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Disciplina – Inglês Técnico


Diagnostic English Worksheet
A. Choose the correct answer.
a) That man is very rich. __________ car is a Ferrari.

1. her 2. he 3. his
b) She is __________ than her sister.

4. taller 5. tall 6. tallest

c) I’ll meet you _____ Saturday _____ 9pm.

7. at … in 8. in … on 9. on … at
d) Do you like to live in __________ city of Leiria?

10. a 11. the 12. an

e) He’s a vegetarian. He __________ eat meat?

13. don't eat 14. not eat 15. doesn’t eat

f) That is the boy, __________ comes from London.

16. whose 17. who 18. where

B. Write in English.
1. Imagine que entra num café e encontra o Michael, que veio cá passar umas férias. Cumprimente-o e

2. O amigo do Michael não tem ar de ser português, nem inglês. Pergunte-lhe qual é a sua nacionalidade e se ele
fala francês.

C. Write the answers.

Yes, I am Portuguese.
2. ___________________________________________________________________?
Her telephone number is 989767567.
3. ___________________________________________________________________?
His birthday is on 10th March.
She is a student.

D. Give a short presentation about you.

Write a paragraph about you. Begin like this: My name is Alexander but my friends call me Alex.

E. Fill in the blanks with the verb to be.

______________________________________________________ _________________
Disciplina – Inglês Técnico

1. I ________twelve and he_____ten.
2. Who_______you? I _____a Portuguese girl.
3. We_________at school and they _______at home.

F. The days of the week: Fill in the blanks.

1. T__ __sday 2. Su__d__y 3. W__dn__s__ay 4. M__n__ __y

4. Sa__ __r__ay 6. Th___ __sday 7. Fr__d___y

G. Months of the year

Winter Spring Summer Fall/

March Septembe

H. Write the numbers.

1-one 36- 211- 16th -
2- 77- 22- 17-
3rd - 8- 93- 38-
20- 19- 147- 1920-
18- 10- 15- 2000-

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

Hi George!
My name _______ (be) Jane and I _____ (be) from Italy. I ______________ (study) in Coimbra at the moment. I
_________ (love) Portugal! It ______ (be) my favorite country in the world. When I _________ (be) a little girl I
________ (want) to be a teacher, but now I _____________ (study) to be an architect. My hobbies _________
(be) reading, listening to music and swimming. Last year I ____________ (participate) in a contest in Italy and I
_______ (win) an award! I _______ (have) a brother, his name _______ (be) Peter and he _________ (work) in
Rome. What about you? Where ____________ (be) you from? What ______________________ (you/do)?
__________________________ (you/like) to listen to music?

J. Complete the dialogues. Use the words.

______________________________________________________ _________________

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