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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion Quarter 3 – Module 2: Identifying the

Problem and Asking the Questions (Examples)

A. Example of a Background of the Study

Title of the Study: Nami Plant Extract as Termite Repellent

According to Eiseman (2010) in his article which focused on termites, Discussion
termites cause less than 75-80% of damage economically due to home, wood and from a
crop infestation in North America. He stated that the reason is that termites are holistic or
drawn to their food source and that makes them drawn to any type of wood like world
timber, logs, firewood and other wood made structures. He also added that termites perspective
can be harmful to humans due to its bites that may cause any allergic reaction.
Vulcan (2017) enumerated different tips that can help in preventing termites A condition
from eating wood and one of it is using a treatment like Rust Oleum, a named related to
product used to paint wood to prevent termite’s infestation. This has been proven the topic or
effective; however, the price is relatively expensive. focus of
the study
On the other hand, Onwueme (2016) published an article about an
intoxicating yam named Dioscorea hispida. Yam is a root crop which contains
Factors contributing to the focus of th
poisonous alkanes that are harmful to human’s health. It can cause nausea and
vomiting if its ripe fruit is ingested in the body. Although it has toxic content; it can
be a source of food. Due to food scarcity and famine in some parts of the
Philippines, this can be an alternative to rice given its abundance. Its toxicity can be
removed once boiled.
As described by Dukar (2012), intoxicating yam is a twining vine, arising
from tuberous roots, and reaching a length of several meters. Juice of underground
stems reported to possess narcotic properties. It is found in the Himalayas, from
Nepal to Sikkim, at altitudes up to 1500m, and also in the tropics of Asia from
South India to Taiwan, Philippines, New Guinea.
Mat (2013) conducted a study regarding Dioscorea hispida Dennst which is
the Malaysian term for “yam.” In their previous ethnobotanical survey carried out
on the Malay villagers in Pulau Redang, Kuala Terengganu district of Terengganu, it
was found out that Dioscorea hispida tuber is used as food, traditional medicines to
treat diabetes and shingle infestation, for de-worming as well as fish poison. On the
other hand, the villagers of Sainnamari and Thanarbaid, Tangail, Bangladesh had
used the poisonous tuber paste of Dioscorea as poison in hunting.
While in the Philippines, Nami or intoxicating yam was investigated to have
some insecticidal properties. In the late research of the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST), they had proven that this species of yam has various chemical
in the
compositions that may negatively affect some various insects. Moreover, the seed
also has some poison mimicking cyanide intoxication.
With this being said, the researchers aim to formulate a product with this Current
intoxicating yam by disregarding its toxicity and instead using it as an advantage. condition
The researchers intend to make a cheap, inorganic termite wood repellent. in the
Source: Ceejay S. Mallari, et al, “Nami Plant Extract as Termite Repellent” paper presented at Jose C.
Payumo Jr. Memorial High School, 2020.
B. Example of Specific Research Questions

Title of the Study: Perpetuity of Family-owned Business in the Philippines: A Causal Model
This study seeks answers to the following questions:
1. What external factors in the enabling environment influence the family business perpetuity in
terms of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal?
2. What internal factors in the enabling environment influence the family business perpetuity in
terms of succession, planning, family stability, stewardship, family constitution, innovation,
flexibility, philosophy of commitment, productivity-based management, governance power, and
professional education?
3. What causal model best explains the perpetuity of family-owned business using the interplay
and external factors?
Source: Alaine Marc Goles, “Perpetuity of family-owned business in the Philippines: A causal model” Unpublished
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Sto. Tomas, 2016.

C. Example of Significance of the Study

Title of the Study: Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 Students in Jose
C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School

Significance of the Study

Verbal bullying is one of the leading causes of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorder
and mood disorder. School, as studies reported, is one of the places this type of bullying perpetuates
in. Despite the many policies implemented to reduce the cases of verbal bullying, still the problem
continuously takes place.

This study focuses on the effects of verbal bullying to the academic performance of grade 9 students in
Jose C Payumo Jr. Memorial High School S. Y. 2019-2020.

The result of this study will be valuable to the following:

To the students, this will provide them knowledge about the forms of bullying and how to deal with it
once encountered.

To the school administrators, the result of this study may provide information and may serve as a
basis to encourage them to make regulations about the problem. In addition, this may lead them to
assuring the full and strong implementation of the existing policies on bullying.

To the teachers, the findings of this study may help them to spread awareness on how destructive
verbal bullying can be. Constant guidance from the teachers can also be an upshot of this study.
Moreover, teachers may conceptualize activities or other solutions to create a positive and friendly
atmosphere inside their classrooms.

To the parents, this study may inform them on the possible negative circumstances like bullying that
may happen to their children. As an effect, this may encourage them to guide their children properly.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a basis for related topics. A continuation of this
study may be done to fill in the gaps of this research that may result to proactive solutions to counter
any form of bullying.
Source: Jocelyn C. Gambas, et. al, “Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 Students in Jose C. Payumo Jr.
Memorial High School, School Year 2019 – 2020” paper presented at Jose C. Payumo Jr. Memorial High School, 2020.
D. Example of Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Title of the Study: An Assessment on the Impact of Farm-to-Market Road Projects in Pola,
Oriental Mindoro
WHERE: This study was conducted in six Barangays of Pola, Oriental Mindoro, namely:
Barangay Calubasanhon, Barangay Malibago, Barangay Maluanlaun, Barangay Pahilahan, and
Barangay Pula. WHO The population considered was limited to those households who were
directly affected by the constructed INFRES farm-to-market Road Project.
WHAT AND WHY: The study were concerned with (1) the impact of the constructed INFRES
Farm-to-Market Road Project on the respondents; and (2) the relationship between construction
of roads and its impact, only in terms of the answered Household Survey Questionnaire and
perception of respondents and key officials. The condition of the respondents was to be described
also in terms of their demographic profile and other indicators included in the Impact
Assessment Household Survey Questionnaire.
HOW: The study included an evaluation of the economic and social aspect of the beneficiaries
before and after the INFRES farm-to-market road project, as well as of the respondents’
demographic profile, income and employment, improved access, and perceived benefits after the
INFRES road was constructed. Key Informant Interview was also used to gather data, especially
unanswered items in the survey.
Source: Raynaldo Quitos, “An Assessment of Farm-to-Market Road Projects in Pola, Oriental Mindoro” Unpublished Master’s Thesis,
University of Sto. Tomas, 2013.

E. Example of Definition of Terms

In order to enable better understanding of the study, the following terminologies were
operationally or conceptually defined:
Affixation. It is a morphological method whereby a bound morpheme, an affix, is attached to a
morphological base in order to create either a different form of the morphological base or a new
word with a different definition.
Coinage. It refers to the invention or creation of a new word or phrase. In this paper, this word
may refer to any process that involves making up of new terms, phrases and expressions that are
not usually found in the dictionary.
Contrastive Analysis. Conceptually, it is the systematic investigation of a pair of languages with
the purpose of identifying differences and similarities in their structure.
Conversion. It is the process wherein the word’s function has been transformed into another but
with no overt change in form.
Facebook. It is an online social media or social networking service that makes easy for people to
connect and share with other people.
Source: Jan Adams D. Magtanong, “Morphological Analysis of the Language of the Netizens in Social Media” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Bataan
Peninsula State University – Main Campus, 2018

Reference: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion: Alternative Delivery Mode. Identifying the Problem and Asking the
Questions First Edition, 2020

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