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Teresa Estrada


I Passed the Bar Exam Article Critique

There were some tips in this article that I did not agree with. Her tip saying to focus more

on your weaknesses is fair, but it leads individuals to believe they do not have to focus on those

areas where they are strong in. When it comes to the Bar, you should focus on all areas. I like her

study schedule, but I know myself and that would not be realistic. I would like to treat Bar

studying as a typical 9-5 job, but I know I will end up doing more than that. I do like how she

emphasized the importance of taking care of yourself like exercising and eating healthy. My

biggest fear with the Bar is not the Bar itself, it’s the turmoil of studying and stressing for 10

weeks. I know what stress can do to me mentally and physically so hearing that she was able to

prioritize her health while studying gives me some hope. Her tip on looking for health also is a

tip I agree with. Seeking help has been something I learned since coming to law school, so I have

to remember it is okay to get help when you hit a wall while studying for the Bar. The only other

issue I have with her tips are her tip on studying alone. Although I agree that sometime study

groups cannot be beneficial because of that social aspect, I still believe there is some good to

having a study group. I would not study with a group everyday but, on like a Sunday I would like

to get together with my group and go over some things I have questions on. Overall, I enjoyed

the article and hearing her view of the Bar exam.

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