive How can we know for sure whether
assurance of salvation. They may not grief to the Weber family. the guilt we suffer is justified or merely
want a Father in heaven but a semisenile Guilt is like that red light. It indicates imagined? First, we must realize that
grandfather up there who serves as their a problem we need to confront as we guilt is more than an unpleasant emotion
master of ceremonies, amiably applaud speed along the highway to heaven. solved by positive thinking. Guilt is legal
ing everything they do. "Godloves you!" Without quick action, a spiritual break condemnation suffered equally by all sin
they proclaim. "No need to give in to down occurs. ners in the presence of a holy, sin-hating
guilt." Now, what if you heed the warning God. There is no distinction among us in
Before we bid goodbye to guilt, how and the red light remains on? Determined our personal righteousness, since "there
ever, let's remember that condemnation to have a perfectly running car, you check is none righteous, no, not one." "There is
is scriptural. Understood properly, guilt the cooling system for leaks. The me no difference; for all have sinned and fall
can be a blessing. chanic insists everything is fine, yet that short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:10,22,
This world would be a better place if stubborn red light keeps lying to you. 23). When you compare our characters
those who trample upon God's law in Now you've got a different problem: with Christ's, none of us have grounds for
hurting others suffered some guilt. If unnecessary harassment, like hyperac boasting: "Now we know that whatever
only Hitler had felt guilty about tive guilt that doesn't go away after you the law says, it says to those who are
Auschwitz! Mas s murderers ought to feel confess and forsake your sins. under the law, that every mouth may be
guilty, along with serial rapists and the Guilt can be good or bad, helpful or stopped, and all the world may become
drug addict who stole my mother's car harmful. Condemnation is appropriate in guilty before God" (verse 19).
radio. Guilt can make us take stock of a life running low on loyalty to Jesus What a terrifying thought: guilty
ourselves as sinners. But too many people Christ. Conviction of sin gives us a wake- before God! Life's basic problem is not
have no sense of sinfulness. The carnal up call to repent and be cleansed at the that we need a bigger house or a new job
mind manages to suppress guilt, deny it, cross. Serious problems arise, however, or more friends. It's not even our need of
or project it onto others. when one who is already faithful in Christ a happy self-image. Our basic problem is
In 1983, my family moved to be close still suffers unresolved guilt. Such spiri guilt before God. And everyone on Planet
to the Adventist Media Center in Califor tual harassment is worse than unneces Earth stands guilty before God. "But now
nia. We soon found a house we wanted. sary it's deadly. Ellen White coun the righteousness of God apart from the
To raise the 5 percent down payment, we seled an uncertain believer, "The feeling law is revealed, being witnessed by the
sold most of what we owned, even my of guiltiness must be laid at the foot of the Law and the Prophets, even the righ
computer and our trusty Mazda GLC. cross, or it will poison the springs of teousness of God which is through faith in
Needing something on wheels beyond life." 1 Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe.
my bicycle, I bought an old Rabbit diesel, Feelings often fool us. I remember ... For all have sinned... being justified
one of those leftover energy crisis spe feeling bad about a scholastic aptitude freely by His grace through the redemp
cials with the extra gas tank. If you know test I had taken in high school until I got tion that is in Christ Jesus" (verses 21-
anything about diesels, you know they notice that it had qualified me for a 24).
have trouble when they run hot. You had scholarship. Feelings can work the other Praise the Lord, Christ's sacrifice on
better keep the radiator water level up, or way, too. My friend down the hall felt (Continued on page 18)

Global Mission,
my mission
J. David Newman

hen entering the in the statistical column is not matched
atrium in the Gen by growth in the character department?
eral Conference Is it possible that even our statistics are
headquarters build not as accurate as we would like?
ing in Silver Spring, Now, I believe in church growth and
Maryland, you im evangelism. I am presently preparing to
mediately notice a conduct a major evangelistic series in
huge globe of the world. It is a topo Durban, South Africa. And I am asking
Is our church graphical map turning slowly on its axis, some very critical questions about what
growth flawed? with only the physical features of the
world displayed.
will happen in those meetings. I do not
want them to turn out like some other
Are we preaching Your attention then shifts to several
plaques around the base of the globe.
meetings I have heard about. While
baptisms are important, there must be
the pure gospel? They list the names of the division and
union offices. But there seems to be no
more than baptisms. I want people
discipled for Jesus Christ.
Should we revise the relationship between the globe and the
Problems in evangelism
27 fundamental plaques. You do not know that there is
supposed to be a light shining at the spot Is our world turning without much
beliefs? on the globe where each office is lo
cated. However, every light ceased func
light? A close friend of mine who served
as ministerial secretary of a union told of
tioning some six months ago. I am told one campaign that resulted in 1,000 bap
that it is difficult to keep the fiber optic tisms. One year later he traveled to that
bulbs shining without burning out. locality to evaluate the long-term results.
However, without the shining lights He found only 57 people out of the more
the globe is nothing more than an art than 1,000 who had been baptized. The
object. I view this sphere each day as I other 943 were still listed on the church
climb the stairs to my office. Watching books and will probably remain there
it spin without any light leaves me won for years to come.
dering about our church. Is it possible During Harvest 90 many administra
that we have a world church that is tors felt tremendous pressure to meet
constantly in motion, but with little light? their goals. One field president experi
Could our progress in fulfilling the gos enced difficulty reaching his target. So
pel commission be less than we think? he talked to a local chief and promised
We have heard exciting reports about him seven bales of clothing if he could
/. David Newman,
D.Min., is editor of the success of our church around the deliver 1,000 people for baptism. By the
Ministry. This world. We rejoice over every person end of the year his tally of 953 people was
article is an edited won to Christ. We look forward to even close enough to get the clothing. But
version of a greater things happening under Global these people knew little about Advent-
devotional given at Mission. But is it possible that under ism and even less about the gospel.
the 1991 Annual
Council in Perth, neath all the optimism, all the euphoria, In a recent Adventist Review, Editor
Australia. all the movement, all might not be as William Johnsson interviewed David Lin,
well as we would like? Is it possible that former secretary of the China Division.
we are making progress without much Pastor Lin reported on similar pressures
light? Is it possible that church growth to achieve results in the old China Divi-

same trap that the Jews fell into when the beast? The Sabbath? The sanctuary
they declared, "We are Abraham's seed," doctrine? Or is it the cross of Christ? Is
Is it possible that and then turned around and crucified the
Messiah. We can boast that we are the
it justification by faith? Ellen White re
minds us that "justification by faith . . .
some of our people, remnant church and at the same time bear is the third angel's message in verity"
false witness to the gospel. (SelectedMessages, book l,p. 372). But
and even some of Ellen White prophesied about our how do our members regard it? Do they
our pastors and church that "in the balances of the sanc
tuary the Seventh-day Adventist Church
see the cross as the essence of Advent-
evangelists, are is to be weighed. She will be judged by
the privileges and advantages that she has The cross the focus
motivated by had. If her spiritual experience does not What does it take to make Global
correspond to the advantages that Christ, Mission my mission? What was so pow
reasons other than at infinite cost, has bestowed on her, if the erful about the early church's witness?
the cross of Christ? blessings conferred have not qualified
her to do the work entrusted to her, on her
They preached Jesus Christ and Him
crucified as the only hope of the world.
will be pronounced the sentence: 'Found Paul wrote to the Corinthians saying:
wanting.' By the light bestowed, the "For Christ did not send me to bap
opportunities given, will she be judged" tize, but to preach the gospel not with
sion. He told of how pastors would invite (Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 247). words of human wisdom, lest the cross of
their friends and relatives to a meeting But you say, "Are we not winning Christ be emptied of its power.
and then ask them to be baptized. Out of many people? We must be doing God's "For the message of the cross is fool
respect for the pastor they would accept, will." Let's pause for a moment. Is it ishness to those who are perishing, but to
not because they had fallen in love with possible that some of our people, and us who are being saved it is the power of
Jesus and accepted His salvation. even some of our pastors and evangelists, God. . . .
Church membership records are highly are motivated by reasons other than the "But we preach Christ crucified: a
inflated in some areas. Eight years ago cross of Christ? For example, Jehovah's stumbling block to Jews and foolishness
one conference decided to do something Witnesses are one of the fastest growing to Gentiles, but to those whom God has
about it and dropped 14,155 people in one religions in the world, but they have a called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the
year. Instead of being the largest confer righteousness-by-works-dominated reli power of God and the wisdom of God"
ence in the union it dropped to third gion. They know nothing about the cross (1 Cor. 1:17, 23).
largest. and the imputed righteousness of Christ, Then he concludes this opening sec
I realize it is quite possible that the yet their members are going door-to- tion of his letter with these powerful
examples cited are isolated incidents, door, often putting our own members to words:
small blips on an otherwise successful shame. The Mormons are also one of the "I resolved to know nothing while I
enterprise (please write and let me know fastest growing religions. Many of them was with you except Jesus Christ and him
of similar episodes in your area). It is sacrifice two years of their life to witness crucified" (1 Cor. 2:2). Jesus said: "I,
difficult to find out for sure because no for their faith. They probably cite their when I am lifted up from the earth, will
one likes to talk about this side of our figures as proof of God's blessing. draw all men to myself (John 12:32).
work. Who wants to be the bearer of bad People join religious groups for vari Peter declared: "There is no other name
tidings? It is much more encouraging to ous reasons. Many feel the need of a under heaven given to men by which we
praise God for the marvelous things hap structured life: they want boundaries, so must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
pening in the area that used to make up the they are impressed with a group that has Just a few weeks ago I talked to a lady
Soviet Union, for example, than to deal strong beliefs. People would rather join in one of the area churches. The doctors
with problems that develop. But unless a conservative church than a liberal one had discovered a tumor in her abdomen
we are willing to be honest and candid, but are they joining for the right reasons? and decided she would have to enter the
we will find that we are moving, spin The Jews of the Old Testament were hospital. Naturally she wondered if it
ning, progressing, growing, but with little God's people. God had given them tre would be cancerous. She told me that she
light. mendous light, yet Jesus denounced their was frightened about the possibility of
soul winning in these terms: "Woe to dying and leaving two small children
Laodicean church you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, without a mother. "Can I pray to God to
We admit that we are the Laodicean you hypocrites! You travel over land and heal me without any conditions? Is it ever
church. But we don't like to dwell on sea to win a single convert, and when he God's will that my children should be left
being "wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and becomes one, you make him twice as without a mother?" she asked.
naked" (Rev. 3:17).* We prefer to see much a son of hell as you are" (Matt. How would you answer that question?
ourselves as rich and successful. 23:15). So statistical growth in and of What theological point would you use?
Ellen White was extremely positive itself is no guarantee of truth. In fact, it Which one of the 27 doctrines would help
about our church. Without her counsel can easily lull us into a false security. the most? All I could do was point her to
our organization would never have grown When I mention the three angels' Calvary. I said, "I cannot answer your
to be the size it is today. However, we messages, what is the very first thought question, but I can tell you this: God
must be careful that we do not fall into the that pops into your mind? The mark of loves you. The cross demonstrates that

fact. God loved us so much that He was Testament church. They are attempting
willing to come here and become one of to recapture the same fire and enthusiasm
His creatures. He died a death that He that shocked the Jewish authorities and Some are afraid that
if we dwell too much
did not deserve a cruel and horrible the Roman world. And some of their
death. If God did not love us, He would methods shock us, too. They want a
not have died on Calvary. Place your
faith in Jesus. Don't look within for
church on fire for Jesus Christ; a church
that is longing for His soon return. upon the cross we
assurance: look outside yourself. Look
at the cross, and God will give you your
But there is a danger. When I said a
celebration church, I meant it. Today any
will minimize victory
answer." church that innovates with contemporary over sin. But victory
All this happened during the break
between Sabbath school and church. I
music and overheads is tagged a celebra
tion church. Most of these churches are comes when we lift
made an appointment to see her that next
Tuesday night before her operation Fri
not celebration churches modeled after
what is happening in certain other places.
up the cross.
day. Unfortunately, an emergency arose There seems (and I stress seems) to be an
that caused me to fly 500 miles away on underlying theology that is at the basis of
the day of her appointment and not some of these churches where attendance
return till late that night. When I called has mushroomed. This theology some
to tell her I would miss our meeting, she interpret as saying all that matters is Jesus independent Sabbathkeeping church.
said: and the cross, and we don't necessarily
"It's all right, pastor; I am now at need all the traditional doctrines and Justification by faith
peace. I did what you said. I went to the standards of the Adventist Church. These Herein lies our church's dilemma or
cross, and now I am content; I know that churches are reacting against the legal- tension. Do we, like Paul, preach Christ
whatever God wills will be what is best ism and heavy emphasis on doctrine in and Him crucified as our main mes
for me and my family." our church. sage the message that galvanized the
I visited her Sabbath, the day before One 22-year-old with whom I have early church, that brought thousands flock
leaving for the Annual Council meet been dialoguing quite extensively told ing into its ranks? Or do we preach
ings in Australia. A big smile filled her me just two weeks ago, "I grew up in the something else?
face. The tumor was not malignant. Adventist Church. My parents believed Some are afraid that if we dwell too
What a time of rejoicing we had to the doctrines and gave Bible studies all much upon the cross we will minimize
gether. the time. But all I remember hearing in victory over sin. But victory comes when
the church were the 'don'ts' and the we lift up the cross. Justification by faith
What makes the difference? 'musts.' You don't do this on Sabbath. is what God did in Christ 2,000 years ago.
A "celebration church" has just be You don't eat this or wear that. You don't It is not first what God does in us, but what
gun in the Washington, D.C., area. It go there or watch this. You must live a He has done for us. Ellen White dealt
met for the first time Sabbath, Septem good life so that your name will not be with this concern when she said: "Some
ber 26. A core of some 12 families stricken from the records when Christ of our brethren have expressed fears that
mailed out 300 invitations to their friends comes to your name in the heavenly we shall dwell too much upon the subject
and relatives. Three hundred twenty- sanctuary. You must pay your tithe; you of justification by faith, but I hope and
five adults and children met in that first must study your Sabbath school lesson; pray that none will be needlessly alarmed;
worship experience. They plan to meet you must go Ingathering. You must... for there is no danger in presenting this
once a month for four months on a trial You don't. ..." doctrine as it is set forth in the Scriptures.
basis. How many evangelists would be He told me, "You believe that it is If there had not been a remissness in the
delighted to receive that kind of re possible to really make the doctrines of past to properly instruct the people of
sponse from so few mailings! the Adventist Church Christ-centered. I God, there would not now be a necessity
What made the difference? They and some of the other people starting this of calling a special attention to it.... The
made Jesus Christ and Him crucified new church are beginning to believe that exceeding great and precious promises
their mission. They wanted a church that is not possible. We believe that the given us in the Holy Scriptures have been
service where praising Jesus Christ in Adventist boat is so encrusted with bar lost sight of to a great extent, just as the
word and song consumed their entire nacles that it is now impossible to clean enemy of all righteousness designed that
attention. People responded to that cross- them all off. We would rather build a new they should be. He has cast his own dark
centered focus. While this new church is bpat a boat without some of the shadow between us and our God, that we
springing into being, the Adventist distinctives." may not see the true character of God.
churches surrounding it are barely grow If this is the foundation of much of The Lord has proclaimed Himself to be
ing, and there is certainly no motivation what goes for true "celebration" (and that 'merciful and gracious, long-suffering,
for the members of these other churches has not yet been clearly established) then and abundant in goodness and truth' "
to invite their friends and neighbors to we will find that some of these churches (Selected Messages, book 1, p. 372).
Sabbath services. will eventually leave the denomination. I compare the gospel to a picture and
Why not? The answer has grave The Sabbath is just about the only distinc the doctrines of the Adventist Church to
implications for our church. These tive they still hold on to. But it is very a frame. You do not need a frame to show
people are attempting to rebuild the New difficult, if not impossible, to maintain an the picture, but a well-chosen frame cer-

