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D- hello, Alex is here I would like to speak with him.

C- hi sorry he is not in at the moment he is in the human resources office would you like to leave a

D- yes sure, could you tell him that I was calling him to invite him to dinner or lunch tomorrow,
could you tell him to call me so we can make an agreement?

C- Sure, could you tell me your name?

D- yes my name is Daniela

C- ok, I’ll give him your message, see you later Daniela

D- thank you very much, see you later

C- hello Alex, a while ago I called you Daniela but as you were not there I left you a message, she
told me that if you could call her to make an agreement to go for lunch or dinner.

A- ah okay thank you very much, I'll call her right now

A- hello Daniela my partner passed me your message, I would love to go to dinner tomorrow

D- hi Alex, great, what time can you make it?

A- 8 o'clock is perfect for me, do you think so?

D- yes perfect, see you tomorrow, bye

D- See you tomorrow

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