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Dalam kaitannya dengan grammar, concordance adalah persesuaian
subject dan verb. Permasalahan umum dalam concordance adalah miss
matched antara subject dan verb dalam hal number/quantity.

1. Singular Subjects
a. Kata kata berikut jika berfungsi sebagai subjek dalam kalimat maka
mereka selalu singular.
everyone someone anyone no one each
everybody somebody anybody nobody either
everything something anything nothing neither
 Everyone is here.
 Neither of these books is very new.

b. Ketika each dan every diletakan sebelum singular subject yang

digabungkan dengan and, maka verb-nya adalah singular.
 Every man and woman is eligible to vote.
 Each student and teacher has a locker.

c. Introductory it adalah selalu diikuti oeh singular verb
 It was the dogs which awakened me.
 It is his grades that worry him.

d. Prepositional phrases yang memisahkan subject dan verb tidak

mempengaruhi verb
Prepositional phrases:
together with along with except
in addition to as well as of the most
 Everyone except him has a book.
 A teacher along with his students is viewing a film.

e. There, here, dan where adalah bukan subjek. Subjek muncul setelah
 There are no dogs in this neighborhood.
 Here are the results of the experiments.

2. Plural Subjects
a. Subjek yang digabungkan dengan and atau both …and … memiliki
plural verb.
 A red Honda and blue Ford are parked outside.
 Both tigers and elephants are becoming extinct.

b. Several, many, both, few adalah plural subject.
 Both are going to attend the University in Canberra.
 Only a few have passed the exam.

c. Common plural noun selalu diikuti plural verb.

Common plural noun:
trousers pants jeans sunglasses
scissors scissors pliers tweezers
riches thanks means etc.
 His pants are still at the cleaner.
 Your thanks are enough for me.

3. Alternatives
a. Ketika subject digabungkan dengan struktur berikut, maka verb harus
mengikuti subject terdekat.
 Neither the students nor the teacher is allowed to smoke.
 Either the teacher or the students have your books.
 Not only the nurses but also the doctor is coming soon.

b. Singular/plural subject kata berikut ini tergantung pada noun yang

None some majority half
All any most

 All of the book has been destroyed.
 All of the books have been destroyed.
 All of the money is in the bank.

c. A number of adalah plural subject dan the number of adalah singular

 A number of students were missing from class.
 The number of Mexican students in class is small.

4. Unusual Singular Subjects

a. Time, money, weight, volume, etc. merupakan bentuk plural namun
harus diikuti oleh singular verb.
 Two weeks is enough time for a nice vacation.
 Five hundred dollars is required as a down payment.
 Ten extra pounds is a lot to lose in a week.
 Twenty gallons of gasoline costs a lot of money.

b. Beberapa kata yang selalu berbentuk plural namun memiliki arti

singular dan membutuhkan singular verb.
 Academic subject: mathematics, physics, economics, statistics,
civics, …
 Diseases: measles, mumps, herpes, …
 Abstract nouns: news, ethics, politics, …
 Mathematics is a difficult subject.
 The news was very good.

c. Setiap judul atau nama (biasanya dicetak miring dan diawali huruf
kapital) harus diikuti singular verb.
 The New York Times is a good newspaper.
 Star Wars was a good movie.

5. Singular and Plural Subject with the Same Form

a. Collective noun menjadi singular atau plura noun tergantung pronoun
yang mengikutunya.
Collective noun:
class team audience faculty
police committee family etc.
 The class has its final test on Friday.
 The class are working on their individual projects today.

b. Kata yang selalu singular dan plural

Selalu dengan –s: species, series, etc.
 That species is rare.
 Those species are common.
Selalu tanpa –s: sheep, deer, fish, etc.
 That deer is young.
 Those deer are old.

6. Nationality and Foreign Words
a. Nationality yang merujuk pada bahasa harus diikuti oleh singular
verb, sedangkan yang merujuk pada orang dari Negara tersebut
maka harus diikuti oleh plural verb dan didahului oleh artikel the.
 French is a Romance language.
 The French are romantic.
 English is spoken in the U.S.
 The English love tea.

b. Unusual borrowed words from other languages

Origin Singular Plural Singular (Plural) examples
Greek -is -es Basis (bases), crisis (crises)
Criterion (criteria),
Greek -on -a
phenomenon (phenomena)
Latin (m) -us -i Radius (radii), alumnus,
Latin (f) -s -ae Alga (algae), vita (vitae)
Latin (n) -um -a Datum (data), medium, (media)

Latin -ix/-ex -ices Index (indices), appendix


 The algae in the pool are hard to remove.
 The radius of the circle is two inches.

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