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Carlson, Colleen K Oftor, ity ify.offor@teachforamerica.org] Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:22 PM Enfield, Susan A Ce: Paraghamian, Aleta; Zaharoff, Marta Attachments: Seattle Foundation invitation 3.pdf, TeachForAmerica Draft Program for Matt Griffin Event 6 8 10.doc; MJG paragraph doc Susan, 'hope you're well. We are thrilled to have you joining us at the intimate Matt Griffin event on Monday, June 14, 2010 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm 1500 4" Avenue, #1100, Seattle, WA 98101 A few details that may be helpful to you as you plan your remarks: 1). Matt Griffin's bio - Though | am sure you know him, I've attached his bio here for your review. 2) Tentative Agenda ~ I've attached the tentative agenda. As you can see, you'll have about 5 minutes to speak (2round 6:20, but would hope to have you there by 6pm). We'll hoping you'll use this opportunity to talk about the work the district has already done to ensure excellence for every child and how Teach For America fits into this vision. We also hope you'll talk specifically about the district's support of Teach For America in the Puget Sound. 3) Teach For America talking points — If helpful, they are here for your reference ‘+ Over 46,000 recent college graduates applied to join the 2010 corps, including over 900 from the state of ‘Washington and 265 from the University of Washington-Seattle + There are 108 2009 corps members from Washington + You can watch a short informational video here “* If you have an emergency or get lost on the 14", please call Marta Zaharoff at 617-910-6614 ‘Thanks so much, Susan! We're looking forward to having you! Best, Hy Offor Vice President, New Sites Teach For America 315 W. 36th Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10048 (0) 212-279-2080x1 1302 (6) 608-512-9893 This communication and any file transmitted with it may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, If you ate not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender. Thank you for your cooperation. Carlson, Colleen K Enfield, Susan A [saenfield@seattleschools.org] Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:21 PM. Offor, fy Paraghamian, Aleta; Zaharoff, Marta Subject: RE ity, Hook forward to attending, | cannot be there until 6—will that be a problem? From: Offor, Ify [mailto:fy.offor@teachforamerica.ora Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 2:22 PM To: Enfield, Susan A Ce: Paraghamian, Aleta; Zaharoff, Marta Subject: Susan, Hhope you're well. We are thrilled to have you joining us at the intimate Matt Griffin event on: Monday, June 14, 2010 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm 1500 4" Avenue, #1100, Seattle, WA 98101 ‘A few details that may be helpful to you as you plan your remarks: 1) Matt Griffin's bio ~ Though | am sure you know him, I've attached his bio here for your review. 2) Tentative Agenda - I've attached the tentative agenda. As you can see, you'll have about 5 minutes to speak (around 6:20, but would hope to have you there by 6pm). We'll hoping you'l use this opportunity to talk about the work the district has already done to ensure excellence for every child and how Teach For America fits into this vision. We also hope you'll talk specifically about the district's support of Teach For America in the Puget Sound. 3) Teach For America talking points ~ If helpful, they are here for your reference. ‘+ Over 46,000 recent college graduates applied to join the 2010 corps, including over 900 from the state of Washington and 265 from the University of Washington-Seattle + There are 108 2009 corps members from Washington * You can watch a short informational video here ** Ifyou have an emergency or get lost on the 14", please call Marta Zaharoff at 617-910-6614 Thanks so much, Susan! We're looking forward to having you! Best, ly Offor Vice President, New Sites Teach For America 315 W. 36th Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10018 (0) 212-279-2080x11302 (c) 608-512-9893, This communication and any file transmitted with it may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender. Thank you for your cooperation. Carlson, Colleen K From: Ortega, Janis [janis.ortega@teachforamerica.org] Sent Tuesday, October 19, 2010 8:22 AM To: Enfield, Susan A Subject: FW: thank you and follow-up Attachments: Puget Sound TPs_QA.pdf; Teach For America Training and Support TPs and QA_0c12010 pdf; Math_Science_Inititive_Overview_paf, Measuring Corps_Memiber_Effectiveness pdf, Retention_Report pf; ‘WA Alumni. Teacher School Leader xis From: Ortega, Janis Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:19 PM To: m.debell@comcast.net Subject: thank you and follow-up Dear Michael, Iwas such a pleasure to meet you yesterday! Thank you so much for taking the time out to discuss Teach For America and our potential partnership with Seattle Public Schools. In follow-up to our conversation, | wanted to pass along the documents | mentioned Peter asked for along with our Washington State recruitment numbers, per your request. Attached, please find * Teach For America-Puget Sound Talking Points: General talking points around our program and our expansion plans to Seattle + Training and Support Talking Points and Q&A: Talking points talored around the traning and support of our teachers ‘+ Math and Science Initiative Overview: Overview of our math and science initiative. In 2008, nearly 2 400 corps members taught math and science in low-income communities across the county, impacting more than 150,000 students We project that by 2015, we will place more than 3,600 math and science teachers, who will mpact more than 225,000 students, ‘+ Measuring Corps Member Effectiveness: Overview of our intemal measure of corps member effectiveness, * Retention Report: Teach For America corps members are more likely than other new teachers to return for a second year (of teaching. Ninety-two percent of our 2008 comps retumed for a second year of teaching, In contrast, about 82 percent of ‘new teachers in low-income communities and 86 percent of all nw teachers return for a second year, * Puget Sound Alumni Teacher & School Leaders: / list of Teach For America alumni who are either teachers or school leaders in Washington, + Below is alist of the universities and colleges we recruit at in Washington. I'm happy to report that already this year— before school has even started—65 UW students and 10 WWU students have applied to Teach For America, which puts them 232% and 250% to last year's application numbers, respectively. Also, Gonzaga is 100% to where they were last year | (18 applications), while the Univ. of Puget Sound is 160% to last year's numbers (8 applications). With 3 more application deadlines to go and such strong numbers already, we're confident that well be seeing tremendous grouth in these schools this year. Whitman College University of Puget Sound Whitworth College Washington State University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University University of Washington - Seattle Western Washington University | Gonzaga University I'm also including talking points around: ‘+ Diversity of Teach For America’s 2010 Corps: ‘© Among Teach For America’s 4,500 first-year comps members, nearly one-third are people of color. Eleven percent of 2010 corps members are Arian American, which is more than double the percentage of African American graduates | at the more than 350 collages where Teach For America primarily recruits. ‘The number of incoming corps members who graduated from historically black colleges and universities increased by 76 percent from 2009, and 12 of these corps members served as the president ot vice president oftheir senior clase or student government association

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