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Directions: Complete the following questions using the website below. You may
need to click on the links in the article to read more about related topics.

1. According to the website, when did World War I end?

november 11th 1918

2. When AND where was the Treaty of Versailles signed?

3. What event did the Treaty of Versailles cause?

4. During what years did World War I occur?

5. According to the website, which of the Central powers ‘stood alone’ at

the end of World War I?

6. How many nations were involved in the negotiations of the Treaty of


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7. Who were the three main politicians that participated in the signing of the
Treaty of Versailles?

8. What was the main thing that David Lloyd George of Britain argued for in
the Treaty of Versailles?

9. What was the main thing that Georges Clemenceau of France argued for
in the Treaty of Versailles?

10. What was the main thing that Woodrow Wilson of the United States
argued for in the Treaty of Versailles?

11. What famous list did Woodrow Wilson create at the end of World War I
AND what was its purpose?’

12. How did Woodrow Wilson’s views differ from that of both Britain and

13. How many articles were in the Treaty of Versailles?

14. How did Germany feel about the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

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15. The Treaty of Versailles had several main points.
a. How did the Treaty of Versailles impact Germany’s territory?

b. What is meant by the term ‘reparations’?

c. How much was Germany forced to pay in reparations?

d. How many soldiers was Germany’s army limited to as a part of the

Treaty of Versailles?

e. What region was Germany made to demilitarize?

f. What clause was Germany made to accept?

g. What organization was Germany forbidden from joining?

16. According to the website, how is the Treaty of Versailles often viewed

17. What did Germany do to pay back its reparations?

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18. What is meant by the term ‘hyperinflation’?

19. Explain how hyperinflation impacted Germany.

20. What was the Weimar Republic?

21. Explain the crises faced by the Weimar Republic in the time after the end
of World War I.

22. Who rose to power in Germany as a result of anger towards the Treaty of

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