was with you except Jesus Christ and him message concerning lifestyle has degen
crucified." erated to emphasis on a half-dozen areas
When people hear That did not mean that Paul did not
deal with other issues in his letter to the
where we must be different and outside
of that we apparently think we can live as
the name Seventh- Corinthians. But it is amazing how little we please. This has given rise to all kinds
day Adventist, a the New Testament says about how to
keep the Sabbath, pay tithe, refrain from
of contradictions. It has also caused
many of our people to consider giving up
picture of the cross unclean foods, discard jewelry, and so
on. The principles can all be found there,
even these few standards, because they
wonder why they are so important and not
should flash through but there is very little emphasis on detail
except as it pertained to a specific situa
the dozens of other areas in which the
church has not spoken.
their minds rather tion. We tend today to major on applica We need to remind ourselves what it
than one of our tion and minor on principle.
How can we help our members recap
means to be a disciple of Christ. The
gospel commission is much more than
peculiar doctrines. ture the same spirit that existed at Pente
cost the same enthusiasm, the same
baptizing; it is making disciples of people
who are reflecting the character of Jesus.
joy, the same peace? I believe that we I hope that by the time I return to the
need to reconsider how we have written GC, the bulbs will be lit on the globe in
our 27 fundamentals. I would like to see the atrium (they were). I hope that as our
us take the cross, the plan of salvation, out church makes its plans at this Annual
of the 27 and make it first, make it the Council we will be interested in more
tainly draws attention to the picture and foundation of our doctrinal statement. than just numbers, statistics, growth,
showcases it beautifully. The problem Then under this clear emphasis and de movement, etc. For we can have all of
occurs when the frame becomes so large scription of the gospel, show how the these without Jesus Christ. I hope that we
and so dominant that it overwhelms the following 26 doctrines are the frame that will look for ways to constantly uplift the
picture. Now people notice the frame surrounds the gospel without obscuring cross. While looking forward to His
rather than the picture. That which was it. second coming we must be constantly
intended to enhance now obscures. Or to change the analogy, the 26 are looking backward 2,000 years to His first
Our 27 fundamental doctrines are a the setting in which the diamond, the coming.
case in point. Salvation is listed as one of gospel, is placed. Every jeweler knows When we do that, God will be able to
the 27, but it is more than just one of the that while the true value resides in the work through us in ways we cannot now
27. Take salvation out of the 27, and it gem itself, its beauty and color can be imagine. His glory will lighten the earth.
does not matter how well you keep the magnified and improved by the type of Everyone will make his or her decision
remaining 26 no one will make it to setting surrounding it. No one would for or against Jesus. Jesus will come, and
heaven. But keep salvation and eliminate mistake the setting for the diamond. No our Global Mission will have been com
the 26, and a person can still make it to one would mistake the frame for the pleted. We will go home to spend eter
heaven.** I sometimes tell people that it picture. And yet that is exactly what has nity with Him.
is harder to get into the Adventist Church happened in our church. As Ellen White so pointedly reminded
than it is to get into heaven. Only one I would love to see this voted at our us: "Christ crucified talk it, pray it, sing
thing is required for heaven faith next General Conference session at it, and it will break and win hearts. This
while 27 are required to join our church. Utrecht as part of the emphasis of Global is the power and wisdom of God to gather
Mission being made personal because of souls for Christ" (Testimonies, vol. 6, p.
The picture and frame a Person, Jesus Christ. (Again, if you like 67).
If we want our people to make Global this idea, please let me know.) People "For I resolved to know nothing while
Mission their mission, we must go to should join our church because they love I was with you except Jesus Christ and
extraordinary lengths to make Jesus Jesus, not because they are impressed him crucified."
prominent to them. We must make it with a logical presentation of doctrine. If * Bible texts used in this article are from the
crystal clear that our salvation is based we are to turn the world upside down, we New International Version.
not on what we do, or any change in us, have got to let the world know that we **I am not implying that a person can will
but on what God did in Christ at Calvary. preach Christ and Him crucified. When fully reject the 26 and still make it to heaven. Jesus
We are saved not because of what we people hear the name Seventh-day said, "If you love Me, you will keep My command
have done, but because of what Jesus has Adventist, a picture of the cross should ments." It is just that the 26 are never the basis of
done. Whenever we look within for flash through their minds rather than one salvation.
merit, whenever we emphasize imparted, of our peculiar doctrines.
Bible credits: Texts credited to NIV arc from the Holy
or infused, righteousness above the im God has commissioned our church to Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973,
puted righteousness of Christ, we ob provide the same function that John the 1978,1984, International Bible Society. Used by permis
scure the picture. We begin to enlarge the Baptist fulfilled when announcing the sion of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Texts credited to
NKJV are from The New King James Version. Copyright
frame. The solution to humanity's prob first coming of Jesus. We must live the 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson. Inc., Publishers.
lems is not health reform, the Sabbath, same kind of lifestyle John lived, which Bible texts credited to RSV are from the Revised Standard
etc., but Jesus. Version of the Bible, copyright 1946,1952,1971,by the
gave credence to his message. Godly Division of Christian Education of the National Council of
"I resolved to know nothing while I living is important. Unfortunately our the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission.

youth cry out!
Roger Dudley and can sum up the whole filling out the questionnaire, hundreds of
Gan-Theow Ng problem of keeping
the youth in the
young people took time to pour out their
hearts concerning their experience with
I church with three
words: lack of atten
tion! The church has
the Adventist Church. They did it be
cause they sincerely hope the church will
listen and then act. They invested their
something for every effort on the chance that it might bring
age group except the youth. I think the about change. While we cannot begin to
older members of our churches need to be include all of the comments, we have
Young people share aware that there are youth and that we are selected some that we believe to be typi
their dreams and looking to them for leadership. If a
person can't find his shoes in one room,

dilemmas for the he goes to another room to look, right?

Well, if young people can't find leader
Importance placed on youth
Many of the teens told us that they
church. ship and guidance from our older church
members, then we look for it elsewhere.
don't believe the church really cares
about them. "As I grow older," writes
Hence so many youth are leaving the one, "I am beginning to feel that I'm not
church. Maybe the church as a denomi important to the church. Our Sabbath
nation should help us youth 'find our school is a joke, because it's the depart
shoes.' " ment that gets leftovers for teachers.
So writes one of our teenage corre When I'm home from school, I just skip
spondents in the North American Divi Sabbath school, because it eliminates the
sion Youth Retention Study. By now the frustrations I feel when I try to lead the
Seventh-day Adventist Church in North teacher into topics that really matter, but
America is aware that the division's Edu to no avail. Then when I walk into
cation and Church Ministries departments church, instead of receiving a normal
have commissioned the Institute of bulletin, the lady reaches into the bottom
Church Ministry (ICM) to conduct a 10- of the pile and hands me one with no
Roger Dudley, Ed.D., year study of Adventist youth with spe cover on it. The next people (adults) who
is the director of the cial emphasis on the factors that are come in get normal ones. Sometimes I
Institute of Church related to young people's decisions to don't get one at all. She says, 'If no more
Ministry at the
drop out of or remain in the Adventist people come in, I'll give you one.' I know
Seminary, Andrews Church. Earlier reports have appeared in this sounds very silly and it is, but it is
University, Berrien the Adventist Review (Dec. 15, 1988), those little things that add up and make
Springs, Michigan. Ministry (October 1989), and the Journal people feel just a little less important.
ofAdventist Education (April-May 1990). Maybe it is a lot of 'little' reasons that
ICM has now collected data for the make people want to leave the church.
third year of the study. This time we I'm an adult, and I just wish my home
heard from 1,083 young people, 17 or 18 church would treat me like one. Is that
years of age, scattered all over the United too much to ask? And is it too much to ask
At the time of writing Gan-Theow Ng was a Ph.D. States and Canada. While we will be to have a meaningful lesson study?"
candidate at the Theological Seminary, Andrews
University. He is currently teaching at the
providing statistical information on a regu Some young people complain that the
Adventist International Institute of Advanced lar basis, much can be learned by reading church talks about the importance of its
Studies in Manila, Philippines. the write-in comments. In addition to youth, but that's all it is -just talk. Listen

whom they are related to pastors, school rigidity. One reason that I am attending
principals, conference officials, etc. If a non-Adventist college is that I wanted
"You adults out you're not in tight with these people,
you're either ignored or frowned upon.
to be able to think for myself, not be told
what to think by someone else. I wish the
there would be SDAs are hypocrites, too. That's why I
don't go to church anymore."
church were more open and flexible."
What we have may be good, the youth
surprised if you Hypocrisy is often associated with say, but perhaps we don't have the em
knew how much we favoritism. Two young people com
ment: "Our church is so hypocritical. I
phasis quite right. "The Adventist Church
carries its legalistic approach to Christi
youth follow your feel our church is the most snobbish
church I've been to. They judge every
anity a bit too far. All these rales, regu
lations, and other stuff are good, and yes,
examples." one^. Something needs to be done." "I they are helpful in life. Being an Adventist
feel that Adventists on the whole really all my life, I've grown up accepting all
turn a lot of people away from God if they these things. But! for that person who is
don't have a lot of money. I feel this is looking for a church home, Seventh-day
wrong, and I'm disappointed because I Adventism can be a very scary ordeal.
feel my parents are doing the best they The first thing he/she learns about our
to this cry: "The problem with the church can for me. I think we are well-to-do, but church is not the love of God and how
is with people. You see, these people are because we are not rich, the other stu special it is to have a close relationship
really all for the youth program, but their dents are not as friendly because I am not with Him. No. Instead, he/she hears:
interest is so artificial, it's ridiculous. in the same class as they are moneywise." 'Well, we Adventists have 832 rales. We
During the program they'll all be riled up What the teens are really looking for don't eat all sorts of stuff, we don't smoke,
and say, 'We support our youth.' But is evidence of caring. "You adults out we don't drink, we don't wear jewelry.
after the meeting we don't exist at all', there would be surprised if you knew how Oh, I see you're wearing aring. Well, you
We come to them with our problems and much we youth follow your examples. So are definitely going to have to take it off
they ignore us, or give us the classic line don't be hypocritical. Don't ignore us forever when you join our church, or else
'It was a lot harder when I was a kid.' when we come to you for help. Don't you'll go straight to hell. Have a happy
They couldn't be more wrong! We youth treat us like we were unintelligent subhu Sabbath.' Naturally you know that I'm
have so much thrown at us today it's man life forms. But most of all care. exaggerating, but it is true that we em
almost unbearable. Drags, alcohol, sex, Don't be afraid to show a little love once phasize our legalism and frown upon
and gangs are just the tip of the iceberg of in a while." "I wish that SDAs would love anyone who breaks one of the command
what we face every day, 365 days a year." one another for what they are and not ments. It's no wonder that so many
Many of the young people really do destroy their fellow members with hatred people are scared away, not only those
want to be involved and are genuinely and criticism." who are considering membership but also
concerned for the future of the church. those already in the church."
Here's a typical one: "I see discontent Legalism or Jesus Perhaps what we need is more of an
and boredom among those in our age Adventist young people seem to be emphasis on a personal relationship with
group, and I wish so badly the youth and reacting against the legalism they have Jesus. Says one correspondent: "I be
I could find enthusiasm. But it's very experienced in the church. "I support the lieve that the SDA Church is 'right.' But
difficult to want to be involved when our SDA Church completely, but I also have it seems that there is a certain element
ideas and opinions are considered to be some problems with it. I think that the lacking in regard to youth and their inter
too radical and not important. Everyone reason the SDA Church loses so many est in the church. I would say a large
tells us we are the church of tomorrow, youth is that the youth see the church as majority are not interested in church or
but millions of others and I are trying to not inviting. The reason for this is that Christianity. Why? I don't know why.
tell you and anyone else who will listen they don't realize that they need to have Maybe there is a problem with church
that there will be no church of tomorrow a relationship with Christ. They see the activities, or the lack of interest for the
if we are not recognized, accepted as we rules as legalistic and something they church is just a passing phase in the lives
are, and allowed to put our youthful have to do instead of realizing that they of teens, or maybe it has to do with
energy and new ideas into effect. Time keep the commandments because of their Adventist thinking in general. I think that
moves forward, not backward, just like relationship with Christ, not so that one just possibly there is too much emphasis
science and technology." can be an SDA." placed on doctrines and practices rather
The subject of rules raises in youth the than on a personal relationship with
Hypocrisy in the caring church issue ofprinciples and open-mindedness. Christ." Writes another: "I feel very
Many youth are turned off by the Here are two letters: "Our church has so confused and frustrated with the SDA
hypocrisy they perceive in older church many unnecessary rales. The leaders Church and my religion right now. I've
members. Says one: "I think the church become so concerned about petty little seen, heard, and understood all the whys
is tied up in too much politics. The last things. Our religion has become too and hows of our church doctrines all my
SDA school I went to, I was picked on and legalistic!" "Older members of the church life. I even agree with 99.9 percent of
laughed at, etc., because I wasn't as well tend to blindly follow picky rules, rather them. But what is bothering me now is
dressed; Almost all the SDA people than study the underlying principles. This the lack of love, unity, and honest people
(adults included) rate other members by often leads to closed-mindedness and trying to live like Jesus seven days a week

