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1963 Correspondence 1155

cavity were obtained by cleaving. The similar to those for the 2.07-P maser. In both regardless of being P on N or N on P ; in
ohmic contact to the n-type base was made masers, the threshold is considerably higher liquidnitrogen orat room temperature.
by alloying to a Sn-Au plated molybdenum than inmostInAs and GaAsmasers. I t With the onset of diode breakdown, the en-
tab. Typically the dimensions of the rec- cannot be determined a t this time whether tirejunction glows with a pale yellow-red
tangular parallelepipeds have been 400x80 the threshold is a fundamental property of color which can be Seen with the naked eye
X80 microns. (In,Gal-,)Asorwhetheritcanbe signifi- in a partially lighted room. Fig. 1 is a photo-
Fig. 2 shows the spectrum of the radia- cantly reducedbychanges in dopingor graphmade a t room temperature of an
tionfrom the (Ino.;jGao.,s)As diodemaser fabrication technique. The magnetic thresh- emitter-base diode showing the entire junc-
a t 1.9’K both below and abovethreshold. old-reduction has been used to avoid over- tion glowing. Under magnification, the light
Atacontinuouscurrent of 200mA the heating, which may be an even more serious emission appearsspotty,but is uniform
spontaneous emission linepeaks a t 2 . 0 9 ~ problem in the mixed crystals than in GaAs enough to be considered a macroplasma
and has a half-width of 500 A. Coherent and InAsbecause the lattice thermal con- emission as defined by Batdorf.2 However,
emission from the flat and parallel surfaces ductivities aremuch lower in the mixed in most cases a t certain areas of the macro-
of the diode was obtained by using current crystals.6 plasma, extremely bright spots are readily
pulses of 50-nsec duration.The coherent Bymaking (In,Gal,)As diodemasers visible and it is believed that these are ac-
emission lineinFig. 2, whichoccurs at with coherent emission wavelengths a t 2 . 0 7 ~ tually microplasma sites.’ Fig. 2 is a photo-
2 . 0 7 ~ with zp instrument limited half- and 1.77p, we believe we have demonstrated graph depicting thebright microplasmas
width of 6.5 A, was observed with current the feasibility of producingsemiconductor located in the uniform emission pattern.
pulses of 35 A in a magnetic field of 14 diode masers which will emit coherent radia- As the breakdown current is increased,
kilogauss applied perpendicular to the direc- tion atany desiredwavelengthbetween the color remains unchanged but the emis-
tion of current flow. As reported for GaAsl1 0 . 8 4 ~(GaAs) and 3 . 1 (InAs). ~ sion intensity rises continuously.At this
and InAsI2 diodes, application of a magnetic The authors wish to thank R. J. Keyes point, the third mechanism mentioned in the
field reduces the current threshold for co- and D. H. Bates for providing the calibrated literature’ as a mesoplasma is observable. At
herent emission and increases the emission grating spectrometer and F. W . Sarlesfor some current level, thecharacteristic V-1
intensity a t a given current above threshold. designing a peak detecting voltmeter. Mrs. curve goes througha negativeresistance
A t 14 kilogauss, the threshold current for this L. B. Farrell prepared the (In,Gal-,)As region and falls to a very low voltage level;
diode, as evidenced by a sharp increase in ingots and J. W . Sanchezmade the x-ray thisphenomenon is knownas ‘secondary
total emission intensity from the cleaved diffractionstudies. The maser structures breakdown.” English and Powers have re-
surface, was 9 A(3 X lo4 a/cmz). were fabricated and the experimental setup ported that as the diode they had prepared
The line widths andcurrent threshold was built by Mrs. M. L. Barney and L. J. switched over to the lower voltage mode, an
for the 1.77-p diode maser, which were also Belanger. extremelylarge bright red spot appeared
measured a t 1.9’K and 14kilogauss, were I. MELNGAILIS and, at the same instant, the smaller micro-
