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Game Summary

1. If it is the first growing season this step does not apply. Modify the position of the
bulb dice in each player's warehouse, thus defining the most and least popular colors.
Change the bulbs in the dry bulb area with the 2 most popular colors this season.

2. Place the green round disk in the lower center position.

3. Play the round indicated by the green round disc by placing the workers

4. Collect the workers and change the order of first player and second player by
swapping the vertical position of the orange and purple player dices.

5. Move the green round disc to a higher position in the central spaces. If it is the 3rd
round, the growing season is over. Otherwise, go back to point 3 to play another round.

6. Players can harvest their three fields.

7. Check the conditions for the bubble to burst.

It happens when the sum of the dices in the players' dices warehouse is
greater than 25.

8. If the bubble did not burst, return to point 1.

9. Count the points to find out who won.

Actions Rewards

Sow 1 field. If it is a small flower:

(x2 sow 2 fields)
4 coins. (+2 if it is most popular color)
Water 1 field. 1 bulb of that color.
(x2 Water 2 fields)
Cost 1 coin per field. If it is a big flower:

Harvest 1 field. 8 coins. (+2 if it is most popular color)

(x2 Harvest 2 fields) 2 bulbs of that color.

Sow 1 field and extra turn. If it is the least popular color:

If it is a small flower, 2 coins.

If it is a big flower, 4 coins.
Fertilize 1 field, water the same field
Cost 2 coins.

Sow 1 field with any color.

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