instead of just on Sabbath. Of what from my home. I haven't attended church
meaning are our doctrines if we don't since then and would like to go back, but
show God's love unconditionally to ev I feel the members would make me feel "Church and a new
eryone!" uncomfortable with their churchly con
cern and questions. I am also worried that relationship with
Trials and temptations
One of the most moving experiences
my appearance will startle them into think
ing that my weight loss and somewhat
God have given me a
involved in this research is reading the gaunt appearance suggests drug use in new life, and I am
responses of Adventist youth who share stead of truth stress and little money
the pain of their personal trials and temp with which to buy food. With my luck eternally grateful!
tations. "I don't quite know what to say,
but one thing is for sure: it is getting
they'll try to put me in some sort of
substance-free class that will only make Our religion is
harder every day to be a Seventh-day
Adventist Christian. Other things seem
me angry and for which I've no time or
need. After I was kicked out of home, not
so much more appealing. I pray that the one church member called me or visited
leaders of our church will someday be me to see if I was OK or to give me any
able to make our religion more attractive support, not even to baby-sit their chil
than worldly pleasures." "I like the church dren like I always had. Even my academy
and I love my Lord. But these days it friends have pulled away from me, prob
comes hard for me. I feel I have wandered ably feeling that they have little in com 'turn it over to Jesus' and smile the rest of
away from the Lord. I struggle to come mon with me. They are right, I suppose, the day! Church and a new relationship
back, but I feel lost. None of my friends since my concerns of what to wear to with God have given me a new life, and
understand. I have no real friends who vespers and of being 'put on social' have I am eternally grateful! Our religion is
attend church. I've talked to my girl now been replaced by rent payments and wonderful!"
friend, but she doesn't understand how I groceries. For now I guess I don't have Jesus did not countenance sin, but He
feel about the Lord. For a while I forget much need for the church and their social loved sinners and drew them to Him.
about the Lord, but now I want Him back circles, but I still pray often, and God is Sometimes a teenager is fortunate enough
in my life. I pray to the Lord to show me truly after all my best friend." to find a local congregation that models
the way back. I want to serve the Lord and such an attitude. The effect can be very
dedicate my life to Him." Happiness and satisfaction poignant. "Recently my boyfriend and I
With the youth the Christian life often Not all youth are disappointed. Some had a baby boy. While we love each other
becomes an up-and-down struggle be have found theirfaith to be satisfying and very much, I myself don't feel I'm ready
tween the desire to do right and the pull fulfilling. Here are some comments: for marriage. My boyfriend and I have
ofthe world. "My relationship with Christ "Overall I feel the SDA [faith] is the been together for two years, and I feel we
is like this. Jesus is a medicine, and when closest thing to the truth. We are a group have grown together both mentally and
I get sick I take a dose of this medicine. of people who have a lot of faith in God. physically. We are giving our baby all
But as I get better, I feel like I can I am happy with my religion and plan to the love and security we can until the time
recuperate the rest of the way on my own stay with it throughout my education and comes when we feel we are ready for
and quit taking the medicine for a while. my life." "I love my church and the marriage. While our church does not
So I end up getting sick again. This is fellowship we have." "I am very satisfied fully agree with our decision, they are
repeated over and over, and I end up with my religion. I want to become so standing beside us and helping us out
never getting well." "I want a good much more in life, for myself and for where they can. It has helped to go to
relationship with God really I do. But Christ. I'm fighting to be more like Him church and still be welcome. Even though
I find myself always 'playing with fire.' for my sake and for His." I've made a lot of mistakes, I want my
I seem to test everything, have urges to go Often that satisfaction is related to little boy to grow up with the knowledge
out on Sabbaths (to concerts, parties, belonging to a local congregation that is that Jesus is his Saviour too."
etc.), and I feel empty. The only way I can warm and caring. "My church is very We have selected only a sample from
fill the emptiness is to accept God as interesting. When anyone has problems, our large collection of comments. This
number one in my life. For a while I do, everyone helps each other out. They sample helps us get a feel of what North
but then some sort of temptation will respect everyone. They take everyone American Adventist youth are saying.
come along, and God seems to come in for who he or she is. My whole family The cry of youth! A cry for significance,
second. I don't like putting Him second, from both sides goes there." "I was a cry for genuineness, a cry for relation
but I guess I just don't think. I guess that's recently rebaptized. I found that I loved ship, a cry for understanding and support.
only human. I love God. I have every the church. Church now is something Our young people are at risk. A whole
possible reason to love Him. I have so that I look forward to and enjoy. I have generation could be lost to the church.
many blessing from Him. I need Him." joined the collegiate choir and am also And yet it is a generation of promise and
In the midst of trials young people volunteering some time in a youth center, idealism, a generation that might lead the
look wistfully to the church for under working to set up a program to aid preg church on to final victory. The loving,
standing and support. Sometimes they nant teenage mothers. Though money is supportive attitudes these youth find in
are disappointed. "I was kicked out of the tight and the loss of my mom's job has put their local congregations could spell the
Adventist academy I attended and then pressure on the whole family, I can still difference between failure or success.

scriptural concept
Eric C. Livingston

he Adventist doc "What is this that you have done?" (Gen.
trine of a last-day in 3:9-13). It is only after this investigation 3
vestigative judgment that decisions are announced (verses 14-
raises a twofold ob 19) and executed (verse 22ff).
jection from critics. The whole episode portrays, among
One aspect concerns other things, fair and considered dealing
God's knowledge; in each case. We find no arbitrariness, as
Investigative the other the believer's assurance. Says
Hoekema, a foremost critic of the
each successive question (naturally) fol
lows the previous question. A willing
judgment does not Adventist position: "The investigative
judgment doctrine impugns the sover
ness to dialogue, probe, and reflect is
evident. Investigation suggests delibera
threaten a believer's eignty of God, since it implies that nei tion, openness, and equity.
This encounter with sin in Genesis is
assurance, but ther God the Father nor Christ knows who
are truly God's people until after this God's first reaction to an alien principle
enhances it. examination has been concluded. This
distinction between the forgiveness of
invading His ordered system of relation
ships. It sets a pattern, in principle, for
sins and the blotting out of sins which future reactions by God to man's sin. As
Seventh-day Adventists make jeopardizes sin multiplied, God's judgments were not
the security of the child of God, and portrayed as personal and immediate.
makes it impossible for anyone to know, Hence the importance to note the prin
even in the hour of his death, whether he ciples in their clarity at the outset.
is saved or not." 1 The equitable value of a deliberative,
This article seeks to show that the idea investigative phase of judgment was re
of an inquiry stage in God's judgments is inforced in the Cain-Abel-Yahweh epi
explicit from the first sin, and that believ sode. "Where is Abel your brother?"
ers ' apprehension of this fact is a basis for "What have you done?" (Gen. 4:9, 10).
present reassurance. It will be shown that The same sequence is repeated: sin, in
1133 Eric Livingston is a this attests the equity of Deity, that it does vestigation, and then the verdict of the
pastor-evangelist in not deny divine omniscience, and that it Judge.
Emerald, Queensland, has pastoral relevance for the faithful.2 From the audioevaluation (God ask
Australia. ing questions) in Genesis 3 and 4, the
Genesis—the foundation of a historical Scriptures move to visual evaluations in
pattern Genesis 6 (the Flood), 10 (the Tower of
From God's handling of the first sin a Babel), and 18 (Sodom and Gomorrah).
pattern of (and for) judicial procedure Some legal and semilegal language, sug
emerges. First comes the inquiry, or gesting judicial inquiry, is used in these
investigation: "Where are you?" "Who accounts,4 but the general pictures them
told you?" "Have you eaten of the tree?" selves portray God's thorough investiga-

tion prior to judicial action. We see this in would reassure all onlookers of God's
Genesis 11:5-6: " And Yahweh came down objectivity and impartiality in judgment
to see the city and the tower which the sons
of mankind built.
by making "public" the facts upon which
weighty decisions are made. The design
Throughout the
"And Yahweh said, 'Behold, the people
are one, and they all have one language,
is not to deny God's omniscience, but to
share it.
historical variety we
and this they are beginning to do . . .' " see a consistent
Yahweh chooses to picture Himself as one
who investigates firsthand, reflects, and
Lawsuit and court trial imagery in
the prophets portrayal of the
then decides.5
The divine judgment upon Sodom and
Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, and other
prophets make frequent use of language
inquiry phase in
Gomorrah was an "example," or "pat and imagery taken from the law court. God's judicial
tern" (2 Peter 2:6; Jude 7; cf. Deut. 29:23; Israel and the nations are arrayed before
Isa. 1:10). The way God depicts His God's judgment bar, facts are stated,
handling of this pattern judgment is sig inquires are made, and reasoning is in
nificant. Most of Genesis 18 and 19 vited (e.g., Isa. 1; 43:8-13, 22-28).
describes God's deliberations prior to His In Isaiah 45:19ff the nations "are to
punitive act. Abraham has loved ones in present their arguments and state their
Sodom and surrounding cities (Gen. 13; case in a public examination of the issues tute part of the biblical prerepresentation
14). The patriarch might misunderstand involved." 9 Earlier, Yahweh summons of the great final judgment.
this severe judgment, so Yahweh reveals Judah: "Cause Me to remember, let us The fact that the New Testament
His intentions beforehand (Gen. 18:16- judge together; you relate [your case], projects the Sodom and Gomorrah judg
19). that you may be justified" (Isa. 43:26). 10 ment of eternal fire as a "pattern" 13 judg
Abraham was the founding father of a The great Judge is willing to be in ment encourages us to view God's han
unique nation designed to "keep the way formed or reminded, meaning "you shall dling of the whole event. It is well to
of Yahweh to do righteousness and jus have a fair hearing; no evidence shall be remember that the biblical retelling is
tice" (Gen. 18:19). Thus he needed to be suppressed." 11 dominated by Yahweh's prior investiga
inducted into God's open,6 deliberative Knowing His innocence, and feeling tion with its "justice" dialogue (Gen.
inquiry phase of divine judgment.7 Later secure in God as justifier of His people in 18:19).
covenantal legislation reflected this: "The judgment, the Servant in Isaiah turns the Now, because there is a consistent
judges shall carefully inquire" (Deut. picture around. He challenges any ad portrayal of the inquiry phase in God's
19:18); "Then you shall inquire, and versary to file a lawsuit (cf. Zech. 3:1), judicial process, believers caught in criti
make search, and ask diligently" (Deut. because "near is my Vindicator, who cal situations reacted in a definite way,
13:14); "and inquired diligently" (Deut. will contend with me? Let us stand like the Servant of Isaiah 50 (though not
17:4). together. Who is the master of my so calmly). This is more frequently seen
Accordingly, Yahweh gives an an judgment? Let him come near to me" in the Writings.
thropomorphic representation of a per (Isa. 50:8).
sonal investigation to make His judicial It is apparent that the "investigative The Writings—man's response
procedure very clear: "And Yahweh said, judgment" concept has a variety of pre It is in the Writings that humanity's
'The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah (be sentations. In the patriarchal period the response to God is particularly found.
cause it is much) and their sin (because it inquiry notion is acted out by Yahweh; in The book of Psalms is the heart of this
is great) I will go down now, and I will the prophets it is communicated through response.
see if they have done completely accord vivid literary pictures of legal summons In the Psalms the believer resound
ing to its outcry coming to Me, and if not and court trials. In the pre-Israelite ingly and positively echoes the idea of
I will know' " (Gen. 18:20, 21). period God addresses His judicial inves God's judicial investigations. Four times
As with the Tower of Babel (Gen. tigations informally to individuals (Gen. the psalmist cries out, "Judge me" (Ps.
11:5), the all-knowing Yahweh has no 3; 4) or reports similarly about certain 7:8; 26:1; 35:24; 43:1). The contexts
personal need to "go down" in order to groups of people (Gen. 6; 11; 18). In the indicate that a judicial examination with
"know," but He thoughtfully accommo prophets, and hence after establishment its consequent verdict of justification (for
dates Himself to the needs of His limited of the formal Yahweh-Israel covenant the faithful) is in view: 14 "Judge me,
creatures. A "public" investigation reas (Ex. 24:3-8), a more formal judicial ap Yahweh; for, in my integrity, I have
sures onlookers. "God chooses this mode proach is given through court scenes, walked, and in Yahweh I have trusted; I
of procedure to make apparent the fact with a sharp distinction made between shall not slide. Examine me, Yahweh,
that He, as Just Judge of all the earth, does Israel and other nations (cf. Isa. 43:8-13 and test me; try my reins and my heart.
nothing without first being in full posses with 22-28). For Your covenant loyalty is before my
sion of all facts." 8 The important point to note, though, eyes, and I have walked in Your truth"
In sum, it seems quite significant that is that throughout the historical variety (Ps. 26:1-4).
from the beginning, and in the clearest we see a consistent portrayal of the in Many times the psalmist was falsely
manner, God would portray Himself as quiry phase in God's judicial procedure. accused from within the covenant com
conducting diligent investigation into a This continues through New Testament munity, 15 leading to relational crises. Even
case prior to taking decisive action. This times, 12 and accordingly should consti- friends the psalmist had helped became

vate conscience and the local commu 1984), p. 253; John Skinner, Genesis (Edinburgh: T
nity. 19 and T Clark, 1930), p. 76.

