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El engranaje iluminado (Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (2021)) [10 EP]

Hunter Clade Kill Team (Hunter Clade) [10 EP]


Game Type
Selections: Matched

Categories: Configuration


Doctrina Imperatives
Categories: Reference
Abilities: Doctrina Imperatives, Doctrina Imperatives: Aggressor Imperative, Bulwark Imperative, Conqueror Imperative, Equalised
Imperative, Protector Imperative

Abilities Ability Ref

In the Strategy phase of the first Turning Point, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you must
select one Doctrina Imperative below to become active for your kill team instead. That Imperative is active
until the end of the battle, or until you change it to a different Imperative, whichever comes first.

Doctrina In the Strategy phase of a subsequent Turning Point, when it is your turn to use a Strategic Ploy or pass, you
Imperatives may select one different Imperative below to become active for your kill team instead. That Imperative is
active until the end of the battle, or until you change it to a different Imperative, whichever comes first.

Each Imperative has an Optimisation and a Deprecation effect. Ignore each Imperative’s Deprecation effect
during the first Turning Point that it is active for your kill team during the battle.

Optimisation Deprecation Ref

Each time a shooting attack is made against a

Aggressor Add ▲ to the Movement characteristic of friendly HUNTER friendly HUNTER CLADE operative, defence
Imperative CLADE operatives. dice cannot be retained automatically as a
result of Cover (they must be rolled instead).

Each time a shooting attack is made against a friendly

HUNTER CLADE operative, in the Roll Defense Dice step of
Bulwark Subtract ⬤ from the Movement characteristic
that shooting attack, before any other rules take effect, if
Imperative of friendly HUNTER CLADE operatives.
you rolled two or more failed saves, you can re-roll one of
your defence dice.

Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative

Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative fights in makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack
combat, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat, you Dice step of that shooting attack, before any
can re-roll one of your attack dice. other re-rolls, you must re-roll one of your
critical hits (if any).

No effect No effect

Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative makes a Each time a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative
Protector shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that fights in combat, in the Roll Attack Dice step
Imperative shooting attack, before any other re-rolls, if you rolled two of that combat, before any other re-rolls, you
or more failed hits, you can re-roll one of your attack dice. must re-roll one of your critical hits (if any).

Skitarii Vanguard Alpha
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Alpha, Leader
Abilities: Control Edict, Rad-saturation, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard Alpha

Arc pistol and taser goad

Selections: Arc pistol, Taser goad

Rules: APx, Lethal x, Rng x, Stun

Weapons: ⌖ Arc pistol, ⚔ Taser goad

Abilities Ability Ref

Once per Turning Point, when a ready friendly HUNTER CLADE operative is activated within
operative, you can select another ready friendly HUNTER CLADE operative within ⬛ ⬛
of this
of this operative that is
Edict eligible to be activated. After that first friendly operative has been activated, you can immediately activate
that other friendly operative.

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard Alpha 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 8

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Arc pistol 4 2+ 4/5 Rng ⬟, AP1 Stun

⚔ Taser goad 4 4+ 3/4 Lethal 5+ Stun

Operative [10 EP]

Sicarian Infiltrator Tracker

Selections: Flechette blaster, Taser goad
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Sicarian, Infiltrator, Tracker, Operative

Rules: Fusillade, Lethal x, Relentless, Rng x, Stun

Operative: Sicarian Infiltrator, Weapons: ⌖ Flechette blaster, ⚔ Taser goad (Infiltrator)

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sicarian Infiltrator 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 10

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Flechette blaster 5 3+ 2/3 Relentless, Fusillade, Rng ⬟ -

⚔ Taser goad (Infiltrator) 4 3+ 3/4 Lethal 5+ Stun

Sicarian Infiltrator Tracker

Selections: Power weapon, Stubcarbine

Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Sicarian, Infiltrator, Tracker, Operative
Rules: Ceaseless, Lethal x
Operative: Sicarian Infiltrator, Weapons: ⌖ Stubcarbine, ⚔ Power weapon (Infiltrator)

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sicarian Infiltrator 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 10

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Stubcarbine 4 3+ 3/4 Ceaseless -

⚔ Power weapon (Infiltrator) 4 3+ 4/6 Lethal 5+ -

Sicarian Ruststalker Assassin [3 EP]
Selections: Optimised Gait [1 EP], Servo-skull* [2 EP], Transonic blades
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Sicarian, Ruststalker, Assassin, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Optimised Gait, Servo-skull, Wasteland Stalkers, Operative: Sicarian Ruststalker, Weapons: ⚔ Transonic blades

Abilities Ability Ref

Optimised Each time this operative is activated, it can ignore the first distance of ⬤ it travels for a climb, drop or traverse
Gait during that activation.

Servo- Once per Turning Point, during this operative's activation, it can perform a mission action for one less AP (to
skull a minimum of 0AP).

Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defense Dice step of that shooting
attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it is in Cover, one additional dice can be retained as a successful
normal save as a result of Cover.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sicarian Ruststalker 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 10

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Transonic blades 5 3+ 4/6 - Rending

Sicarian Ruststalker Assassin [1 EP]

Selections: Optimised Gait [1 EP], Transonic blades

Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Sicarian, Ruststalker, Assassin, Operative
Rules: Rending
Abilities: Optimised Gait, Wasteland Stalkers, Operative: Sicarian Ruststalker, Weapons: ⚔ Transonic blades

Abilities Ability Ref

Optimised Each time this operative is activated, it can ignore the first distance of ⬤ it travels for a climb, drop or traverse
Gait during that activation.

