History Vocha

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 Answer all questions by writing an essay each question

 Each should consider the following formality

 Introduction must consider the meaning of the key term,

periodization, the main participants ( societies or leader involver,

and vivid examples

 Main body must have the right points in term of relevant to the

question, vivid example related elaborations of the points

Conclusion should have the relevant explanations to the question

1. Show the role played by colonial Agents in colonization of Africa continent in
19th century
2. Through their activities, the missionaries become foreners of colonialism.
Justify this statement
3. Examine six factor which weakened Africa Resistance against the colonial
conquest in the 19th c
4. With examples, Account for the varied nature of response or reactions to the
imposition of colonial rule in Africa
5. Account for six reasons that led to the scramble for partition of Africa in the
second half of the 19th century
6. Africa resistance Against the Imposition of colonial rule failed due to Africans
technological backwardness” Discuss.
7. With concrete example, why the conflict between Africans and the whites
during the colonial period was inevitable.

By Sir. Mwanzi
8. Development of capitalism in Europe caused the scramble for and partition of
African in the 19th c substantiate this statements.
9. Analyze six techniques or methods that were used by the imperialist in
imposing colonial rule in Africa.
10. Asses the factors which led Africa resistance against European power in 19 th c
11. What were the impact of Africa in scramble for and partition of Africa in the
second half of the 19th c
12. With examples, discuss the major decision reached by the Berlin conference
to Africa.
13. Account for Ethiopia successful resistance against colonialism
14. Why was the Berlin conference of 1884/1885 held?
15. Discuss six consequences of colonial agents in Africa continent.
16. Show why some areas in Africa experienced intensive scrambles by European
power in 19th c?
17. Show the area with experienced intensive scramble and powers involved.
18. Evaluate outcomes of the (1905-1907) resistance against the Germany
colonialist in Tanganyika by giving six points.
19. Why did company administration fall in East Africa? (Six reasons)
20. Cleary, show the roles played By company administration in imposition and
establishment of colonial rule in Africa.
21. With example, show how the berlin conference affected the Africa continent
22. Discuss six reasons of establishment of colonial economy in Africa continent
by European power
23. Elaborate six techniques or mechanism used European powers to break up
the natural indigenous economy in 19th century
24. Analyze the major characteristics of the colonial economy introduced in Africa
by European national
25. Briefly Analyze the Patten of colonial infrastructure in mainland Tanzania and
show how it facilitated exploitation of the century
26. Identify six factors which determine the variation Agricultural system during
the colonial period
27. Why was settler economy a success in kenya but failure in Uganda?
28. Describe briefly the common characteristics or features of settler and
plantation agriculture in colonial Africa
29. How did the colonial state encourage the interest of white settler in kenya?
30. How did the colonial state uphold the interest of whites settler in kenya?
32. Elaborate six strategies used to establish colonial peasant agriculture in East
33. Elaborate six mechanism used by colonialist to ensure constant supply of
cheap labour in white farms during the colonial period.
34. “Migration laborers were very useful to the capitalists during the” colonial
economy in Africa comment this statement by giving six points

By Sir. Mwanzi
35. The colonial system contained seed of its own destruction” comment this
36. In colonial Tanganyika almost all trunk roads and railways run Perpendicular
to the coast why?
37. Elaborate six reasons for the development of peasant agriculture in Uganda.
38. Give six reasons, why the colonialist discouraged biggest industrialization in
39. Why was peasant agriculture preferred by colonialists during colonial period?
40. Elaborate the main features of peasant agricultural in West Africa.
41. Show, how the system of agricultural in colonial period affected Africa in
economically and politically.
42. Compare and construct between British indirect rule and French Assimilation
policy in their colonial during colonial era.
43. Why British decided to use indirect rule system to administer her colonies.
44. Why French did used assimilation policy in her colonies.
45. Why French did changed her administration system Assimilation to
association in her colonies in West Africa.
46. Show, how the system of colonial administration affected Africa in socially,
politically and economically
47. Compare and construct between British indirect rule and Germany direct rule
in the colonies era.
48. With examples discuss how the military instrument was used as a an
important instrument of establishing colonial administration in Africa.
49. Why did agriculture production remain technological backwards in colonies?
50. For vivid example, elaborate six features of colonial Education in Africa
51. “Colonial social services consolidate colonialism in Africa “ Justify this
statement by giving six point.
52. Explain strength and weakness of colonial Education in Africa continent.
53. Colonial education was nothing but education for surfboard nation, creation
of mental confusion and development of under development .Discuss
54. Explain the factors that influence/ determine the pattern of providing social
service in colonies during colonial period.
55. Analyze the major objective of colonial education ( six points).
56. Explain six positive contribution of western Education to Africa peoples.
57. Show, how the provision of water and housing service facilitate Africa
exploitation during the colonial period.
58. Elaborate six objective of water, health and housing services during
59. Asses the impact of colonial education to Africa societies (six points)
60. What were the causes of chimulenga was in southern Rhodesia? (Six point)
61. Why Samore Toure held the French forces for long time during his resistance.
62. Why Kenya remained the hub of colonial settlers Agriculture and not