God's omniscience is Conclusion

4 For example, 5 'q, "cry out" over injustice
(Gen. 4:10; 18:21; cf. Ex. 22:23,27; Judges4:3; Ps.

not threatened by
107:6,28; Job 19:7);m^(Gen.l8:19);^/i(18:19).
The idea and practice of an investiga Also, r' h "see" is often used in Genesis to convey the
tive phase in God's judgments have ap idea of understanding and perception through re
His public or peared consistently through history. It is flection, evaluation, and inquiry (6:5, 11; 11:5;
18:21; 26:28; 27:27; 30:1, 9; 31:50; 37:14; 39:14;
semipublic inquiries seen in narrative, legislative, prophetic,
and poetic literature of the Torah, Proph
5 "Jehovah's 'coming down'... is an anthropo
into human affairs. ets, and Writings. God acts out His
investigative judgment to Abraham and
morphic description of God's interposition in the
actions of men, primarily a 'judicial cognizance of
the actual fact,' and then, verse 7, a judicial infliction
has it legislated for judicial dealings within of punishment." C. F. Keil, Commentary on the OT
Israel. The prophets use it when pro (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978), 1:173.
claiming Yahweh's messages. God's "This shows the patience and long-suffering of
people appeal to it to restore harmony to God, that He did not immediately proceed against
defamers (Ps. 35:11-17). fragmented community life. them, and His wisdom and justice in taking cogni
When human justice failed, the psalm zance of the affair, and inquiring into it; examining
God's omniscience is not threatened the truth and reality of things before He passed
ist found refuge in God, who fairly and by His public or semipublic inquiries into judgment and took measures to hinder them in the
thoroughly investigates cries for judg human affairs. Rather, such investiga execution of their design; all of which must be
ment that come before Him. The disclo tions provide a forum for God to share understood agreeably to the Divine Majesty, and as
sure of such an inquiry would vindicate facts with finite minds, helping them accommodated to the capacities of men, and as an
the loyal covenant member. Such was instruction to them in judging matters they have a
understand His consequent actions. Pre- concern in." John Gill, Gill's Commentary (Grand
David's thought in his perplexing experi judgment investigation evinces delibera Rapids: Baker, 1980 reprint), vol. 1, p. 70.
ences fleeing before Saul: l6 tion and equity and an absence of arbi 6 That is, "open" to key personnel.
"And David said to Saul, Why do you trariness and partiality, speaking elo 7 See Skinner and Keil, on Gen. 18:17-19.
listen to men's words, saying, Behold, 8 H. C. Leupold, Exposition of Genesis (Grand
quently of the ways of God. Rapids: Baker, 1942), vol. 1, p. 547.
David is seeking to do you evil? Yahweh Appreciating this does not threaten a 9 , Exposition of Isaiah (London: Evan
will be judge, and will judge between me believer's assurance, but enhances it. The gelical Press, 1968), vol. 2, p. 130.
and you. And He will see, and plead my psalmists found this so. When their per 10 The verb sdq is used three times in law-court
cause (lawsuit), and judicially deliver me sonal peace and community harmony imagery in Isaiah: 43:9, 26; 45:25. Each time it
from your hand" (1 Sam. 24:9-15). appears in the same category or aspect of the He
were jeopardized, they appealed to God brew verb (the simple) as it does in Daniel 8:14,
This hope probably formed the back for a judicial examination, believing that where the context also calls for the restorative work
ground to more than one psalm of David a public revelation of the facts would of judgment.
(cf. superscripts of Psalms 57 and 142). vindicate their cause and restore peace in " Leupold, Isaiah, vol. 2, p. 94.
Some commentators see a sacral lawsuit 12 For example, in Christ's parable relating to the
Israel. The Servant of Isaiah 50 was examination of the wedding guests prior to the
actually acted out at the sanctuary. 17 secure in his Vindicator being near at marriage (Matt. 22:11-14); Rev. 11:1; 14:7 (notice
Consider the following: "If any man time of trial. the pre-Advent setting of this verse).
trespass against his neighbor, and an oath The same contributions of an "inves 13 (Hupo)deigma, 1 Peter 2:6; Jude 7. Cf. usage
be laid upon him to cause him to swear, tigative judgment" are for "Israel" today, elsewhere (e.g. Heb. 8:5).
and the oath come before Your altar in 14 Psalms 42 and 43 are to be linked together.
and for the universe as events lead to the 15 Psalms 7; 26; 28; 31; 42; 43.
this house: then hear Thou in heaven and great assize and universal restoration of 16 Happily, it is again becoming acceptable to see
do, and judge Your servants, condemn harmony. the life experiences of David as a background to
ing the wicked, to bring his way upon his many psalms. Quite a number of the individual
head; and justifying the righteous, to give laments well reflect the changing fortunes of David.
1 Anthony H. Hoekema, The Four Major Cults 17 There have been various modifications of the
him according to his righteousness" (1 (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1963), p. 122, as quoted in precise process since Hans Schmidt's populariza
Kings 8:31, 32). Arnold V. Wallenkampf and W. Richard Lesher, tion of the idea earlier in this century.
The suppliant would bring his case to eds., The Sanctuary and the Atonement (Washing 18 This was not unique thinking in the ancient
Yahweh and possibly wait until the morn ton, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Associa Near East. The Egyptians posited an eschatological
ing for a priest to pronounce an oracle of tion, 1981), p. 595. Similarly W. Martin, The Truth examination, by a heavenly tribunal, of candidates
About Seventh-day Adventism (London, Edinburgh: hoping to enjoy the bliss of an afterlife. However,
vindication (cf. Ps. 17). Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, 1960), pp. 179, 182. the Israelite anticipation was completely different
Whether an immediate answer was 2 The Scriptures have been selected to cover a because of the gracious terms of the covenant. The
forthcoming, or whether believers were range of literature and time. Concentration on some faithful Israelite had good reason to be confident
metaphorically anticipating an ultimate has meant omission of others (including the fruitful because "He who justifies me is near" (Isa. 50:8).
field of Job), but the prevalence of the "investigative 19 The bold psalmodic statements of self-righ
eschatological reality 18 in inviting God's judgment" theme will be clearly seen. Scriptural teousness and imprecation are often to be under
scrutiny, one fact is apparent a divine passages in this article are from the King James stood against this background. While those falsely
investigative judgment was the psalm Version or are the writer's own translation. accused keenly sought personal vindication (hence
ist's desire in times of false accusation. It 3 Variously referred to as "the trial," "a legal claims to righteousness or covenant conformity),
was perceived and appropriated as an process," "the inquest," "the trial proceedings." See the thought of treachery to Yahweh and the prized
John C. L. Gibson, Genesis, Vol. 1 (Edinburgh: St. covenant ideal of truth, peace, and justice may have
opportunity for a vindication, both public Andrews Press, 1981), p. 133; Gerhard von Rad, called forth hyperbolic utterances against the enemy
and authoritative an arena necessarily Genesis (London: SCM Press, 1972), p. 91; C. (the imprecations). Compare Psalm 139 (especially
beyond that bounded by one's own pri Westermann, Genesis 1-11 (Minneapolis: Augsburg, verses 17-24).

Evangelism and
the ecumenical
Bert B. Beach he 1910 World Mis
sionary Conference
the Nairobi assembly reaffirmed its com
mitment to evangelism. Likewise, the
in Edinburgh may WCC Central Committee meeting in 1982
well be considered also issued a declaration on evangelism.
the foundation stone In 1973 the Bangkok meeting of the
for the modern ecu Commission on World Mission and Evan
menical movement. gelism called for a moratorium on North
That it was a "missionary" conference Atlantic missionaries. Many perceived
While there are indicates an early connection between
ecumenism and evangelism. In 1921 the
this as an ecumenical trend away from
traditional missionary work. This step, in
pitfalls in the Edinburgh Continuation Committee
evolved into the International Mission
fact, followed the Barbados Declaration
of 1971, which resulted from a WCC
ecumenical under ary Council. When the council was
founded, many viewed it not only as an
financed symposium on racism. The
declaration called for the suspension of
standing of instrument to coordinate the evangelistic "all missionary activity" among South
evangelism, there and missionary activities of various na
tional missionary societies, but also as an
American Indians because evangeliza
tion of this native population was consid
are enriching agency to unite Christians in the search
for justice in international and interracial
ered a spurious religious approach akin to
dimensions as well. relationships. This early tendency toward
a sociopolitical orientation in mission
The next major WCC conference on
evangelism was held in Melbourne in
needs to be remembered for its influence 1980. The theme "Your Kingdom Come"
on the World Council of Churches later. did not refer to the Second Advent, but to
In 1961 the International Missionary good news, especially for the poor
Council was integrated into the World now. Though the conference affirmed
Council of Churches. The result: the proclamation, it essentially ignored the
Commission on World Mission and Evan question of evangelistic proclamation to
gelism. At that time, the advocates of the nonChristians.
merger claimed that the integration was In 1989 two major world ecumenical
Bert Beach, Ph.D., is being done because the WCC had taken conferences on mission and evangelism
the director ofpublic
affairs, General "the missionary task into the very heart of took place. The WCC Commission on
Conference of its life."' However, its subsequent his World Mission and Evangelism met in
Seventh-day tory seems to indicate that the WCC has San Antonio, Texas. A month later the
Adventists, and a been suffering from evangelistic heart Lausanne Committee for World Evange
keen student of
ecumenical trends.
trouble! lization held its conference in Manila.
Though evangelism played a role dur There was very little cooperation be
ing the organization of the World Coun tween the two conferences: the first fol
cil of Churches in Amsterdam in 1948, it lowed the WCC line: the second the ap
was largely lost sight of until 1975, when proach of "conservative evangelicals."

clear that the whole gospel includes not Christ in the U.S.A., went so far as to
Instead of calling only proclamation of Christ but working denounce the "pernicious" connection
for justice and peace, including political between national power and conserva
people out of the action. Instead of calling people out of tive evangelical foreign mission enter
the world through conversion, ecumeni prises.7
world through con cal evangelism invites people in conver 3. The conference declared that "ma
sion into the world to perform deeds of terial" and "spiritual" gospel must be
version, ecumenical faith. The whole gospel, in ecumenical one.8
evangelism invites understanding, not only reconciles indi 4. The conference endorsed the idea
viduals with God but structures them in that the mission of WCC involves partici
people in conversion their work, including the socioeconomic pation in struggle and suffering. This
realm. Evangelistic proclamation includes the use of power in violent ac
into the world to (Melbourne, 1980), we are told, can never tion where nonviolent means "have been
be general ("Jesus saves"), but must be tried and crushed." 9 All this was seen as
perform deeds of specific and contextual. Especially, it part of the missionary task working for
faith. needs to denounce injustices in order to justice.
make proclamation both credible and 5. San Antonio saw an "inextricable
trustworthy. relationship" between ecumenism and
In 1982 the WCC produced an impor evangelization, and postulated that work
As Alan Neeley and James R. Scherer tant document entitled "Mission and ing the way of Christ requires that churches
have noted, the two conferences didn't Evangelism: An Ecumenical Affirma "necessarily join their actions where pos
pass each other as ships in the night, but tion." Several concepts emerged from sible." 10
signaled each other as ships passing in the this study: 6. Eugene Stockwell, the retiring di
day. 1. Evangelism and social action go rector (1984-1989) of the Commission on
The two conferences stressed clearly together. World Mission and Evangelism, spoke
two different approaches. The San Anto 2. Evangelism must make the good on the topic "Mission Issues for Today
nio meetings emphasized mission in news a reality in the life of the poor. and Tomorrow." What were the issues?
Christ' s way by making the gospel known 3. Evangelism must encourage per He talked about foreign debt; global an
in deed and word. This emphasis in sonal conversion through accepting the nihilation; the pain of war, torture, hun
cluded the new dimension of ecological saving lordship of Christ. ger, poverty, and divisions. He said noth
concerns as part of mission. Evangelism 4. Evangelism must sow seed locally ing about the problem and pain of billions
was mentioned only in a perfunctory in order to develop local churches (a lost in sin without salvation. For him,
way, and the hope of the Second Coming rather new evangelistic concept in WCC apparently, this was not one of the mis
escaped all reference. The Manila con documents). sion issues for today and tomorrow.
ference, on the other hand, focused on the The 1982 WCC document also chal
theme "Proclaim Christ Until He lenged member churches to witness to Evangelistic issues in the setting of
Comes" to make Christ known in word Christ's uniqueness and "cooperate in ecumenism
and deed. The Manila conference recog witnessing to the millions of people who Evangelism and social responsibility.
nized social action as needed, but stressed have not yet had an opportunity to re As we have already indicated, the main
evangelism as primary.3 spond to the gospel.5 line ecumenical movement has empha
So much on historical landmarks; now In 1989 the Commission on World sized socioeconomic and political in
we turn to specific consideration of the Mission and Evangelism met in San An volvement to the neglect of proclamation
World Council of Churches and evange tonio. This was a crucial conference for evangelism. In San Antonio, not surpris
lism. defining the relationship between ingly, the emphasis was on doing evange
ecumenism and evangelization. Out of lism by defending the needy and the
WCC and evangelism this conference's reports, six concepts oppressed, denouncing racism, classism,
The term evangelism (and even more relative to evangelism may be noted: sexism, and even nationalism.
so evangelization) is hardly seen in WCC 1. The conference saw the just use We can agree that the gospel must be
documents since the New Delhi assem and distribution of land as an important both heard and seen, and that gospel
bly in 1961. This has led Priscilla Pope- aspect of fulfilling mission in Christ's deeds must accompany gospel words.
Levison to state that evangelism is a way. We need good news and good works, but
"suppressed concept in WCC circles." 4 2. After hearing reports that some the overarching responsibility must be
Among ecumenists, the favored terms U.S.-based churches, parachurch orga evangelism.
are witness and mission, not evangelism. nizations, and sects supported "ideolo It is interesting to note that conserva
Both the New Delhi assembly of the gies and practices of domination through tive evangelicals have moved toward
World Council of Churches (1961) and evangelism and aid programmes that social concern as part of Christian mis
the Mexico City meeting of the Commis promote and protect U.S. interests," the sion. However, they still give evangelis
sion on World Mission and Evangelism session called for an end to evangelistic tic proclamation priority. For example,
(1963) saw evangelism as the "whole practices that promote U.S. hegemony.6 the "Grand Rapids Report Evangelism
church" presenting "the whole gospel to Arie Brouwer, then general secretary of and Social Responsibility" of June 1982
the whole world." However, it was made the National Council of the Churches of proposed three proper relationships be-