A. J. STRAUSS plasmasdiminished in lightintensity.The
R. H. REDIKER authors have observed a similar effect. As
Lincoln Laboratoryt secondarybreakdown is approached,the
Mass. Inst. Tech. uniformmacroplasma and the spotted mi-
Lexington, Mass. croplasmainc ease in lightintensity.At
Secondary breakdown, all other emission is
halted and the singular bright red spot ap-
t Operated with support from the U. S. Army, pears. This mesoplasma which appearsto
Navy andA x Force.
originate fromone of the smaller micro-
plasma sites grows in size until the diode is
An analysis of the breakdown light emis-
sion shows it to be a continuum type spectra
withoneendbeginning a t approximately
5350°A, peaking in intensity a t 6000’A and
Fig. l-(In,Gall)As maser diode structure illus- remaining constant out to7000’A which was
trating some of the fabrication details. the end of the sensitivity range of the emul-
Light Emission from Silicon sion used. These wavelengths correspond to
Transistor Junctions* energies of 2.31 ev, 2.05 ev, and 1.76 ev, re-
Three principle papers1+ have been spectively. The mesoplasma emission seemed
published, each describing a distinct mecha- to be mainly in the infrared.
ABOVE THRESHOLD nism or conditionforlight emission from Twointerestingphenomenaconcerning
35 Amp uniform junction emission were observed. A
silicon diodes. In each c a s e , speciallypre-
-: I 61-
. I
I pared diodes were used for the experiments. situation exists in atransistorknownas
“punch through.” Thiscondition existswhen
Theauthorshave foundall three mecha-
2 0 0 mA I nisms for lightemission in almost everycom- the depletion layer of a reversed biased diode
mercially available transistor which is sili- completely crossesthe base region and makes
con, has a junction exposed (planar, triple contact with its counterpart’s depletion
diffused and alloy diffused construction) layer,resultingin a dynamiccollector-to-
and has a breakdown voltage which is a p emitter short circuit. This phenomenon has
proximately 7u 5 VB5 8Ov. actually been Seen while reverse biasing the
2.05 2 IO 2.15 Thegreaterpart of thisinvestigation collector-base diode. Initially, the only light
WAVELENGTH (a) has been on silicon planar constructed emission observableisfromthis junction,
Fig. 2-Spectra of infrared emission above and below transistors, since both the emitter-base diode but, at a critical voltage, the light intensity
threshold from cleaved surface of (1no.eGao.s)As and collector-base diode are exposed. Each diminishesfromthis junctionand
diode at 1.9’K with a magnetic field of 14 kilo- diode was made to glow with reverse bias emitter-base diode glows. On thecurve
gauss applied perpendicular tothe dlrectlon of tracer, the breakdown curve goes through a
current flow. The spectrum above threshold was
taken with 50-nsec pulses of 35 a-amplitude, while negativeresistance region to a voltage
the spectrum helow threshold w a s taken with a * Received June 17. 1963. which is 15-20 v lower. Also noticed in
continuous current of 2 0 0 ma. The measured width 1 A. L. Batdorf. A. G. Chynoweth, G. C. Dacey
of spectrum above threshold corresponds to the and P. W. Gay, ‘Uniform silicon P A junctions: I. several
devices was a uniform emission
resolution of the grating spectrometer. Broad area breakdown,* 1. AggI. Phys.. vol. 31. pp. around each supposedly ohmic contact area
1153-1160. July, 1960. on the silicon surface. (See Fig. 2.)
2 D. 1. Rose. ‘MiaoDlasmas i n silicon.” Phvs. Rat..
11 W. Krag. private communication. VOI. 10s; pp. 413-418; j a n ~ , 1s. 1957’. - ’ The authors would like to thank J. W .
I* I. Melngailis and R. H. Rediker. “Magnetically I % A .C. English and H. M. Power; “Mesoplasma Mellichamp,fromthis Laboratory, for his
tunable cw InAs diode maser.” Aggl. Phys. Leu.. vol. breakdown in silicon junctions,” PROC.IEEE ( C a r e -
2, pp. 202-204: June, 1963. p o n d m u ) ~ 0 1 . 5 1 .PP. 500-501: March, 1963. spectroscopic analysis.

