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Medical Assistant 3 Surgical Asepsis and Assisting with Surgical procedures Worksheet


Match the following terms with their definitions.

1. Invasion of body tissues by microorganisms, which proliferate and damage tissues

2. The cleansing process that removes organic material and reduces the number of

microorganisms to a safe level

3. Complete destruction of all forms of microbial life

4. Becoming nonsterile by contact with any nonsterile material

5. The process of killing pathogenic organisms or of rendering them inactive


a. Contamination

b. Infection

c. Sterilization

d. Disinfection

e. Sanitization


1. Describe the differences among sanitization, disinfection, and sterilization and how each is


2. Explain the following types of sterilization indicators. Which is considered the best

method for checking whether instrument packs are being sterilized when autoclaved?

a. Chemical

b. Biologic

Describe the following common surgical procedures done in the physician's office.
Medical Assistant 3 Surgical Asepsis and Assisting with Surgical procedures Worksheet

a. Cryosurgery

b. Microsurgery

c Endoscopic procedures

d. Electrosurgery

e. Laser

3. Explain the importance of skin preparation and describe how it is done.

Indicate which statements are true (T) and which are false (F).

1. Air currents carry bacteria, so talking and body motions over a sterile field should be kept to

a minimum.

2. A sterile field can get wet but remain microorganism free.

3. Sterile team members should always face each other.

4. You should always keep the sterile field in your view.

5. You should never turn your back on a sterile field or wander away from it.

6 When autoclaving, you should place a gauze sponge around the tips of sharp instruments

to prevent them from piercing the wrapping material.

7. Nonsterile individuals can safely reach across the edge of the sterile field to place sterile


8. All hinged instruments are wrapped in the closed position to allow full steam penetration of

the joint.

9. When using sterilizing bags, you should insert the grasping end of the instruments first.

10. The medical term for a permanent scar formation is called a cicatrix.
Medical Assistant 3 Surgical Asepsis and Assisting with Surgical procedures Worksheet

11. When a surgical incision separates or ruptures at the wound edges it is called dehiscence.

Answer the following questions.

1. Describe the three phases of wound healing.




2. Describe first and second intention healing and give an example of each.

3. What are the reasons for applying a sterile dressing?

4. What is the purpose of a bandage? Does it have to be sterile?

5. Explain the difference between surgical and medical asepsis. When is each performed?

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