tween evangelism and social responsibil servative evangelicals (1989) also indi
ity: cated that churches and mission agencies
1. Social action is a consequence of
evangelism (evangelism precedes).
should cooperate in evangelism and re
pudiate "competition" and "duplication."
As Seventh-day
2. Social action can be a bridge to
evangelism (evangelism follows).
In theory, San Antonio recognized
that Christian churches can become "in
Adventists we
3. Social action accompanies evan grown," "stagnant," not involved in evan believe that this
gelism (evangelism accompanies).
John Stott is right: social action is not
gelism. In such cases, Christians should
not try to evangelize other groups with a church has a special
evangelism, and mission must include
both evangelism and service. Social ac
view to drawing them away from their
traditional churches, but rather "play a
task to proclaim the
tion is part of our Christian service re catalytic role in renewal for mission" and message of salvation
sponsibility. It is a thrust parallel with
evangelism, but not evangelism.
identify with the local faith community. 14
In practice, this approach would make in its end-time
Evangelism and proselytism. The
mainline ecumenical movement has con
Seventh-day Adventist evangelism al
most impossible in a country like Greece. setting.
demned "proselytism." But what is Ecumenism, evangelism, and non-
proselytism? There are two basic defi Christianfaiths. Dealing with non-Chris
nitions. First, the dictionary definition tian religions is certainly an important
that refers to converting a person from aspect of evangelism. How does
one belief to another and this has been ecumenism view the Christian relation
the traditional understanding of evange ship to other great religions? The tradi "God is present in and at work in people
lism since the days of Paul. Second, the tional evangelical position has been that of other faiths." In the Seventh-day
ecumenical definition that refers to "cor salvation is only through Christ and that Adventist Church, there is a similar po
rupt witness," using wrong methods, such the gospel must go to all. The ecumenical larity between the urgency of the mis
as offering material inducements, mak position is much more open and sees sionary task of preaching the gospel in
ing false statements regarding other salvation in other religions. The preparation for the promised return of the
churches, playing on the ignorance of Vancouver assembly (1983) stated that in soon-coming Lord and the assurance that
people. all great religions there is a true search for God is mighty to save even outside orga
Increasingly, proselytism is seen as God (but it didn't actually say that this nized Christianity.
evangelizing the wrong address! San search could find God!). However, as Seventh-day Adventists
Antonio declared: "Active proselytism The San Antonio conference stated we believe that this church has a special
aimed at gaining members from another that it is the Christian task to invite others task to proclaim the message of salvation
Christian church is contrary to the spirit to accept the lordship of Christ. On the in its end-time setting. We also know that
of Christ." But San Antonio went even other hand, Christians must also recog God's saving action reaches out beyond
further: Evangelism that does not pro nize that they can never claim to have a the borders of our church and even be
mote good relationships with other Chris full understanding of truth, and that they yond other Christian churches to those
tians "must inevitably be called into ques "cannot set limits to the saving power of within non-Christian religions or those
tion" 11 God." As Christians we can testify that with no religion (Rom. 2:14,15). But we
How much good relationships can Christ is our salvation, but San Antonio also know that Christian evangelization
evangelism really promote when mem did not say Christians can testify that cannot relinquish or relativize the truth
bers leave one church to join another? Christ is also their (non-Christians') sal including "present truth" in a current
Little, if any. The result of following that vation. Christians are to be witnesses, not defensive or apologetic reaction to past
dictum would be no evangelism among judges of others; they can be "mission Christian arrogance and the sins of West
those who already have church member ary" and "nonaggressive" at the same ern colonialism. There is, indeed, "no
ship, even if in name only. Apparently time. 15 "Jesus is not the only way" if this other name" (Acts 4:12, NKJV). How
this is what the WCC and most ecumenists means that one has to "name Jesus" to be ever, if our evangelization is to be cred
would like to see. saved. We need to be open to "God's gifts ible and successful, then we ourselves as
Another aspect of evangelism, seen as of grace so evident" in many other reli its agents must not obscure the good news
corrupt witness and proselytic in nature, gions. 16 Emilio Castro, the WCC general by sloppy biblical understanding, isola
is "programmes for denominational ag secretary, stated at the San Antonio con tionism, divisions, self-seeking material
grandizement." 12 Furthermore, San An ference that the "cause of God's kingdom greed, and unjust practices within the
tonio declared that witness deteriorates has other advocates" outside the Chris church.
into counterwitness when there is a denial tian church and that "others are engaged Evangelism and dialogue. The ecu
of "the authenticity of the faith experi in God's mission even without knowing menical movement has long advocated
ence of other Christians. All unhealthy the name of Jesus." Such others include dialogue and has been involved in it,
competition in mission work should be those fighting for freedom and justice. 17 including bilateral and multilateral dia
avoided as constituting a distorted form These statements are somewhat am logues with "living faiths." Some see
of mission," 13 and therefore being biguous. There is in WCC circles an dialogue as a form of evangelism, but
proselytism. It should be noted, in pass unresolved tension between the evange many ecumenists view dialogue as some
ing, that the Manila conference of con listic commission and the concept that thing different from evangelism. The

Roman Catholic Church, more than any should take into account these principles: 427-451.
other, is involved in ecumenical dia We must be committed to social 6 The San Antonio Report, ed. Frederick R. Wil
logue. Pope John Paul II in his encyclical responsibility, including standing for jus son (Geneva: WCC Publications, 1990), p. 51.
7 Ibid., p. 153.
Redemptoris Missio makes it clear that tice and peace. 8 Ibid., p. 26.
"dialogue does not dispense from evan Our evangelistic strategies should 9 Ibid., p. 40.
gelization." 1S Though dialogue and evan be sensitive to the values of divergent 10 Ibid., pp. 27, 28.
gelism are connected, they are not iden peoples, and we should not seek cultural 11 Ibid., pp. 75, 29.
12 Ibid., p. 29.
tical, and those involved in dialogue must domination. 13 Ibid.
be "consistent" with their own religious Impure motives and unworthy 14 Ibid.
beliefs, with no "abandonment of prin methods such as concern for declining 15 Ibid., p. 32.
ciples." 19 I would fully agree. In dia membership, subtle political agendas, and [6 Ibid., pp. 126, 127.
logue you need what Hans Kiing has rivalry with others have no place in evan 17 Ibid., p. 134.
18 Redemptoris Missio, encyclical letter of John
called standhaftigkeit, that is, the cour gelistic endeavors. Paul II (Vatican City: Libearia Editrice Vaticana,
age and resistance of standing fast and We must maintain a constant vigil December 1990), p. 95.
firm. against secularism (absence of ultimate, " Ibid., p. 97
The San Antonio conference stated theocentric meaning) infiltrating our 20 The San Antonio Report, pp. 32, 33.
2[ Ibid., p. 31.
that witness, far from precluding dia churches and ministry. Interestingly 22 Ibid., pp. 30, 32.
logue, invites dialogue. Dialogue "ex enough, San Antonio suggested a way to 23 See Working Policy of the General Confer
tends and deepens" witness. True dia combat this peril: not succumb to the ence of Seventh-day Adventists (Hagerstown, Md.:
logue does not water down Christian spirit of the age nor withdraw into a Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1990-1991), pp.
commitment, but is rather an "encounter "ghetto existence," but adopt a simple 371-373.
of commitments." 20 In dialoguing with lifestyle "in which sharing and solidarity
others, Christians are to discern the have priority over possession and indi
unsearchable riches of God.21 However,
dialogue must always be conducted on
vidualism." 22 Simple lifestyle is certainly
in harmony with vintage Adventism. The goodness of
the basis of equality, one-to-one other
wise there is really no dialogue.
Evangelism must acknowledge and
promote the role of the laity, both men
From page 4
and women.
Contributions and pitfalls We may use dialogue with appro
To be fair, we must acknowledge priate parameters. the cross enables Him to accept us and
several insights that the ecumenical move We must promote human rights adopt us into His family. When we
ment (WCC) has given to theological and religious liberty because it is right to exchange what the world offers for what
understanding, with implications for evan do so, not because we will benefit as Christ offers, we stand clean before the
gelism. Such understandings should lead individuals or as a church. law, just as if we'd never done wrong
us to affirm that: Evangelism must avoid narrow, in fact, just as if we'd always done every
sin is not limited to personal life, exclusi vistic, introverted approaches. We thing the law requires.
but includes collective life. should not ignore what other Christians Many Adventists imagine themselves
the gospel is not to be equated with are doing, and should acknowledge that under the partial curse of God. If they get
or obscured by a given culture. all agencies that lift up Christ are part of grouchy, they feel 5 percent condemned;
the gospel has a justice dimension the divine plan for the evangelization of when they lose their temper, perhaps 20
that requires Christian involvement. the world.23 or 30 percent under condemnation. But
evangelism/mission has a special In all that we do, we need to be either we are outside of Christ and 100
option for the poor. faithful to the golden rule and deal fairly percent guilty before God, or we are
worship of success becomes idol and honestly with other people, churches, safely in Christ with no guilt. "There is
worship. and religions. We need to abide by the therefore now no condemnation to those
institutional aggrandizement must scriptural principle of always being ready who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk
not be equated with gospel advance. to give a reason for our faith, but doing it according to the flesh, but according to
mission includes stewardship of with humility, respect, and honesty (1 the Spirit" (Rom. 8:1). No condemnation
the earth's resources. Peter 3:15, 16). in Christ zero guilt before God's holy
the sin of discrimination (race, law.
sex, language, culture) denies the gospel. Balanced Christianity honors both
evangelization is the primary re 1 The New Delhi Report, ed. W. A. Visser 't
Hooft (London: S.C.M. Press, 1962), pp. 249,250. law and grace. The law keeps us humble,
sponsibility of the local congregations.
2 See Bert B. Beach, Ecumenism: Boon or and grace keeps us happy. Humble and
evangelization with domination is Bane? (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. happy that's the way we ought to live.
wrong. Assn., 1974), p. 183.
We live in an ecumenical age. We 3 AlanNeeley and James R. Schsier,Missiology,
need to be aware of evangelistic dimen April 1990. * All Bible passages in this article are from The
4 Priscilla Pope-Levison, "Evangelism in the New King James Version.
sions and pitfalls that ecumenism brings World Council of Churches, Part One: From New
with it. While our commitment to proc Delhi to Vancouver," International Review of Mis 1 Ellen G. White, Testimonies to Ministers
lamation of the gospel must ever remain sion 80 (1991): 242. (Mountain View, Calif., Pacific Press Pub. Assn.),p.
paramount, our methods and strategies 5 International Review of Mission 71 (1982): 518.

Look and learn
Ronald Strasdowsky
German pastor near- persons whom we grow up watching. A
ing retirement had toddler takes pride in sweeping the kitchen
been overweight for just like her mother. Even teenagers who
several years. His insist upon independent values still tend
doctor was worried, to reflect those of their family.
and so was his fam In a study of values, Adventist re
ily. A chorus of well- searcher Roger Dudley found that chil
meaning voices urged, "You ought to do dren from conservative homes showed
How we change something about exercising."
The pastor shared their concern. He
greater conformity with their parents'
convictions than did their peers with a
through observation was particularly worried about his heart
condition, a serious threat for a man
less distinctive value orientation. 1
Dudley's study of teenagers in the United
learning almost 60. Nevertheless, the daily pasto
ral routine continued to prevail over his
States did not suggest they were carbon
copies of their parents, but it cast doubt
good intentions to get going with an upon the common wisdom that strict
exercise program. parenting causes children to revolt against
Then suddenly he changed. A new, the family's lifestyle. It seems that par
active lifestyle emerged from his atten ents who talk about their faith in order to
dance at a pastoral retreat. A psycholo "pass on the torch" enjoy success toward
gist there showed a film about a San that end.
Francisco waiter jogging to and from The past 20 years have seen increas
work every day at the age of 104. The ing interest among social psychologists
man's wrinkled face radiated health and in the study of attitudes. Experimental
satisfaction. research in the area of traffic education
Viewing this remarkable model cre confirms that human modeling is the best
ated a desire in the pastor to go and do method in bringing about attitudinal
likewise. He started to jog, even inviting change.2 Students exposed to rational
houseguests along on his daily run argumentation and pictures of traffic ac
through Black Forest trails. cidents did not register attitude transfor
One morning as he and I stumbled mation as much as those who were ex
over roots and rocks, I personally got the posed to the testimonies and advice of a
impact of the health promotion film he selected group of safe and considerate
Ronald Strasdowsky,
had seen. Although my knowledge of drivers.3
Ph.D., is director of that San Francisco waiter was second
education and family hand, I nevertheless felt challenged by Not all are equally good models
life for the Euro-Africa his example. And I received new insight Much research has gone into learning
Division of Seventh- into a process called "change through which factors make some "human mod
day Adventists.
beholding," more often known as "obser els" more successful than others. As
vation learning." ministers know so well, not everyone
responds positively to a given person.
Attitudes are caught We need to select an appropriate model to
Children imitate parents. Most of our whichever target group we want to reach.
values and attitudes are learned from Some general principles are apparent

from television commercials. People Advertising psychology involves not nature, enjoying a certain brand of ciga
who display what we value most, what we only the choice of a suitable model but rette. His suntanned appearance and
dream of, exert the strongest appeal upon also the linking of two sets of impres powerful posture suggest that strength
us. It is no surprise, therefore, to see sions: (1) someone is seen doing some and independence go with smoking.
featured predominantly young and thing; and (2) he or she enjoys doing it and The essence of power in attitude
healthy actors with clear skin and white thus gains some advantage or reward. change is best summed up in Albert
teeth. We wonder if a film on jogging Often we find some absurd associations Bandura's concept of "vicarious rein
promotion featuring a 104-year-old would and combinations. Think of the ragged forcement." 4 We observe an admirable
be effective with all age groups. man in his cowboy hat amid untamed person receiving areward (reinforcement)
for doing something good. Just the sight
of someone else being rewarded pro
duces much the same effect as if we
ourselves had been rewarded. In this
vicarious process we bask in the glow of
another's accomplishments. Among
other things, this implies that we need
not always learn through personal expe
riences, since we can thus participate in
those of others.

