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B. Tech First Year (Odd Semester)

Practice Sheet 3
Steady State Analysis of Single-Phase AC Circuits (Unit 2)
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (BEE-101)

1. An alternating voltage 𝑒 = 100 sin 314𝑡 is applied to a device which offers an ohmic
resistance of 50 Ω in one direction while entirely preventing the flow of current in the
opposite direction. Calculate the average and r.m.s. value of current. Also find the form
factor. [0.637 A; 1 A; 1.57]
2. A generator produces a triangular voltage wave as a function of time as shown in Fig.
1. This voltage is impressed across a 10 Ω resistor. How much energy is delivered to
the resistor in 1 second? [333.3 J]

Fig. 1
3. Determine the form factor and peak factor for the unshaded waveform in Fig. 2.
[1.105; 1.454]

Fig. 2
4. For the trapezoidal current waveform of Fig. 3, determine (i) average value (ii) r.m.s.
value. [10 𝐼𝑚 ; 0.775 𝐼𝑚 ]

Fig. 3
5. Three circuits in parallel take the following currents:
𝑖1 = 20 sin 314𝑡

𝑖2 = 30 sin(314𝑡 − 𝜋⁄4)

𝑖3 = 40 cos(314𝑡 + 𝜋⁄6)

Find (i) the expression for the resultant current and (ii) its r.m.s. value and frequency. If
the circuit has a resistance of 2 Ω, what is the energy loss in 10 hours?
[𝑖 = 25.1 sin(314𝑡 + 32.3𝑜 );17.75 A; 50 Hz; 6301.25 Wh]

6. Three sinusoidally alternating currents of r.m.s. values 5A, 7.5A and 10A are having
the same frequency with phase angles of 30°, – 60° and 45°.

(i) Find the average values (ii) Write equations for their instantaneous values (iii) Draw phasor
diagram taking first current as the reference. [4.50 A; 6.76 A; 9.01 A]

7. What is the resultant of a series arrangement of four coils A, B, C and D generating

e.m.fs. of 25, 30, 30 and 20 volts respectively? The e.m.f. of coil B leads that of A by
30º, e.m.f. of coil C leads B by 60º and e.m.f. of D lags 45º behind A.
[𝑒 = 72.02 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 25𝑜 22′ ) V]

8. The e.m.f. of each of the two coils, as read by a voltmeter, is 220 V. When the coils
are connected in series at random, the resulting e.m.f. is 381 V. What is the phase angle
of the e.m.f.s of the two coils? If the connections of one of the coils are reversed, what
will be the phase angle between the e.m.f.s and what will be the resulting voltage?
[60𝑜 ; 220 𝑉]

9. The following four e.m.fs. act together in a circuit:

𝑒1 = 10 sin 𝜔𝑡; 𝑒2 = 8 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜋⁄3)
𝑒3 = 4 sin(𝜔𝑡 − 𝜋⁄6); 𝑒4 = 6 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 3𝜋⁄4)

Calculate the e.m.f. represented by 𝑒1 − 𝑒2 + 𝑒3 − 𝑒4 . [𝑒 = 19 sin(𝜔𝑡 − 43.8𝑜 )]

10. Find the value of 𝑉𝐴𝐵 in Fig. 4. [42.4 V]

Fig. 4

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