Aic Revision

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“you killed her – and the child…your own grandchild”

“You don’t understand anything. You never did. You never even tried”

“She wasn’t the usual sort” “She didn’t know what to do”

“I insisted – it seems”

“in that state when a chap easily turns nasty”

“I threatened to make a row”

“Why shouldn’t they try for higher wages?”

‘youre not the kind of father a chap could go to when he’s in trouble’

“[rather too manly to be dandy]”

“Sorry - I - well, I've suddenly realised - taken it in properly - that she's dead”

“[easy well-bred young man-about-t own]”

‘she was pretty - soft brown hair and big dark eyes - [breaks off] My God!”

"young and fresh and charming and altogether out of place down there"

“Women of the town”

“I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women”

‘’nothing more than a cry for help’’

Old Joe Meggarty with his ‘fat old carcass’ wedging eva ‘into a corner’

Mr Birling
Provincial in his speech

“A man has to mind his own business and look after himself

“It’s my duty to keep labour costs down.”

“Probably a socialist or some sort of crank”

, they’d soon be asking for the earth.”

“Why you hysterical young fool – get back – or I’ll – “

(the Inspector is speaking) “Public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges”

“I care. I was almost certain for a Knighthood in the next honours list.”

‘A heavy looking, rather portentous man”

“(the Titanic is) unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable”

Mrs Birling
“A piece of gross impertinence”

“I did nothing I'm ashamed of”

“She had only herself to blame”

“First I blame the girl herself. Secondly, I blame the young man”

“He’d be entirely responsible. [...] Compelled to confess in public his responsibility”

“[With dignity] We’ve done a great deal of useful work helping deserving cases”

“The rude way he spoke … it was quite extraordinary!”

“girls of that class”

Disgusting affair”

“I was in a furious temper” and “It was my own fault” and “I behaved badly too. I know I did”

“If I could help her now, I would” and “I'll never, never do it again to anybody”

“pretty girl in her early twenties” and “very pleased with life and rather excited”

“You and I aren’t the same people“

“But these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people”

(Mr and Mrs Birling speaking ‘’what is the matter with that child?’’ ‘’She’s just overexcited’’

“We are members of one body

“Each of you helped to kill her, remember that. Never forget it.”

“Need not be a big man”

“Impression of massiveness (solidity and purposefulness)”

“A plain darkish suit”

“If men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish”

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