The best model

The best model is obviously the vis
ibly rewarded individual: a pastor who
radiates joy and success tends to attract
young people into the ministry; the house
wife who testifies to answered prayer in
Techniques o front of the assembled church influences
jrnrnunica some listeners to change their attitude
ith teens- toward prayer. Research indicates that
effective human models appeal to our
inmost yearnings. Argumentation also
has an influence; no doubt, our values and
attitudes are a mix of intellectual and
emotional ingredients. But with many,
the door to attitude change is primarily
the appeal to emotions that comes from
witnessing others who are rewarded and
' fulfilled.
Hov, to
t become
stress resistant- We Christians claim Jesus as our su
preme example. Our sermons and songs
suggest that we become changed by be
holding Him. Is this "beholding" the
same as observation learning?
The Gospels show Jesus as a powerful
presence, a vibrant force of attraction that
won Him a harvest of followers. He often
practice oi promised them rewards, a fact overlooked
grief recovery- by some squeamish altruists. The truth is
that Jesus Himself has already been re
Other videos'- warded, as if to show us "what's in it" for
us. He who conquered death has received
a seat of honor at the right hand of God.
* Miwsteralld While we marvel at the modeling
' Stay Spirit power of Jesus while on this earth, we
wonder how effective He is today as an
US$38-95 invisible model. Is the visibility of being
rewarded essential?

Visibility through faith

It is indeed a miracle of faith to know
Jesus in the way one can experience a

close friend. This requires an inner vision living Christ. How can we behold Jesus seems to prefer small and unassuming
comparable to that of Elisha's servant, for ourselves? Should we spend hours models that call for our faith. After ages
who suddenly perceived what had been inwardly visualizing His death, as did of limited visibility in Old Testament
hidden from his normal sight: the pres Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the times, ayoung Carpenter providedacom-
ence of God's power around a besieged Jesuits? Ellen White has the answer in pelling vision of God's love. Jesus did
town in Samaria (see 2 Kings 6:17). The Desire of Ages. She recommends not leave enough of a biography to give
How much of this inner vision is that we "spend a thoughtful hour each day even the most spiritual believer more
available to us through the Holy Spirit? Is in contemplation of the life of Christ" (p. than "just a glimpse." And yet this
there anything we can do to improve our 83). glimpse perhaps against some laws of
ability to see Jesus? No doubt, the talent of "seeing" the communication and advertising trans
invisible Christ is not shared equally by lates into a powerful live model.
The beloved song says: all believers. In fact, we wonder if per
haps our power of inspired imagining has
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, been dwarfed by disuse. At best, our 1 Janet Leigh Kangas and Roger L. Dudley,
Look full in His wonderful face; vision of Christ will be somewhat sec "How Adventist Teenagers Perceive Their Church,"
Ministry, October 1989. Also, Roger Dudley, Pass
And the things of earth will grow strangely ondhand. We read in the Gospels what ing On the Torch (Washington, D.C.: Review and
dim others have seen and even they were Herald, 1986).
In the light of His glory and grace." not always eyewitnesses. Thus, what we 2 RobertM. Gagne, Conditions ofLearning (New
are able to perceive now is as through a York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1977).
The apostle Paul never met Jesus per glass, darkly" (1 Cor. 13:12). i Ibid.,-p. 248.
4 Albert Bandura, Principles ofBehavior Modi
sonally, but he did see Him in vision, and Perhaps here again we find the para fication (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,
that gave him power to proclaim the dox of the "mustard seed" principle. God 1969).

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Sending tithe to
independent ministries
Cyril Miller
ost independent cial support. I sincerely wonder why
ministries are not some of our good church members send
ministries at all. them God's tithe and do not support their
They are private local church and conference. It is almost
organizations! like a conspiracy.
That's right! Again, most of the so-called indepen
They are private or dent ministries are not ministries at all.
ganizations owned and operated by a few True gospel ministry extends loving care
A Union president private ^corporators who primarily ad
vance their own personal views and inter
to heal the hurts of people. However,
most of these private-interest organiza
shares his views on ests.
Also, a number of these private orga
tions do not!

independent nizations circulate publications that criti What do they do for you?
ministries, tithes cize the church and malign its leaders
with a barrage of false, misleading, or
Almost nothing! Do they call when
you are discouraged? No! Do they visit
sent to them, the even lying accusations.
Why? Some think it is for the sole
when you are sick? No! Do they support
your Pathfinders or youth camp? No! Do
rumor mills, and purpose of generating tithe and offering they subsidize your church school? No!
support from our members whose love, Do they pay your pastor's salary? No! Do
how they affect the confidence, and loyalty for the church they support your academies and col
ministry of the are strained. Others say not so; but it is
happening anyhow.
lege? No!
They won't even be around to conduct
church. Is the church at war?
your funeral when you die! Well... what
do they do, anyway?
Yes, many of the so-called indepen How much tithe do private organiza
dent ministries do nothing but attack and tions receive each year?
harass our pastors or conference leaders Enough for the General Conference to
and depreciate our educational and medi cut back its home and overseas budgets
cal institutions. $8 million this year and call home some
Recently one very loyal and loving missionaries.
pastor confessed that both his congrega In addition, North American confer
tions had several independent ministry ences have been forced to cut back their
supporters, and they were depressing him budgets and reduce pastors and teachers
and making him physically ill. drastically. One local field has reduced
He said, "The pressure is too great! one third of its workers during the past
Their attitudes produce tension and strife, three or four years. The church is suffer
Cyril Miller is the and they in turn give our church very little ing.
president of financial support." He sounded like he Last year alone, one private organiza
Southwestern Union wanted to leave and find a better place to tion received $1.6 million. Yet it spent
Burleson, Texas. serve. $1.8 million. So, they face grave finan
Reprinted with slight cial problems and are intensifying their
editorial changes from How many independent ministries are publications of outlandish criticisms of
the January 1992 there? the church to raise more tithe and offer
Southwestern Union
The General Conference has identi ings from our members.
fied nearly 800 private organizations, Obviously, the more sensational their
most of which seek our members' finan charges, such as pastors using hypnotism

in the pulpit, the more money they seem all.
to raise. This is the same method used by Conference subsidies to our church
certain radio-TV evangelists. schools, academies, and colleges are not My greatest concern
They are using the church and its
leaders as a whipping post to stir up our
able to keep pace with our higher than
national inflation rate in the field of edu is for the newly
people emotionally and draw increased
financial support. When we respond to
cation. As a result, tuition must be raised
disproportionately each year, and it is
baptized members
such tactics, we become pawns in their
hands to be manipulated and misled. All
pricing Christian education out of reach. and our youth, who
this undermines the church. What can we do? are easy targets for
Someone must speak out.
First, when others approach you per
sonally or by mail with the latest rumor or the attacks of
Yes, I know these are strong state
ments, but someone must speak out.
scandal about your church, beware. They
are spreading deadly poison that is de
certain private
Someone must help our members think it stroying your church. And I fear many organizations.
through for themselves. Why? Because who are being shaken out of the church
the future of our church and many pre will eventually lose their souls.
cious souls are seriously in peril. Second, when you ask, "Have you
Another former pastor who challenged heard?" or "What about this or that?"
our denomination's doctrinal teachings recognize the "stirring the pot," and the
and the gift of prophecy received more possibility that you are a partner with ence that has used God's tithe for that
than $5 million in tithes and offerings them in creating suspicion and loss of purpose?" He didn't answer.
during one calendar year. That's a lot credibility. Then I said, "What else? What other
more than many conferences receive an Third, and most important, please join reason do you have for our members not
nually and enough to live in luxury for a those of us who are praying that God will returning tithe to the conference store
lifetime. lift us out of this tragic rut and move us house?" He said, "Ford preachers in your
Another group, which regularly mails forward to fulfill our mission to prepare pulpits." Again I asked, "Can you name
its two-color publication to our homes, for the coming of Jesus. any?" He couldn't identify one, not even
was taking in $200,000 to $300,000 just My greatest concern is for the newly one.
a few years ago. And today I am sure the baptized members and our youth, who So I asked again, "Is that honest?"
figure is considerably higher, because the are easy targets for the deceitful and Again, he did not answer. Then I said, "I
group is very aggressive and is attracting devastating attacks of certain private or do not understand how you can say there
more attention. ganizations that destroy confidence in are 'new theology' pastors in our pulpits
the church and its leadership. when you cannot name any."
What do private organizations do with Strangely enough, this didn't seem to
God's holy tithe? Private organizations challenge God's alter his opinion. And so it is, religious
We do not know, but U.S. federal law remnant church. bigotry and fanaticism always believes
requires private nonprofit corporations to Let me share an experience that illus what it wants to believe regardless of the
file annual 990IRS forms to report their trates their bold, determined efforts to truth.
financial operations. I also believe do secure God's tithe. One leader of a And now I ask you, how can you or
nors have a right to know. private organization came to my office to anyone else believe such things when
Again, how much tithe do the nearly protest one of my articles that stated that they obviously are not true? Could it be,
800 private organizations receive each all of God's tithe should be placed in as the Bible says, some will be given over
year? No one but God and the IRS God's storehouse through the local church to strong delusions so they will actually
actually knows. Obviously, some re treasury. believe lies? I hope not!
search could reveal the facts. I think it I asked him why he believed his and
would be good to know. Don't you? other private organizations should ben What about celebration churches?
Could it be that some may be person efit from God's tithe. He answered, I have encountered similar experi
ally profiting and perhaps becoming rich "Because our conferences are using it ences with criticisms against celebration
as their private organizations take multi incorrectly." I asked, "What do you churches and charges that our pastors are
plied millions away from God's store mean?" He said, "Davenport." using hypnotism in the pulpit because
house each year? Many think this is Knowing it wasn't so, I asked, "Can they received Lab I and II training for
possible. you name a conference that has used tithe winning souls and reclaiming backslid
for Davenport investments?" It soon ers. Needless to say, this hypnotism
What difference does it make? became obvious that he could not name a allegation is utterly ridiculous.
Some members, standing on the side single one, because conferences don't Actually, I know of only four true
lines, may say, "What difference does it use tithe that way. self-proclaimed celebration churches in
make?" But those who love the church Then I responded with concern, "Is it all the North America Division, one on
say, "It makes a lot of difference." Our honest to say that Davenport is a reason the East Coast and three out West.
already overworked pastors must now for not returning tithe to the conference Yet the rumor mongers make it sound
serve additional churches, and that's not when you cannot name even one confer- like celebration churches are spreading

like a plague and have become a major they receive. And today they are strain everything that happens and give reports
problem to Adventism. ing hard, even to the point of absurdity, to to the churches when needed.
I personally attended the most casti cook up new and more sensational issues Our conferences also disclose how
gated celebration church in California to harp on! So please be careful, and do much money each employee receives for
and found it considerably different from not be fooled by the deceptions of their salary, educational, health benefits, and
what all the misleading critics claimed psychological onslaughts. travel expenses.
was happening. Still some believe what All of us should earnestly ask God to We are fully open and transparent.
they want to believe, even when it isn't help us keep our beautiful love relation This gives our members confidence in the
true. ship with Jesus Christ and His wonderful credibility of our duly constituted church
A retired pastor and his wife said to church. Some obviously are being shaken organizations. Truly, we are accountable
me, "We draw the line when it comes to out of the church by these extremists to our members and conference organiza
dancing in the aisles." I answered, "That operating outside the church. tions.
isn't happening." Yet they were strongly
aroused and resisted my statement. Later True or false shepherds? Checks and balances.
they attended this famous celebration Are you aware that the speakers, writ What controls do independent minis
church, saw for themselves that dancing ers, and leaders of the so-called indepen tries have to keep self-serving and other
in the aisles did not occur, and changed dent ministries are not currently licensed financial abuses from developing in their
their minds. or credentialed ministers of the Seventh- private organizations? How do you know
Also, a leading layman met me in the day Adventist Church? Also, some very such things are not already occurring?
church lobby one Sabbath to ask, "What prominent ones have been removed from They are accountable to no one!
has happened to ... ? When he was our church membership! They are certainly Does God approve of His tithe being
pastor he did not even lean toward cel not role models or safe leaders to follow. given to a few pious, extremely critical,
ebration worship." You see, the General Conference does and divisive persons who operate inde
I replied, "Do not believe what you not allow anyone not employed by the pendently and totally on their own judg
readintheindependentpublications. They church to be licensed to preach or teach in ment without accountability? No, of
are very misleading." Then I suggested, our churches and schools. (This does not course not!
"The next time you visit out there, go and include local church elders.) So you can Neither should anyone with sound
see for yourself." understand why some are so adamant judgment take such a position. Such a
Later, when I met him at camp meet against our pastors and denominational course would not be safe, and further
ing, he said, "Brother Miller, the celebra leaders. more it would not be right. God doesn't
tion church wasn't anything like they said Yes, they are on the outside by choice. work that way. He never has, and never
it was." So I said, "You need to help Yet if they have a valid ministry, they will.
others understand and expose the false should come inside to give support and
fund-raising propaganda coming from not war against the church. The Sabbath and tithing are a test for
certain independent organizations." God's people.
Private organizations do not give fi Do you think God is pleased when we
Do pastors practice mind control? nancial reports to donors. knowingly misdirect our worship to some
It is grossly misleading and downright Are you aware that these private orga other day than His holy Sabbath? All true
sinful to say that our pastors are practic nizations, previously called independent Seventh-day Adventists will give only
ing hypnotism and mind control from ministries, are not audited by the General one answer no! The Sabbath is a test of
their pulpits. Our dedicated pastors who Conference Auditing Service, as all of our loyalty to God.
received Lab I and II training were not our conferences and their educational Likewise, do you think God is pleased
taught these things at all. May God help and other institutions are? when we as Seventh-day Adventists
all of us to be factual and honest. They probably are not even audited knowingly misdirect the use of His holy
If you meet someone who believes by an outside auditing firm as required for tithe to any other place than His divinely
these absurd allegations against our pas our Adventist health-care institutions. appointed conference storehouse? Again,
tors, why not ask this person, "Can you May I ask, is it safe to give your tithe and all true Seventh-day Adventists will give
name any?" His/her answer will be either offerings to private organizations that only one answer no! Tithing is a test of
silence or no! Then ask, "Is it honest for operate totally in the dark? our honesty as God's stewards.
you or anyone else to repeat such non You see, none of these so-called inde
sense just because you read it in a very pendent ministries reveal how much they What about Ellen White?
unreliable independent publication?" pay themselves and their associates, as Didn't Ellen White regularly give her
Friends, when we meet people who our conferences do! Who knows what tithe to independent ministries? No!
deliberately raise serious questions about they are doing with the millions of tithe Neither did she advocate it. Read the
such nonsense, it is a dead giveaway that dollars they receive? article on Ellen White and her tithe pub
they are being adversely influenced by lished in the Adventist Review, Novem
those seeking financial support for their The church is an open book. ber 7, 1991, and you will discover the
private organizations. By contrast, our conferences give truth on this subject.
You see, leaders of independent min monthly annual financial reports so that Please do not be misled by just part
istries have discovered that the more they elected people from our churches and of the story. You must have the whole
condemn the church, the more money conferences may know and understand picture to understand it fully.