The Word “PARAMETER”* obtained by justaddingbothkinds of

logarithms as shown in (1) and (2). The
Recenttechnicalarticlesindicate that conversion factor in ( 2 ) is the sum of the
this word has become a vogue word.’ “Every conversion factors in the center of (3) and
now andthen a word emerges fromob- (4). For completeness, the conversion fac-
scurity, or even from nothingness or a tors between the Briggsian and the Natural
merely potentialandnotactual existence logarithms are
into sudden popularity. I t is often, but not
necessarily, one that by no means explains log -v
_ _--0,434,294 = 1/2.302,585. (5)
itself to the average manwho has tofind out In .V
its meaning as best he can; his wrestlings
with it have usually some effect upon it; it L. V. KRIGER
does not mean quite what it ought to mean, K. H. HAASE
but in compensation it means some things Electronics Res. Dir.
that it ought not to. , . . n 4 F Cambridge Research Labs.
The Oxford English Dictionary definition Office of Aerospace Research
of the word is ”Quantity constant in case L. G. Hanscom Field
considered, but varying in different casesn Bedford, Mass.
The word seems to be used as if it were
synonymouswith“characteristic” or “at-
used in its correct sense. One writer recently
referred to ”the measured parameter,”
which, if the above definition is to beac-
cepted, is a contradiction in terms.
I n an experiment to determine the change
of tube anode current with changing anode
voltage, the results would be useless unless
On the Origin of the Word Radio*
certain parameters (e.g., heater and screen \\’ith reference to theinteresting com-
voltage-held constant for anyonerun) munication’sentby H . Drubba on the
were stated, but the anode voltage and cur- origin of the word “radio,” we wish to give
rentare not parameters in the case con- some details that probablycan be useful
sidered. from the historical point of view. The points
Theauthor wishes to acknowledge a are mainly two.
(b) previous reference to this subject.* 1 ) Professor Branly published his first
Fig. 1-(a) Photograph showing transistor structure. T. R . W. BUSHBY paper on November 24, 1890.* Some years
(b) Photograph of macroplasma light emission.
Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd. before, theItalianscientist, Professor T.
Sydney, N.S.W., Australia Calzecchi-Onesti (1853-1922), broadly de-
scribed in the review I1 Numo Cimento, in
18848 and in 1885,‘ thebehavior of dis-
* Received Februa:y 25, 1963. continuous conductorsin the presence of elec-
1 €1. W. Fowler, ‘Modern English Usage.” Oxford
University Press. New York. N.Y.. p. 697; 1950. tric radiation. The first paper had the head-
2 ‘Plain Words,” Mullard Industrial Valve News- ing “Sulla Conduttivita Elettrica delle
letter, no. 34; July. 1961.
LimatureMetalliche” (On the Electrical
Conductivity of Metal Filings).
2) I n the above article the author affirms
that Marconi used the “Branly device” in
his transatlantic transmission experiments.
As far as we know, in his experiments of
December, 1901, he used a mercury ball de-
tector developed by T. Tommasina and as-
sembled by L. Solari at the Italian Kavy
Electric Laboratory a t La Spezia (Fig. 1).

A Note on Logarithmic Conversion*

Accidentally we havefound thatthe
base 2 logarithm of a number equals closely
the sum of the Briggsian and the Natural
logarithm of this number so that
log N + In N = log? N . (1)
Fig. 1-Scheme of mercury coherer R. Marina (Solari
model) based on the phenomenon discovered by
Exactly, A-A-Brass binding posts.
B -Moving iron electrode.
log N + In N = 0.994,177.log? N . (2) C -Retort coal electrode.
D -Mercury ball.
The conversions V - G l a s s tube.
SS -Ebonite base.
log N
-- - 0,301,030 = 1/3.321,928 (3)
Fig. 2-(a) Photograph showing transistor structure. logs N * Received March 8 1963
(b) Photograph of microplasma light emission and 1 H. Drubba. ” O n t i e on& of the word ‘Radio,”’
emission from contact area. In N
-- PRK. IRE (Carcsppadence). vol. 50, pp. 1195-1196;
- 0.693,147 = 1/1.442,695 September 1962.
E. B. HAKIM log2 N 2 S. R.’ Branly. “Variations de $ conductibilitb
sous diver- influences electrigues. C a p t . rend.
B. REICH necessitate the multiplication of the values Acad. Sci., Paris. vol. 111. pp. 758-787; November.
U. S . Army taken from a Briggsian or a Natural log- 1890.
a T. Caizemhi-Onesti, ‘ S d a conduttiviaelet-
Semiconductor and Microelectronics Branch arithm table. Instead, sufficient accuracy is trica delle limature metalliche, *I1 Yuow Cimcnlo.
Solid State and Frequency Control Div. vol. 16. pp. 5 6 4 4 ; October, 1884.
4- “Sulla conduttiviti elettrica delle li-
Electronics Researchand Development Lab. mature metalliche.” I1 Numo Cimenfo,vol. 17, pp. 38-
Fort Monmouth, X. J. * Received February 18. 1963. 42; March 2, 1885.

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