Each time a shooting attack is made against this operative, in the Roll Defense Dice step of that shooting
attack, before rolling your defence dice, if it is in Cover, one additional dice can be retained as a successful
normal save as a result of Cover.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Sicarian Ruststalker 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 10

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⚔ Transonic blades 5 3+ 4/6 - Rending

Skitarii Vanguard Diktat [4 EP]
Selections: Command Uplink* [4 EP], Gun butt, Radium carbine
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Diktat, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Rad-saturation, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard, Unique Actions: Command Uplink (2AP), Enhanced Data-tether (1AP),
Weapons: ⌖ Radium carbine, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 7

Unique Action Ref

Add 1CP to your pool. This operative cannot perform this action while within ⬟ of an enemy operative.
Uplink (2AP)

Select one friendly HUNTER CLADE operative Visible to and within ⬟ of this operative. Add 1 to its APL.
This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Radium carbine 4 3+ 2/4 - Rending

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Skitarii Vanguard Gunner

Selections: Gun butt, Plasma caliver
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Gunner, Operative

Rules: APx, Hot

Abilities: Rad-saturation, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard, Weapons: ⌖ Plasma caliver - Standard, ⌖ Plasma caliver - Supercharge, ⚔ Gun

Abilities Ability Ref

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Plasma caliver - Standard 4 3+ 5/6 AP1 -

⌖ Plasma caliver - Supercharge 4 3+ 5/6 AP2, Hot -

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Skitarii Vanguard Gunner
Selections: Arc rifle, Gun butt
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Gunner, Operative

Rules: APx, Stun

Abilities: Rad-saturation, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard, Weapons: ⌖ Arc rifle, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Arc rifle 4 3+ 4/5 AP1 Stun

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Skitarii Vanguard Gunner

Selections: Gun butt, Transuranic arquebus

Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Gunner, Operative
Rules: APx, Heavy, MWx, Unwieldy
Abilities: Rad-saturation, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard, Weapons: ⌖ Transuranic arquebus, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Transuranic arquebus 4 2+ 5/3 AP1, Heavy, Unwieldy MW3

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Skitarii Vanguard Shocktrooper [2 EP]
Selections: Enriched Rounds [2 EP], Gun butt, Radium carbine
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Shocktrooper, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Rad-saturation, Equipment: Enriched Rounds, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard, Weapons: ⌖ Radium carbine, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Equipment Equipment Ref

Enriched Select one radium carbine or master-crafted radium pistol this operative is equipped with. Add 1 to that
Rounds weapon's normal damage characteristic for the battle.

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 7

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Radium carbine 4 3+ 2/4 - Rending

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Skitarii Vanguard Surveyor

Selections: Gun butt, Radium carbine
Categories: HUNTER CLADE, Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, Vanguard, Surveyor, Operative

Rules: Rending
Abilities: Rad-saturation, Operative: Skitarii Vanguard, Unique Actions: Omnispex (1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Radium carbine, ⚔ Gun butt

Abilities Ability Ref

While an enemy operative is Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability, that enemy
operative is treated as being injured (only subtract ⬤ from that enemy operative's Movement characteristic as
a result of being injured if it is activated, Visible to and within ⬤ of friendly operatives with this ability).

Operative M APL GA DF SV W Ref

Skitarii Vanguard 3⬤ 2 1 3 4+ 7

Unique Action Ref

Select one friendly HUNTER CLADE operative Visible to and within ⬛ of this operative, then select one
enemy operative. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time that friendly model makes a shooting attack,
for that shooting attack:
- Areas of smoke have no
effect when determining line of sight.

- That enemy operative is not obscured.

friendly operative's ranged weapons have the No Cover special
- If that enemy operative is the target, that

This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative.

Weapons A WS/BS D SR ! Ref

⌖ Radium carbine 4 3+ 2/4 - Rending

⚔ Gun butt 3 4+ 2/3 - -

Selection Rules
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, subtract x from the Defence of the target for that shooting attack. x is
the number after the weapon's AP, e.g. AP1. If two different APx special rules would be in effect for a shooting attack, they are not cumulative - the
attacker selects which one to use.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat
or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice results of 1.
Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon, after selecting a valid target, you can select any number of
other valid targets within ⬤ of the original target. Distribute your attack dice between the targets you have selected. Make a shooting attack with this
weapon (using the same profile) against each of the targets you have selected using the attack dice you have distributed to each of them.
An Operative cannot perform a Charge, Fall Back or Normal Move action in the same activation in which it performs a Shoot action with this
ranged weapon.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, for each attack dice
result of 1 that is discarded, that operative suffers 3 mortal wounds.
Lethal x:
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x that are successful hits are critical hits. x is the number after the weapon's
Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, for each critical
hit retained, inflict x mortal wounds on the target. x is the number after the weapon's MW, e.g. MW3.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat
or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits you can retain one normal hit as a critical hit.
Rng x:
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, only operatives within x are a valid target. x is the distance after the
weapon's Rng, e.g. Rng ⬟. All other rules for selecting a valid target still apply.
Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, if you retain any
critical hits, subtract 1 from the target's APL.

Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat:

- The first time you strike with a critical hit, select one of your opponent's normal hits from that combat to be discarded.
- The second time you strike with a critical hit, subtract 1 from the target's APL.

An operative can only make a shooting attack with this weapon if an extra AP is subtracted to perform a Shoot action. It cannot make a
shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch action.

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