Dissident groups
the threat and
the truth
D. Douglas Devnich here are times when
one must be totally
Before I go on to share with you some
important information about several dis
frank. For some sident "splinter groups" that now plague
time I have hesitated the church, may I give you my personal
to write on a certain reasons for having hesitated to address
subject that some this issue?
have urged upon me. 1. Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39), a wise
Recently, however, my participation in a man, suggests that if a cause is of men it
The leader of the weekend of spiritual emphasis convinced
me it is time to address a problem that is
will fail, but if it is of God, one would not
want to be found opposing it or God.
Seventh-day tearing out the heart of Adventism and its 2. The apostle Paul (Phil. 1:15-18), a
Adventist Church in mission. The local church where I was
speaking and others as well are being
spiritual man, advises that if Christ is
preached, even from wrong motives, we
Canada offers scandalized by dissident "ministries"
whose leaders claim that "mainstream"
ought to rejoice.
Now, however, the evidence is clear
important counsel Adventism is in apostasy. These "mas that several of the leaders of such groups
beneficial to
querading ministries" assert themselves and the writings or tapes they produce do
as the only ones who still give the "straight not measure up to the standards of 1 and
members around testimony," the only remaining represen
tatives of the "True Witness."
2 above. So I choose now to follow Paul's
challenge, as stated in 1 Corinthians 14:7,
the world. Consider, for example, this quotation
from the journal Our Firm Foundation
8: "If even lifeless instruments, such as
the flute or the harp, do not give distinct
(OFF): "What a shaking we face with 6 notes, how will any one know what is
million members, the majority of whom played? And if the bugle gives an indis
do not understand the three angels' mes tinct sound, who will get ready for battle?"
sages and the message of the cleansing of (RSV).
the sanctuary" (November 1991). As a leader it is my duty to inform the
Even though I admit that we who members of our church in Canada of what
preach and teach could do better at preach is causing confusion today in the same
ing Jesus Christ in the context of the three way the "speaking in tongues" (babbling)
D. Douglas Devnich is
president of the SDA angels' messages and of the sanctuary confused the church in Paul's day.
Church in Canada, doctrine, it is irresponsible to allege that Many pages could be filled with com
Oshawa, Ontario. the majority of today's Adventists do not pelling information that would help
Reprinted with slight understand this matter of great impor Adventists who personally know Jesus
editorial changes from
the December
tance. The implication is that the edito Christ to see the importance of dissociat
Canadian Union rial staff of OFF enjoys superior under ing from the dissident leaders and organi
Messenger. standing and if anyone wishes to have zations that position themselves as the
that esoteric knowledge, he or she must "true" and the "faithful" guardians of
read the journal and give financial sup historic Adventism. However, the con
port to the OFF organization. straints of space limit me to making only

passing reference to some, while placing been made a steward of sacred trusts; claim that the organized church is with
emphasis on others. each is to discharge his trust according to out fault. I myself do not possess flawless
For your information, Charles Wheel the direction of the Giver; and by each an judgment or deportment. However, I
ing, who has promoted private teachings account of his stewardship must be ren know that in this age of confusing, dissi
and programs, is no longer a member of dered to God. .. . We are responsible to dent voices it is far safer to commit my
the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Fel invest this means ourselves" (Testimo resources to God's service when it is
low members of his own local church nies, vol. 7, pp. 176, 177). directed by councils of trusted men and
voted to drop his name from the mem If you actually go to volume 7 of the women, rather than to give support to
bers' list. The Bible teaches us that the Testimonies and read that passage you individual operators who shun account
body of believers is able to discern what will find that Ellen G. White does not ability to authorized boards and commit
is true from what is false. I would suggest even use the word "tithe" in her article. tees.
that Wheeling's former congregation The testimony, entitled "The Author" May God be with us as a church. Shall
acted prudently. (pp. 176-181), addresses the issue of we not press together and help one an
There is documented evidence that whether denominational publishing other toward the kingdom of heaven?
the Prophecy Countdown program di houses should pay royalties to authors of When we know Christ, we can trust that
rected by John Osborne is a controvert- published books and articles. Ellen He will lead us personally and help His
ible operation. Documentation indicates White's point is that authors should be church to fulfill its divinely ordained
serious allegations against the operation allowed "to hold the stewardship of their purpose.
and its director. John Osborne was own works."
disfellowshipped from the Florida Con Larson's use of ellipses (. . .) pulls
ference membership for his " apostasy." together sentences that are not connected
I wish now to return to a discussion in the original source. He applies the
about the content and methods of the words "we are responsible to invest this The case of John Osborne has caused
Firm Foundation organization. The Sep means ourselves" to make Ellen White much perplexity. He has become famous or
address the issue of tithe, when in fact she notorious for his videos on celebration wor
tember issue of OFF carried an article
ship and supposed New Age infiltration into
from Ralph Larson entitled "The Tithe addresses altogether a different issue the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has
Problem Who Is Responsible?" Care that of investing the returns or profits never been ordained as a minister and neither
ful readers recognized many half-truths from authorship. In fact, Ellen White was the Rolling Hills group an organized
therein. Typical of many articles in the doesn't deal with the tithe question at all church.
OFF magazine, it distorts the writings of in that section of the Testimonies. So The Rolling Hills Company was orga
Ellen G. White to make her say what the much for the "straight testimony" of OFF nized in 1987 with John Osborne as lay
OFF authors want her to say. On several writers. leader. In June of 1990 the Florida Confer
occasions I have cross-checked the Spirit Dear brothers and sisters in the church, ence Executive Committee removed Osborne
as the lay leader because of his "recent
of Prophecy references with the original may I plead with you to consider how public activity . . . that we feel does not
text and have found gross misquotations serious is the willful intent to mislead on correctly represent the Florida Conference
drawn out of context. (This is a phenom the part of unscrupulous writers and speak of Seventh-day Adventists."
enon not limited to dissidents, unfortu ers who sanctimoniously criticize others Conference administration was then given
nately.) of falsity and apostasy. The very things written notice that John Osborne and the
The Ralph Larson article leaves the they accuse others of doing are clearly Rolling Hills Company refused to accept the
false impression that E. G. White would things they themselves have problems committee action. Conference leaders con
approve of individual church members with. Let us be more discerning about tinued to work with this group butfound them
unyielding. Thus, on November 29,1990, the
withholding tithe from the local church who we follow or what we proclaim to be Florida Conference Executive Committee
treasury, preventing it from passing special "light" for this time. Too fre disbanded the Rolling Hills Company.
through denominational channels. The quently these merchants of dissension Then on September 29, 1991, the same
Larson article further emphasizes that use a veneer of supposed late-breaking committee dropped John Osborne from mem
because of the "unsanctified attitudes" of prophetic fulfillments to appeal to bership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
ministers in the church, members should Adventists to give support to their causes. for apostasy. It also voted "to accept the
exercise their individual choice of which Repeatedly, fanciful reports of prophe request of Dianne Osborne and Johnny
ministries they should support with their cies fulfilled have proved to be hoaxes. Osborne to be dropped from the Florida
Conference Church subject to verification by
tithe and offerings. Those ministries are For example, several years ago Jan the conference officers that this is indeed
supposedly outside of the organized Marcussen declared with certainty that their wish."
church. he had inside information that President So John Osborne was disfellowshipped
Now, here is the real tragedy. That Reagan at that moment had on his desk a but his wife and son were kept on the records
article is only a sample of how deceptive decree to sign that would enforce a na for the time being. In the meantime the Troy
OFF writings are quite regularly. Unless tional Sunday law. Church leaders at the church in Montana voted in all three as
the readers of OFF are vigilant, they will General Conference found that to be a members on profession of faith. Montana
miss the deception. I refer you to the false claim, and of course to this day no Conference leaders are now working to rec
tify that situation.
following quotation in full as given in the decree has been signed by either Presi We will keep you informed as church
Larson article: dent Reagan or Bush. leaders wrestle with the sometimes difficult
"God desires to bring men into direct In discussing these problems of dissi task of keeping the balance between diversity
relation with Himself.... Every man has dent independent groups, I in no way and conformity. Editors.

Pastor's Pastor

Sermon resources —IV:

your people
Floyd Bresee

sign in the window other 166 hours of the week. them be good. And that way is inevitably
of a variety store read Listen. The preacher's calling is to Godward.
"Dry goods and no articulate the faith. We make our living Listening to your members not only
tions." I always by talking. No wonder one of the hardest helps you understand their needs, but can
loathed the possibil things for us to do is listen. Yet we learn also help you find spiritual solutions.
ity that it might fit most when we 're listening, and least when Some ministers meet with sermon com
over my pulpit. Dry we're talking. We mustn't be too quick mittees to obtain spiritual insights on
goods interesting and inspiring to no to offer solutions to people's problems. Bible texts and receive suggestions on
body. Notions shallow ideas spoken Even the balm of Gilead doesn't do much problems to be addressed in upcoming
willy-nilly off the top of my head with no good if we start applying it before finding sermons. Other preachers use a midweek
valuable insight, no spiritual depth. out where the pain is. service to give a brief biblical exegesis on
Where does the preacher go to find the passage to be used in the next worship
something worth saying? We've looked Seek spiritual solutions service sermon, then ask the group how
at four sermon resources: your Bible, Preachers are out of place and ineffec the passage applies to life as they live it.
yourself (your personal relationship with tive when their sermons give only human The best ideas are included in the sermon
Christ), your library, and your file. We answers to human needs. We are not being prepared.
conclude with another importantresource: called to be amateur psychologists or off-
your people. the-cuff sociologists. Most needs preach Wed divine truth and human need
ers deal with are basically spiritual. The An intellectual may love truth and use
Know your people's problems best answers to the problems of life are people. A pastor must love people and
All preachers should study their Bibles. found in Christian theology, not in hu use truth. For truth is of value only as it
But the best preachers will also study man sociology. helps people. This is why pastors are in
theirpeople. What are their needs? Where Too many modern preachers, in their a position to be the best theologians,
are they hurting? commendable desire to meet people's wedding divine truth and human need.
The later years in pastoral ministry needs, do not provide spiritual solutions. This was one secret of the Protestant
are dangerous years. Having once known As Luccock illustrates: "This modern Reformation's success. Look at three
the questions people wanted answered, Pilgrim's Progress is not a journey to the reformers whom we might call first, sec
we think we know now. But meanwhile celestial City of God, beginning with a ond, and third John: John Calvin was
the questions have shifted, and we end up load of sin falling from the back, and pastor of the central church in Geneva.
answering questions only the older mem continuing in a life-and-death struggle He used his sermons to explore the basic
bers are asking. with sin, but a pleasant little ramble to issues of the Reformation. John Knox led
How do you learn your people's prob self-expression and success." the Scottish Reformation from the pulpit
lems? Paul warned, "For the time will come of his church in Edinburgh. John Wesley
Visit. One member complained about when men will not put up with sound preached to the people of England three
her pastor, "He won't visit and he can't doctrine. Instead, to suit their own de and four times a day, and his theology is
preach." The distinct possibility exists sires, they will gather around them a great found almost exclusively in his sermons.
that he can't preach because he won't number of teachers to say what their Today is another time of radical
visit. Pastoral visitation is important to itching ears want to hear" (2 Tim. 4:3, change. It's a time for doing theology
preaching. It protects us from the ten NIV). We must be wise enough to sepa close to the people. Coffin said, "Preach
dency to see our people as they look rate our listeners' wants from their needs. ing is putting the hands of the people into
during the couple hours they spend in They may want us to help them/ee/ good. the hand of God." To accomplish that
church rather than the way they live the But what they most need is a way to help you must have hold of both hands.