By Sir. Mwanzi
63. Apprise for motives for the Application of indirect rule in British colonies (six
64. Discuss six outcome of Africa resistance against the white people in 19 th c.
65. Why some African rules decide to collaborate with European nations (six
66. Why Nama and Herero of Namibia took up arms against Germany invasion in
67. Assess the functions of colonial military and legal institution .
68. What is the significance of the Berlin conference to Africa? (six point)
69. Why Germany established Direct ruler? ( six point)
70. Analyze six techniques used by colonialist to Establish colonial economy in
71. Elaborate six impact of indirect rule in Africa continent (six point)
72. With examples, show how the establishment of colonial economy affected the
Africa societies?
73. Relate the roles of Agents of colonialism with colonization Africa continent.
74. Show the factors that determine the types of response to the imposition of
colonial rule in Africa.
75. Discuss six consequences of Assimilation policy in west Africa colonies.
76. “The colonialist used different techniques to conquer Africa continent “ verify
this statement for vivid examples.
77. What were the short comings of indirect rule in British colonies in East Africa?
78. What were the effects of the activities of the European missionaries in East
Africa since the second half of the 19th century
79. What were the main effects of majimaji uprising in Tanganyika?
80. “While some societies resisted the imposition of the colonial rule in Africa ,
others appeared to collaborate “ Discus this context giving concrete example
from East Africa.
81. The majimaji war of 1804-1807 in Tanganyika remains as symbol of the
Africa struggle against white people. Discuss
82. Discuss the factors that led to the partition of Africa among the imperialist
83. Account for the timing of the Berlin conference in 1884-1885.
84. What were the impacts of the influx of the colonial agents in the colonies of
85. Africa resistances against colonial penetration were not homogeneous “
Account for this statement.
86. “Some societies actively resisted while others collaborates against
colonialism” why such variation occurred?
87. Show the main characteristics of the colonial economy.
88. How did the colonial state protect settler interests in Kenya?
89. Examine the effects of migrant labour on African societies during colonial

By Sir. Mwanzi
90. Describe briefly the common characteristics of settler and plantation
agriculture in colonial Africa
91. Colonialism and imperialism never intended to develop Africa but practically
there are some development on the ground” how would you reconcile such
conflicting statement?
92. Discuss the nature of settler agriculture in either zimbabwe or Kenya
93. How the colonial apparatus did maintain and consolidate colonial plantation
94. Why colonial government established plantation agriculture in some areas
and settlers in other areas
95. Why Britain was very reluctant to establish settlers’ agriculture in her west
Africa colonies?
96. Discuss the features and forms of African labourers during colonialism.
97. Discuss how the colonial economy maintained the de-industrialization
98. Historically most post independent African economies lack viable industrial
sector. With relevant examples explain the root cause of this.
99. The sources of African problems in the post independent African has got their
roots from the colonial economy. Substantiate
100. With relevant examples discuss how the colonial economy brought
poverty and suffering among the Africans
101. Asses the evils of the colonial economy on the Africans, during the period
of colonialism.
102. How effective was the Uganda Railways in the colonization of Kenya and

By Sir. Mwanzi

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