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Research Design:

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the research.

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of

The design decisions happen to be in respect of:

 What type of data is required?

 Where can the required data be found?
 What period of time will be study include?
 What will be the sample size?
 What techniques of data collection will be used?
 How will the data be analyzed?
 In what style will the report be prepared?

Research design may split into following parts:

Sampling Observational Statistical Operational

design design design design

Sampling design: which deals with the method of selecting items to be observed
for the given study.

Observational design: which relates to the condition under which the observations
are to be made.

Statistical design: which concerns with the questions of how many items are to be
observed and how the information and data gathered to be analyzed.

Operational design: which deals with the techniques by which the procedures
specified in the sampling.

Research design provides a complete guideline for data collection. Following are
the essence of a research design:
- Selection of research approach/design
- Design of sampling plan
- Design of experiment
- Design of questionnaire

Selection of research design/approach:

Based on the requirements of the study, the researcher should decide about the type
of study to be conducted.

Two major classification of research approach

Exploratory research Conclusive research

approach approach

Design of sampling Plan:

A sampling plan is a mechanism by which the sampling units of a study are

selected from the sampling frame of the population.

(i) Probability sampling plan: Simple random sampling

Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling
Cluster sampling etc.

(ii) Non- probability sampling plan: Convenience sampling

Judgment sampling
Quota sampling
Snowball sampling
Purposive sampling etc.

Design of experiment:

A study involves different response variables. Each response variable may be

affected by several factors. To test the effect of these factors on a response
variable, a suitable experiment is to be designed. And the necessary data for
testing the significance of the effects of the factors on the response variable are
collected and the inference of the test are highly reliable.

Response Factor Factor Factor

variable 1 2 3


Design of questionnaire:

The success of survey methods depends on the strength of the questionnaire used.
A questionnaire consists of a set of well formulated questions to probe and obtain
response from respondents.

The questionnaire must contain provisions to collect all the data items which are
required for testing different hypothesis of the experiment as well as for testing
hypothesis for other tests relating to various research issues.

The following aspects are to be considered in preparing a questionnaire:

(a) The size of questionnaire in respect of number of questions should be

minimum as per as possible.

(b) The questions in a questionnaire should be easy, understandable, self-

explanatory, short in nature, fine in language and non-complex.

(c) The questions should be in accordance to the objective of the survey.

(d) The word in any question should not be of multiple meaning.

(e) Such question which can affect the personal belief of a unit should be

(f) Questions are formulated for definite answer or choice from multiple
(g) Arrangement should be made for cross checking of the questionnaires.

(h) Pre-test of the questionnaire should be made.

(i) Questionnaire should be well designed.

Type of research design:

Two board classification of research designs are in frequent use:

(i) Non-experimental designs (ii) Experimental designs


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Exploratory research Conclusive research

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Descriptive research Causal research

Non- experimental studies:
A non-experimental study is one in which the researcher just describes and
analyzes researchable problems without any manipulation of the situations.

Exploratory research/Studies:

An exploratory study is a small-scale study of relatively short duration, which is

undertaken when little is known about situation or problem.

Example: A national AIDS control program wishes to establish counseling

services for HIV positive and AIDS patients but lacks of information on specific
needs patients have for support. To explore these needs, a number of in-depth
interviews are held with various categories of patients, (male, female, married,
single) and with some counselors working on a program that is already under way.

There are three inter-related purposes for conducting an exploratory study:

 Diagnosing a problem
 Screening alternative and
 Discovering new ideas.

Exploratory study offers an opportunity to obtain insights into the problem

thorough four major ways:

 Analyzing any existing studies (secondary data analysis)

 Talking with knowledgeable individuals (experience survey)
 Investigating the situation informally (pilot study – more elaborate form of
this study is the focus group discussion)
 Conducting a case study.

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