Biblio File

The Jesus Style The importance of Christian stewardship become more sensitive about the possi
Gayle D. Erwin. Word Books, Waco, is evident after reading this book. bility of spiritual abuse.
Texas, 1988,185 pages, $8.99. Reviewed
by Chad McComas, pastor, Corvallis, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Sundown Surprises
Oregon. Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Pam Davis, Pacific Press Publishing As
After reading numerous books on lead Manipulation and False Spiritual Au sociation, Boise, Idaho, 1990, 96 pages,
ership principles and theory, I find this thority Within the Church $6.95, paper. Reviewed by Rick Ferrett,
one of the best. David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen, pastor, Pitcairn Island, South Pacific.
I appreciate Erwin's short, concise Bethany House, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Have you been looking for creative
chapters on Christ's philosophy and style 1991,235pages, $7.95,paper. Reviewed ways to begin the Sabbath? Davis pro
of leadership. Erwin, writing particu by Wayne Willey, pastor, Bentonville, vides families with practical and enjoy
larly for church leaders, bridges the cen Arkansas. able ideas for every Friday evening of the
turies to draw contemporary applications Some books merely give information, year. Much research and experience
from our Lord's teachings. while others challenge our thinking. A have gone into her books. Easy to read,
Erwin grabs the attention of self-as few books make us look deep within simple to follow, Sundown Surprises fos
sured leaders and brings them to their ourselves and ask, "Lord, is it I?" This is ters family interaction at its spiritual best.
knees. Many leadership principles that one of them.
society stresses as vital for success the The authors identify spiritually abu Recently Noted
author crushes under the heel of Jesus, sive religious systems and provide a list Overcoming Anxiety, Archibald D. Hart,
whose pure motives in service confused of their characteristics. These include: Word Publishing, Dallas, 1989, 224
even His friends. Jesus had nothing of a (1) power posturing, where leaders are pages, $14.99, hardcover.
selfish nature to prove, and that freed obsessed with their own authority and The author gears his self-help ap
Him for ministry. constantly remind others of it; (2) preoc proach to benefit the one out of every six
The author helps us understand the cupation with the performance of mem persons who suffer from significant anxi
process of the Jesus style of leadership. bers, with emphasis on obedience and ety. Hart, dean of the Graduate School of
Necessary to this process is assurance submission; (3) control by unwritten rules Psychology and professor of psychology
that we have a place in the kingdom of that are stated openly only after they have at Fuller Theological Seminary, provides
God. When we recognize God's love for been violated; (4) an unbalanced approach information on preventing anxiety in our
us in spite of our shortcomings, then we to Christian obedience; (5) a fortress men children, recognizing it in ourselves, and
become free to serve. How much we tality in which paranoia causes one to then controlling and treating it. Hart
accomplish becomes less important than hide the truth from the "evil, dangerous, explains how professional help can ben
how we accomplish it. or unspiritual people outside of the sys efit the sufferer and describes various
I have been using material from The tem who are trying to weaken or destroy anti-anxiety medications.
Jesus Style in my sermons. This small us"; (6) a misplaced sense of loyalty to an Reports indicate that babyboomers
book becomes large in importance for me organization, church, or leader rather than are increasingly becoming victims of
as it clarifies the principles and priorities
to Christ; (7) secretiveness where inap panic disorder, phobias, and other forms
needed in my local church. propriate behavior protects an image. of anxiety. Most pastors will have con
The authors define the results of spiri tact with parishioners suffering these con
The Coming Economic Earthquake tually abusive behavior, which include: ditions. One of the most comprehensive
Larry Burkett, Moody Press, Chicago, (1) development of a distorted image of volumes available, written from a Chris
1990, 230 pages, $14.95, hardcover. God; (2) preoccupation with spiritual tian perspective, Overcoming Anxiety will
Reviewed by Jerry Lastine, director of performance, resulting either in self-righ prove invaluable personally and in coun
planned giving, Columbia Union Confer teousness or shame; (3) a skewed, usually seling.
ence, Columbia, Maryland. negative self-identity; (4) development
"Signs throughout the United States of behavior to prevent future abuse The Power of Optimism: Your Action
economy are pointing to an impending either compliance with or defiance of Plan to Bring Out the Best in Yourself,
economic collapse," declares Burkett, spiritual authority; (5) difficulty accept Take Charge of Your Life, Build Love
director of Christian Financial Concepts, ing the free gift of God's grace; (6) diffi Into Your Life, Keep Enthusiasm High,
in his latest book on stewardship. culty admitting that abuse has taken place; Alan Loy McGinnis, Harper and Row,
The author gives an insightful analy (7) difficulty trusting any spiritual sys San Francisco, 1990,163 pages, $16.95,
sis of the world's economic situation. He tem again. hardcover.
discusses the Depression years, gold and The case studies and applications made In this motivational book McGinnis, a
silver standards, fractional banking, in me aware of how easy it is for Christian Christian therapist, outlines techniques
flation, spending patterns of elected offi leaders to cross the line into spiritually for incorporating an upbeat attitude
cials, and crisis indicators. Burkett de abusive behavior. At times the line be through the stresses of life.
scribes what 1999 could be like a cash tween strong, dynamic leadership and
less society and a one-world system. He abuse can be imperceptible. How to Preach: A Practical Guide to
provides possible solutions for Christians Anyone holding a leadership role Better Sermons,StevenP.Vitrano,Ph.D.,
to consider now before the crisis erupts. should read this book. Leaders need to Review and Herald Publishing Associa-

tion, Hagerstown, Maryland, 1991, 93 Grandchildren to God,
pages, US$7.95, Cdn$9.95, paper. ThereseM. Boucher, Crossroad Publish
Sermon preparation and delivery be ing Company, New York, 1991, $14.95, The line between
comes easier for the lay preacher after
reading this practical how-to book. How
Children today live in a world quite strong, dynamic
to Preach will also prove an invaluable
tool for seminary students and seasoned
different from what their grandparents
experienced. This book shows how to
leadership and
ministers. Now professor emeritus at the
Theological Seminary at Andrews Uni
build communication bridges between
these two worlds and how grandparents
spiritual abuse can
versity, Vitrano taught preaching, wor can pass on the torch of their spiritual be imperceptible.
ship, and evangelism for 30 years. heritage.

Sabbath School Program Planner, Book Slaying Your Dragons: How to Conquer
2, Dorothy Eaton Watts, Review and Your Hang-ups, Len D. McMillan, Pa
Herald Publishing Association, 1990,107 cific Press Publishing Association,Boise, church growth, and the pastor's personal
pages, US$7.95, Cdn$9.95, paper. Idaho, 1990, 95 pages, $6.95, paper. life.
In volume 2 the author gives Sabbath The author tells how to do battle with
school leaders all they need to present our personal dragons, such as apathy, Ethics in Ministry: A Guide for the Pro
programs for holidays and special occa inadequacy, fear, obstacles, circum fessional, Walter E. Wiest, and Elwyn A.
sions. The book includes 14 proven stances, success, and selfishness. Smith, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, Min
programs complete with scripts, prayer nesota, 1990, 200 pages, $12.95, paper.
suggestions, readings, special music, and Working at Home: The Dream That's The authors write for women and men in
congregational songs. Becoming a Trend, Lindsey 0'Connor, the full range of professional ministry.
Harvest House, Eugene, Oregon, 1990, They deal frankly with conflict, tension,
The Money Makeover: How to Get Con 220 pages, $6.95, paper. and ambiguity in ministry and parish life,
trol of Your Money and Your Life, O'Connor, owner of her own home and help develop skills and principles
Rosemarie F. Patterson,Here' sLife Pub business, gives tips on how others can do rather than rules and protocol.
lishers,SanBernardino,California, 1991, likewise. This could be a worthwhile
271 pages, $9.95, paper. book for pastors' wives desiring to work The Myths of Sex Education, Josh
A financial attorney specializing in at home. McDowell, Here's Life Publishers, San
bankruptcy, Patterson outlines 12 steps to Bernardino, California, 1990,302 pages,
manage money and avoid financial disas Getting Excited About Global Mission, $10.95, paper.
ter. The author, writing from a Christian Dorothy Eaton Watts, Review and Her McDowell details the current value-
perspective, probes the source of money ald Publishing Association, 1989, 103 free presentation of sexuality in public
problems personality, goals, and finan pages, $6.95, paper. schools. He gives research and statistics
cial perceptions. Part of the North American Division that shoot down the usual rationalizations
Ministries Series, this book suggests prac about sex in today's society. He also
Love Broke Through, Tom Stribling with tical and workable ideas for getting your suggests positive alternatives in resolv
Verne Becker, Zondervan Books, Grand church involved in foreign mission. ing the teen sexuality crisis.
Rapids, 1990, 200 pages, $8.95, paper. This book provides an informed basis
A powerful story of a minister who, Loving Again, Joseph A. Ryan, for proposing abstinence as an intelligent
after struggling with homosexual urges, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1991, 160 choice, and is a must for anyone involved
leaves his family and church. Twenty pages, $7.95, paper. in teenage ministry as well as parenting.
years later he faces the specter of AIDS. Ryan gives practical guidance for
Only then does love break through for widowed persons considering dating and Discussion Guides
Stribling, and he devotes the rest of his remarriage. The book is also a useful Redeeming Time, Ted W. Engstrom with
short life to sharing God's love with other resource for families of widowed per Robert C. Larsen.
sufferers. sons, and their pastors and counselors. Wholly Single, Julia Duin.
Tending Creation, Dale and Sandy
Before the Setting Sun: Twenty-Minute Pastoral Ethics: Professional Responsi Larsen.
Worship Services for Residents of Health- bilities of the Clergy, Gaylord Noyce, Fulfilling Work, R. Paul Stevens and
Care Centers and Retirement Homes, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1988, 220 Gerry Schoberg.
Roger and Shirley Prescott, C.S.S. Pub pages, $13.95, paper. Harold Shaw Publishers, Wheaton, Illi
lishing Company, Lima, Ohio, 1990, This second printing of a professional nois, 1991, 48 pages, $3.50 each, paper.
$4.75, paper. ethics manual for pastors discusses a At a time when small groups are flour
This small book will prove helpful for framework for ethics. Noyce addresses ishing, Harold Shaw Publishers gives us
pastors and elders in giving short devo occupational concerns such as leader a series that combines Bible study with
tions in health-care facilities. ship, preaching and teaching, pastoral real-life issues. Each book has eight
care, financing ministry, relating to other studies that members of home and church
Spiritual Grandparenting: Bringing Our clergy, public relations, evangelism, groups can complete in 30 to 40 minutes.

Local Church Elders

Elders in the
Trans-European Division
David Currie

hey belong to the better with what we already have in place? ways to plan for church growth.
ranks of business- How can our division ministerial associa the function of local church com
persons, farmers, tions and church ministries departments mittees.
doctors, teachers, equip local church elders to more effec drawing up an agenda for board of
engineers, home- tively serve their congregations? elders meetings.
makers, and many One immediate challenge is to bring In division-wide ministers' meetings,
other occupations. together elders from a conference or union we are also discussing, at length, the role
They have also been elected to the office at least once a year to discuss ideas. The that local elders should have in assisting
of elder in their local church. The major church in Poland took a big step forward the pastor, and also as leaders in their own
ity take their responsibilities seriously, by planning such a nationwide retreat. right.
yet often find themselves "hamstrung" in Elders will spend the weekend discussing Often elders see the need for con
performing their duties. Causes for this the needs of local churches and what they structive change but are not sure exactly
frustration include a lack of communica can do about them. The program will be what should be done to remedy the situ
tion, a lack of understanding as to what conducted by the Polish Union, assisted ation. Further, even with ideas in hand,
their real responsibilities are, and in some by the division church ministries direc the challenge remains of how to imple
cases a lack of delegated work assigned to tor, James Huzzey, along with David ment them.
them. Currie, division ministerial secretary. Among the most serious problems
In our division, local elders come Our presentations will include: everywhere is the disappearance of mem
from the Third World country of Pakistan format and styles of liturgy, such as bers. This includes youth in particular,
to Eastern European Poland; from singing, prayer, and Scripture read but also older persons who do not find
Sweden's sophistication to the war- ing, and their effect on worship. their church spiritually vibrant and suffi
stricken areas of Yugoslavia; from Ice the preaching plan for the year. ciently friendly. The church cannot imag
land to Israel; from the British Isles to types of sermons that feed the mem ine that "everything is all right and the
Finland; from the Netherlands to Hun bership. problem is with those who no longer
gary; and from Denmark to Greece. Ev the places to get sermon resources. worship with us." As society is con
erywhere local elders are needed, yet ways to visit members. stantly updating its methods (though not
they must often work under severe stric always for the best), so the church must
tures. Each country has its own diversity look for ways to improve performance.
of challenges, resources needed, and ser
vices to be rendered by these lay servants When local elders Remember that you, as a local church
elder, are a key person in achieving the
of the church.
With an increasing shortage of sala
and pastors are goals of your church. Although a crowded
schedule may hamper you from doing
ried ministers, the Adventist Church to equipped with much of what you want to do to help, keep
day welcomes the strengths and talents of
its elders as never before. This may be an adequate training looking for opportunities to share your
creative ideas and practical talents. When
indictment on previously held positions,
but there is always room for improve and resources, the local elders and pastors are equipped
with adequate training and resources, the
ment. The questions are: How we can do church benefits church benefits greatly. A more informed
leadership can wisely implement changes.
David Currie, ministerial secretary for the Trans-
European Division of Seventh-day Adventists, greatly. The monthly Elders' Page in Ministry
writes from St. Albans, England. will help in this.'

n invitation to growth-
Letters personal and church
From page 2

to be taken as a casebook account of

legend from primitive times? How
much is fanciful, how much is adorn Aastoral
ment of limited data concerning actual
events, and how much is bedtime-style
stories God has used for the develop Dynamic Christian
ment of a relationship with Him until formation techniques
people were supposedly capable of for spiritual growth
understanding or appreciating the
actual historical details? Includes 2 texts, study guide
There is much benefit to be derived Ben Maxson and 4 audio cassettes.

from considering the Bible as both a us$31.95

casebook and a codebook. Robert H.
Brown, Yucaipa, California.

I appreciate the airing of various
views on celebration worship in
Ministry. Our church is in need of
changes. However, I believe the issue
raises some questions that require
d ventures in
careful consideration: Church Growth
Have we discovered in drama and Tools to determine the type of people your
theatrics a more powerful and impres church can win. Also reclaim dropouts.
sive way to reach hearts than in the Includes text and study guide.
Word of God?
Is there any danger that the stage is
crowding out the pulpit?
Should we be training better mall Groups
scriptwriters and actors? for Growth
Is there any danger that we might How to begin and
denigrate the Bible? maintain small groups,
Is our religion more the nature of a and the Holy Spirit's
stimulus than an abiding faith? role in them.
Is it possible that our religious Includes 2 texts, study guide
exercises might have too much of self and 4 audio cassettes.
Carrie Williams us$27.95
and too little of Jesus?
Is celebration worship in character
with the most solemn message ever Order from
committed to mortals? Ministerial Continuing Education
Is the world separating into two 12501 Old Columbia Pike
classes those who can't live with the Silver Spring, MD 20904
Bible, those who can't live without Visa and MasterCard orders (301) 680-6503
it? Trevor Hoover, pastor, Apison Checks payable to General Conference of SDA—CE
Seventh-day Adventist Church, Apison, Prices include shipping to a US or Canadian address.
before a holy God and in awe cry was incompatible with worship. The
I read all the articles in the October "Holy, holy, holy." Isaiah's response handclapping also had a negative
issue of Ministry on worship. Some to this was one of reverential awe impact on me. If we were to go to the
arguments advanced for a more "Woe is me! for I am undone; because original biblical languages, we would
expressive type of worship are not I am a man of unclean lips . . . : for be hard pressed to find the clapping of
sound. There is a difference between mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord hands as a form of worship. In every
cheering fellow human beings at a ball of hosts" (Isa. 6:5-7; cf. Rev. 7:9-12). case in the original where clapping of
game and praising a holy God in His I attended a celebration church. I hands is involved in worship, the
house of worship. Angels veil their could see some good in it, but I was "hands" are in the singular. G. L.
faces and fall prostrate in adoration uncomfortable there. The music to me Burton, Shattuck, Oklahoma.

Shop Talk

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